A single footstep becomes two. A single mile becomes thousands. A single trail becomes many. A single goal becomes a life. A life becomes a home.
Welcome back to the Off Trail Podcast after our hiatus, here is the reason why! Well... that and also we neglected our duties off being a podcast host, but let us focus on the positives and not the negatives here.Strap in for a wild episode, the first of its kind. A pure hour of Constantine rambles, blessed be the souls willing to undertake this journey.
We chat trails being a life changing experience but the true power on taking the lessons off the trails. We talk from the heart and let the brain catch up to the words. We chat everything about the book Life in Pursuit.
A project 2 years in the making, and one could even say 7 years from that very first step on the Appalachian Trail. We chat finding time in life to pursue your passions, the constant year of travel in 2022, and when the brain gets involved things becoming lost.
We discuss the difficulties of compressing life into 288 pages and how we tend to speak "well" with a heavy emphasis on the quotations. We chat the desire to share this story and the reasons behind writing a book and get lost in tangents.
We then go into what we call "the in-between" the very foundation of our book. Each trail has its own chapter but does not jump directly into the next one, instead showing the building blocks of life and choice to continue pursuing adventure along the trails.
We chat failure daily, prevalence of popularity of the trail systems in the recent years, and the immense circles of life both physically on trail and metaphorically along the way.
We then begin the reading of the book. Starting with the dedication, the preface, and then a few snippets of chapters. Stories told in a scraggily voice (completely on par with our announcements being at the worst timing) and stories that give a glimpse into a life in pursuit.
We chat "I Am A Barbie Girl", old timer gospel, and the endless definition of the word nothingness. We ramble, get lost, and one could hope remain found.
The Appalachian Trail, the Pacific Crest Trail, the Continental Divide Trail, the Pacific Northwest Trail, the Ice Age Trail, the Arizona Trail, the Florida Trail, the Natchez Trace Trail, the Potomac Heritage Trail, the New England Trail, and the behemoth of them all the North Country Trail make up the National Scenic Trails.
Life in Pursuit becomes less about the physical activity of hiking and becomes a look into a life of obsession. The trials and obstacles of a life lived for the pursuit of the next trail. Stories, moments, and challenges of each hike are told through the lens of a perception that changes into a reality.
The trail has an end point, the mind does not. When the trail ends the person continues to change. A trail is the physical manifestation of a journey. This book is the emotional manifestation of the endless journey of life, the endless journey of a life in pursuit.To everyone that continues to make this life special, thank you!
Pre-Order the Book Today:
Welcome back to the Off Trail Podcast!
Today we sit down with the one and only Jen, the owner of Alpine Fit.
We begin the show with a little backstory of how Jen found herself to be in Alaska, and how she came about to start a gear company. We chat loving time outdoors, self propelled travel, and priorities of family and business. We discuss the easy access of wilderness being right outside her doorstep and evolving to combine her passions.
We then go deep into the company itself and learn everything we can about Alpine Fit. We take a walk through Jen's experience in chemistry, textiles, and retail and her pursuit of bringing them all together underneath one proverbial umbrella. We chat merino wool and silver fiber technology. We then learn about their flagship product, their long sleeve shirt, that was built to be the one piece of versatile gear for most needs.
We discuss bushwhacking leggings, research and product development, and dive down the rabbit hole of body shapes and sizes. We learn Jen went deep into research even pulling old U.S. military data to find averages of body styles. Then she took all her combined data to offer two body styles for each product, instead of scaling sizes with the same proportions. A scientist and a gear creator combined!
We chat her chase of perfection in sizing, officially opening the store in 2019, and a planned trip to PCT Trail Days! We talk lightweight gear and then take a hard right turn into the philosophy behind marketing in the outdoors, and we love it! Jen starts the conversation with stating she does not like marketing and we begin unpacking a feeling that many gear creators struggle with in the outdoors, when you combine a passion with your work. We chat marketing being contrived and even sometimes dipping into the realm of dishonesty. There is no right or wrong, instead only feelings shared.
We fantasize about the creation of an Alaskan long trail and discuss its current conditions. We chat about Denali, coastal views, and get lost once more in the dense foliage of a bushwhack literally and figuratively. We then discuss how a legging can withstand the elements and Alpine Fit's creation of the perfect one.
We discuss being an entrepreneur and the list of tasks that only ever grows. We chat mental health, doing more, and spending time in the outdoors. Jen wakes up at a 6am on a Sunday with the idea for a new product and spends her morning designing. We then chat time management and the difficulties that arise when the to-do-list is never ending.
We chat setting alarms, looking at a clock and making yourself go to lunch, and finding balance before all our eyes become glazed over. We talk about finding balance, learning how to manage time over time, and health being a critical factor in being the best business owner you can be. We then drink some proverbial coffee, coin a term of working 25/7 somehow breaking the laws of physics and finding an extra hour each day, and the love of problem solving.
We discuss creating your own routes in Alaska, spoon feeding a bear peanut butter, and bears crossing the street. We wonder about moose and ask two parted questions that Jen absolutely "loves." We learn about the trail in her eyes being a starting place for adventure and setting an example as a company to live in a place that is desirable and give access to jobs that people are passionate about. We wrap the show with a simple but elegant answer that says it all...No
To learn more about Alpine Fit click below:
Website: https://alpinefit.com/
Social Media: @alpinefitco
To learn more about who we are:
Website: https://www.elevenskys.com/
Missing episodes?
Welcome back to the Off Trail Podcast!
Today we sit down and chat, as well as chuckle, with the one and only Chuckles!
We begin the show by learning more about Chuckles evolution into the outdoors. Graduating college in 2016, hiking the Pacific Crest Trail in 2019, hiking the Continental Divide Trail in 2022, and we touch on the recurring name you will here the entire episode, the Appalachian Trail. A trail that was the inspiration of them all, and that has been a driving force for hiking, and will one day soon be the cumulation of years of adventure.
We chat living in Leadville, being a "ski-bum" in the winter time, and a background in the pharmaceutical industry. We dive deep into the feeling of being "suckered" back into normal life, and the feelings of wanting to hike, but not feeling ready to hike in the heart. We chat about the feeling many people who pursue hiking for long enough feel, of "having to do a hike" and Chuckles healthy outlook on realizing this and not doing a hike until she fully wants to, such as the Appalachian Trail.
We chat the 48/48 peaks of New Hampshire, the terrifying 25, and the Huntington Range. We chat the puzzle of math that most outdoor enthusiasts call life and Chuckles equation to find balance and happiness. We chat the hardest part of any hike, the portion after hiking. We chat about two desires being split and the two sides of seeking two vastly different things, a life in the outdoors, and a "regular" life. We dive deep into this topic and learn about the constant learning curve and listening to the heart as you always have to make the choice, and listen to the moment of what gives you the most joy.
