Eevan kirjaklubi on podcast sinulle, joka rakastat lukemista. Eeva-median vieraaksi tulee joka kuukausi ajankohtainen kirjailija, jonka kanssa puhutaan kaikesta kirjoihin liittyvästä. Jokainen jakso päättyy 20 kysymykseen, joihin on vain oikeita vastauksia. Julkaisija A-lehdet.
Sveriges bästa matskribenter om odling. Vad kan man odla, hur gör man då och vad ska man laga av det man odlat? Matskribenterna Lotta Lundgren och Tove Nilsson möts i ett samtal över en råvara i taget och pratar ut om sina egna erfarenheter, succéer och misslyckanden, från sådd till skörd. Kunnigt och pedagogiskt berättar de hur du förvarar, konserverar och förädlar din egenodlade mat, och delar med sig av sina bästa idéer och recept. En odlingspodd för nybörjare, entusiaster och alla andra som vill äta och laga godare mat. Poddens recept hittar du på Där finns även Odlingsskolan med sammanfattande artiklar i några av de ämnen som Lotta och Tove pratat om.Vill du också säga något? Ställa en fråga, be om ett förtydligande, önska ett ämne eller bara berätta något som de borde känna till? Skriv till Lotta och Tove på
Tap into what makes you feel like YOU by following your enthusiasm. Each week we’ll discuss finding joy, mental wellness and enthusiasm by finding time and energy to do more of what feels fun. Yes, FUN, even in times of big transition, in the middle of caregiving, in your life.
Gardening, reading, sewing and knitting are how I follow my enthusiasm. How do you follow yours? -
The podcast for people who love plants—but not always the same ones.
Brought to you by the editors of Fine Gardening, this fun, informative podcast tackles all things topical in gardening. You’ll listen to the insights (and arguments) of Editor-in-Chief Steve Aitken and Senior Editor Danielle Sherry as they discuss various horticultural subjects on a deeper level. You will also hear from today’s leading horticultural minds who will offer their wisdom and opinions about what you might want to grow in your garden. We guarantee you’ll be entertained and feel like a better gardener. -
A podcast about writing, work, and friendship.
Analogue photography explored from all angles
The WhiskyCast Tasting Panel features a monthly tasting panel made up of whisky lovers from around the world. You'll be part of the global conversation as they nose, taste, and score whiskies each month, and learn how you can become a member of our tasting panel. For more details, visit us at
Your one-stop shop for all things writing-related. Support us on Ko-fi:
Frugan & Bäck, kanske känner ni igen dem från deras matlagningsklipp på TikTok? Äntligen får vi höra dem prata till punkt. En podd om vänskap, kärlek, livets galenskaper och oväntade ögonblick.
A podcast dedicated to our love of the humble and not so humble wrist watch.
We are two watch enthusiasts - Zac from Sourced_Watches, and Tim from Watch_word_ via the world of Instagram.
Each time we talk about one brand, a specific thing we love about watches, and the Instagram photos and reels that have caught our eye.
Thank you for 'keeping time' with us.
A Dungeons and Dragons podcast about four dads from our world transported into a realm of high fantasy and magic and their quest to rescue their sons.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Känslan av ett riktigt bra auktionsfynd eller en skön dag i trädgården i poddformat! I Billgren Wood poddar vintage- och tv-profilen Elsa Billgren och kokbokförfattaren och inredningsprofilen Sofia Wood om framtida och samtida trender. Duon djupdyker i mat, konst, inredning, design och mode och delar med sig av personliga tankar och upplevelser. Det här är podden för inspirationstörstande personer med intresse för mat, hem och det goda i livet. Önska ämne på https://www.billgrenwood.seEn podcast från Perfect Day Media.
Canada's number one podcast for quilting, fibre art and everything in between, answering your quilting questions with the experts across Canada.
The Powell Movement is the podcast that pushes the envelope and is designed to be the go-to show for sports enthusiasts who want to know what it takes to achieve success.
Junkfood Cinema is a shame-free celebration of cult cinema hosted by critic Brian Salisbury and Marvel Studios screenwriter C. Robert Cargill
Infinity is a 28mm scale science fiction table top skirmish game set 175 years into the future. MayaCast exists to discuss and promote every aspect of the Infinity hobby. From tournament play to painting and modeling, from background fiction (or "fluff") to list building and advanced tactics, MayaCast strives to provide the best in fan-based support for the best table top miniatures game on the market.
This is a podcast about tabletop roleplaying games. We cover the indie scene, story games, and the OSR.
Five teens head up to Camp Clarity to celebrate their last summer together, but little do they know they're about to stumble on dark secrets that surround the lake.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Welcome to the Vanguard Tactics Podcast!
This is a podcast dedicated to the Warhammer 40,000 tabletop wargame, where we analyse the rules, new releases for the game, the competitive meta and develop strategies to help you become a more confident 40K player.
Our founder is Stephen Box, a former professional bodybuilder, model, and fitness coach who has made it is personal mission to raise the standard of the game both on and off the table-top. Stephen's focus both here and in his 40K coaching career, the Vanguard Tactics Academy, he emphasizes sportsmanship and fair play above winning at all costs.
Your host is Dave Kolmel, a combat veteran turned lawyer who has had a passion for the game of 40K since 1995. Dave loves every aspect of the hobby, and loves talking about it with Stephen and the show's various guests, encouraging and spreading Stephen's motto of sportsmanship and fair play both on the podcast and at tournaments.
Come join us to learn about Warhammer 40,000, how to be a better player and opponent at the tabletop, and how to get the most out of this amazing hobby.