A blog about life as a knitter, mindful maker, and wilderness dweller
Join hosts Elisa Goodkind and Lily Mandelbaum, the mother-daughter duo renowned for their groundbreaking YouTube channel StyleLikeU and 'What's Underneath' series, as they delve deep into the heart of radical self-love in an intimate filmed podcast. From cultural icons to lesser-known gems, each episode features a guest working to proudly embrace their identity through the lens of unapologetic personal style, challenging societal norms and owning their differences as superpowers.
Through candid conversations exploring themes of redefining beauty, dress as self-expression, and shedding shame, Elisa and Lily not only spotlight those who defy conformity but also unravel the complexities of their own evolving relationship in the name of self-acceptance.
A Dungeons and Dragons podcast about four dads from our world transported into a realm of high fantasy and magic and their quest to rescue their sons.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Känslan av ett riktigt bra auktionsfynd eller en skön dag i trädgården i poddformat! I Billgren Wood poddar vintage- och tv-profilen Elsa Billgren och kokbokförfattaren och inredningsprofilen Sofia Wood om framtida och samtida trender. Duon djupdyker i mat, konst, inredning, design och mode och delar med sig av personliga tankar och upplevelser. Det här är podden för inspirationstörstande personer med intresse för mat, hem och det goda i livet. Önska ämne på https://www.billgrenwood.seEn podcast från Perfect Day Media.
Embark upon a wondrous journey through the realms of Middle-earth and beyond with the Tolkien Road, a podcast dedicated to the enchanting tales and writings of JRR Tolkien. Come, join John, Greta, and our mighty Fellowship as we delve deep into the magic that lingers within the pages of these timeless legends.
And always remember: DO NOT BE HASTY!!!
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És arra emlékszik, amikor beszakadt a MOL-székház teteje? Nézett autót a most lebontott Martinelli téri autószalonban? Na ugye!
Canada's number one podcast for quilting, fibre art and everything in between, answering your quilting questions with the experts across Canada.
Scifiä! Fantasiaa! Kauhua! Kukin Aavetaajuus-podcastin jakso sisältää vähintään yhden tarkoin valitun novellin sekä vaihtelevasti haastatteluja ja muuta materiaalia. Painotus on luonnollisesti kotimaisissa tekijöissä, muttei klassikoitakaan unohdeta.
Sohvaryhmä on Avotakka-lehden podcast asumisesta ja sisustamisesta. Se sukeltaa yllättävistä näkökulmista ja pintaa syvemmälle aiheisiin, joista sisustuslehdet eivät kirjoita. Sohvalle kokoontuvat Avotakan toimituspäällikkö Miia Kauhanen ja päätoimittaja Kari-Otso Nevaluoma sekä vaihtuvat vieraat. Julkaisija A-lehdet.
Tervetuloa linkoamaan uskomukset uuteen järjestykseen!
Suvi Auvisen aivopesula on ohjelma, jossa itse kunkin ajattelua ravistellaan. Miksi havittelemme menestystä, vaikka se tuo meille vain harmia? Miten internet mullisti ajattelumme? Onko kaikki taide omakuvia? Jaksoissa ajattelua huuhtelevat Werner Södeström Osakeyhtiöön kuuluvien kustantamoiden kirjailijat.
Ohjelman on tuottanut Jaksomedia. -
Radio Helsinki tarjoaa kuulijoilleen maan parhaiden musiikkitoimittajien itse valitsemaa musiikkia, korkealaatuisia keskusteluohjelmia ja ajankohtaisia haastatteluja, menovinkkejä ja liikennetietoja sekä uutisia.
Infinity is a 28mm scale science fiction table top skirmish game set 175 years into the future. MayaCast exists to discuss and promote every aspect of the Infinity hobby. From tournament play to painting and modeling, from background fiction (or "fluff") to list building and advanced tactics, MayaCast strives to provide the best in fan-based support for the best table top miniatures game on the market.
The Zero Books Podcast
Five teens head up to Camp Clarity to celebrate their last summer together, but little do they know they're about to stumble on dark secrets that surround the lake.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
For a Bad Time, Call... is a podcast dedicated to women's anger. Our hotline voice-rage-box is open 24/7 at 669-BAD-TIME to receive any negative feelings you may want to vent. Each fortnight, we take the best of those calls and release a podcast episode filled to the brim with frustration, exasperation, and displeasure. It's fun, we promise! For a bad time, call 669-223-8463 (BAD-TIME).
Vi är en matstylist och en fotograf som pratar om något av det bästa vi vet. Varför göra det så komplicerat? Det är ju BARA MAT!
Snickesnack om mat i vardagen, matfotografering och goda recept.
Podcasten produceras i samarbete med Podbyrån -
Join Becca Freeman and Olivia Muenter every Wednesday for a dose of books and banter, along with interviews with women who inspire us.
Journalist Madeleine Spencer is joined by a guest to reflect on the challenges and triumphs they've faced throughout their lives, and to touch on the beauty memories and rituals - if any - that have played a role or had resonance.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
BEYOND YOUR NIGHTMARES is a mix of scary creepypasta stories and those mysteries that make the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. Episode released fortnightly.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.