We chat sitting at a computer and escapism. We discuss feeling content in regular life, having easier access to the mountains, and feeling at peace in the immediate. We learn about AT & T and Verizon map overlay systems on Gaia, and chat about Chuckles finding trails while she worked remotely "on call" to make sure she always had cell phone coverage.
We chat bridging two gaps of life, the weirdness in knowing there is a tangible end without it actually being "the end", and previously wanting time off trail to go faster and now wanting it to slow down. We all get thrown under a very large proverbial bus and brace for the bumpy ride as we discuss goal mentality.
We go into purism, connected footsteps, and chasing goals. We then take a step back from trail and talk relationships on the trail and off. We discuss the preconceived notion that relationships on trail are far harder than regular life, when in fact it is the complete opposite, for some. We chat shared goals, time apart, trail goals that divide, but pursuit of a shared life that brings togetherness.
We go into Chuckles origin story, and are very glad we did. It involves a trail angel's house, a privy, many bowls of beans, a masculine name, and a picture that still hangs on her wall to this day. One of the better origin stories we have heard in a long time!
We chat chuckling duals at dawn, the gift and privilege of getting to spend time outside, and wrap it all up with another shout out to the Appalachain Trail!
Thank you Chuckles, it was a joy to chat!
Learn more about Chuckles by clicking below:
Instagram: @adventuresofdotdot
To learn more about who we are click below:
Website: www.ElevenSkys.com
Welcome back to the Off Trail Podcast and welcome Zoner!
Today we sit down and chat with the one and only, Zoner and learn all things Hot Springs Trail. Shout out to Star-Lord for putting us together as it is a trail that has sparked our curiosity for awhile and now we have the privilege to learn all about it.
We begin the show with our broad question and Zoner goes quickly into depths that we try and follow. We learn about his pursuit of health and the measures he takes to fuel his body and mind, whether that is on trail or off trail. We go deep into the topic of health and learn that for Zoner it is more than just optimally performing physically but also the precursor to much more of life. We chat about his evolution of health personally and then look at it through a hiking lens.
We chat how to not just survive a journey but to thrive within it. We discuss hard times off trail that let the difficulties of a hike become the "good times." We dive into a knee injury that changed his perspective and a injury that has not held him back from over 30 Fastest Known Time completions. We then get an answer to a question that we have been pondering for a long time. Why do thru-hikers take pride in their junk food diets?
A answer that is a theory, but one that makes sense. It is less the "diet" and more so a reward system that triggers the brain to seek more. Sure, sugar can be addictive, but the reward to have a snack at the top of a mountain, at trail magic, at the end of a hard section is the true addiction. It is a new thought line for us and we explore it as much as we can. There is no "right" nor "wrong" only what works for the individual, but it is an interesting thought to dive deeper into.
We then talk all things Hot Springs Trail! A trail that Zoner has continued to advocate, build, and promote along its way to becoming a National Scenic Trail. We discuss the reason behind seeking the designation and the reason behind his passion for this trail. He sums it up eloquently with the simple statement of "The Hot Springs Trail for me is a therapeutic journey." Therapy of the body in the springs themselves, therapy of the mind in freedom, and therapy of the heart on an adventure. Take that quote however you may, but we have never heard a trail defined by such, and it contextualizes much about this trails creation.
We chat going between high points, encyclopedias of the word hot springs, and all methods of travel. We then chat the progression of the designation of a National Scenic Trail and here about the current progress. Zoner wants a community and not a empty piece of paper to define this trail and wants a heart in definition before a designation of bureaucracy. It is a very inspirational goal to seek, and one we hope to shed more light upon.
We chat roots and seeds, more accountability then Vitamin-I, and bias and opinion having no place in the creation of a trail. We are asked to name founders of National Scenic Trails and have a very difficult time in doing so. The trail is an unliving organism but the trail becomes alive when it becomes stories shared.
A truly wonderful chat with Zoner, thank you for sharing more about you and the trail with us!
To learn more about the Hot Springs Trail click below:
Website: AriaZoner.com
To learn more about us click below:
Website: www.ElevenSkys.com
Welcome back to the Off Trail Podcast, and welcome back Cal!
We spoke to Cal last as he was on the way to becoming the first Transgender person to finish the Calendar Year Triple Crown!
First things first, we begin the show with a congratulations, and then begin to learn what Cal has been up to since then. They have not been idle... to say the least. After accomplishing a goal few already achieve, they set their sights on something outside of our knowledge and depths, the sport of long distance running.
Not only are they doing a long distance run, but they are specifically created this route to go through the "battleground states" of the deep south where Transgender rights are the most at risk. Creating their own route from California to Florida, we catch up with them in the state of Texas and begin a deep dive into their journey.
We chat a dream that started in middle school, a homecoming of self while running through rural America, and the freedom of movement in body and mind. We talk about judgment and prejudice and the spreading of awareness. We go into the difference of movement in a high intensity sport of running compared to hiking, not physically, but mentally the journey it becomes.
We dive into one of our favorite words as Cal says it first, connection. Connection in solitude as they spent countless miles just themselves and a road, and through solitude in the physical sense, finding deeper connections within themselves, and directly correlated being able to find deeper connections in their friendships, relationships, and moments with others. We chat about the favorite way to spend time with the adult they are as well as their inner child.
We then unpack the route itself. Traveling through California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Louisiana, Alabama, and finally Florida. We touch on the filming of a feature length documentary showcasing the Trans-Joy they wish to spread. We dive deeper into the reality of the run, and the question Cal returns to when travelling through these states, "how can I be of service?"
We chat supporting the communities that Cal runs through, and listening to the needs shared. We chat multiple fundraisers and staying up to date with Cal's journey to be able to continue to support the causes they find. We chat running to make a better world.
We chat the choice behind creating this route, the message they are wishing to share, and getting to know people through love and respect. We discuss the "weight" of such a physical and mental goal, and learn that for Cal it is no weight at all, but their very fuel that keeps them going. We chat about privilege turning into responsibility, and how when a single group is challenged it challenges everyone's freedom. It is not singular but affects the rights of everyone.
We discuss the finish point in Tallahassee, Florida and the significance of this physical end point. We get lost in Cal's what they call "cool down lap" of just a "few" extra 700 miles at the end of this journey. We chat the simplicity of being a person, and that everyone no matter who you are, has individual wants and desires, that is what it means to be human.
