
  • Today on the pod, I'm breaking down binary thinking and talking about why self-employment is a spectrum.

    Because your only options aren't 'have a full-time job' or 'have a full-time business'. In fact, there are about a million other ways you can support yourself!

    So if you've ever felt like an imposter or a failure or just been confused about how to tell people what you do, tune in for a special pep talk exploring:

    The many, many forms self-employment can takeWhy black-and-white thinking about work is never supportiveHow to expand your sense of how you can make moneyOne of my regrets from my first year in business& way more — all in less than 30 minutes!

    👋 Thinking of leaving social media? You don't have to go it alone! Download our free Leaving Social Media Toolkit today

    🤸 THE CLUBHOUSE IS OPEN! Join us on Substack for members-only episodes + secret, curated emails. Only $5/mo or $50/year.

    ✷ Get original music for your unique podcast. Learn more & book a discovery call with Melissa Kaitlyn Carter of Making Audio Magic today. Off the Grid listeners get 20% off ❤

  • “I don’t want to perform my job. I want to be rooted in my work.”

    Liz Migliorelli is an herbalist, educator and storyteller who has crafted an herbal product line under the name Sister Spinster for over a decade.

    In this episode, Liz joins me to talk about how her business flourished on Instagram — growing to over 30k followers! — and the ways that growth impacted her life, eventually leading her to walk away from social media entirely. (Spoiler: the plants made her do it)

    Together, we talk about:

    The benefits of being in the right place at the right timeHow Liz shifts her business model between products & classesWhat our approach to marketing has in common with herbalismThe clarifying gifts of nettleWhy we need to get out of our online echo chambersCreating clear, kind systems that support your work as you growHow Liz prepared her business/self to make less money this year

    👋 Thinking of leaving social media? You don't have to go it alone! Download our free Leaving Social Media Toolkit today

    🤸 THE CLUBHOUSE IS OPEN! Join us on Substack for members-only episodes + secret, curated emails. Only $5/mo or $50/year.

    ✷ Get original music for your unique podcast. Learn more & book a discovery call with Melissa Kaitlyn Carter of Making Audio Magic today. Off the Grid listeners get 20% off ❤

  • Missing episodes?

    Click here to refresh the feed.

  • If you love your work but wish you never had to work, today’s episode is for you!

    This week I’m incredibly excited to be joined by anticapitalist teacher, writer, vocational guide, and naturalist: Megan Leatherman of A Wild New Work.

    In this conversation, we begin by defining capitalism and anti-capitalism alongside Silvia Federici’s book Caliban and the Witch. Then we talk about why our labor is sacred, how to navigate the despair that comes with living under late-stage capitalism, and why slowing down is an important deconstruction of the status quo.

    Here’s a preview of the rich wisdom Megan shares:

    ✨ No other organism works for someone else to get the money or currency they need to then go buy the food or shelter that they need. It’s really absurd. And it’s become more than an economic system. Now it’s a culture and a set of beliefs.

    ✨ Working in an anti-capitalist way, to me, means living in accordance to the rhythms of my body and the seasons, recognizing that there are times in the cycle of the year when things are really busy and a lot of growth is happening and that gets mirrored in my work, but then there are also times that require a quieter, slower approach. And those all build off one another for a healthy, sustainable life.

    ✨ You know what you need. You are a human animal in a body who has rhythms and cycles, and you can trust those. They’re not usually convenient to capitalism, because they’re not as productive as a machine. But you can trust them.

    And if you love our conversation, be sure to check out Megan's next class, Composting Capitalism!

    👋 Thinking of leaving social media? You don't have to go it alone! Download our free Leaving Social Media Toolkit today

    🌈 Want support building a successful, sustainable business without relying on social media? Join The Interweb — our affordable, annual membership for creatives, artists & business owners, who want to share their work & make money without social media.

    ✷ Get original music for your unique podcast. Learn more & book a discovery call with Melissa Kaitlyn Carter of Making Audio Magic today. Off the Grid listeners get 20% off ❤

  • Welcome to season four of Off the Grid! Today I’m joined by everybody’s favorite brand scientist, N. Chloé Nwangwu of NobiWorks.

    Chloé is here to talk about what brands are, why they matter, and how we can craft one that breaks past visibility biases.

    This conversation is also an extension of our season three finale where I explored how to feel seen off social media. Because in this episode, Chloé explains how to actually be seen off social media — including why so many of us are underrecognized (not underrepresented!) and how to craft a circle of recognition that makes sure we’re actually seen and heard.

