This episode we chat with Sam Dyer the founder, creator and visionary behind 'Bitmap Books' an absolutely outstanding must have library of quality books that highlight the art and history of retrogaming. Sam shares the origin story of the company and his personal experience on what it takes to get out of the everyday work/life rut and put your time and sacrifice in to something that means something to you.
Utlizing absolutley gorgeous art and graphic design the library spans from the Commodore 64 right through the ages profiling the library of most of the common retro consoles and branching out to cover some slightly obscure subjects purely to fullfill Sam's personal wishlist of books he would want to own and read.
You can find out all about 'Bitmap Books' below using the included links and easily find a way to get one or more of Sam's incredible creations on your coffee table or in your bookshelf.
Bitmap Books - https://www.bitmapbooks.com/
Bibliography - https://www.bitmapbooks.com/pages/bibliography
Stockists - https://www.bitmapbooks.com/pages/stockists
Insta - https://www.instagram.com/bitmapbooks/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/search/top?q=bitmap%20books
You can find me at @skt73 on Instagram and contact me at [email protected] with any questions, gdays or feedback whether it be positive or not...all communications are appreciated.
You can also find the podcast on
This episode we chat with John Pansini from the 'Game The System' podcast. John is one of those retrogamers that is willing to roll the dice and learn on the fly in the name of preservation. We talk in depth (to the best of our limited knowledge) about CRT televisions (cathode ray tube). Basic maintnence and fault finding...some safety tips for new players.... and how the CRT really is the hub of any retrogamers collection and gaming life. We also chat about John's small but specific collection of arcade machines and what it means to be a small but active machine operator having machines out there in the wild for the public to enjoy and experience.
We also touch on a new and maybe contraversial arcade game record keeping and management system that the guys from 'Game The System' have developed rivalling the likes of Twin Galaxies etc.
You can find out all about this and more on the 'Game The System' podcast page linked below along with many other great resources including a very supportive and active Discord open to all.
You can find me at @skt73 on Instagram and contact me at [email protected] with any questions, gdays or feedback whether it be positive or not...all communications are appreciated.
You can also find the podcast on
Episodi mancanti?
We're back baby... I've spooled up the 4 track and donned the noise muffs and to kick it back in to gear I chat with Johnny aka 'Retrogamerx1987'. Since we last chatted back in March 2022 Johnny has added a few department store kiosk displays to his SECOND room and its crazy. I go into my love for the Sega Saturn which started thanks to Johnny last time we spoke. We also talk about the challenges of adding more to the retrogaming collections of your childhood and just collecting all sorts of merch and the curse of just kinda wanting everything. Johnny really does have an amazing collection spanning from Sega Master System through all the Playstations, all the Xbox's and a huge amount of retro Sega specfically Saturn and Dreamcast (drool drool drool).
Johnny's Insta - @retrogamerx1987
You can find me at @skt73 on Instagram and contact me at [email protected] with any questions, gdays or feedback whether it be positive or not...all communications are appreciated.
This episode I catch up with Mike Coolican, a retrogaming fanatic local to me in Brisbane (Australia) and a co host of the 'Play It Up Podcast. Mike was the first real in the flesh retrogamer I met and is always a hoot to hang out and chat with. We also discuss at length Mike's other hobby/past time and that is teh science of making cold brew coffee. Truely a man who doesnt have enough puzzles in his life.
Don't forget the sponsor https://www.retrogamestore.com.au/ giving you 10% off the your purchase simply by entering the code PIXELPIE at check out.
Mike's Insta - https://www.instagram.com/mykel_see/
Mike's coffee gig - https://www.facebook.com/SubcultureCafeAUS/
Here's my personal shout out on Instagram so check it out and get inspired....as well as few great shout outs and links from Mike to go check out.
