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If you are passionate about all things humanitarian and you are looking for new answers, you will enjoy listening to Trumanitarian's smart, honest conversations
Lunch Hour Lectures - Autumn 2011 - Audio
Sr+ is a positively reinforcing podcast for Behavior Analysts (BCBA), autism professionals, and leaders of human service organizations. Sr+ is brought to you by Arizona Autism United (www.AZAunited.org), a nonprofit organization with a mission to help as many families as possible with individualized supports. Sr+ features interviews with colleagues and professionals in various fields, including Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). The show is hosted by Dr. Aaron Blocher-Rubin, BCBA and CEO of AZA United.
To contact the host, send a message through LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/aaron-blocher-rubin-2a054526/ -
In organizations around the world, leaders are facing a deluge of urgent issues: a crisis in employee engagement, the need to make workforces more diverse, and the challenge of making workplaces feel human in an era of increasing dependence on technology and remote communication.At the NeuroLeadership Institute, we believe brain science can help provide solutions. Join us on Your Brain At Work, the official podcast of the NeuroLeadership Institute — where top researchers and thought leaders share breakthroughs in brain science and industry leaders reveal the strategies behind their success.By helping them understand how the brain works, we equip leaders with the tools to transform their organizations — building new habits and changing how people work, communicate, and make decisions. Combining research and practice, brain science and business leadership, Your Brain at Work explores how insights from the lab can provide solutions that work across industries and at any scale.Season 1 guests include broadcast journalist Soledad O’Brien; Dean Carter, Director of Human Resources, Finance, Legal, Shared Services at Patagonia; Deb Bubb, Vice President of Learning and Inclusion at IBM; and FD Wilder, Senior Vice President of Go-To-Market Strategy and Innovation at Procter & Gamble.Your Brain At Work. Helping make organizations more human.
GreenPod er en podkast for deg som er interessert i fornybar energi og gode investeringsmuligheter.
Greenstat er energiselskapet med fokus på «Making Green Happen». I Greenpod snakker vi med gründere, eksperter, politikere og andre som har god peiling på energi og grønn omstilling.
Verden trenger stadig mer energi. Skal verden unngå en enda mer omfattende klimakrise enn den vi allerede står i, må utslipp av klimagasser ned. En del av dette må skje gjennom redusert energibruk, fossil energi må fases raskt ut, og alt som kan elektrifiseres må elektrifiseres. Hydrogen er løsningen for mye av det som ikke kan elektrifiseres direkte. Dette forutsetter en rask utbygging av fornybar energi. Markedet for grønne løsninger vokser derfor raskt og nye aktører med store ressurser melder seg på.
Vi i Greenstat er opptatt av at fornybare energikilder ikke skader naturen. Derfor satser vi i Greenstat på grønt hydrogen, solenergi og industrivind som kan bygges på gamle fabrikkområder, istedenfor urørt natur. De fleste utfordringene ligger på oss selv – dermed er de også mulig å løse. Vi i Greenstat ønsker å løse utfordringene med å være Grønnere, Raskere og Bedre! -
... capturing the essence and authenticity from awesome conversations that ZR hosts Martin Brown and Anna Williamson have with our ZR guests, enabling in-depth behind-the-presentation exploration of topics covered within the ZR sessions.
fairsnape.substack.com -
This regular podcast is powered by Fathom.World and hosted by Craig Eason - a former sailor, broadcast journalist and now maritime journalist, editor and event host.
Aronnax delves into the transformation of the ocean and maritime industries as they face some of their greatest sustainability challenges to date. It focuses on technology, the environment and the digital enablers that help drive our quest for sustainable and equitable ocean use.
Find out more on this fascinating topic by visiting the site, signing up to our weekly newsletter and following us on Twitter and LinkedIn.
Support this show http://supporter.acast.com/aronnax.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Join Andres Sanchez, a CSU Bakersfield professor, as he interviews a series of sociologists and what they are up to today.
I denne podcasten diskuterer vi dagsaktuelle samfunnsøkonomiske problemstillinger. Gjester er Oslo Economics medarbeidere og våre samarbeidspartnere. Podcasten passer for alle som er interessert i samfunnsøkonomi generelt eller spesifikke tema vi diskuterer.
Exclusive interviews with mining industry experts and insiders hosted by Janet Sheriff.