We apologize here about the coffee noise in the background, which is now 2/2 when chatting with Cal. Hopefully if we have the opportunity a 3rd time to catch up with them, you can guarantee there will be some sort of coffee shop noise in the background.
Another great chat, always a privilege and joy to speak with Cal.
To learn more about Cal and the TransContinental Run click below:
Instagram: @cal_hikes*You should be able to access all the most up-to-date fundraisers and information through the above platform
Patreon: @CalDobbs
To learn more about who we are click below:
Website: www.ElevenSkys.com
Welcome back to the Off Trail Podcast!
Today we have the privilege to sit down and chat with the one and only, Moondog!
A conversation that enters into the depths of the complete unknown on our end, the world of "thru-skating." Having no idea where this chat will go, but fueled by curiosity and willingness to learn, we begin to find out all about this long distance sport.
First things first, we learn about Moondog and his journey towards thru-skating. We chat about being a hiker since he was a kid, taking up skateboarding to remain a part of his best friends life, and thru-hiking when a skateboard is on top of your pack.
We chat community around thru-skating, dozens compared to thousands, and if having the skills to hike and skate the magical combination of the two. We chat about learning balance, learning how to fall well, and the dynamics of becoming a thru-skater.
We talk whether thru-hiking or thru-skating has more of an importance to Moondog and dive deep into the best ice breaker ever. We chat about the abnormalcy of seeing a skateboard in the swamps of Florida and lost hikers in Colorado. We ask how he explains these situations to other hikers, and he says it is simple, a single question. "Where is the parking lot?"
We discuss what qualifies a thru-skate, naming a dog and a skateboard, and then dive deeper into his journey. We talk a route he and a friend created through New Mexico 480~ miles long. We talk about perception of locals and strangers when the method of travel is a skateboard and not hiking. We learn about the hidden gem of being mistaken for homeless and the true representation of kindness it unlocks in people. Pure kindness distilled when there is no context.
We chat fuel, physical and metaphorical. We learn about bad days on a skate and headwinds. We learn about the flexibility of a situation and sometimes to continue skating, one must pick up their board and walk for safety. Traffic, small road shoulders, and weather all impact this adventure just as it does a thru-hike.
We talk mileage, physical impact on the body, and tiredness compared with hiking. We learn how to pick a road, using satellite maps, and how to build a route. We chat the life giving force of water and the necessity it becomes in any long distance endeavor.
We then get a Off Trail exclusive, one time and one time only, we talk about gear. We rarely if never talk about gear on this show, because to recommend gear, is to not understand gear. The variety, personal preference, body shape, hiking style, is so different for everyone, that gear only works, if it works specifically for you. Anyway, we chat gear, out of curiosity, as we know nothing about thru-skating.
We chat wheels, bearings, boards, and not carrying spare parts. We go off on a tangent to learn about companies building specifically for this endeavor and while not directly marketing as "thru-skating" gear, that most of the boxes and needs are checked.
We talk about the wonderful absurdity of human powered extreme goals. We learn about skateboarding 300+ miles in 24 hours and are baffled but also impressed by the strength of someone who lives, breathes, and lives to skate. We then talk about cheeseburgers and want to eat a few.
We chat seeking different challenges and goals. Scaling human powered endurance to what fits your needs and wants. We discuss the idea that Moondog has been growing of skating from Mexico to Canada along his own route. We chat comfortability and growth of exploring freely. We then get lost down a deep tangent that could last for hours...
We chat red-line goals, personal, communal, and dangerously tread the water of an idea of a new show lost in our own personal flavor of lunacy.
A great chat with Moondog, thank you for sharing!
To learn more about Moondog:
Instagram: @rooptown
To learn more about who we are click below:
Website: www.ElevenSkys.com
Welcome back to the Off Trail Podcast!
Today we have the privilege of chatting with the one and only, Puddin.
Catching up with her fresh off her 4400 mile thru-hike of the Eastern Continental Trail, and her first thru-hike ever, we begin unpacking the introduction to long distance hiking and the change of life.
We begin the show with learning she is a hiker, a entrepreneur, and a mental health advocate. We chat about her journey through mental health and her growth in wanting to share it with others. We chat day hiking and moving to Virginia and first seeing thru-hikers. We discuss the difference between a section hike and a thru-hike, and the fact that defined by the singular activity of walking, how different they can be.
We chat the demands of life, work, an elderly dog, relationships, and the dominoes that led her to begin the Appalachian Trail. What began as one trail would extend to include many more, but first she would have to walk to find.
We discuss realities of fog and rain compared to perceptions of sunrises and rainbows. We chat the question of what did I sign up for, and the fuel that is found when starting something and the word quit never being in your vocabulary. We chat letting go of control and embracing the knowledge of everything will work out in its own time.
We chat about being halfway into the Appalachian Trail and plans for life changing. We chat not necessarily knowing what to do and the moment of a decision at the end coming extremely quickly. We dive into the feeling of finishing but almost feeling more lost than when beginning. We chat not looking for something specific but finding, connecting pieces falling into place, and the realization that the end on Mt. Katahdin was just another step.
We listen to the heart and intuition to guide, hiking to Canada, going to the Pinhoti, and saying no to hiking Florida. Then the trail and her journey finding Florida was another step.
We chat the bodies growth into such a large trail, not having the right shoes, and taking it slow to learn as one walks. We trust the body, take it in stages, and learning not to fixate on something not going your way. We discuss taking steps back to take steps forward, finding gratitude, and what happens if you foucs on the "suck" too much.
We then dive deep into the terminus feelings at the end of such a massive hike, specifically it being a first thru-hike. We discuss reflection before the actual end, mixed emotions, and finishing not fully sinking in. We chat indecisiveness, reentering society, and the world being to loud. We crack a window to let in some fresh air, and learn about finding a new identity.
We discuss the large amounts of change one goes through on a hike, and what happens when you come back home to much being the same. We get a recommendation on how to cope, with movement, routine, and journaling. We try to harness and hold the clarity and learn steps to keep it close by.
We then go into all things business and learn more about Puddin's work. Focusing on how to run ads on Instagram and promote yourself as well as your passion. We chat about building it on trail for off trail and vice versa. A business that focuses on mental health, passion, and living your best life.
We then learn that her off trail time is already limited, and she had planned a day before, another hike! Fully bitten by the bug, still less than a full month off 4400 miles, and she is ready to get walking once again. Sounds like we have a lifer on our hands. We discuss growth on the trail through challenges and continuing to seek becoming a stronger, healthier, and happier person.
As she puts it let intuition lead you, and let the trail create you.
To learn more about Puddin:
Instagram: @hikingwithpuddin
YouTube: @hikingwithpuddin
To learn more about who we are click below:
Website: www.ElevenSkys.com
Welcome back to the Off Trail Podcast.