    Here are just a few of the amazing things Chloé says in this conversation:

    ✨ All social media is interested in doing is farming and selling attention. It’s not interested in the process of visibility — which is gaining, maintaining, and translating attention.

    ✨ You are not social media’s client. You are their product.

    ✨ For some of us, it’s like we have an invisibility cloak on. So no matter what right moves we are making or how avidly we are participating in social media or the other tactics and strategies presented to us — we’re still doing that from underneath an invisibility cloak.

    ✨ You have to be the obvious choice before you make yourself an opportunity magnet. You don’t just want to be visible. You want to be noticed. You want to be remembered. And then you want people to be influenced by that memory to act. There’s a whole process.

    I hope you enjoy this episode! And if you do, please send it to a friend, so they can enjoy the rest of season four, too!

    👋 Thinking of leaving social media? You don't have to go it alone! Download our free Leaving Social Media Toolkit today

    🌈 Want support building a successful, sustainable business without relying on social media? Join The Interweb — our affordable, annual membership for creatives, artists & business owners, who want to share their work & make money without social media. Doors close September 15.

    ✷ Get original music for your unique podcast. Learn more & book a discovery call with Melissa Kaitlyn Carter of Making Audio Magic today. Off the Grid listeners get 20% off ❤

  • Welcome welcome welcome back to Off the Grid! Amelia, here. I’m popping into your pod feed today to let you know that we’re kicking off season four of the show next week. 🎉

    Starting September 4th, I’ll be sharing a new interview every Wednesday through the end of November, featuring amazing guests like: N. Chloé Nwangwu, Liz Migliorelli of Sister Spinster, Megan Leatherman, Podge Thomas, Kate Smalley, Michelle Pellizzon, Jenny Blake, Amy Kuretsky, and more!

    In this preview episode, I tell you more about what’s to come in season four, including two themes we’ll be exploring —

    🎢 Why leaving social media is going mainstream... and how to avoid the grifters glomming onto that

    🍁 How online business is changing in hard times... and ways to feel less alone in this moment

    And stick around to the end to learn about some big updates for the Interweb, our annual membership that’s getting a glow-up before we close the doors to new members on September 15th. Plus! The next ten folks who join using the code LUCKYTEN can get their first year at our founding member rate of only $99.

  • This one goes out to my all my Top Voices™️ out there. Today we’re talking about LinkedIn!

    Tune in to hear me unpack:

    A timeline of LinkedIn’s evolutionThe difference between Social Networking & Social MediaThe phenomena of LinkedIn Cringe™️How LinkedIn has changed thought leadership at largeWhy I decided to (finally) leave LinkedIn

    And ICYMI — this episode has been pulled out from behind the paywall of Off the Grid Clubhouse! 🤸 Join today for weekly episodes like this + secret emails all summer long. Only $5/mo or $50/year.

    ✷ Get original music for your unique podcast. Learn more & book a discovery call with Melissa Kaitlyn Carter of Making Audio Magic today. Off the Grid listeners get 20% off ❤

  • This week we wrap season three with some #deepthoughts on what it means to feel seen and how social media is messing with our sense of self-worth and community connection.

    Tune in as I break down why visibility ≠ connection (or $ales), and I share many ways that we can find connection in our work and our lives without being on all the apps.

    And if you're sad that the show is going away for two months, join us in the Clubhouse for private weekly episodes + secret emails all summer long! ☀️

    🤸 THE CLUBHOUSE IS OPEN! Join us for weekly episodes + secret emails all summer long. Only $5/mo or $50/year.

    ✷ Get original music for your unique podcast. Learn more & book a discovery call with Melissa Kaitlyn Carter of Making Audio Magic today. Off the Grid listeners get 20% off ❤

  • Hey friends, I'm popping into your pod feed on a Monday to share that... THE OFF THE GRID CLUBHOUSE IS NOW OPEN! 🤸

    Head to offthegridclubhouse.substack.com for weekly episodes, secret emails + community comment threads all summer long.

    Only $5/mo or $50/year. Join us today!

  • Hey there, biz bestie. If you (like me) have never discovered a milestone or a metric that makes you a Success™️….today’s episode is for you!

    Tune in to hear:

    Why I hate SMART goalsHow to FEEL successfulWhen to embrace fluctuation + failureWhat alignment’s got to do with itThe exact definition of success that guides my work + life& How to write your own definition (then send it to me!)