About the Host:
Armed with a great degree from a top university, Janet had a crazy idea to pass up on a traditional career and instead headed to the cold and at times dangerous North of Yukon/Alaska to pay off her student loan. Once there she worked extensively with rural First Nation communities bringing her into the predominantly male world of mining along with an introduction to its diverse individuals and a world where only the strongest survive. After years of living and working in the North, Janet is now seeking gold in Canada’s Newfoundland while also working in the USA to create environmentally friendly gold extraction technology. She and her husband Bill, a leading figure in the uranium industry, live in the USA while pursuing business interests across North America. -
The Brain for Business podcast takes the lessons from evidence-based academic research in the brain, behavioural and organisational sciences - neuroscience, psychology, behavioural economics and more - and brings them to life for a business and organisational audience. Over the series we will speak to a range of neuroscientists, psychologists, behavioural economists, researchers and organisational practitioners, and look at some of the key aspects of human behaviour relevant to business and management practice. In so doing, we will seek to understand not just the what but also the how and the why – and how it can be done differently Our overall goal? To build a bridge from research into the brain and behavioural sciences to practical, everyday insights and to help leaders at all levels within organisations enhance their effectiveness.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
This Girl KAM is a space and community for women in pharma. As you drive to see your customers or battle the traffic on the way into Head office, having completed the school run or any other life admin, we're here for a virtual cup of tea and a chat! Each week Liv Nixon, a mum of 4 with 20 years under her belt in the pharmaceutical industry, will interview a different woman in pharma. The path we each choose for our pharma career is entirely unique, but there are plenty of learnings and insights to share in this complex industry where the only thing you can ever be sure of is that another change is imminent! Join us for musings, giggles, personal stories, some brutal honesty coupled with practical advice and tips that you can use as you navigate your own career path in pharma.
«Nytt og nyttig» er en podkast der du får høre om spennende prosjekter og temaer innen forskning og innovasjon i Vestre Viken helseforetak.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Jeg, Karsten, diskuterer fenomener og tema jeg er interessert i med gjester.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Fra lærerstudenter til kjendiser med livserfaring, tar vi opp alt fra det viktige til det helt uviktige i læreryrket. Bli med på latter, sladder, og kaffeslurping – lærerlivet i skole og barnehage har aldri vært morsommere, mer kaotisk og ikke minst- viktigere!
Denne podcasten er produsert av Splay One.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
«Lagspillet» er en podcast om dynamikken mellom mennesker i lag. Om hvordan vi påvirker, samarbeider, eller motarbeider hverandre. Hva skjer egentlig i spenningsforholdet mellom enkeltindividet, og fellesskapet rundt? Tidligere fotballspiller Erik Thorstvedt og doktorgradsstipendiat Nora Thorsteinsen Toft skal sammen utforske alle de interessante, morsomme, skremmende og nyttige krokene av lagarbeid. Med spennende gjester og en miks av anekdoter og teori, er «Lagspillet» en podcast for deg som både vil lære og bli underholdt.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Per Valebrokk og Petter Stordalen snakker hver uke om saker i nyhetsbildet med spennende gjester fra norsk næringsliv.
Kristopher Schau forsøker å bli hakket mindre dum, ved å snakke litt for lenge om utvalgte tema. Den siste mandagen i måneden, på Union Scene i Drammen.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Lise viser hvordan livet blir bedre med kontroll på økonomien, og inviterer gjester som kan gjøre oss enda bedre med egne penger. For annonsering: [email protected]. For booking av Lise som foredragsholder: [email protected]. For mer pengesnakk besøk pengesnakk.no og følg @pengesnakk på instagram.
Økonomitips til trange tider. Dine Pengers Andreas Fredriksen og Hallgeir Kvadsheim gir deg drøssevis av konkrete tips slik at du kan ta smarte valg med dine penger - enten du vil spare, investere eller noe helt annet.
Hør oss gratis hver torsdag i iTunes og Spotify og alle podkast-apper. Du kan også høre spørsmål-svar-episoder, eksklusive for abonnenter av PodMe i PodMe-appen, eller Dine Penger-abonnenter på vg.no/podkast/vgtv/program/100412
Ansvarlig redaktør Gard Steiro.
Hallgeir Kvadsheim er tilknyttet Max Social, som er et heleid profilbyrå i VGTV AS. VGs redaksjonelle vurderinger gjøres uavhengig av dette. Redaksjonen står fritt. Oversikt over bindinger for profiler som gjør oppdrag for VG ligger her: https://www.vg.no/informasjon/redaksjonelle-bindinger