Player 1 Arcade (Perth, WA) - https://www.player1.com.au/visittheplayer1arcade
Flipp'd Arcade (Toowoomba, Qld) - https://www.flippd.com.au/
You can find me at https://www.instagram.com/skt73 on Instagram and contact me at [email protected] with any questions, gdays or feedback whether it be positive or not...all communications are appreciated. -
This episode I catch up with Jared aka 'PrimeTimeFunkMods' (Instagram). Amongst a whole bunch of other retrogaming and Gameboy goodness we chat a about how Jared is on a rampage right now blowing all his kids collegue money on Boxy Pixel builds. We talk about the absolute importance of providing a positive experience for the customer when commisioned to build them that one special Gameboy. Don't forget the sponsor https://www.retrogamestore.com.au/ giving you 10% off the your purchase simply by entering the code PIXELPIE at check out. Jared's Insta - https://www.instagram.com/primetimefunkmods/ Jared's Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqMbjAeW1e7q4M0slMnNwNg Here's my personal shout out on Instagram so check it out and get inspired....as well as few great shout outs and links from Jarred to go check out. https://www.instagram.com/sakuraretromodding Shawn Maxwell - https://youtube.com/c/sjm4306 https://www.instagram.com/retroflag https://www.instagram.com/rgrdev https://www.instagram.com/xipher_design https://www.instagram.com/boxypixel https://www.instagram.com/labfifteenco https://www.instagram.com/natalie.thenerd https://www.instagram.com/retrogearcustoms https://www.instagram.com/bennvennelectronics https://www.instagram.com/retrosixuk https://www.instagram.com/handheldlegend https://www.instagram.com/machonachoproductions https://www.instagram.com/retrorgb https://www.instagram.com/mattsmods https://www.facebook.com/groups/TheRetroFuture https://www.facebook.com/groups/superretrocity https://www.etsy.com/ca/shop/DiniertoDesigns? fbclid=IwAR1Efx4zcHLUrWvs9KMIKL5PmGKTkYdxZV94mDU2BCLb1ijLa1glpnaWLCE You can find me at https://www.instagram.com/skt73 on Instagram and contact me at [email protected] with any questions, gdays or feedback whether it be positive or not...all communications are appreciated.
This episode I catch up with Andy aka 'Tendo209' (Instagram). Andy is an old skool graffiti artist and gamer and gameboy modder and amongst other topics we talk about how his different passions have given him an artistic outlet and a freedom to just go nuts...in the good way. And we discuss the similarity between different 'hobbys' and scenes and how its the other people you share it with that really are the meat and potatoes of the experience.
Don't forget the sponsor https://www.retrogamestore.com.au/ giving you 10% off the your purchase simply by entering the code PIXELPIE at check out.
Andy's Insta - https://www.instagram.com/tendo209/
Here's my personal shout out on Instagram so check it out and get inspired....as well as few great shout outs from Andy to go check out.
You can find me at https://www.instagram.com/skt73 on Instagram and contact me at [email protected] with any questions, gdays or feedback whether it be positive or not...all communications are appreciated.
We're back baby... I've spooled up the 4 track and donned the noise muffs and to kick it back in to gear I once again chat with Johnny aka 'Retrogamerx1987'. Since we last chatted back in March 2022 Johnny has added a few department store kiosk displays to his SECOND room (along with mucho awesomo stuffs) and its crazy. I go pretty deep on my love for teh Sega Saturn which started when I first spoke with Johnny. We also talk about the continuing challenges of adding more to the retrogaming collections of your childhood and just collecting all sorts of merch and the curse of just kinda wanting everything. Johnny really does have an amazing collection spanning from Sega Master System through all the Playstations, all the Xbox's and a huge amount of retro Sega specfically Saturn and Dreamcast (drool drool drool).
Johnny's Insta - @retrogamerx1987
You can find me at @skt73 on Instagram and contact me at [email protected] with any questions, gdays or feedback whether it be positive or not...all communications are appreciated.
This episode I meet and talk with Marten aka 'Noodles_Mods' (Instagram) and I specifically scheduled this catch up with Marten for just before my dinner...because Martens posts, Gameboy related or not, always make me hungry!!! Yep...amongst the conversation of Gameboys and and our mutual love for Ghostbusters and TMNT and growing up with what is now retrogaming and building custom bicycles we talk about Marten's love for food gifted to him by his Grandma growing up and we talk about what the freedom of modding both bikes and gameboys gives us when we are caught in the daily grind of 'normal' life.
Don't forget the sponsor https://www.retrogamestore.com.au giving you 10% off the your purchase simply by entering the code PIXELPIE at check out.
