Now Playing finishes its Final Destination Retrospective Series with the newest installment in the series. Sam and his coworkers are on their way to a work retreat when a bridge collapse nearly kills them all, but Death's design is still coming. Does Tony Todd's Bludworth have an insight into Death's plan that can help them save their lives, or are they Dust in the Wind? And do audiences care, or do we just want to see inventive death scenarios? Listen to Arnie, Jakob, and Brock as they review this installment and find out!
In 2009 Rob Zombie returned to the twisted mind of Michael Myers in Halloween 2...and no one cared because horror films had entered a new dimension: 3-D! Capitalizing on this new cinema gimmick was The Final Destination, the fourth in the franchise. With Final Destination 2 director David R. Ellis returning to stage another car crash, this time on a speedway, and psychic Nick trying to save the lives of his friends from such threats as a car wash, a swimming pool, and a chain link fence, do inventive deaths inject new life into the Final Destination series? Listen to find out!
You could describe Wendy's life as a roller coaster. She is facing high school graduation, her best friend is about to dump her doe-eyed boyfriend, and she's having psychic visions--of a roller coaster crashing. Armed with her magic camera, Wendy and friends must try to cheat death, but be it a car crash, a nail gun, or a tanning bed, death's design shall not be thwarted! With original director James Wong returning, is Final Destination 3 a fun roller coaster of carnage? Listen to Jakob, Arnie, and Brock to find out!
Death's design was thwarted in the first Final Destination film...or was it? In Final Destination 2, death continues to haunt Ali Larter's Clear to show, as Bludworth said, "You don't even want to mess with that mack daddy". With an astounding opening car crash and a new group of victims, is this a Destination worth visiting? Listen to find out!
In 2000 the new wave of teen horror started by Scream ruled the box office. A slew of imitators jumped on the horror bandwagon only to flame out, but one new series found its legs and continues to have new films released today, and that is 2000's Final Destination. A vision that the plane taking his classmates to Paris will crash causes High School senior Alex to disembark with several of his friends, but they were meant to die on the plane and death's design will not be thwarted, as told to us by horror icon Tony Todd. Will Alex figure out a loophole and escape death? I have a vision that you will listen to Arnie, Jakob, and Brock's review to find out!