Today we have the privilege of speaking with the one and only, Jenga!
We begin the show through power of technology being connected through many times zones and across the world.
Jenga is currently in New Zealand and takes the time to sit down and chat about the hike he is currently on, The Te Araroa, and more generally his incredible view on hiking and life.
We dive into his somewhat ok-ish definition of thru-hiking and his sewing pursuits. Then quickly we dive deep and stay deep within the waters of what makes him, well him. We chat about the trail being a framework to live life outside of the binds of a classically defined society, we talk not being able to resist the call of side adventures, and we briefly touch on the wonderful animal called a sheep.
We then go into the word adventure itself. The very reason Jenga lives this life and the word that fuels him. We chat failure and success and compare and contrast the word adventure and thru-hike. We hear stories of the CDT and talk about scars upon the body that are fond memories.
We then learn about a disease that will one day without choice stop Jenga's hikes, it is called Charcot-Marie Tooth disease. (Please correct us if we are wrong Jenga, while listening to the word, tried to Google it and this is what came up) A disease that eventually eats away at the muscle connections and creates muscular dystrophy. We chat difficulty lifting toes, selfies of things that are tripped on, and being intentional about time. Another massive kudos to Jenga, for the healthy and happy mindset around something that could be very hard to mentally deal with.
We chat about looking for ways to extend time in the outdoors, a scary future but the realization all futures are unknown, and having as he puts it, "the good fortune to know when my car crash is." We talk about the healing powers of hiking for mind and body, and the price of owning muscles.
We chat artistry and take a virtual look through his lens of photography. A little voice that tells him "pretty" and a voice that puts him fully in the moment. We chat water miraculously not flowing downhill in New Zealand, capturing the essence of a thru-hike, and moments of beauty within simply, life. We discuss light, the expensive organs called eyes, and then we all get drenched by rain.
A deep look into the year of 2022/2023 on the Te Araroa Trail and the constant never ending rain. We talk flooding, demoralizing wetness, and mold and mildew. We chat the scariest river ford he has ever experienced, and the realities of the looney tunes world called New Zealand.
We chat breaking trekking poles, being inside of never ending clouds, and something called Lemonade Pass. Not a pass on the trail, but a anecdote on how he handles uncomfortable situations. He makes lemonade.
We chat breaking a pure goal mentality and letting the journey take you where it will. We chat a month of time off trail and what could break some hikers, was just part of the experience for him. We chat naked bike rides, being a snow positive person, and not doing a trail because they are easy.
We wrap up the show with a word that can be felt in this entire conversation and the meaning of trails and life for Jenga, freedom.
Thank you for joining us and sharing your story!
To learn more about Jenga:
Instagram: @jengadown
To learn more about who we are click below:
Website: www.ElevenSkys.com
Welcome back to the Off Trail Podcast and welcome back the man, myth and legend himself, Star Lord.
Star Lord returns to unpack all he has been up to since we last chatted. We catch up with him shortly after his completion of the Natchez Trace Trail and dive deep into his journey and the trail itself.
We through weirdness and story telling give an audio guide to the trail. We discuss all things camping related and the reality that almost every night not spent in a motel, will be spent stealth camping in the woods. We chat the Mississippi brown water and the never ending sweet embrace held within it. We chat water being and issue and carrying upwards of thirty miles between man made sources called water fountains. We chat roads, roads, and never ending roads.
We learn about the "no car, no stay" hotel rule that was completely made up on the spot. We learn about the loose grip on sanity found within those yellow lines and the benefit of hiking with a companion can keep you from insanity. We talk about the posts that define every mile and the break from the peaceful mind found in movement and the harsh reality of knowing every one of your time splits.
We chat the Star Lord's pursuit of the 11 National Scenic Trails and the goal found along the way. We chat being fueled by goals, and as he so eloquently states, to walk is better than not walking. We dive deeper into the pursuit mentality and unpack what it means for him.
We tell stories of the Natchez Trace Trail, define its reality, and get lost within its lunacy. We unpack the definition of National Scenic Trails themselves, and theorize on to what it actually means. We ramble, we get lost, and we virtually walk along a road.
Another great chat with Star Lord, thank you for another weird one!
To learn more about Star Lord:
Instagram: @chandlerstrailstories
To learn more about who we are click below:
Website: www.ElevenSkys.com
Welcome back to the Off Trail Podcast!
Today we sit down to chat with the one and only, Coyote.
We begin the show by learning about labels and the growth of breaking free of defining oneself in the singular. We learn about Coyote bein a chef, a thru-hiker, a artist and a musician. Then almost instantly we dive deep into the growth through hiking and just as importantly the growth found and taken off trail from hiking.
We talk hard labor jobs, percentages of life off trail being too high within the grind mindset, and the more Coyote hiked the more he craved more life not only on trail but off. We chat Coyote seeking more multi-dimensional life within his pursuit of thru-hiking and more generally a life will lived. We chat weighted returns on time, plateaus of growth, and unlocking new levels of fitness.
We chat the importance of becoming obsessed with thru-hiking but finding balance within the obsession. We chat the importance of realizing there is a life off trail, and it doesn't have to be singular, it can be a full life. We quickly touch on the Grand Enchantment Trail, the Pacific Northwest Trail, and the Northern New Mexico Loop with a quick shout out to the legend himself, Brett Tucker.
We chat the questions that arise when the trail ahead becomes undefined, we chat the similarities and differences of the words adventure and thru-hike, and we dive into the very definition of what the term "thru-hike" can mean. We break the chains of a classical definition and theorize the change that is almost never chosen but always found. We discuss singular goal mindsets and the vast varieties within, we dip our toes into the word "purism" and unpack all the baggage associated inside it. We debate the undefined line in the sand that defines a purist and where it begins and where it ends. No answer found, only theories provided.
We chat the Idaho Centennial Trail. We chat skipping a section and the choice that was never a choice. We chat early season Sawtooth Mountains and swelled creeks. We dive into quitting the ICT 4 times and coming back over and over again. We go further into the feelings and perceived need to return to a trail. We unpack shame and embarrassment in choosing the not only right choice but only safe choice and the danger that can arise from being consumed in the accomplishment mindset. We talk no matter the hiker, that if you hike long enough and far enough the inevitable decision that all will be faced with.
We chat respect for hikers that chose to not continue, and when going home becomes the right choice. We discuss the filter of social media and the dangers that lie within. We chat the Mogollon Rim Trail and the growth in a discomfort chosen. On the flip side we chat the growth found in comfort chosen. The comfortable choice sometimes becomes the most uncomfortable and the most difficult.