Marten's Insta - https://www.instagram.com/noodles_mods/
Marten's Insta purely about food - https://www.instagram.com/deputy_noodles_/
Here's my personal shout out on Instagram so check it out and get inspired....as well as few great shout outs from Marten to go check out.
You can find me at https://www.instagram.com/skt73 on Instagram and contact me at [email protected] with any questions, gdays or feedback whether it be positive or not...all communications are appreciated.
This episode I chat with yet ANOTHER Matt aka 'The Dpad dad' (Instagram). When I saw the words Dpad and Dad in Matt's Insta handle I had to catch up with him for a chat. Matt is a prime example of the chilled, creative and cruisy collector and modder that in my opinion, is the backbone of the Insta Gameboy community. Sure there's a lot of inovation and crazy genius modding going on, and there's plenty of breakthrough awesomeness being created, but without modders and collectors like Matt, the boots on the ground, doing the building and showing how the every day modder/collector can enjoy the hobby and really support the genius's in the community by demonstrating all said mods in action....well....to me...that is the community. It's the circle of life....Gameboy modding life that is.
Don't forget the sponsor https://www.retrogamestore.com.au giving you 10% off the your purchase simply by entering the code PIXELPIE at check out.
The Dpad Dad Insta - https://www.instagram.com/the_dpad_dad/
Here's my personal shout out on Instagram so check it out and get inspired....as well as few great shout outs from Matt to go check out.
You can find me at https://www.instagram.com/skt73 on Instagram and contact me at [email protected] with any questions, gdays or feedback whether it be positive or not...all communications are appreciated.
This episode I chat with Mason aka 'Gameboys in the Wild' (Instagram). Mason is a casual Gameboy modder and very regular in my Insta feed with what I think is a bit of a genre defining if not at least 'refining' style of Gameboy photography...namely....Gameboys in the wild. Absolutley gorgous pics!!! Mason was born and bred in Arizona to where he will retrun with his family once he's completed his training as a dentist in Colorado. Its interesting to know what a Gameboy modder/collector does with their real life and why they are drawn to these dinky handheld gaming platforms. Mason and his partner have recently become parents and now are adjusting to a whole new level of time management, but Mason is one of those humans that just seems to always have a positive attitude and keeps his eyes on the big picture.....a really calming guy to talk to......and his Gameboy photography is very inspiring and pleasing to the eye.
Gameboys In The Wild Insta - https://www.instagram.com/gameboysinthewild/
Don't forget the sponsor https://www.retrogamestore.com.au giving you 10% off the your purchase simply by entering the code PIXELPIE at check out.
Here's my personal shout out on Instagram so check it out and get inspired....as well as few great shout outs from Mason to go check out.
You can find me at https://www.instagram.com/skt73 on Instagram and contact me at [email protected] with any questions, gdays or feedback whether it be positive or not...all communications are appreciated. -
This episode I chat with Matt from Jellybelly Customs. Jellybelly Customs is one of those outfits that from the outside appears to be a big complex multi personel machine, but in reality its just Matt, in his shed with his tools and kit, modding away and putting his skills to casting some very amazing buttons for Gameboys, buttons no extrusion machine can copy. Matt is one of those silent achievers that the Gameboy modding community has so many of and is full of experience and chat about doing it for yourself and sharing the creative overflow with others.
Jellybelly Custom Insta - https://www.instagram.com/jellybellycustoms/
Don't forget the sponsor https://www.retrogamestore.com.au giving you 10% off the your purchase simply by entering the code PIXELPIE at check out.
Here's my personal shout out on Instagram so check it out and get inspired....as well as few great shout outs from Jonas to go check out.
You can find me at https://www.instagram.com/skt73 on Instagram and contact me at [email protected] with any questions, gdays or feedback whether it be positive or not...all communications are appreciated.
This episode I talk with Jonas, otherwise known as Retrogame.evo in the Gameboy Instagram community. Jonas is a super positive modder born and bred in Brazil but through his pursuit of academia found his way to Glasgow, Scotland where he now resides with his wife (and two cats). Jonas has an incredibly sunny outlook which definately comes through in his Instagram and has a very curious nature, always taking him a little further and further in to the Gameboy modding scene, as he adds more and more feathers to his cap.