    And if you enjoy this episode, join me in the Off the Grid Clubhouse! Doors officially open on Monday, and it’s already vibrant community of folks embracing the cycle of success. We’d love to have you. 🫶

    👋 Thinking of leaving social media? You don't have to go it alone! Download our free Leaving Social Media Toolkit today

    🌈 Want support building a successful, sustainable business without relying on social media? Join The Interweb — our affordable, annual membership for creatives, artists & business owners, who want to share their work & make money without social media.

    ✷ Get original music for your unique podcast. Learn more & book a discovery call with Melissa Kaitlyn Carter of Making Audio Magic today. Off the Grid listeners get 20% off ❤

  • This week I’m joined by Kening Zhu, an artist, web designer, and dear friend who I’ve known for over 15 years.

    Together, we have a deep and thoughtful conversation about money, energy, human design, creative practice, and the magical nature of the world wide web.

    This episode is for anyone craving connection, expansion, and deeper meaning in their creative work and daily life. Spend 75 poetic minutes with us as we explore:

    Kening’s journey as an artist-entrepreneurDissolving the binary of art vs moneyHuman design & business success as a ProjectorThe internet as a creative practiceBuilding a beautiful world with your websiteAllowing yourself to want more& Re-conceiving the personal brand

    👋 Thinking of leaving social media? You don't have to go it alone! Download our free Leaving Social Media Toolkit today

    🌈 Want support building a successful, sustainable business without relying on social media? Join The Interweb — our affordable, annual membership for creatives, artists & business owners, who want to share their work & make money without social media.

    ✷ Get original music for your unique podcast. Learn more & book a discovery call with Melissa Kaitlyn Carter of Making Audio Magic today. Off the Grid listeners get 20% off ❤

  • Today I’m joined by Cody Cook-Parrott, a writer, artist, dancer, and teacher who’s here to share how they grew their Instagram account to over 80k followers while navigating big feelings, multiple book deals & many social media breaks in the process.

    In this conversation, Cody and I meet deep in the both/and of when being ON social media feels bad and being OFF social media feels bad. Tune in to hear about:

    How Cody grew their creative business with the help of IGWhat it’s really like to quit Instagram as a public personThe relationship between social media & activismOnline presence VS offline “peace”How Cody made more money while off InstagramCody’s shift from Instagram to Substack

    If you enjoy the episode, make sure to grab Cody's new Weaving In Our Values Toolkit and sign up for The Shape of Our Offerings, which starts on June 8th!

    👋 Thinking of leaving social media? You don't have to go it alone! Download our free Leaving Social Media Toolkit today

    🌈 Want support building a successful, sustainable business without relying on social media? Join The Interweb — our affordable, annual membership for creatives, artists & business owners, who want to share their work & make money without social media.

    ✷ Get original music for your unique podcast. Learn more & book a discovery call with Melissa Kaitlyn Carter of Making Audio Magic today. Off the Grid listeners get 20% off ❤

  • Welcome to our #summertime June Biz Forecast episode! This is a pod-feed-exclusive where I check in at the start of the month to share a few fun marketing trends, this month's biz-care to-dos, a preview of upcoming episodes, and more!

    This month, you’ll hear:

    the many ways we’re slowing down for summer 🐢how I’m implementing a sliding scale in my business ⚖️different ways to redistribute our wealth ♻️& how I'm clearing out my expenses this season 😬

    Plus! Listen to the end for news about our season three sponsors and ways we can collab in season four.

    Get in touch with Amelia:

    💌 Email [email protected]

    ☎️ Leave a voice message at speakpipe.com/offthegrid

    Link love 💕 Off the Grid Clubhouse | The Sliding Scale: A Tool of Economic Justice by Alexis Cunningfolk | Your Podcast Is A Portal | DIY Podcast Marketing & Monetization | Off the Grid Ad Opportunities

    Sponsor love 💕 Future You Portraits with Will | Nicole Cloutier | Jessica Lackey | Feminist Thriller Club | Lettering Works x Off the Grid | Cody Cook-Parrott | Jess Jackson & Soft Path Healing | Sarah McColl & Summer Camp | Neets & Spring Fling | Send It! Newsletter Group & Write A Winning Welcome Email Mini-Course

    ✷ Get original music for your unique podcast. Learn more & book a discovery call with Melissa Kaitlyn Carter of Making Audio Magic today. Off the Grid listeners get 20% off ❤

  • Finally! An episode for all the social-media-ambivalent among us.

