
  • Last week, I attended a coaching event with my mastermind group and it became clear to me why many parents struggle with raising sensitive kids.


    One business owner (also a mom) at the event was questioning if she belonged there because she was too focused on comparing her accomplishments to everyone else's online success. 


    But I could see that she was very close to reaching her own goals.


    I understand. 


    As parents, we are constantly measuring ourselves against an unrealistic or unknown standard, whether it's another mom who seems to have everything figured out or just an unattainable ideal of perfection.


    Listen to learn more.

    If your child is demonstrating the meltdown cycle, watch our free training here:https://learn.megghanthompsoncoaching.com/webinarregistration

    If your teen is struggling to engage with your family, shutting down and struggling with a perfectionism spiral, watch our free training here:https://www.megghanthompsoncoaching.com/tfbg/5-steps-registration-teen

    If you're ready to book a call with our team, use this link: https://www.megghanthompsoncoaching.com/pod/book-your-call-now

    For families with high school aged teens, use this link: https://www.megghanthompsoncoaching.com/tp/teentalk


  • Your sensitive child freezes in frustration, don't they?


    Schoolwork, chores, friendships - the second things get tough, they quit.


    As their parent, witnessing their lack of resilience breaks your heart.


    You know deep down that if they could move through discomfort, amazing things would happen.


    Yet every time you try coaching them, every time you encourage perseverance...


    You get met with tears, tantrums, and complete shutdown from your discouraged child.


    Your frustration boils over in those heated moments despite your best intentions.


    You revert to criticizing, yelling, or simply giving up yourself out of sheer exasperation.


    After all, you feel like you can't be calm and lead with compassion when they won’t listen.


    Listen to learn more.

    If your child is demonstrating the meltdown cycle, watch our free training here: https://www.megghanthompsoncoaching.com/5-shifts-registration

    If your teen is struggling to engage with your family, shutting down and struggling with a perfectionism spiral, watch our free training here: https://www.megghanthompsoncoaching.com/tp/5-steps-registration

    If you're ready to book a call with our team, use this link: https://www.megghanthompsoncoaching.com/pod/book-your-call-now

    For families with high school aged teens, use this link: https://www.megghanthompsoncoaching.com/tp/teentalk

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  • Ever felt overwhelmed trying to control your emotions?


    I know the feeling.


    I've found a solution that made a huge difference: transformational mindset shifting.


    It's not just about reducing surface feelings of anxiety and stress.


    It helps manage emotional regulation and build resilience over time.


    This leads to unshakable confidence in high-pressure situations.


    Listen to learn more.

    If your child is demonstrating the meltdown cycle, watch our free training here: https://www.megghanthompsoncoaching.com/5-shifts-registration

    If your teen is struggling to engage with your family, shutting down and struggling with a perfectionism spiral, watch our free training here: https://www.megghanthompsoncoaching.com/tp/5-steps-registration

    If you're ready to book a call with our team, use this link: https://www.megghanthompsoncoaching.com/pod/book-your-call-now

    For families with high school aged teens, use this link: https://www.megghanthompsoncoaching.com/tp/teentalk

  • Wondering how to improve emotional intelligence and resilience without getting overwhelmed?


    Well, last week I found myself caught in a whirlwind of turbulence. 


    A personal crisis loomed on one hand and an impending deadline on the other. 


    And guess what? 


    I didn't crumble under the pressure. Instead, I used the process that I’ll be sharing with you at the Be The Example Summit.


    In just one day at this summit, I will show you how to nurture resilience in your life and handle stress with ease, just like I did.


    Yes, all in just one day! You may wonder how this is possible but trust me, it is.


    Take the leap and give me the chance to demonstrate. 


    Let me share the tools that helped me navigate through stormy waters without losing my calm or composure.


    My goal is to transform you into a beacon of resilience who'll be able to manage their mindset effectively, skills that will benefit you throughout your life.


    Naturally, it requires commitment. Nothing this wonderful comes without effort. But having trained 150 individuals already, we know PRECISELY what it takes to build emotional intelligence and we are thrilled to teach you.


