Episode 124. Sam and Hugh this week are sampling cinema de Michael Bay in the classic 90s action thriller The Rock. Did Sam enjoy the film so much that he’s now going to lose his mind in unusual ways like Nicolas Cage? Or was he so bored that he wished someone would lock him up on Alcatraz just so he didn't have to watch the whole film? Find out this and much more on this week’s episode of Please Watch This!!!
"Let That Sink In" & "Southside" by Lee Rosevere
"Barbra Streisand" (Original Mix)" By Duck Sauce -
Episode 123. Hugh, Sam and returning guest Joe Blakeley are hanging out with Jack Black and Kyle Gass A.K.A. Tenacious D, as they attempt to become rock gods in the 2006 comedy Tenacious D in the Pick of Destiny. Did Hugh enjoy the film so much that he wants to start his own rock band? Or was he so bored he wished he could go to hell rather than watch this film? Find out this and much, much more on this week's episode of Please Watch This!!!!! ROCK!!!!
"Let That Sink In" & "Southside" by Lee Rosevere
"Tribute" by Tenacious D
"Kickapoo" by Tenacious D
"Tenacious D in the Pick of Destiny" -
Episode 122. Sam, Hugh and retuning guest Liam "Juicy" Waters are enjoying a jolly old time in that London with a Guy Ritchie gangster flick in this week's film The Gentlemen. Did Sam enjoy the film so much that he is going to start making his friends wearing matching tracksuits? Or was he so bored he wanted to fall out of a tenth storey window? Find out this and much, much more on this week's episode of Please Watch This!!!!
"Let That Sink In" & "Southside" by Lee Rosevere -
Episode 122. Hugh, Sam and new guest Sarah from Popcorn Chat get the popcorn out and watch the 2013 film Prisoners. Did Sam enjoy the film so much that that he is going to join his local police department and become a hard boiled detective? Or was he so bored that he felt like a prisoner? Find out that and much more on this week's episode of Please Watch This!!!
Popcorn Chat YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/PopcornChat
"Let That Sink In" & "Southside" by Lee Rosevere -
Episode 120. Sam, Hugh and new guest Gareth "Mr Still Smiling" Jones take a deep dive review of the much maligned 1992 film Alien 3. Did Sam enjoy the film so much that he’s become a celibate religious zealot? Or was he so bored that he decided to book his next holiday to the North East of England just so he had something else to do rather than watch this film? Find out this and much, much more on this week's episode of Please Watch This!!!
Mrstillsmiling's YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/MrStillSmiling
"Let That Sink In" & "Southside" by Lee Rosevere -
Episode 119. Hugh, Sam and new guest Kevin the Critic are on the mean streets of New York watching the multi Oscar winning film the French Connection. Did Sam enjoy the film so much that he is planning a career change to become a hard boiled police detective? Or was he so bored that he spent the whole film planning a trip to France?
Find out this and much much more, on this week’s episode of Please Watch This!!
"Let That Sink In" & "Southside" by Lee Rosevere
"Barbra Streisand" (Original Mix)" By Duck Sauce -
Episode 118. This week Sam and Hugh are watching the powerful 2002 holocaust survival film The Pianist. Did Sam enjoy the film so much that he now too is going to take up the piano? Or was he so bored he went and practised the cello instead of watching the film? Find out this and much more on this week’s episode of Please Watch This!!
"Let That Sink In" & "Southside" by Lee Rosevere
"Barbra Streisand" (Original Mix)" By Duck Sauce -
Episode 1117. Hugh and Sam are spending some time with the family Stoker, but there seems to be something a bit odd about Uncle Charlie. Let’s hope Mia Wasikowska can figure it out before it's too late? With Oldboy's director Park Chan-Wook in the director’s chair and a script penned by Wentworth Miller, this week's film Stoker is sure to surprise. Did Hugh enjoy the film so much that he is off to France to learn fine cuisine from a Michelin chef? Or was he so bored that he just went to France to get away from the movie? Find out on this week's Episode of Please Watch This!!!
"Let That Sink In" & "Southside" by Lee Rosevere -
Episode 116. Sam and Hugh are back!!! And so is Indiana Jones. This time he is going on a crusade; his last crusade one might say. Did Sam enjoy the film so much he’s now on his own personal quest to find the Holy Grail? Or was he so bored that he thought he was going to die of old age and boredom? Find out this and much more on this week's episode of Please Watch This!!!
"Let That Sink In" & "Southside" by Lee Rosevere
"Barbra Streisand" (Original Mix)" By Duck Sauce
"The Raider's March" (From "Raiders of the Lost Ark") by John Williams and the Boston Pops Orchestra -
Episode 115: 2021 is coming to an end. So what better way to celebrate than to reflect on the best films of the year and to enjoy a quiz? Sam is today's quizmaster, taxing Hugh's knowledge of the best (and worst) films of the year.
Play along and see if you beat Hugh's admirable 26.5/38 (or something)?
Contact us at pleasewatchthis.pod@gmail.com or on Twitter @pleasewatchpod.
