
  • 欢迎来到 OpenBuild Talk

    本期播客是 OpenBuild 的出品的 2023 技术播课节 Web3 专题的第3期。这期我们邀请了 Web3 公司里的 CXO 们来聊聊 Web3 招聘的话题,看看开发者在 Web3 世界里有哪些机会以及如何抓住这些机会,如果你想找工作,这期千万别错过,好,让我们正式开始!


    Emily:SmartDeer Strategic Creativity Director

    小白:ola co-founder

    Sinka:Founder of Delphinuslab

    xiongwei:PermaDAO 发起人

    关于 OpenBuild

    OpenBuild 中文社区,OpenBuild 是一个致力于帮助 Web2 开发者更好的进入 Web3 的开源社区,助力开发者成功。


  • 欢迎大家来到 OpenBuild Talk

    本期播客是 OpenBuild 的出品的 2023 技术播课节 Web3 专题的第 2期,这期我们邀请在 Web3 领域已经拥有丰富开发经验的4位开发者们聊聊他们在Web3 学习和开发中踩过的坑和或的经验,以及他们对开发者的建议,好,让我们正式开始,听听他们如何入坑和出坑!


    秋秋:OpenBuild 开发社区



    pseudoyu:Back-end & Smart Contract Developer @RSS3 & Crossbell


    关于 OpenBuild

    OpenBuild 中文社区,OpenBuild 是一个致力于帮助 Web2 开发者更好的进入 Web3 的开源社区,助力开发者成功。



    Song: Wonki - Mango (Vlog No Copyright Music)Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music.Video Link:  • Wonki - Mango (Vlog No Copyright Music)

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  • 欢迎来到 OpenBuild Talk

    本期播客是 OpenBuild 的出品的 2023 技术播课节 Web3 专题的第5期,也是我们这个系列的最后一期,这期我们想换一个角度来聊聊,我们邀请了在 Web2和Web3 企业里的开发者生态从业者、顾问 或知名 DAO 的参与者,来聊聊开发者生态的问题,请他们站在企业/组织的角度来看开发者的成长问题和开发者如何用正确的姿势参与到各种商业机会里。



    Frank:Chainlink 开发者关系工程师


    关于 OpenBuild

    OpenBuild 中文社区,OpenBuild 是一个致力于帮助 Web2 开发者更好的进入 Web3 的开源社区,助力开发者成功。



    Song: NOWË - Sleepless (Vlog No Copyright Music)Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music.Video Link:  • NOWË - Sleepless (Vlog No Copyright M...

  • 欢迎来到 OpenBuild Talk

    本期播客是 OpenBuild 的出品的 2023技术播课节 Web3 专题的第4期,这期邀请了目前一些知名的开发者社区的组织者们讲聊聊社区和他们的故事。我一直认为加入一个好的开发者社区是一个开发者开始获得快速成长的秘籍之一,好,让我们正式开始!



    Bruce Xu:Co-initiator of LXDAO

    0xFrozen ᯤ⁶ᴳ:Rebase开发者社区联合发起人

    孝羽 Shirlene:706Creators 发起人


    关于 OpenBuild

    OpenBuild 中文社区,OpenBuild 是一个致力于帮助 Web2 开发者更好的进入 Web3 的开源社区,助力开发者成功。


  • 欢迎大家来到 OpenBuild Talk本期播客是 OpenBuild 的出品的 2023 技术播课节 Web3 专题的第1期。这期我们来聊进入 Web3 开发你需要了解哪些知识和经验Web2和 Web3 开发有什么不一样? 这期的嘉宾既有成功从 Web2 进入 Web3 的OG们,也有深耕开发者教育的知名开发者。好,让我们正式开始,听听他们的心得!