Retrogame.evo Insta - https://www.instagram.com/retrogame.evo/
Don't forget the sponsor https://www.retrogamestore.com.au giving you 10% off the your purchase simply by entering the code PIXELPIE at check out.
Here's my personal shout out on Instagram so check it out and get inspired....as well as few great shout outs from Jonas to go check out.
You can find me at https://www.instagram.com/skt73 on Instagram and contact me at [email protected] with any questions, gdays or feedback whether it be positive or not...all communications are appreciated.
This episode I talk with Bob from RetroRGB, one of the best sources of news and reviews for a miriad of products in the ever growing retro gaming market. From the best budget wireless controllers to the very best video upscalers, adapters and cables money can buy, Bob and the team at RetroRGB provide clear and concise and most inportantly....honest info, reviews and support to the retro gaming community. Bob and the team have a lot of collective knowledge and lean heavily on a close relationship with the community to keep their finger on the pulse to ensure as soon as there's a swiff of something great about to drop they let you know its going down or if it has gone down and you should or should'nt check it out.
RetroRGB Insta - https://www.instagram.com/retrorgb/
RetroRGB Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/RetroRGB
RetroRGB - https://www.retrorgb.com/
Don't forget the sponsor https://www.retrogamestore.com.au giving you 10% off the your purchase simply by entering the code PIXELPIE at check out.
Here's my personal shout out on Instagram so check it out and get inspired....
You can find me at https://www.instagram.com/skt73 on Instagram and contact me at [email protected] with any questions, gdays or feedback whether it be positive or not...all communications are appreciated.
This episode join me as I catch up with Matt West from Matts Mods. Matt produces some stunning Gameboy and console controller builds leaning on his experience with automotive paints as an avid road and track driver IRL. Matt shares his journey in to refurbing and modding Gameboys as well as his passion for cars giving it his all including many visits to the infamous Nurburg-ring.
Don't forget the sponsor https://www.retrogamestore.com.au giving you 10% off the your purchase simply by entering the code PIXELPIE at check out.
There's my personal shout out at the top of the list here and plenty of guest info and shout outs this ep so go look em up on Instagram or where the link takes you and get inspired....
Matt's Insta - https://www.instagram.com/mattsmods/
Matt's Shoutouts....
You can find me at https://www.instagram.com/skt73 on Instagram and contact me at [email protected] with any questions, gdays or feedback whether it be positive or not...all communications are appreciated.
This episode join me as I chat with Rob from R.A.W. Talent Art who does some of the most beautiful paint work refurbs on various consoles. Absolute eye candy in my opinion. Rob does not only external work but internal mods as well, all the good stuff to bring a dusty old loved classic console into the modern era both asthetically and functionally.
Don't forget the sponsor https://www.retrogamestore.com.au giving you 10% off the your purchase simply by entering the code PIXELPIE at check out.
There's my personal shout out at the top of the list here and plenty of guest info and shout outs this ep so go look em up on Instagram or where the link takes you and get inspired....
Rob's Insta - https://www.instagram.com/r.a.w.talentart Rob's Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/watch/RawTalentArt/
Rob's paint of choice - https://perfectpearlsandpigments.co.uk/
Rob's Shoutouts....
You can find me at https://www.instagram.com/skt73 on Instagram and contact me at [email protected] with any questions, gdays or feedback whether it be positive or not...all communications are appreciated. -
This episode I hang out with Jim Fontenont, also known as 'Kidshoryuken' on Youtube and Instagram. Jim is orignally from the US but is currently a residient of Tokyo and has spent a fair few years working and living in Japan and has solid insight in to the retro gaming scene and pop culture of Japan. Most of Jim's Youtube content is his experiences hunting around the various retro gaming reseller stores all over Tokyo and nearby districts and he shares with me what it's like to be surrounded by so much fantastic retro-ness. Definately living the dream of many retro gamers and collectors.
Don't forget the sponsor https://www.retrogamestore.com.au giving you 10% off the your purchase simply by entering the code PIXELPIE at check out.
There's my personal shout out at the top of the list here and plenty of guest shout outs this ep so go look em up on Instagram or where the link takes you and get inspired....