    Today I’m resharing a conversation I had with Becca Piastrelli for her podcast Belonging — where we go DEEP into how social media makes us feel, including unpacking why I left Instagram AND why Becca has stayed on the platform.

    Tune in to hear about:

    My journey with social media, including how it felt to invest thousands of hours & $$$ on the appsAnxious attachment & my decision to leave InstagramThe creative inspiration AND loneliness I felt after I leftWhy we find community on social mediaHow our personal & emotional wellbeing are connected to our online presence.Misinformation, toxic algorithms, and capitalism

    👋 Thinking of leaving social media? You don't have to go it alone! Download our free Leaving Social Media Toolkit today

    🌈 Want support building a successful, sustainable business without relying on social media? Join The Interweb — our affordable, annual membership for creatives, artists & business owners, who want to share their work & make money without social media.

    ✷ Get original music for your unique podcast. Learn more & book a discovery call with Melissa Kaitlyn Carter of Making Audio Magic today. Off the Grid listeners get 20% off ❤

  • It’s radical generosity week here at Off the Grid!

    Today on the pod, I welcome Chelsie Tamms of Lettering Works for a conversation about how our businesses become more profitable through creative collaborations.

    This one is packed with self-employed wisdom, so pop in your airpods and tune in to learn:

    How Chelsie uses passion projects to pitch (and book!) her dream clientsThe clarity + generosity of Lettering Works’ Artist Trade ProgramChelsie's FREE branding challengeHow we structure trades so they’re mutually beneficialThe benefits of fully committing to your collaborationsWhy you should focus on the right thing instead of the urgent thing& How to create your own “job perks” when you’re self-employed

    If you enjoy this episode, be sure to check out the Lettering Works x Off the Grid sticker collab!

    👋 Thinking of leaving social media? You don't have to go it alone! Download our free Leaving Social Media Toolkit today

    🌈 Want support building a successful, sustainable business without relying on social media? Join The Interweb — our affordable, annual membership for creatives, artists & business owners, who want to share their work & make money without social media.

    ✷ Get original music for your unique podcast. Learn more & book a discovery call with Melissa Kaitlyn Carter of Making Audio Magic today. Off the Grid listeners get 20% off ❤

  • What happens when the work you love is no longer sustainable for the realities of your life?

    Today on the pod, Jen Carrington takes us behind-the-scenes in her business to discuss how she’s radically changed her offerings to support her life as a mom with a chronic illness.

    Tune in to learn:

    Why Jen’s business is 80% asynchronousSpecific logistics on how asynchronous delivery worksHow to stop facilitating your own burnoutThe realities of fluctuating revenue & incomeJen’s best marketing methods & how she “puts her lights on” to sell

    👋 Thinking of leaving social media? You don't have to go it alone! Download our free Leaving Social Media Toolkit today

    🌈 Want support building a successful, sustainable business without relying on social media? Join The Interweb — our affordable, annual membership for creatives, artists & business owners, who want to share their work & make money without social media.

    💌 Turn your email subscribers into loyal supporters. Learn how to Write a Winning Welcome Email with Holly of Daypack Digital. (sponsored)

    ✷ Get original music for your unique podcast. Learn more & book a discovery call with Melissa Kaitlyn Carter of Making Audio Magic today. Off the Grid listeners get 20% off ❤

  • This week we’re diving into the world of email marketing and asking — has the era of the lead magnet come to an end?

    Tune in to learn:

    What a lead magnet isWhy you might want to create one ... or notTwo business models that really don’t need a lead magnetWhether or not I’m a fan of lead magnets in 2024

    Then we want to hear what you think about lead magnets! Love 'em? Hate 'em? Let us know!

    💌 Email [email protected]

    ☎️ Leave a voice message at speakpipe.com/offthegrid

    And finally … cue NSYNC voice 👩‍🎤 … use the code ITSGONNABEMAY to take $10 off your Interweb membership this month.

    Mentioned in the episode: NSYNC, Investopedia, Email as a Love Language with grace allerdice, Email Marketing with Holly Wielkoszewski, To Substack or Not to Substack?, Tarzan Kay, Amanda Laird, Pretty Decent

    ✷ Get original music for your unique podcast. Learn more & book a discovery call with Melissa Kaitlyn Carter of Making Audio Magic today. Off the Grid listeners get 20% off ❤

  • Welcome to our #It'sGonnaBeMay monthly forecast episode! This is a pod-feed-exclusive where I check in on the first Friday of each month to share a few fun marketing trends, this month's biz-care to-dos, a preview of upcoming episodes, and more!