    Hop over to resilienceempowermentinstitute.com/program.


    I truly hope you'll join us because I'm CERTAIN that developing these skills will change lives.


    Until then,


    See you soon,



    So click the link below to enter your info and register for next Wednesday’s LIVE event.

  • If it feels like your HSC is down in the dumps more than the average kid,


    You’ll want to hear this.


    You are not alone.


    Our client Savannah knows exactly how that feels, and that feeling was HARD to work through.


    Savannah’s story is common for parents who are stuck in the meltdown cycle.


    She wanted to be a mom for such a long time,


    And the fact that her child seemed melancholy SO often was disheartening.


    She describes her HSC as feeling upset and on edge constantly,

    Crying often,

    And even stated that there was a lack of connection.


    She felt like no matter how much her and Alan tried, 

    They could not meet their HSC’s needs.


    She also felt like she could not help her child in the midst of a meltdown.


    And that was really discouraging.


    In Savannah’s words, “I felt helpless. I was failing myself and my daughter.”


    So how did this family break out of the meltdown cycle with MTC’s help?


    Tune in to hear Savannah’s story.


    If your child is demonstrating the meltdown cycle, watch our free training here: https://www.megghanthompsoncoaching.com/5-shifts-registration

    If your teen is struggling to engage with your family, shutting down and struggling with a perfectionism spiral, watch our free training here: https://www.megghanthompsoncoaching.com/tp/5-steps-registration

    If you're ready to book a call with our team, use this link: https://www.megghanthompsoncoaching.com/pod/book-your-call-now

    For families with high school aged teens, use this link: https://www.megghanthompsoncoaching.com/tp/teentalk

  • You try so hard to be a great parent, don't you?


    You read all the books, listen to the podcasts, join Facebook groups...


    You soak up every tip and trick to help your sensitive child stop melting down.


    And sometimes those strategies work - for a little while at least.


    For a week or two, your child is calmer and more in control of their big emotions.


    You breathe that sigh of relief, thinking you've finally cracked the code.


    But then, almost as quickly as the progress came, it's gone again.


    The meltdowns return, and you're back at square one, feeling defeated.


    Why does this keep happening? Why can't you find something that actually sticks?

    Listen to learn more.

    If your child is demonstrating the meltdown cycle, watch our free training here: https://www.megghanthompsoncoaching.com/5-shifts-registration

    If your teen is struggling to engage with your family, shutting down and struggling with a perfectionism spiral, watch our free training here: https://www.megghanthompsoncoaching.com/tp/5-steps-registration

    If you're ready to book a call with our team, use this link: https://www.megghanthompsoncoaching.com/pod/book-your-call-now

    For families with high school aged teens, use this link: https://www.megghanthompsoncoaching.com/tp/teentalk


  • You walk on eggshells, don't you?

    Holding your breath until your sensitive child gets home from school...

    Bracing for the emotional tsunami that'll come crashing through the door at 3pm.

    You ask an innocent question like, "What snack would you like?"

    And just like that, the dam breaks.

    Listen to learn more.

    If your child is demonstrating the meltdown cycle, watch our free training here: https://www.megghanthompsoncoaching.com/5-shifts-registration

    If your teen is struggling to engage with your family, shutting down and struggling with a perfectionism spiral, watch our free training here: https://www.megghanthompsoncoaching.com/tp/5-steps-registration

    If you're ready to book a call with our team, use this link: https://www.megghanthompsoncoaching.com/pod/book-your-call-now

    For families with high school aged teens, use this link: https://www.megghanthompsoncoaching.com/tp/teentalk

  • Today on our podcast we discuss the lessons our kids learn about body image.


    Screen time requires consistent conversations with our sensitive kids.


    I share my experience on today’s show.


    Watch here.


