Hello again! We are back after a long absence with a series on the Asteroid Goddesses. In this series we will take a look at the major Asteroid Goddesses and walk through how they may present themselves through the Signs as well as the Houses.
This episode focuses on Pallas Athene, the strategic warrior, through the 12 zodiac signs. We will continue with Pt.2 which will be all about Pallas Athene through the Houses. This was a very fun episode and we are excited to be doing this series and hope you enjoy! -
Hello Northies! Thanks for stickin' with me for a whole year of astrology fun! This episode was a long time coming and we (Gloria and I ) were able to join forces to celebrate the 1 yr anniversary of the podcast. The future is bright for the NotM Podcast so stick around for the next round of fun. Let us know in the comments what kind of topics you would are interested in seeing covered or if we continue with dissecting each zodiac season.
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Crossing all the t's and dotting all the i's (or at least trying to) for Virgo Season. Also a couple of special announcements for North of the Moon and the Podcast! Good productive things happening. Enjoy.
New podcast episode hashing out what's left to come for LEO season which is already in full effect. This year's season of the Lion is a doozy.
Season of the Crab! A glimpse into Cancer season and prepare for the shifting vibes. A few key notes about handling the dynamic energies.
Here it is. Taurus season. Enjoy 😉
Fire! It's here! We start again back at the first sign of the Zodiac, Aries. Get fired up about moving forward with the strength of Mars behind you! NotM
Dive deep into your intuition and ride the waves of many cosmic changes this Pisces Season.
After a hiatus in Capricorn season, a new episode for Aquarius Season.
The season of the Archer is here. This episode explores the sign of Sagittarius and takes you through some significant Astro happenings for this years' Sagittarius season.
Explore the transformative power of Scorpio and see what's up for this year's, Scorpio season.
The first episode! A dive into Libra Season and the astro happenings during Sept. 22 - Oct. 22.