Francis Churchill, distant relative of the British PM, talks about growing up in Presque Isle and wife Ginny of 60 years remembers how they met. You may contact Francis at 207-764-6414.
Contact me at [email protected] for any comments about these podcasts. Please share any of these podcasts. Thanks for listening.
Presque Isle Evangelist Carl Robbins, talks about his ministry, how he got started in the ministry and his life in Presque Isle.
You can contact him at [email protected] or call 207-436-9546 about his Heavenly Fudge or his ministry's Feed my Sheep service feeding people in need on December 7, 2019.
Missing episodes?
Interview with John DiMarino, fine artist from Cape Ann, Massachusetts on his art, the great masters, art advice for young people and their parents, and much more.
Comments to [email protected]
Steve Plummer, the body builder, talks about his background, job, health, personal training, and future.
Contact Steve at 207-768-0378 or email [email protected]
Email any comments, suggestions to me at [email protected]
Listen to three brilliant iGEM 2nd year university students in Beijing talk about their synthetic biology project competition to be held in Boston, Massachusetts in November 2018. Their project combines art and science and is inspired by Oscar Wilde's short story "The Nightingale and the Rose". Their project is called Rose Forest.
The International Genetically Engineered Machine competition is a worldwide synthetic biology competition that was initially aimed at undergraduate university students in 2003, but has since expanded to include divisions for high school students, entrepreneurs, and community laboratories, as well as ‘overgraduates’. In 2017, there were 300 teams from over 42 countries.
Click here: Team 2018 website
Oscar WildeThe Nightingale and the Rose
Ghosting, Freckling, Friend-zoning, Benching, Cuffing, R-bombing
check out this website:https://www.lifehacker.com.au/2017/09/23-modern-dating-phrases-you-need-to-add-to-your-vocabulary
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By popular demand. The famous Boston accent and special vocabulary returns:
'Everybody says words different,' said Ivy. 'Arkansas folks says 'em different, and Oklahomy folks says 'em different. And we seen a lady from Massachusetts, an' she said 'em different of all. Couldn't hardly make out what she was sayin'!' "-- John Steinbeck, The Grapes of Wrath, 1939.
Boston Accent: Park the Car at Harvard Yard, Allergy, Answer, Antenna, Bar, Barber, Better, Gloucester, Cellar
Boston Vocabulary: Signal, Drinking fountain, Remote control, Wicked, Trash can, Soda, Frappe, Milkshake, Fresh, Tubby, Piggies, Hun, Jimmies, Rotary, Pisser
Brainwashing, China, Chopsticks, Chop suey, Dim Sum, Ginseng, Ketchup, Tea
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4 dictionaries choose 4 "Word of the Year" words for 2017 .
Feminism (Merriam-Webster), Complicit (Dictionary.Com), Fake News (Collins), Youthquake (Oxford).
Listen here why these words were chosen.
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Once in a blue moon, Where there's smoke, there's fire, The fish rots from the head down, Hard as nails, Diamonds are forever.
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Interesting conversation with 8 cool Chinese university students in Beijing who share their life, loves, studies and maybe a secret or two! You can listen now or download for later. You can also listen on:
Stitcher Internet Radio
Listen here or subscribe on Itunes https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/origin-of-words-podcast/id366796940?mt=2
61/2 years of podcasts and nearly 1000 words, idioms and slang Get the App, Click LIKE if on Facebook or leave a comment. Thanks for listening!
Trumpian, Trumponomics, Trumpertantrum, Trumpkin, Trumpflation, Trumpist, Trumpette, Trumpista
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This is a repeat of popular podcast # 91 from August 10, 2014.
As Happy as a Clam; Beating a Dead Horse; Close, But No Cigar; Hissy Fit; My Bad
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Enjoy! Lewis
After 5 years of trying to interview him, Bob finally sits down in our Beijing studio to reveal the truth of life, poetry, happiness and much more. If you wanna be in the know, you gotta listen to Bob.
Over 7 years of podcasts, thousand words, phrases, slang and idioms.
Subscribe, download or listen online.
Billution, a portmanteau of two words: bicycle+pollution
for more portmanteaus see podcast #51
Kevin Frayer | Getty ImagesA worker from the bike share company Ofo puts a damaged bike on a pile at a makeshift repair depot for the company where thousands of derelict bikes are being kept after coming off the road on March 29, 2017 in Beijing, China.
Words with "TEXT": Textpectation, Textonics, Textomortis, Textologist, Textology, Text Off.
More words with "text": Urban dictionary
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Bacteria, Virus, Toxin (toxic), Antibiotic, Germ
click here:
Bacteria jokes
Words related to virus
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Bruncheon, Osculation, POST-TRUTH, (Word of the Year)
and 4 new chemical elements to the periodic table:
Nihonium and symbol Nh, for the element 113,Moscovium and symbol Mc, for the element 115,Tessesine and symbol Ts, for the element 117, Oganesson and symbol Og, for the element 118
Listen to discover the origin of these chemical names.
Dogs are Barking, Zumba, Body Tog, Exergaming, Fit as a Fiddle
You may listen here or download.
Portmanteau podcast (#51) http://lewissandler.podbean.com/2011/08/
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