    This month, you’ll hear:

    what happens when we focus on gathering 100 hell yes people (instead of growing a giant audience) 💯why I'm super into daily marketing practices right now 🗓️& how I'm preparing my business for an inevitable summer slump 😬

    Plus! Listen to the end for the first-ever public mention of what I'll be launching for Off the Grid this summer.

    Tune in, then get in touch to share your Qs for next month…

    💌 Email [email protected]

    ☎️ Leave a voice message at speakpipe.com/offthegrid

    💞 Link love 💞 — 100 Hell Yes People from Jen Carrington | 1000 True Fans | Ordinary Practice by Cody Cook-Parrott | Be School podcast & my episode | Making Things Together (Daily May Coworking) with Liz Bayan | Voxer

    👋 Thinking of leaving social media? You don't have to go it alone! Download our free Leaving Social Media Toolkit today

    🌈 Want support building a successful, sustainable business without relying on social media? Join The Interweb — our affordable, annual membership for creatives, artists & business owners, who want to share their work & make money without social media. ✨

    ✷ Get original music for your unique podcast. Learn more & book a discovery call with Melissa Kaitlyn Carter of Making Audio Magic today. Off the Grid listeners get 20% off ❤

  • If you like magical money conversations, this episode is for you!

    Today I’m joined by Rachel Duncan, a certified Financial Therapist and Art Psychotherapist who runs a company called the Money Healing Club.

    Together we talk about the psychological, emotional, practical, and magical aspects of healing your relationship with money.

    Tune in to hear us explore:

    Where money meets creativityWhat financial therapy isNeurodivergence & addiction in relationship to moneyThe psycho-emotional aspects of setting ratesWhat to do when you hit a revenue plateau

    And stick around to the end where Rachel guides us through a visualization for remapping our relationship to money! 🐨

    👋 Thinking of leaving social media? You don't have to go it alone! Download our free Leaving Social Media Toolkit today

    🌈 Want support building a successful, sustainable business without relying on social media? Join The Interweb — our affordable, annual membership for creatives, artists & business owners, who want to share their work & make money without social media.

    ✷ Get original music for your unique podcast. Learn more & book a discovery call with Melissa Kaitlyn Carter of Making Audio Magic today. Off the Grid listeners get 20% off ❤

  • If you want to feel more supported and supportive in your client work, this episode is for you.

    Today I’m joined by Jess Jackson of Soft Path Healing to talk about trauma, trauma-informed care, and trauma-informed business.

    Together, we explore how to make our business practices more trauma-informed AND we talk about how to approach social media marketing with nervous system regulation in mind.

    Tune in then click here to learn more about Jess’ upcoming course, Trauma Informed Foundations, which begins on May 17.

    👋 Thinking of leaving social media? You don't have to go it alone! Download our free Leaving Social Media Toolkit today

    🌈 Want support building a successful, sustainable business without relying on social media? Join The Interweb — our affordable, annual membership for creatives, artists & business owners, who want to share their work & make money without social media.

    ✷ Get original music for your unique podcast. Learn more & book a discovery call with Melissa Kaitlyn Carter of Making Audio Magic today. Off the Grid listeners get 20% off ❤

  • Have you ever heard the phrase “intuitive business” or “spiritual business” and thought to yourself … “ok but what does that actually mean?!”

    This happens to me all the time, so today on the podcast, I’m joined by vedic astrologer and business strategist Paula Crossfield to talk about her cosmic business framework.

    In the first half of our conversation, Paula shares practical ways we can cultivate our intuition in our businesses. And then in the second half of the episode we talk about how doing that can help us make more money!

    Sign up for the FREE Cosmic Business Salon happening next week, then tune in to hear us discuss:

    The cosmic business paradigm shiftPaula’s 3-part process for connecting with your intuitionHow social media wrecks our self-trustMoney karma & how to heal your relationship with money

    👋 Thinking of leaving social media? You don't have to go it alone! Download our free Leaving Social Media Toolkit today

    🌈 Want support building a successful, sustainable business without relying on social media? Join The Interweb — our affordable, annual membership for creatives, artists & business owners, who want to share their work & make money without social media.

    ✷ Get original music for your unique podcast. Learn more & book a discovery call with Melissa Kaitlyn Carter of Making Audio Magic today. Off the Grid listeners get 20% off ❤