This poem can be found in the volume, Body Turn to Rain.
Missing episodes?
This poem can be found in the volume, On the Loose.
This poem can be found in the volume, Ordinary Beast.
This poem can be found in the volume, Against the Evidence: Selected Poems, 1934-1994.
The author’s work can be found in the volume, My Private Property.
The author’s work can be found in the volume Animal Psalms.
The author’s work can be found in the volume, Bijoux in the Dark.
This poem can be found in the volume, Edward Thomas: The Annotated Collected Poems.
This poem can be found in the volume, Christina Rossetti, The Complete Poems.
The author’s work can be found in the volume, Not Here.
This poem can be found in the volume, Invisible Light.
The author’s work can be found in the volume, Invisible Light.
The author’s work can be found in the volume, The Grotesque Child.
The author’s work can be found in the volume, Deaf Republic: Poems.
The author’s work can be found in the volume, The Bad Secret: Poems.
This poem can be found in the volume, A Taste of the Knife: Poems (Modern and Contemporary Poetry of the West).
The author’s work can be found in the volume, Hard Child.
This poem can be found in the volume, Monument: Poems New and Selected.
The author’s work can be found in the volume, Look: Poems.
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