    If your child is demonstrating the meltdown cycle, watch our free training here: https://www.megghanthompsoncoaching.com/5-shifts-registration

    If your teen is struggling to engage with your family, shutting down and struggling with a perfectionism spiral, watch our free training here: https://www.megghanthompsoncoaching.com/tp/5-steps-registration

    If you're ready to book a call with our team, use this link: https://www.megghanthompsoncoaching.com/pod/book-your-call-now

    For families with high school aged teens, use this link: https://www.megghanthompsoncoaching.com/tp/teentalk

  • 1.4 million children in the US have an anxiety disorder today. 


    Young adults are adding 'anxious' to their identity to overcompensate for lack of emotion regulation skills in childhood. 


    Listen in on my Instagram LIVE to discuss how we can support our sensitive kids in learning emotional intelligence skills without carrying their anxiety around like a pet by the time they hit their 20's.


    If your child is demonstrating the meltdown cycle, watch our free training here: https://www.megghanthompsoncoaching.com/5-shifts-registration

    If your teen is struggling to engage with your family, shutting down and struggling with a perfectionism spiral, watch our free training here: https://www.megghanthompsoncoaching.com/tp/5-steps-registration

    If you're ready to book a call with our team, use this link: https://www.megghanthompsoncoaching.com/pod/book-your-call-now

    For families with high school aged teens, use this link: https://www.megghanthompsoncoaching.com/tp/teentalk

  • I was recently interviewed by Miriam Fernández, Co-founder & Co-director

    Nirakara Mindfulness Institute, located in Spain. 

    I had a lot of fun exploring The Science of Highly Sensitive Children ("La ciencia de los niños altamente sensibles").

    We shed light on the history behind the study of sensitivity and provide valuable insights on how to support and nurture these extraordinary children.

    Please note that while the interview is spoken in English, the video has been transcribed in Spanish, ensuring that language will not be a barrier to accessing this valuable information.

    I encourage you to listen!

    "La ciencia de los niños altamente sensibles"

    Thank you for being a part of our community!


    If your child is demonstrating the meltdown cycle, watch our free training here: https://www.megghanthompsoncoaching.com/5-shifts-registration

    If your teen is struggling to engage with your family, shutting down and struggling with a perfectionism spiral, watch our free training here: https://www.megghanthompsoncoaching.com/tp/5-steps-registration

    If you're ready to book a call with our team, use this link: https://www.megghanthompsoncoaching.com/pod/book-your-call-now

    For families with high school aged teens, use this link: https://www.megghanthompsoncoaching.com/tp/teentalk

  • Let's be honest for a moment, shall we?As a parent, you dream of your child’s success, their happiness, and a future filled with endless possibilities.Yet, if your kid is struggling with test anxiety, I bet you wonder how long it will take to get your kid to stop putting so much pressure on themselves.The knot in your stomach as you watch your child crumble under the weight of their worries, Their confidence shattered, Their potential obscured by the dark clouds of doubt doesn’t help, does it?

    Listen to learn more.

    If your child is demonstrating the meltdown cycle, watch our free training here: https://www.megghanthompsoncoaching.com/5-shifts-registration

    If your teen is struggling to engage with your family, shutting down and struggling with a perfectionism spiral, watch our free training here: https://www.megghanthompsoncoaching.com/tp/5-steps-registration

    If you're ready to book a call with our team, use this link: https://www.megghanthompsoncoaching.com/pod/book-your-call-now

    For families with high school aged teens, use this link: https://www.megghanthompsoncoaching.com/tp/teentalk


  • Have you ever stopped to consider why time-outs might be ineffective?


    I get that your kid’s pediatrician, therapist or school counselor probably recommended this tactic, or maybe you remember it “working” for you as a kid… 


    But let’s face it– time-outs just don’t work for your sensitive kid. 




    Because it is an outdated practice that is simply not based in brain science AT ALL.


    With all the noise out there on parenting, I totally get that you may have felt like you can rely on a basic old school tactic that wasn’t as harmful as spanking.. 


    And, time-outs expect a level of self-control that isn’t effective.


    Listen to learn more.