We chat becoming a cat in the rain, making plans A and B, and learning to read topo lines. I incorrectly define what dead-reckoning is and we talk the healthy vs the unhealthy. We compare the bodies reaction to health in and health out, and the weird pride that hikers find in eating unhealthy diets. We chat becoming an athlete, no higher responsibility than life itself, and the truest heroes of them all, the people living regular lives.
It gets weird and it gets deep, an absolutely wonderful episode. Thank you so much Coyote for sharing with all of us.
Favorite Quotes:
"The trail to me means knowledge of life and knowledge of myself."
"If I am off trail, I still need to have some sort of trail."
Follow Coyote at the links below:
Instagram: @hikingcoyote
YouTube: @hikingcoyote8169
To learn more about us click below:
Website: www.ElevenSkys.com
Welcome back to the Off Trail Podcast!
We are bringing in Season 3 with a (2) part series as our co-hosts, Constantine and Magpie, break down all things The Te Araroa Trail.
The Te Araroa Trail is a 1880~ (official) mile hike in New Zealand. With the alternates and connecting footsteps of this hike, in total 1909.4 miles were hiked and 108.6 canoed, totaling 2016.2 miles of human powered movement. As of 2022/2023 season, if you hike it in the "purist" form this will be the mileage that you find is actually on the ground. It connects the top of the North Island at Cape Reinga to the bottom of the South Island at Bluff traversing the entire length of the country.
In this second part of our 2 part series we focus on the South Island. Don't be fooled, even though they are all one country, these two islands are drastically different for the thru-hiker.
We begin the show with a long rant on energy drinks as you demand. Magpie breaks the time wall, we chat good ol' boys of New Zealand, and we discuss how cookies are a part of our figure. We have an exclusive as we try not one, but two, energy drinks! First, we begin with the classic "V" drink that is available in every corner store in NZ. Then we focus on the one and the only "Mother Energy" which fully captured our heart with its marketing copy.
"Live life your way." "Mother is calling, pursue your dreams." "Rip into some Mother." All very strange and alarming quotes from their poem... well, nothing to do but drink their off brand Red Bull.
Okay, enough enery drink talk, lets talk the South Island of NZ. We begin by realizing that rocks can't tell Magpie what to do and then focus on the Queen Charlotte Track. A wonderful piece of trail that begins every Southbounders adventures on the South Island. Excellent grading, epic views, and great camping. Don't get used to the graded track though, soon it will change!
We then discuss the Richmond Ranges... oh the Richmond Ranges. We chat sending food to the SI, confusion on the Bealey Hotel, and the ranges being the most technically challenging part of the TA. We chat predicting pace and the lack thereof, 2mph becoming a blistering speed, and orange posts. We chat flooding, being stuck at a hut, and wether or not mountains are ladies.
We chat Nelson Lakes one of the most gorgeous places along the TA, hiking hut to hut, and the varities of huts. We chat the freedom of wild camping again and the joy in walking until tired, backcountry hut passes, and the DOC putting so much time, work, and energy into creating huts. We chat routes, paths, and tracks and briefly touch on their designations.
We chat "Middle South Island Stuff" and the change of flavor the trail becomes as it transitions into river beds, passes, mixed track, and the ability to average and estimate out one's pace for the day. We chat expansive views, reminders of the Great Divide Trail, and three giant water hazard zones known as the Raikia, Rangitata, and Queenstown. The first almost always unfordable with a 30+ mile alternate, the second fordable (use own judgment!), and the third many options around.
We chat Lake Tekapo being another "changing point", waypoints called Tussocks, concious cruelty, and of course some looney tunes living!
We chat wind, sand flies vs. mosquitoes, and lotions and potions. We give massive shout outs to people who do this as their first hike and think going forward they will have many skills for any trail. We chat Longwood Forest, Linton Mt, and life being a circle.
We end with a Ramen Rating Review of both islands, and well we were quite surprised with Magpie's results!
To learn more about us click below:
Website: www.ElevenSkys.com
Welcome back to the Off Trail Podcast!
We are bringing in Season 3 with a (2) part series as our co-hosts, Constantine and Magpie, break down all things The Te Araroa Trail.
The Te Araroa Trail is a 1880~ (official) mile hike in New Zealand. With the alternates and connecting footsteps of this hike, in total 1909.4 miles were hiked and 108.6 canoed, totaling 2016.2 miles of human powered movement. As of 2022/2023 season, if you hike it in the "purist" form this will be the mileage that you find is actually on the ground. It connects the top of the North Island at Cape Reinga to the bottom of the South Island at Bluff traversing the entire length of the country.
In this first part of our 2 part series we focus on the North Island. We begin the show by trying to paint a broad picture of the Te Araroa Trail and how we experienced it. First we tackle the assumption and perception of this hike vs. the reality. If you are coming from the US/Canada and expect this trail to be the same as what you have experienced elsewhere... well get ready... the only thing that is the same is you are using walking as your method of travel. Everything else? Well, everything else is New Zealand tramping!
We chat our own beliefs in the creation of the Te Araroa and from what we experienced and saw the thought that the TA was desingned to experience New Zealand. Yes, you hike. Yes, you climb and descend. Yes, you resupply. Yet, the route of the trail we saw was used by many as more of a "guidepost" to explore New Zealand and less of a "classically defined" thru-hike. No right, no wrong, only our observations.
With that being said, we discuss the culture shock of the "New Zealand hiking culture." The culture of New Zealand was familiar while being different, but what we focus on is the culture of the TA and hikers themselves. We chat the differences in hiking culture vs US & Canada hiking and how it lead to an initial confusion on trail.
We chat mileage and campsites being defined for you on the North Island, we chat connected steps and the struggle of being outside the norm, and we chat Holiday Parks. If there is one phrase that could be used to describe the hike on the North Island it would be Holiday Parks. Wonderful hybrids of campsites/motels that are extremely pleasant and mostly front country for a hiker.
We chat the Auckland Sprawl, percentages of the North Island that is road (due to forest closures), and pace being defined for you. We discuss hikers sorting by pace and how this becomes almost impossible when legally camping on the TA. We chat hitching culture, camping etiquette, and lack of trail family. We give shout outs and theorize what we would do differently if we knew what we knew now.
We chat mud, mud and more mud. We chat "mystery miles" and the hardest part of the hike is the flat topo lines. We chat lack of pace estimation, 90 mile beach only being 60~ miles, and the Taruaras. We then diverge and try to break apart this hike section by section, and well it becomes chaotic. Strap in.
