Taskusõbrannad on podcast, kus räägime avameelselt vaimsest tervisest, suhetest, ilust ning elu rõõmudest ja muredest.
Oma isiklike kogemuste jagamisest kuni nõuannete jagamiseni toome teieni veelgi autentsema versiooni meist.
Magnificence is the boundless expanse of being. A liberation from limitation. It is the embodiment of authenticity, where you shed the shackles of self-doubt, shame, and imposter syndrome.
Here, worthiness flourishes like a vibrant garden where you have the power to determine your actions, destinations, and your closest relationships.
In the realm of Magnificence, creative individuality takes center stage. Your greatness is acknowledged, celebrated, and nurtured.
Gone are the days of mindless conformity or "fitting in" just to "keep the peace".
This show and your host, Patricia Lindner, are here to guide you as you align with your authentic design, leading the way to a life of purpose and fulfillment.
Magnificence is not some unreachable peak or distant dream. It's inside you ... waiting to shine brighter than you ever thought possible.
Welcome to your Magnificence. -
Haaravad jutuajamised inimeseks olemisest ning armastusest. Põnevad külalised ja avastusi pakkuvad vestlused. Saateid juhivad näitleja Veiko Tubin ning Elina Naan.
Nõelame elulisi teemasid
Are you a badass woman trying to figure out how this thing called “adulting” works? Do you also feel like school didn’t properly prepare you for important things like managing your money, how to maintain long-distance friendships, building your professional brand or how to find community in a new city?
On the Femme Hive Podcast, Thamina Stoll, a 2017 college grad, gender equality activist and Sales professional at a global technology company who suffered from post-graduation depression, is having genuine conversations with a diverse group of women to discuss the struggles of adulthood and establishing a new sense of post-college identity. Join Thamina on this journey to empower young women who are - just like herself - still in search of a fulfilling, purpose-driven life. -
The Uncomfortable lands right at the intersection of entertainment and education. In a time where hate and misunderstanding runs rampant, The Uncomfortable Podcast, hosted by creative activist, Dom Roberts, takes a deep dive into the human experience and what it means to be Black in America featuring conversations with guests from every walk of life and industry. Let's get uncomfortable.
Filotsoon on podcast kaasaegsetest mõttevooludest, kus erinevate filosoofiliste teemade üle arutlevad Eesti oma ala teadlased.Uuri lisa:
Misasi see avalik ruum on? Kuidas see meie igapäevaelu mõjutab ja kuidas saame ruumi ise mõjutada? Mis seosed on ruumil meie tervise ja õnnelikkusega? Kas mingeid seoseid on ka demokraatiaga? Uurime ja teeme natuke nalja ka.
Saate läbivateks teemadeks on sisekaemus, Holistiline Küllus, Siseaarete laekad nii nagu ka jagada nippe kuidas luua oma elust tõeliselt põnev seiklus iseenda tingimustel siin ja praegu ja läbi selle muuta maailma?
Kas sinu elus on liiga vähe feminismi (või liiga palju šovinismi)? Leevendust pakub Viisik ehk Kadi Viik ja Aet Kuusik Feministeeriumist. Mõnikord on neil külaline ka.
Hosted by Jennifer Hoffman. Your resource for inspiration, motivation, and enlightenment to set your energy GPS to rich, happy, and successful living.
The surface level of the wellness world is often a high gloss, picture perfect representation of balanced living. Adam and Holly Husler dig under that shiny surface and discover that the balanced-state is often a fleeting moment, with the rest of life being an ever-changing obstacle course of; struggles, opportunities, sweat and hard work.
Though honest conversations, we track our guests' unique paths to success, how they navigate changing tides and the continuous search for their own version of happiness.
@adamhusler and @iamhollyhusler are a London-based couple, leading yoga classes, trainings and sound journeys around the world. -
I’m Sarah Neczwid and this is Hello I Am Human. I’ve always been fascinated by people and how much we share in common. Our quirks, our questions, our fears, laughs, heartaches, and good intentions are more alike than we often realize. We’re all just doing our best, getting it wrong, trying again, and sometimes making something magical.
On each episode of Hello I Am Human, I’m talking with creative people that inspire me with the honesty they bring to their music, their art, their food, or just how they live their lives. We talk about their work and what inspires them. How they are evolving in this season. The labels that they proudly wear and they ones they’ve thrown away. We’ll talk about their little joys and giant failures, and so many other things that make us all human. -
Join Elena and Brooke as they dig into topics surrounding life and love after Spinal Cord Injury from their unique perspectives as caregivers. Follow them as they strive to "Empower Women Supporting Their Partners In Chairs" while educating and promoting awareness surrounding disabilities.
Interviews, discussions and storytelling around sex, relationships, and intimacy: “The Sex-Ed Curriculum You Never Had.”
A podcast for adults who need help building language in how they talk about sex with partners and children, “To Hump A Pillow with Ellen Melon” offers communication tools and new ideas around intimacy, anatomy, and relationships.
Sex is something most of us do it yet find it difficult to talk about. Ellen Melon is enhancing the language and conversation around sex while giving communities the courage to speak up and ask questions. -
Легенда бесполезной информации Евгений Стаховский в новом проекте Объекта 22.
Всё, что Евгений узнал сегодня. Всё, чем он хочет с вами поделиться, чтобы ваши серые будни стали не такими унылыми.
Подкаст "В смысле?!" – это знания, которые вряд ли вам пригодятся. Это и делает их такими увлекательными. -
Привет!Меня зовут Гоша Люсиков и это "трава зеленее", о историях эмиграции. Я хочу переехать и вместе с вами буду учиться на чужих историях. Подкаст устроен так я приглашаю людей и мы обсуждаем их переезд от самого начала идеи до оседлого образа жизни в другой стране.
Im Alumni-Podcast der Universität zu Köln sprechen Absolvent*innen, Forschende und Studierende über ihren individuellen Werdegang. Was machen sie heute? Wie hat die Uni Köln sie auf ihren Werdegang vorbereitet und was geben sie aktuellen Studierenden mit auf den Weg? Persönliche Einblicke, Erinnerungen an Unizeiten und vieles mehr...
KölnAlumni ist das offizielle Netzwerk für alle Absolvent*innen, Studierende & Beschäftigte der Universität zu Köln. Alle Infos und Anmeldung unter
#KölnAlumni #einstarkesnetzwerk #uniköln -
The Cove Podcast aims to explore all aspects of Professional Military Education within the Australian Army. From short tips and soldier's fives to interviews of Army personnel on operations, find out how the men and women of today's Australian Army work towards professional excellence.
Keskustelua uskosta, yhteiskunnallisista- ja arkipäiväisistä asioista kristittyjen nuorten näkökulmasta. Vastaillaan myös kuuntelijoiden kysymyksiin.