    If your child is demonstrating the meltdown cycle, watch our free training here: https://www.megghanthompsoncoaching.com/5-shifts-registration

    If your teen is struggling to engage with your family, shutting down and struggling with a perfectionism spiral, watch our free training here: https://www.megghanthompsoncoaching.com/tp/5-steps-registration

    If you're ready to book a call with our team, use this link: https://www.megghanthompsoncoaching.com/pod/book-your-call-now

    For families with high school aged teens, use this link: https://www.megghanthompsoncoaching.com/tp/teentalk

  • Picture yourself in a busy classroom surrounded by 24 other children. 


    The teacher just finished an engaging Science lesson, but you found yourself missing out on half of it due to the constant distraction of your neighbor's hushed whispers.


    This scenario represents just a glimpse into the daily experiences of highly sensitive children in the school environment.


    Listen to learn more.

    If your child is demonstrating the meltdown cycle, watch our free training here: https://www.megghanthompsoncoaching.com/5-shifts-registration

    If your teen is struggling to engage with your family, shutting down and struggling with a perfectionism spiral, watch our free training here: https://www.megghanthompsoncoaching.com/tp/5-steps-registration

    If you're ready to book a call with our team, use this link: https://www.megghanthompsoncoaching.com/pod/book-your-call-now

    For families with high school aged teens, use this

  • If your kid is regularly pouting or freaking out during sports, and you find yourself wondering if it’s worth it, tune in.Do you feel like you're walking on eggshells, never knowing what will trigger the next emotional outburst, embarrassed that this is now happening in public?You're not alone. Many parents of highly sensitive children struggle with the same challenges.


    Listen to learn more.

    If your child is demonstrating the meltdown cycle, watch our free training here: https://www.megghanthompsoncoaching.com/5-shifts-registration

    If your teen is struggling to engage with your family, shutting down and struggling with a perfectionism spiral, watch our free training here: https://www.megghanthompsoncoaching.com/tp/5-steps-registration

    If you're ready to book a call with our team, use this link: https://www.megghanthompsoncoaching.com/pod/book-your-call-now

    For families with high school aged teens, use this

  • You love your sensitive child with all your heart. 


    But the daily tidal wave of tears, tantrums, and meltdowns leaves you feeling drained and defeated. 


    No matter how patiently you respond, your child shuts down at the smallest frustration. 


    You want to help them thrive, but don't know where to start.


    This is not for lack of trying that you’re locked in a daily battle of wills with a child who seems wired to overreact. 


    The judgmental glares, the well-meaning but useless advice from others, the isolation you feel - it cuts deep.


    Listen to learn more.

    If your child is demonstrating the meltdown cycle, watch our free training here: https://www.megghanthompsoncoaching.com/5-shifts-registration

    If your teen is struggling to engage with your family, shutting down and struggling with a perfectionism spiral, watch our free training here: https://www.megghanthompsoncoaching.com/tp/5-steps-registration

    If you're ready to book a call with our team, use this link: https://www.megghanthompsoncoaching.com/pod/book-your-call-now

    For families with high school aged teens, use this

  • You're a problem solver and a high achiever, always striving to give your child the best.But despite your efforts, your sensitive child struggles with daily refusals, shut downs, and meltdowns.It's a cycle that leaves you feeling helpless and frustrated, wondering if you'll ever find a solution.You've considered therapy, thinking it might be the answer you've been searching for.And while seeking help is a brave step, not all solutions are equipped to handle the unique needs of your sensitive child.


    Listen to learn more.

    If your child is demonstrating the meltdown cycle, watch our free training here: https://www.megghanthompsoncoaching.com/5-shifts-registration

    If your teen is struggling to engage with your family, shutting down and struggling with a perfectionism spiral, watch our free training here: https://www.megghanthompsoncoaching.com/tp/5-steps-registration

    If you're ready to book a call with our team, use this link: https://www.megghanthompsoncoaching.com/pod/book-your-call-now

    For families with high school aged teens, use this link: https://www.megghanthompsoncoaching.com/tp/teentalk

  • Wondering what’s normal for sensitive kids?


    When your child faces frequent outbursts and emotional turmoil, they are grappling with overwhelming emotions beyond their control. 