We dicsuss flat miles, campsites per person charges, and throwing a fish from the ocean to a shop. We broad stroke the North Island and chat ferries, tides, roads, and logisitical daily routines. We chat rain, alternates, floods, river paddles, and people all over the place.
Finally we wrap with the discussion of Wellington. Constantine unpacks more without getting too deep the turbulent emotions that led to what Magpie defined as his grumpiest mood in years. Possible mid-life crisis?
We end the show with a shout out to what gave us fuel, the most important part of any hike, CHONKY DOGGOS!
To learn more about us click below:
Website: www.ElevenSkys.com
“Maybe they just come for the fountain of wine…”
Welcome back to the Off Trail Podcast and another wonderful informational episode with Christine Thuermer.
Today we chat all things Pilgrimage Trails.
We start off the show with finally pronouncing our guests name correctly and then diving into the intricacies of why all Americans hike the Camino De Santiago.
We begin by going back in history as Christine walks us all through the start of pilgrimage trails. We begin in the medieval times and learn about Catholicism, veneration of saints, collecting relics and being cleansed of all your sins.
We discuss how going on a pilgrimage used to be a punishment and the term “indulgence” in reference to a pilgrimage.
We chat less time burning in purgatory, holy years, scenery not being a concern, and how the word hike and pilgrimage are not the same.
We chat multiple “caminos” and the broad scope of these trails, we chat spiritual vs religious quests, and we chat convenience and big business.
We chat the new age lifestyle on a pilgrimage trail. We chat hostels, friends, wine, crowds, and easy walking. We chat about connection to “God”, wild camping, legal drinking ages, and pilgrimage passports.
We chat the history in each step, the spiritual significance and the special atmosphere on a pilgrimage trail.
We discuss the popularity of creating new pilgrimage trails and how it has become a “blanket” term for many hikes in Europe. We chat the infrastructure, accessibility, and the reasons behind the creation and the user perspective.
Christine then turns the tables on us and asks us a question we still have yet to answer: “Why are there no pilgrimage trails in the United States?”
Disclaimer: We use our own opinion and reasoning to try and chew through this question, answering the why that we think, not necessarily the “actual why.”
A great question to wrap up the show that leaves us wondering…
To sum it up, if you want to go on a “thru-hike” a pilgrimage trail may not be for you. Sure the baseline activity of “hiking” is the same, but almost everything else is different.
Thank you Christine for another wonderful and informational episode!
To learn more about Christine go to: Instagram @Christine_Thuermer
To learn more about who we are click below:
Website: www.ElevenSkys.com -
“When on a long trail there is no finishing, I am just existing.”
Welcome back to the Off Trail Podcast!
Today we sit down with Masochist, also known as Matthew, to learn more about his deep dive into this life of adventure.
We begin with a little backstory learning of his career in IT which began only 2 weeks out of high school. Flash forward to his 39th year around the sun and he was ready for a change.
We chat the impetus for the change, a mixture of loved ones passing away, the support of a wonderful partner, and the appreciation for learning you just never know how much time you have.
We chat the difficulties of balance when consumed with passion, a very irregular existence in general, and having more plans than available time.
We chat travel fatigue, cravings of stability, and the treat of “nothingness.” We chat becoming antsy, campground conundrums, and volunteering with the Sierra Club.
We discuss shorter distance trails losing some of their shine, surviving without zero days, and the feeling of just existing. It’s less about mileage he says and more about just the time on a trail.
We then jump into the Condor Trail. We learn of the bushwhacks, the lack of consideration for resupplies, and preparing oneself for the indignities of “actual trail.”
We chat the why. We chat goal oriented mentality and going from point A to B. We then take a look into the PCT in 2020 and the flavor of the first long trail in the year that shall not be spoken.
We chat normalcy in the abnormal, a “private tour” of the PCT, and exposure in town being minimal. We chat planning a long hike while actively finishing a long hike, aiming higher, and learning of the ECT’s existence.
We then chat all things Eastern Continental Trail. We chat homeless encampments, being told by a person it was “my bush,” and $300 for one of the worst hotel stays ever. We chat magic, consistency, and the meat grinder that is called pavement. We chat mentality around 5,000 miles, the Florida Keys, and how to avoid the scariest wildlife of all; aggressive dogs.
We chat moose hunting, caribou mating, pit bulls, something called Meat Cove, a untouchable lighthouse, and a “snarl torpedo.”
We then get into the heavy segment of emotions. We chat Matt’s choice that was not a choice to get of his CDT hike earlier this year. We chat altitude cough turned into a serious case of COVID. We chat being bedridden, feverish, and physically depleted. We chat being used to being in pain but the threshold that exists between “push mentality” and when it becomes unsafe.
We chat bargaining, acceptance, and planning for the future. We chat deeper questions of existence and doing everything one can to continue.
Truly a wonderful chat with Matthew, thank you for sharing with us all your journey!
“[Thru-hiking] gives you appreciation for how hard it is just to exist when you don’t have a place to go home to.”
“Long trails tend to be addicting to some of us…”
“Even bedridden I was already making plans.”
“I can push through anything, I can keep going.”
To learn more about Masochist go to:
YouTube: @FirstChurchofTheMasochistHikes
Instagram: @mattonamtn
To learn more about who we are click below:
Website: www.ElevenSkys.com -
“If you add deli mustard and yellow mustard you get a bomb sandwich… If you subtract deli mustard from a yellow mustard you get a weird hot dog.”
Welcome back to Off Trail Podcast!
This week we sit down with co-hosts Constantine and Magpie to chat all things “butterflies.”
How do butterflies apply to anything hiking related? Well, just like a caterpillar that goes into its cocoon to blossom a colorful and wonderful butterfly, we to as hikers go through a transformational stage. Huh… we actually meant the above as a joke, but re-reading our edit, it weirdly makes sense?
Anyway, welcome to the show! We begin the show with what you all demand, an energy drink review. This week we taste test “Guru” and well let us tell you just like hiking it transports you to a wonderful mountain top of flavor. Take in that deep breath and find your inner wise old sage, take a sip of Guru and who knows you may just become one…
We then chat about worlds of pain and goblets of grief, about belly pillows and the mysterious “upper bellular region.” We chat about shoving and burying emotions, streams of consciousness, and Constantine’s inner “basic white gurl.”
We chat coping mechanisms, Magpie makes a cringy math joke, and we compare the pre-trail jitters or “butterflies” to the first day of a new school. We chat pumpkin spice lattes, the emotional state inside of perpetual motion, and reflect on “wasted time.”
We chat mustard equations, goals narrowed and the relief it can bring, and the power in the palm of your hand. We chat getting out of trail shape, excruciating knee pain, and the “David Goggins mentality.”
