#2185 Sometimes a healthy pursuit can have unhealthy manifestations. Like trying to belong and fit in. Hi, I’m Mark Gregston… with Parenting Today’s Teens. When your teen seeks personal validation from peers… this isn’t inherently bad. It may look like rebellion to you. It may lead to inappropriate behaviors. And some strange choices in clothing […]
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#575 – Student Story: Alexa Ever wonder why your son or daughter hangs around with a questionable group of friends? Are you worried that your teen is being dragged down by his peers? This weekend on Parenting Today’s Teens, Mark Gregston helps parents make sense of their child’s choice of friends and protect their teen […]
The post WEEKEND: What If Your Teen’s Friends Are Bad News? appeared first on Parenting Today's Teens.
Estão a faltar episódios?
#2184 I work with troubled kids. Teens who’ve lost their way. And their parents often ask me what to do when their teen is arrested. Hi, I’m Mark Gregston… with Parenting Today’s Teens. Well… I believe in allowing a child to own the consequences of his behavior. I believe it’s best to not bail a […]
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#2183 When you have an older teen spinning out of control and not responding to your discipline… it may mean you have a very important choice before you. You can let that teen stay at home and wreak havoc in the household. Or… you can ask him to leave. Hi, I’m Mark Gregston… with Parenting […]
The post Leaving Home appeared first on Parenting Today's Teens.
#2182 At Heartlight… our residential counseling center for troubled teens… one of my jobs is to repair the horse fences. I need to ensure that the boundaries are strong. Hi, I’m Mark Gregston… with Parenting Today’s Teens. These sensitive… and sometimes stubborn… creatures need to know where they can go, and where they can’t. If […]
The post Good Fences appeared first on Parenting Today's Teens.
#2181 Change is tough. And, usually, change creates all kinds of conflict. Hi, I’m Mark Gregston… with Parenting Today’s Teens. God has called you, as a parent, to work toward better things for your family… even if that means instigating stuff that makes your kids uncomfortable. You’re standing for the good, honorable and necessary things […]
The post Let Conflict Come appeared first on Parenting Today's Teens.
#2180 Matthew 6:27 says, Can any of you add a single hour to the span of your life by worrying? Hi, I’m Mark Gregston… with Parenting Today’s Teens. Well, let’s be honest. No matter how hard we try …it’s really hard not to worry about your kids. Especially when they’re acting out in unacceptable ways. […]
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#565 – Student Story: Tucker How do you react when conflict rears its ugly head in your family? Do you yell? Get defensive? Give the silent treatment? Get emotional? This weekend on Parenting Today’s Teens, Mark Gregston presents seven ways to argue effectively and use conflict to your advantage.
The post WEEKEND: 7 Ways to Argue Effectively appeared first on Parenting Today's Teens.
#2179 Some years ago at the residential counseling center for troubled teens… called Heartlight… we helped a girl through some particularly tough issues. Hi, I’m Mark Gregston… with Parenting Today’s Teens. After a lot of hard work and the unconditional love of her parents, she was able to move on to a new life with […]
The post Changing Ideas appeared first on Parenting Today's Teens.
#2178 The world our kids live in today is far different from the one you and I grew up in. As kids move into their teen years, they face unimaginable pressure to turn away from the values you’ve worked so hard to instill in their lives. Hi, I’m Mark Gregston… with Parenting Today’s Teens. Raising […]
The post Change It Up appeared first on Parenting Today's Teens.