Welcome! Maybe you are already learning Turkish with us on Youtube? On the Easy Turkish Podcast, we discuss topics from Turkey and around the world. In our episodes we will discuss a topic we choose, explain an idiom or an expression, recommend a movie, a TV series or a song and we will answer your questions. Members get full transcripts and our exclusive vocabulary helper for each episode.
Ona je výživová poradkyňa, ktorá sama vie, ako veľmi dokáže zdravý životný štýl a racionálna strava zatočiť s viacerými zdravotnými problémami. On je profesionálny moderátor, ktorý sa vie pýtať. Obaja spojili svoje sily, aby nám všetkým ukázali, aká dôležitá je strava, prevencia a zodpovedný prístup k nášmu telu. Vďaka svojim hosťom, jazyku, ktorému porozumie každý a aktuálnym témam, ale aj uvoľnenej atmosfére zistíme, že zdravie nie je veda.
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The ISO Coach Podcast is your home for a fun and entertaining knowledge of ISO knowledge. You will have experiences from practitioners and leading minds in the world. Send us your questions and opinions to [email protected]
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You are the ISO Coach and this community is for you. In every corner of the world, there is a consultant or an internal coach who will be benefited by this podcast. Come and listen, grow and make other grow, enjoy your profession. The ISO Coach podcast is with you. -
The Science Behind the Bike is a series of films that investigate how science and technology have transformed the sport of cycling. We talk to Olympic gold-medallists Chris Boardman and Rebecca Romero, and Paralympian gold-medallist Sarah Storey, take a trip to a wind tunnel, consult with Team GB physiologists and hear from design experts and cycling legends such as Graeme Obree and Francesco Moser. In this series you will find out about the legendary Hour Record (the record for the longest distance cycled in one hour), learn about technology, discover the forces that have to be overcome to ride fast and understand how the body deals physiologically when riding at Olympic level.
This material was produced to support the Open University module S172 Sport: the science behind the medals.