We chat neck pillows, first step peace of mind, and passports being flagged. We chat about excitement vs. all consuming emotion. We chat what happens if you lose the pre trail jitters and if it means you no longer care. We chat edges and the bluntness. We chat ratios and express feelings (that we should have clutched and buried).
We chat when hiking becomes life, when looking at a dream glossing over the realities inside of it, and criticizing someone for owning both an umbrella and a shower. It’s not the being wet, it’s the choice.
We chat active choice of white picket fences, we chat treading proverbial water, and we chat how comfort can be a weakness but also a strength.
We try our very best to tangent and joke away our feelings, yet it seems that some do come through. The butterflies experienced here allow us to understand what hiking is and has become to us.
Lastly we chat rationalizing choices and what happens when you consume a tube of cookie dough per day. After all it is less calories than baking said cookie, alright time to eat a:
“A regular cookie, cookie dough, cookie.”
To learn more about who we are click below:
Website: www.ElevenSkys.com -
European Vs. US Thru Hiking, what’s the same, what’s different?
“They are actually paid in cheese.”
Welcome back to the Off Trail Podcast! Don’t let the first line fool you, we talk much more in depth about the intricacies of hiking in Europe and the US… but of course we do spend the obligatory time touching on cheese.
Welcome back Christine Thuermer! After our first chat with her, she had a wonderful idea as she has hiked so many miles both overseas and in the US, that it could be a wonderful informational source to unpack the concept of hiking.
We begin by setting a baseline of the difference between US and European hiking. It comes down to “wilderness vs culture.” Of course while in the US you can experience many cultures while hiking, but the vast majority of your day is spent in the wild, hiking. In Europe the conduit of course is still hiking but the experience becomes drastically different. You walk through history, walk through towns, walk through almost daily food, lodging, and “front country” exposure.
We chat the E1-E11 trail systems of Europe, we chat the Camino, we chat standards of US hiking such as the AT or PCT and how there is no “standard” of European hiking.
We then dive into logistics. Crossing borders, language barriers, and the amazing power of Google translate. We discuss SIM cards, governmental management, politeness, and avoiding stepping on “cultural toes.”
We then compare and contrast resupply strategies. How to carry food, when to carry food, and most importantly why you should not carry *alot* of food in Europe. We discuss cemeteries, water sources, and churches. Of course we ask about ramen, and get a wonderful answer.
Next up, camping. We discuss the concept of most “free camping” in Europe being forbidden, but how this is more of a general guideline then iron rule. We chat hunters, dog walkers, and forestry personal. We chat easements, public roads, and trails.
We chat asking for help, knocking on doors, and no trail angels. We chat budget, $1 wine bottles, sugar taxes, and the vast difference from country to country. We chat how there is a place and trail for every budget it is just about picking it. We chat 1 brewery for every 5,000 people, self service wine coolers, and food, food, and more food.
We chat Waymarktrails.org a wealth of information for European hikers and what OSM maps or Open Street Maps are utilized for. We chat the concept of “hiking” is part of day to day life vs an exclusive trip. We chat credit card hiking (hint: not what you think it means) and how running out a trail in Europe is possible… but not the point.
Experience the culture, experience the food, experience a trail and a hike European style!
Thank you Christine for sharing the information with us!
Favorite Quotes:
“If caught more likely to be invited for breakfast than chased away.”
“Don’t think a lot of what goes into the ground water in cemeteries.”
“The louder we speak the more Google will understand it.”
“What makes it so special is the culture, take time to immerse yourself in that.”
To learn about Christine go to: Instagram: @Christine_Thuermer
To learn more about who we are click below:
Website: www.ElevenSkys.com -
Some people call it a rental kitchen, some people call it a professional studio”
Today we sit back down with co-hosts Constantine and Magpie to talk all things North Country Trail.
We began the show with what you all demand, an energy drink review! We chat airing it like a fine wine, spaghetti growing on trees, and baby birding previously chewed Hi-Chew candy.
After a quick gross out portion, we dive deep into the North Country Trail. We find out that only NCT anniversaries count, that with a distance of 4833~ miles and growing you could walk across the country and half way back in the same length, and all friendly things about the state of Ohio.
We break down the NCT by each state, starting with Vermont. Quickly jumping into New York, and then rolling into Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and the beauty of North Dakota.
We chat Ohio dogs and pepper spray, loving enough to avoid pain, and tracking miles. We chat fluctuation of miles, growing trail, and trail chapters. We chat sticking to the official route for the FKT and how exponentially hard it made this hike.
We chat Finger Lakes, fighting winter, and long food carries. We chat weird days, anything and any animal chunky bringing unbridled joy, and horror film hotel lobby’s in Michigan.
We chat the Manistee Forest and the sigh of relief to free camp again. We shout out Munch and SOS and cutting the NCT in half. We chat Mackinaw Bridge logistics, hey dare ho dare doughnuts, and doldrums.
We dive deep into what we called the “Duluth Doldrums” and unpack a story never told before. The feelings behind facing a growing trail already 3,400~ miles in and facing an “impossible” time frame to finish. We chat breaking points mentally and physically and finding energy when there wasn’t any left to give. We chat being at the lowest we have ever been before on any hike.
We chat the Superior Hiking Trail, Boundary Waters, and the Chippewa National Forest freezing rain rollercoaster. We chat all things beautiful in North Dakota, sheriff puppies, meteor showers, and licking a roast beef sandwich.
We chat feelings, emotions, and giving oneself time to think and process what an amazing journey of mental and physical tests that is the North Country Trail.
Favorite Quotes:
“I purchased it with my own money… so yea… I’m sponsored… I just sponsored the company.”
“Ask me what I had for breakfast nothing. Ask me to repaint a Chunky Pug… Picasso!”
“What if and how”
To learn more about who we are click below:
Website: www.ElevenSkys.com -
“We get along a lot better in the canoe if I’m not carrying a fishing pole.”
Welcome Renee and Tim!
Today we sit down to chat with Renee and Tim, also known as ThruHikers…well you guessed it, all things thru-hiking!
We begin the show by taking a proverbial dip into the backstory of being from the Midwest and growing up seeking adventure. We wish it could be a “literal dip” into the Midwest waters, because it seems the more and more folks we talk to, the more and more we hear of athletes, explorers, record setters, intense steppers coming from the Midwest! Has to be something in the water.
We chat their first thru hike on the Pacific Crest Trail in 2018, and then the travel to Germany for work, and the exploration of trails in their new home.
We chat their growth of a hiking app as a hobby to gather better maps and information and the trajectory it currently is on.