    They feel disoriented, confused, and burdened by these INTENSE FEELINGS. 


    And when they lack effective strategies to process and express their emotions, they explode.


    And guess what? 


    This is not a phase they will outgrow.

    Listen to learn more.

    If your child is demonstrating the meltdown cycle, watch our free training here: https://www.megghanthompsoncoaching.com/5-shifts-registration

    If your teen is struggling to engage with your family, shutting down and struggling with a perfectionism spiral, watch our free training here: https://www.megghanthompsoncoaching.com/tp/5-steps-registration

    If you're ready to book a call with our team, use this link: https://www.megghanthompsoncoaching.com/pod/book-your-call-now

    For families with high school aged teens, use this link: https://www.megghanthompsoncoaching.com/tp/teentalk


  • Ever wonder whether this temperament trait can be proven in research?


    I get it, you want an answer about why your child is struggling significantly, WITHOUT labeling them unduly… 


    AND make sure you’re covering all of your bases and not missing a serious biological cause for your child’s distress.


    In your research you may have come across the traditional belief or advice that treats your child’s intense meltdowns as diagnosable anxiety, or a developmental delay, or some other pop psychology fad trend. 


    And yet, you know you (and your spouse/co-parent) arent’ on the same page, you’re reactive when you're not at your best and yelling or throwing your hands up, walking on eggshells…

    and you know this is part of the problem.


    Today’s message is short, because I am imploring you to save the time to watch this week’s podcast.


    Listen to learn more.

    If your child is demonstrating the meltdown cycle, watch our free training here: https://www.megghanthompsoncoaching.com/5-shifts-registration

    If your teen is struggling to engage with your family, shutting down and struggling with a perfectionism spiral, watch our free training here: https://www.megghanthompsoncoaching.com/tp/5-steps-registration

    If you're ready to book a call with our team, use this link: https://www.megghanthompsoncoaching.com/pod/book-your-call-now

    For families with high school aged teens, use this link: https://www.megghanthompsoncoaching.com/tp/teentalk


  • As an expert in parenting sensitive children stuck in the meltdown cycle, I know your daily struggles are overwhelming. 


    You want the best for your kids, yet traditional disciplining often backfires, worsening behaviors and hardening family dynamics… so you’ve obviously done away with that…


    …until you hit your limit. 


    Please don't lose hope - there is a better way.


    Listen to learn more.

    If your child is demonstrating the meltdown cycle, watch our free training here: https://www.megghanthompsoncoaching.com/5-shifts-registration

    If your teen is struggling to engage with your family, shutting down and struggling with a perfectionism spiral, watch our free training here: https://www.megghanthompsoncoaching.com/tp/5-steps-registration

    If you're ready to book a call with our team, use this link: https://www.megghanthompsoncoaching.com/pod/book-your-call-now

    For families with high school aged teens, use this link: https://www.megghanthompsoncoaching.com/tp/teentalk

  • Are your sensitive child's school days filled with distress and challenges?


    Considering homeschooling as the only way to solve this problem?


    You undoubtedly want your child’s education to cultivate potential, not erode self-esteem, yet…


    Seeing them drowning in overwhelm at home understandably sparks your protective instincts to advocate for drastic change.


    This creates a sense of overwhelm for yourself, and yet you and I both know that’s not who you truly are.


    You are your child’s advocate.


    So, before you pull your kiddo out of school…focus on building that identity, and educate yourself on what it’s like to homeschool.


    Listen to learn more.

    If your child is demonstrating the meltdown cycle, watch our free training here: https://www.megghanthompsoncoaching.com/5-shifts-registration

    If your teen is struggling to engage with your family, shutting down and struggling with a perfectionism spiral, watch our free training here: https://www.megghanthompsoncoaching.com/tp/5-steps-registration

    If you're ready to book a call with our team, use this link: https://www.megghanthompsoncoaching.com/pod/book-your-call-now

    For families with high school aged teens, use this link: https://www.megghanthompsoncoaching.com/tp/teentalk