    Louis:Octopus Network Founder

    jolestar: Rooch Network Founder


    知县:Account Labs Co-founder

    Xuan:OpenBuild 开发社区

    关于 OpenBuild

    OpenBuild 中文社区,OpenBuild 是一个致力于帮助 Web2 开发者更好的进入 Web3 的开源社区,助力开发者成功。


  • 欢迎大家来到 OpenBuild Talk,本期是由 OpenBuild 和 MoveFuns, RustCC 共同发起。

    最近一年来 Rust 成为 Web3 未来的关键编程语言的趋势越来越明显,所以今天我们邀请了 5 位嘉宾来聊聊 Rust 和基于 Rust 开发的编程语言,尝试探索 Rust 的未来趋势,我们相信这些新语言会进一步繁荣 Rust 的生态,给 Rust 开发者带来挑战的同时也会带来新的机遇!



    Mike Tang: Rust 语言中文社区站长,EightFish 开发框架作者

    Runtian Zhou: Move语言核心开发者 @Aptos Labs

    xyymeeth (Tim): Cairo smart contract developer & OpenBuild contributor

    Jolestar: MoveFuns DAO 发起人,Rooch 应用容器架构师

    � 福利

    如果你对播客中提到的 Move 或 Cario 感兴趣,欢迎报名参加 OpenBuild 联合多家社区发起的以下 2 门免费课程:

    Move 星航计划:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/LKerL3voDogIUbMYCJZWMA

    Starknet 开发者训练营:  https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/VKqA3-miXSP5ht6hTbs8gQ


    赠送 Mike Tang 老师的视频,限量 10 份

    赠送《Rust权威指南》书籍,限量10 份


    关于 OpenBuild

    OpenBuild 中文社区,OpenBuild 是一个致力于帮助 Web2 开发者更好的进入 Web3 的开源社区,助力开发者成功。


    Twitter: https://twitter.com/OpenBuildxyz

    Github: https://github.com/openbuildxyz


  • Welcome to OpenBuild Talk, We will take you to follow the latest technology trends in the Web3 field and regularly invite top global projects and developers for discussions.

    In this episode, we have invited technical experts from Starknet, Linea, Scroll, and zkSync to discuss zkRollup technology. Let's explore the today and tomorrow of zkRollup together.


    1. Introduction of Guests and Their Respective Projects.

    2. What is zk-Rollup? How does it differ from zk-EVM? What are the differences between zk-Rollup and OP-Rollup?

    3. Introduce your respective zk-Rollup solutions and the underlying considerations behind their adoption.

    4. As far as I know, each of you has been involved in the design and development of zk-Rollup for several years. What are the main challenges encountered during the implementation of zk-Rollup? Have there been any trade-offs made?

    5. Once zk-Rollup is widely adopted, how do you think it will impact the Ethereum ecosystem or the industry as a whole? (e.g., security, privacy, TPS, GAS, etc.)

    6. Are there any teams capable of auditing zkVM or zkEVM's circuit code, and how can security be ensured? Additionally, if issues arise with the circuit code after launch, what solutions are available?

    7. The entire community is eagerly anticipating significant breakthroughs with zk-Rollup. Could you please share your current progress and future plans?


    ⁠@DeclanFox14⁠ from ⁠@LineaBuild⁠

    ⁠@VolokhIlia⁠ from ⁠@Starknet⁠

    ⁠@pseudotheos⁠ from ⁠@Scroll_ZKP⁠

    ⁠@ramonIsTweeting⁠ from ⁠@zksync⁠


    ⁠@qc_qizhou⁠ from ⁠@EthStorage⁠

    About OpenBuild

    OpenBuild is an open-source Web3 developer community. We will be committed to providing high-quality content and activities for a wide range of Web3 developers. We aim to bridge Web2 and Web3, helping developers transition to the decentralized web, enhance their skills, and display their expertise.

    Our mission is to provide essential tools and resources, foster trust with an on-chain reputation system, and create business opportunities.

    Website: ⁠https://openbuild.xyz⁠

    Twitter: @OpenBuildxyz