Jim's Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/user/KidShoryuken
Jim's Insta - https://www.instagram.com/kidshoryuken/
'Rarity: Retro Video Game Collecting in the Modern Era' (movie)
You can find me at https://www.instagram.com/skt73 on Instagram and contact me at [email protected] with any questions, gdays or feedback whether it be positive or not...all communications are appreciated.
This episode I hang out with another Shaun... this time https://www.instagram.com/didsomebodysayretro. Shaun is one of the most passionate and positive people you'll meet in retro gaming. He is a super duper happy personality and has travelled the retro gaming road always willing to learn and share and support the community. Shaun shares how his life has been founded on and changed by retro gaming right up to his recent move in to a full time role providing retro console hardware support and consultation for a chain of gaming bars known as 'NQ64'. With multiple sites located throught the UK, Shaun travels to each and every one performing maintenance and upgrades and generally lives the dream, ensuring all the patrons of these venues end up with a massive grin on their face and larf all night long through the retro gaming setups he commisions and maintains. He truely is a 'santa clause' type character.
Don't forget the sponsor https://www.retrogamestore.com.au giving you 10% off the your purchase simply by entering the code PIXELPIE at check out.
There's my personal shout out at the top of the list here and plenty of guest shout outs this ep so go look em up on Instagram or where the link takes you and get inspired....
Shaun's Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCk1Qu2ziyg3GB0YQ80dO0lQ
You can find me at https://www.instagram.com/skt73 on Instagram and contact me at [email protected] with any questions, gdays or feedback whether it be positive or not...all communications are appreciated. -
This episode I chat with one time career aviator and now full time retro gaming content maker and collector of all things rad https://www.instagram.com/handheldobsession. Sean shares his story of being able to collect and enjoy retro gaming as a former pilot until a slight mishap forced him to forgoe his career. Effectively having his wings clipped Sean chose to really lean in to his passion and love for retro gaming and started creating solid content for Youtube and Instagram delving in to gaming from both the retro world and current gaming tech. Sean has a lot of knowledge and experience from his years of collecting, playing and generally poking around in the retrogaming universe and has many a tale to tell.
Don't forget the sponsor https://www.retrogamestore.com.au giving you 10% off the your purchase simply by entering the code PIXELPIE at check out.
Got my personal shout out at the top of the list here and a couple of guest shout outs this ep so go look em up on Instagram and get inspired.... https://www.instagram.com/lumberjack_mods
You can find me at https://www.instagram.com/skt73 on Instagram and contact me at [email protected] with any questions, gdays or feedback whether it be positive or not...all communications are appreciated.
This episode I chat with Melbourne (Australia) based collector and Donkey Kong extrordinaire Matt Tecchio aka https://www.instagram.com/matt_tecchio. With many many trips to Japan under Matt's belt he has collected and enjoyed some of the most amazing retro consoles and games available and has over the past few years worked his way in to the world arcade 'Donkey Kong' top 10. Matt shares his wisdom on not forgetting to ENJOY our collection and what can happen when someone plays a little too hard....or not hard enough.
Don't forget the sponsor @retrogamestore.com.au giving you 10% off the your purchase simply by entering the code PIXELPIE at check out.
Matt's Twitch https://www.twitch.tv/lyriell
Plenty of shout outs this ep so go look em up on Instagram and get inspired....
You can find me at https://www.instagram.com/skt73 on Instagram and contact me at [email protected] with any questions, gdays or feedback whether it be positive or not...all communications are appreciated.
This episode I chat with Kiki aka https://www.instagram.com/8bitpixeldust and https://www.instagram.com/kiki.stardust. Kiki is an OG Gameboy artist and is a fine example of what happens when a love for retro gaming consoles and sheer artistic talent collide. We chat about being an artist with Gameboys as your medium, the challenge of knowing what commisions to take on and what is good to release for UV printing and ofcourse as an artist, how to put food on the table.
Don't forget the sponsor https://www.retrogamestore.com.au giving you 10% off the your purchase simply by entering the code PIXELPIE at check out.
Plenty of shout outs this ep so go look em up on Instagram and get inspired....
You can find me at https://www.instagram.com/skt73 on Instagram and contact me at [email protected] with any questions, gdays or feedback whether it be positive or not...all communications are appreciated.
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