We chat their 2021 CDT thru hike and stumbling upon a new outlet on trail, social media. We chat follower count, monetizing, and the constant equation of addition vs subtraction of social media while hiking. We chat the thought that goes into each post, nightly chores, and falling asleep writing blog posts. We chat fuel from toxicity, overall joy, and social media as a connection to community on lesser known trails. We have nothing but kudos to say as Renee and Tim seem to have an incredibly healthy mindset.
We then dive deep into their completion of the Pacific Northwest Circuit. A route they created starting at the terminus of the PNT, walking into the GDT, connector route, and then paddling the Columbia River to the ocean. We chat map saying 2700 miles and ground truthed 2850~ miles all in.
We chat hiking the wrong direction, clinging to a tree, snow being the greatest humble check, and even knowing it’s the right decision and the safe decision the feelings that ensue.
We chat connected steps, border conundrums, harder trails, and time stressors. We chat somebody drawing a line on a map and that line not existing. We chat transitioning to a canoe, miles per day by water, and different habits canoeing vs hiking.
We chat physicality and mentality differences, flowing water, and new levels of proximity in a canoe. We chat snacks, time vs distance, and chores. We chat daylight, resupplies, and enjoying one’s life.
Truly a wonderful chat with Renee and Tim, thank you for sharing some of your story with us!
Favorite Quotes:
“You have to do something with your life, why not do something you are enjoying.”
“What is a fun way to share it?”
“That line sure looked like a trail…”
Follow them:
Instagram, TikTok, YouTube: @thruhikers
Website: ThruHikers.co
To learn more about who we are click below:
Website: www.ElevenSkys.com -
Today we sit down and chat with Constantine and Magpie all things Vancouver Island Trail!
We begin the show by discussing how to deal with travel stress and pre trail jitters and how to properly displace all those feelings into anxiously fretting over travel pillow purchases.
Then we get to the part of the show you all demand, the energy drink review! We begin the show by revealing the true talent that is the ad agency behind Full Throttle Energy! The poem on the can we could never do justice to, and never could hope to read with enough enthusiasm, passion, and love that shows the emotions that surge through with every sip. What we can say though is strap in for a rollercoaster of feelings!
We then chat the taste, comparing it to a vat of acid that the Joker jumped into, and how chemically cleansing the organs is what true health is.
Finally we get into the show, what is the Vancouver Island Trail? We chat, well we mostly chat stories. This trail is still so much in its “infancy” and growth stage, that any information we can impart is probably outdated by now, so instead we tell jokes, stories, and anecdotes of what went wrong. You know how the saying goes… you win some, you lose more.
We chat what “70% completion” means, and tackle the trail by segments. We chat logging industries and land usage. We chat the definition of spine and how it leads to a grumpy Magpie. We chat bushwhacking, climbing waterfalls without ropes, and impassible cliffs.
We chat map mileage vs actual mileage. We chat running out of food and GPX tracks.
DISCLAIMER: You finally get the answer to where the GPX tracks are!
We chat how having too much information can sometimes become a problem. We chat time warps, story times, and not following logic. We chat the types of rain, going through the ocean, and walls of water.
We reference John Mulaney… badly. We chat concentration of bears and cougars. We chat short shorts and the pain of being unbuttoned to the world. We chat trail angels and the love shown for this trail, and wrap up our thoughts with one word for this trail… potential!
Thank you Vancouver Island Trail Association for a wonderful adventure!
Favorite Quotes:
“Best part of the show is its un-listenability”
“Just accepted we were always wrong”
“More a controlled fall than a hike”
To learn more about who we are click below:
Website: www.ElevenSkys.com -
Today we sit down with the one and only Christine Thuermer!
Buckle your proverbial seat belts because this one is a wild ride. Christine is the “most hiked woman in the world” having completed 60,000KM of hiking, 40,000KM of hiking, and 8,000KM of paddling. The question no longer becomes what next, but instead is there anything left you haven’t done?! She answer our unspoken question quite simply when she states “It is not important to end the trail because it’s just all a part of a long journey.”
We begin the show by realizing, when she points it out, she is the first foreigner (excluding Canada) to be on the show! We then begin to unpack a little of her backstory as she shares being a business woman and how the lessons she learned in the career world have transferred over to how she handles adventures. She takes the business oriented mind, but then opens it to freedom and curiosity, and as you will hear when combined how the end result is something truly special.
We dive deep into her “impetus” into thru hiking beginning with a simple conversation with some PCT thru hikers she met while on vacation. We chat the turning point for her to realize time is irreplaceable and how she wanted to live her best life, now. We go deeper into the first chat that opened up this new world for her, and what was so capturing, inspirational, and life changing in a single conversation that could change an entire life.
We begin with her first thru-hike in 2004 on the PCT, her becoming about the 100th person to Triple Crown, and her burning curiosity to continue exploring. We chat chasing the “strong Euro” and how her hikes were practical from her business background to use her currency where it was the strongest but also to see and be free to explore new things.
We chat looking for a challenge. When someone has accomplished so much, what is the continuing source of fuel to living this life? We chat new ways to intellectually challenge oneself, first her becoming a multi-book best selling author in Germany, to doing full presentations, to continuing to look for new ways to challenge her intellectual capacity anyway she sees fit.
We chat thresholds of happiness, tiny apartments in ex-communist buildings, and the most important resource in life. We chat The Greater Patagonia Trail, hiking both East to West and North to South across Europe, and adventuring for a year and a half straight. We chat being “un-athletic”, finding “The Flow”, and paper maps vs reality. We chat Schnapps, snickers bars worth their weight in gold, and more Schnapps.
We chat refusing sponsorships and the reason behind refusing what so many people actively seek. We chat how a terminus just becomes another part of the overall journey. We chat the writing process over the years and becoming people’s “daily Netflix.”
We chat waymarktrails.org and Germany having the same miles as the entire US of walkable tracks. We chat Eastern Europe and the beauty of new areas, the “might as well mentality” and we chat thru-hiking being the first love.
So much to touch on, not nearly enough time, thank you so much Christine for joining us, it was an absolute joy, we only scratched but a fraction of a percent of the stories/life, but hope to have you on again!
Favorite Quotes:
“There is always chances along the trail of my life.”
“I am the most un-athletic person I can think of.”
“Most important resource in my life is time.”
“1 Dinner, 1 Breakfast, 27 M&M’s.”
To learn more about Christine Thuermer check the links below:
Instagram & Facebook: Christine_Thuermer
Website: https://christinethuermer.de
Blog: https://christine-on-big-trip.blogspot.com/?m=
To learn more about who we are click below:
Website: www.ElevenSkys.com - Show more