The lack of urgency with preparing for the NAPLEX and MPJE always bothered me. It's like here's the one thing that if you don't pass, you don't work, and students are completing APPE requirements instead of getting deep into their preparation. In this episode, I talk about how NAPLEX pass rates which were in the high 90s in 2009 are now in the high 70s. Only 1554 students last year graduated from a school of pharmacy with a pass rate in the 90s. Make sure you prepare early and often for the NAPLEX. I reference a pharmacology review course here: https://residency.teachable.com/p/mobile and that TLDRPharmacy has some great MPJE materials.
My wife and I matched in the old scramble (which is now more organized as Phase II) but 15 years later she is in an ambulatory care clinical position and I have been teaching in college for that same time, both jobs we love. In this episode, I talk about the importance of mentors and how those residencies available in the scramble can lead to an excellent career that is very work/life balance excellent as well.
Need help preparing for the NAPLEX, check out my online self paced pharmacology course here
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Phase II is about speed. With over 700 unfilled PGY 1 positions and only a few hundred more than that who will put in applications, you do have a very good chance in Phase II.
If you want my one-on-one help go to https://residency.teachable.com/p/phase2
My turnaround is around 24 hours.
The data show that you should have a better than 50% chance of matching in Phase II this year with the number of available positions, even better if you are looking for a community pharmacy position.
Have questions, email me at tonythepharmacist@gmail.com
The odds of matching to residency are very dependent on the school of pharmacy you are going to, while the top schools match above 90%, the lowest schools match at 20%, so it's still a good idea to start job hunting before the match because there are hundreds of pharmacists getting the news on the exact same day.
If you need my help in Phase II, you can find my website here, I expect there will be close to 700 open positions after Phase I.
Good luck!
The biggest residency interview mistake is not focusing on being positively remembered as there are many applicants, and standing out takes the 5 Ps:
People PGY-2 Professionalism Purpose Practice.With those in your tool belt, you can continue the conversation after the interview to ensure you are not forgotten.
Need my help, check out https://residency.teachable.com/p/interview
It's exciting and stress-relieving when that first interview offer comes in, but do you know what to do? In this episode, I've gone over the first steps and you can check out the course I have to see if it's something that you want help with your presentation PowerPoint and need email support. Sometimes you just don't want to ask your professors questions. Anyway, you can find the free Case Study document and link to the course here:
One point of annual confusion is whether one should do a residency or fellowship. In this episode, I turn to Keaton Higgins, the executive fellow at the Tennessee Pharmacists Association and University of Iowa graduate for his insights on the fellowship experience. You can contact him here:
Need help with your LOI, sign up at https://residency.teachable.com/p/extremeloi
You can find the free template here, just hit "Preview." You just need to scroll down some.
It's not your fault, but you can't say it's their fault, in this episode I help you walk the line to articulate you handle things as a professional. Got questions for me? tonythepharmacist@gmail.com
In this episode, I go over the factors that will stand as the headwinds against your matching vs. some of the tailwinds that will help you get there and it depends a lot on where you go to school and where you apply.
Some of these factors you can affect, some you can't, but the most important thing is to recognize where to spend your time over the next few weeks to get the very best chance.
Need my one one-on-one help, go to https://residency.teachable.com/p/extremeloi where you can find the free template I talk about in the video.
You just realized how many people you are competing against and how qualified they are. How in the world are you going to stand out? Start by worrying about the match rather than winning the "best applicant." Often the rubrics end up in multiple ties and it's the relationships that matter more than anything else. Need my one on one help, hit me up at https://residency.teachable.com/
If you're an introvert, you're likely dreading the interview. The key is to get out of your own head by becoming more interested in the other person than you are about trying to tell your own story. It may sound counter-intuitive, but if you put the other person first, you'll find yourself landing a residency in the fall. Here's the residency interview book:
Work one-on-one with me here: https://residency.teachable.com/
ASHP MidYear creates a ton of fear of missing out, but what happens is that students get there and find that they really missed an opportunity. The key is not to make the big 5 mistakes
Not recognize it is the RESIDENCY showcase (not future resident showcase) Miss the resident poster presentations on Wednesday Apply for a prestige residency rather than focusing on the people Use a generic letter of intent or cover letter, and not get to know yourelf Not take advantage of the opportunity to improve your interview skills -
Book Strong Residency Letter of Intent
Tool like ChatGPT can provide a letter of intent in just a few seconds. However, that generative AI comes from the examples ChatGPT found from others and can result in letters that are very similar to other applicants. Your biggest concern should be if you are forgotten in a sea of applications. By using generative AI properly, you can gain an advantage. By using it wrong, you might be labeled a cheater and not considered. In this episode, I help you walk the straight and narrow.
I've got a way that you can get a discount on this season's pharmacy residency letter of intent preparation, looking forward to taking this journey with you https://residency.teachable.com/p/extremeloi
It can cost you thousands of dollars if you fail the MPJE or NAPLEX and while residents would not lose pay, they could lose their residency placement. In this episode, Jerri Sanger, a P4 at the University of Iowa College of Pharmacy shares her advice regarding studying for the NAPLEX.
Want to check out a pharmacology review course, head to https://residency.teachable.com/
As student loans come back into student and resident's lives, I brought on an expert who can help you navigate the process. You can find him here: https://pharmdfp.com/
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