Hello. Sorry about the slowness with the uploads- I was learning Irish in Waterford #Flashbackstothewar
It was a great experience agus is maith liom sneachta!! This podcast is with the man-made powerhouse of Sligo John Colleary or as his friends call him - Mr.Call Early as he likes to rise early from bed. But anyway, how are you?
Alex Ferguson is the hardest man alive, I also talk about other random stuff too.
Sorry I was away last week but I'm back again now and not going anywhere for a long while. Some great guests coming on soon too.
Thanks for listening. Hope all is well.
Manglende episoder?
He's a filthy man but I respect him immensely. Hope you're keeping good?
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What's your Purpose?
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Here do you think Soulmates are real?
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My trip to Germany, Headlines, Your Questions Answered.
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Topics include The Appalachian mountains, Boybands and Big Mick popped in for a brief chat Hope you're well. G'luck.
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Brief chat about the Olympics. And some meditation guru chat.
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We talking about P.Diddy and eating Quiche.
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This episode, I've got my cousin Adam in with me to talk shop. He's doing a FAS course and we're delighted to have him on board.
Please check out my Patreon https://www.patreon.com/owencolgan
A rant on Peter Dinklage, Biscuits, Minimalism. Thanks for listening. How are you?
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Dutch perversion, bowl haircuts and SUVs.
Please check out my Patreon https://www.patreon.com/owencolgan
Ravanelli is confident, Are dogs better than cats and Polish tea drinkers- just how much tea do the Polish drink.
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Were the 90's the best? Maybe they weren't as good as I remember and I'm looking back with rose tinted glasses. Or maybe I'm right? Who will ever know. How are you?
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