Auld Lang Syne, as heard on It's A Wonderful Life, directed by Frank Capra. -
Episode 114. Once again it’s the most wonderful time of the year, and Hugh and Sam are spending Christmas with the Griswolds trying to avoid all the potential calamity that this visit entails, in this week's film National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. Did Hugh enjoy the film so much that he is going to cover his house in over 100,000 fairylights? Or was he so bored that he went to go look up if he could subscribe to a jelly of the month club instead? Find out this and much, much more on the very festive edition of Please Watch This!!!
"Let That Sink In" & "Southside" by Lee Rosevere
"Barbra Streisand" (Original Mix)" By Duck Sauce -
Episode 113. Sam and Hugh once more return to the mean streets of Boston where they are charged with watching Ben Affleck's directorial debut in his 2007 film Gone Baby Gone. Did Sam like the film so much that he wants to become a private eye? Or was he so bored that he wishes that it was him who was gone baby gone? Find out this and much more on this weeks episode of Please Watch This!!!
"Let That Sink In" & "Southside" by Lee Rosevere
"Barbra Streisand" (Original Mix)" By Duck Sauce -
Episode 112. Sam and Hugh find themselves in a green room, but wait, what's this? A murder? Skinheads trying to stop them from leaving? It can only be the 2015 film Green Room, directed by Jeremy Saulnier. Did Hugh enjoy the film so much that he wants to stick it to the man and start his own punk band? Or was he so bored that he's glad punk is dead? Find out this and much more on this week's episode of Please Watch This... Nazi punks f**k off!!!!!!
"Let That Sink In" & "Southside" by Lee Rosevere
"Nazi Punks Fuck Off" by The Dead Kennedys -
Episode 111. Sam and Hugh are hanging out with 21st Century Guy Fawkes in the 2006 Wachowski's take on the classic Alan Moore graphic novel, V for Vendetta. Did Sam enjoy the film so much that he will become a masked revolutionary. Or was he so bored that he went off to read a thesaurus stuck open on the letter V? Find out this and much more on this week's episode of Please Watch This!!!
"Working Class Playwright" by Monty Python
"Let That Sink In" & "Southside" by Lee Rosevere
"Barbra Streisand" (Original Mix)" By Duck Sauce
"1812 Overture" by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky -
Episode 110. Hugh and Sam are joined this week by a new guest to the pod, Sam's buddy Tom "Snazzy" Szenasi-Holland. He's here to talk about the 2004 film Man on Fire. Did Hugh enjoy the film so much that he will be going loco down in Acapulco for his next holiday? Or was he so bored he tried to set himself on fire just so he didn't have to watch the the whole film? Find out this and much, much more, on this week's episode of Please Watch This!!!
"Let That Sink In" & "Southside" by Lee Rosevere
"Barbra Streisand" (Original Mix)" By Duck Sauce -
Episode 109. Sam and Hugh are in sleepy Indiana (and not Philly) with Aragorn himself Viggo Mortensen as his character's history catches up with him in the David Cronenberg film A History of Violence. Did Sam enjoy the film so much that he is now going to solve all interpersonal problems with Violence? Or was he so bored he pretended to be someone else just so he didn't have to watch this film? Find out this and much much more on this week's episode of Please Watch This!!!
"Let That Sink In" & "Southside" by Lee Rosevere
"Barbra Streisand" (Original Mix)" By Duck Sauce -
Episode 108. Hugh, Sam and returning guest Ben Dawson are back for the third and final horror movie of the 2021 Halloween season: the 2014 frightfest It Follows. Did Hugh enjoy the film so much he wants to make his own indie horror flick? Or was he so bored he just wanted It to arrive? Find out this and much more on this week's episode of Please Watch This!!!
"Let That Sink In" & "Southside" by Lee Rosevere -
Episode 107. Sam and Hugh are being haunted this week, alongside Daniel Radcliffe, by the scary lady known as the Woman In Black, in the 2012 Hammer horror film The Woman In Black. Was Sam so terrified by all the jump-scares in this film that he never wants to watch another horror film again? Or was he so bored that he thought the true villain of the film was paper work? Find out this and much, much, more on this week's episode of Please Watch This!!!!
"Let That Sink In" & "Southside" by Lee Rosevere
"Barbra Streisand" (Original Mix)" By Duck Sauce -
Episode 106. Hugh and Sam are being haunted by a possessed children's book in this week's film: the Babadook. Did Hugh enjoy the film so much that he is going to become a horror children's author? Or was he so bored that he is going to let the Babadook in, just so he doesn't have to watch the whole film? Find out this and much more on this week's spooktacular episode of Please Watch This!!!
"Let That Sink In" & "Southside" by Lee Rosevere -
Episode 105. Hugh and Sam meet up once again to get all embarrassed and self-conscious when discussing important socio-political issues for which they're unqualified.
Will Sam enjoy Spike Lee's 1992 epic biopic (biepic?) so much that he's joining the Nation of Islam, or would he rather be sentenced to 8-10 years of hard labour? Find out this and much more on this week's episode of Please Watch This!!!
"Let That Sink In" & "Southside" by Lee Rosevere
"Barbra Streisand" (Original Mix)" By Duck Sauce - もっと表示する