Every year there is 1 Christmas party that outdoes them all… The multi-society Christmas party in West Texas! We were there this year to share a gift to every geoscientist on Earth. RiVa Solutions from GeoComputing, Lenovo, and Nvidia is here to help you model the reservoir faster than ever. With computing time being reduced for seismic inversions some cases taking days to run, with RiVa Solutions, it’s taking just hours. John Creevan CEO of GeoComputing, Brad Violand from Lenovo, and Jason Knudsen from Nvidia tell the story!
The 2024 AAPG GeoGulf was a hit. From technical talks, posters, and panels, to the field trips and conversations on the exhibit hall floor. This year rocked!! We had the honor to sit down with James Hawkins, Barry Rava, and David Tonner to discuss what the future of Energy might look like!
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The 2024 AAPG GeoGulf was a hit. From technical talks, posters, and panels, to the field trips and conversations on the exhibit hall floor. This year rocked!! We had the honor to sit down with Dr. Joseph Batir and do a podcast about what he’s up to and how he’s making a difference in the geothermal energy space!
The 2024 AAPG GeoGulf was a hit. From technical talks, posters, and panels, to the field trips and conversations on the exhibit hall floor. This year rocked!! We had the honor to sit down with some industry experts to talk about Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning as it is applied to help make decisions today!
2024 AAPG GeoGulf was a hit. From technical talks, posters and panels, to the field trips and conversations on the exhibit hall floor. This year rocked!! We had the honor to sit down with some industry experts to talk about Mergers, are they a good thing or a bad thing?
Shawn Dawsey is a Petroleum Engineer out of THE Texas A&M University. He developed a passion for rod pumping and oil well optimization. He has studied the Dynomometer and Fluid Echometer in so much detail, he made a 50-hour eCourse on it. You can now learn every detail of how to maximize your pump efficiency and optimize operations and profits. Check out his website for more information.
Ms. Sue Pritchett is a technical engineer who infiltrated the geology world better than maybe anyone else we’ve had on this show! Her experience and wisdom are second to none, she’s always a beam of light at the conventions and in the conversations. Thank you for your friendship!
Check out Ikon Science for your 1-stop shop #Energy exploration and development software -
There is a special place in the universe where a person with passion has the hard work to really make a difference. This is exactly what Shawn Dawsey from Downhole Diagnostic has done!
Downhole Diagnostic diagnoses your downhole! I use a Fluid Level Gun and a Dynamometer (Dyno) [metaphorically depicted above] to determine the fluid level and measure the downhole pump performance on Rod Pumped Wells. To be more precise, Dynamometers are only applicable to Rod Pumped wells while Fluid Level Surveys can be used on any type of producing oil or gas well that doesn't have a Packer (Fluid Level Shots can even be taken down the tubing, for example: if a tubing leak is suspected). I then submit my findings in a concise report along with any optimization recommendations. -
Monica Vrana is the Chief Marketing Officer of Microseismic Inc. She had a vision for the IMAGE 2023 show and PBE was a part of it. Once we saw the booth, the team working hard to put it together and the stories, we realized why it was so important for us to be there with them. 20 years of service and heading into another 100 years of hard work, dedication, and professionalism. The future infrastructures around the world will look nothing like the past!
Monica Vrana is the Chief Marketing Officer of Microseismic Inc. She had a vision for the IMAGE 2023 show and PBE was a part of it. Once we saw the booth, the team working hard to put it together and the stories, we realized why it was so important for us to be there with them. 20 years of service and heading into another 100 years of hard work, dedication, and professionalism. The future infrastructures around the world will look nothing like the past!
Doug Nester and Microseismic Inc have a partnership together, they have a history together, and they win together! Doug’s story is one to hear.
Charlie Stevens has been in the microseismic business since it pretty much began! He has seen the ups and downs of the energy industry and applying this technology to exploration projects. He is now part of the team that’s getting to take that 20-plus year experience and immediately apply the best practices to new businesses in energy like geothermal, carbon storage, and karst detection.
Dr. Thornton is the Chief Technical Officer for Microseismic Inc. and Keaton is a data scientist, they talk about the software and hardware of monitoring microsesmic events and making sense of the data. Allowing us to apply this technology to monitor hydraulic stimulation projects for oil and gas, geothermal, karsting environment mitigation and carbon storage seal integrity studies. The future is bright for the ones listening to the stories!
The President and Chief Operating Officer of Microseismic Inc. sits down with us to share his vision and his plans to help develop the company into future applications. With a background in computer tech, we’re going to see Mr. Hargraves apply the latest innovations in machine learning and AI to the microseismic world.
Charles is a man born to a geologist, born into the oil patch! Worked the tongs to make his way through college, got a geology degree, and helped pioneer the Eagle Ford play in South Texas. He explains why microseismic is so valuable for operators today, lets goooooooooooo!!
Dr. Peter Duncan shares the story of how he became a microseismic specialist, but also the birth of a completely new service to the energy business. Fascinating to hear everything he’s been through and how they are now applying it to new sectors of geoscience like karst monitoring, geothermal energy, carbon storage, and oil and gas. This is Microsiemic Inc.
Dr. Jon McKenna has been working with Microseismic Inc. for 12 years, he is helping to advance the technology as well as apply it to new areas of geoscience and engineering. We are meant to listen to the rocks, and that’s exactly what Microseismic Inc. has been doing it for over 20 years. Oil and Gas production, Karsting, geothermal, and CCUS!
Zach Lofton is a recent UTSA geology graduate. He showed up and busted his ass clearing the geology trail for this event on a Saturday morning, 7 am!! We wish him nothing but the best of luck as a geologist, up and to the right brother!!
Phoenix Velasquez is a recent UTSA geology graduate. He is asking for any opportunity to get into the oil and gas industry and this young man is fired up for it! He showed up and busted his ass clearing the geology trail for this event on a Saturday morning, 7 am!! If you’re looking for a young professional who understands rocks, the subsurface and is hungry for opportunity, look no further! Contact him through LinkedIn today.
Matt Mayer is a product manager at TGS. He is working in the industry and he can be your direct contact for one of the largest digitized datasets in the energy industry!
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