Theology and Doctrine made simple through simply profound conversations.
Everything is up for discussion and nothing is off limits on Simply Said Podcast. Call It the variety show of podcasting, with a Biblical worldview at the center of every topic. Current events, theology, politics, and a variety of seemingly random topics, all talked about in a simple way that the every day person can follow. -
Welcome to Cosmic Intelligence (formerly Spiritual But Not Ridiculous), a podcast that explores philosophy (Western and Vedic), consciousness, cosmology, spirituality, and technologies in the broadest sense—technologies of the sacred, of transformation, and of the mundane. As we enter this age of artificial intelligence (AI), we focus in particular on AI and its implications for humanity, questions of consciousness, AI safety and alignment, and what it means to be human in the 21st century, as well as its impact on our shared worldview. Since worldviews create worlds we will always keep one eye on our shifting worldview, hoping to encourage it along from materialism to idealism.
In terms of consciousness and spirituality, we also explore spiritual practices and other ways to expand consciousness, the importance of feeling our feelings, how to cultivate compassion and empathy, find balance, and lean into fear as a practice. Sometimes we have guests.
We approach all subjects from a grounded and discerning perspective.
Your host is Chad Jayadev Woodford, a philosopher, cosmologist, master yoga teacher, Vedic astrologer, lawyer, and technologist. -
Join Ram Vakkalanka, who is described as ‘the best gift to the world yoga community’, as he shares his authentic Vedic wisdom about Yoga, Sanskrit, Mantras, Meditation, Nada Yoga, Vedic Astrology, Ayurveda and more. Listen to Ram’s wisdom and stories to expand your Yoga beyond the mat and experience how Yoga transforms your life into a more peaceful, fulfilling and blissful journey on this wonderful planet.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
この番組では、フリーランス僧侶 深澤亮道(りょうどう)が仏教や禅の教えをわかりやすく日常に活かす智慧(ちえ)を発信いたします! 生きづらい、苦しい、毎日時間に追われている・・・ 私たちが日々感じてしまう、生きづらさには原因があります。 それは「心の余白がない」こと。 2500年以上続く禅は、私たちの心を調える作法がつまっています。 禅を生活に取り入れることで、心穏やかな生活ができます。 公式ラインURL:https://lin.ee/M4QlGUb オンラインサロンURL:https://zmqsm.hp.peraichi.com/ インスタURL:https://www.instagram.com/zenkatsu_ryodo/
Come, Follow Me is a latter-day saint (LDS) podcast that provides unique insights and thoughts to augment the church's official curriculum.
Welcome to Naut for Thought, a podcast designed for psychonauts and psychonautics! Join me as I discuss everything related to altered states of consciousness including personal psychedelic experiences and more.
Youtube: Naut For Thought
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2iUpzBoHYsM845XBmAk9nw -
Step into the mystical world with ’Conversations with Spirit,’ a dynamic podcast where Spiritual Medium Lauri Albert and guests explore the many perceptions of spirituality and the metaphysical.
Join us for enlightening conversations, deep insights, and live psychic and mediumship readings that will touch your soul and expand your understanding of the unseen realms. -
豊かで幸せになるための スピリチュアルラジオ番組
Millennial Pagan PodCast is a voice to the growing number of Pagan Millennials and our brand of Witchcraft, Magic, Practice, and Worship. Our goal is to explore the future of Paganism through the tough and controversial topics that affect Pagans, Witches, Polytheists, and Occultists in our ever-changing world. Promoting a peaceful understanding of Paganism in media.
Dr. Robert Svoboda is the first Westerner ever to graduate from a college of Ayurveda and be licensed to practice Ayurveda in India. During and after his formal Ayurvedic training he was tutored in Ayurveda, Yoga, Jyotish, Tantra and other forms of classical Indian lore by his mentor, the Aghori Vimalananda. He is the author of over a dozen books and has served as Adjunct Faculty at the Ayurvedic Institute in Albuquerque, NM, and at Bastyr University in Kenmore, WA. You can find out more about his work at www.drsvoboda.com and follow him on Facebook, YouTube and Instagram.
■番組(北川八郎)への悩みのご相談は[email protected]までお寄せ下さい。 -
悩み相談・人生指南の達人として迷える人々と向き合ってきた僧侶・川村妙慶が、“心の栄養”をキーワードに、さまざまなお話・エピソードを通して、また、時にはゲストも交えて贈るラジオ番組です。KBS京都ラジオ 毎週土曜日 8:00-8:30 オンエア
【曹洞宗大悲山向陽寺住職 渡辺紀生(熊本県上天草市)】笑い声が絶えないお寺、聞き飽きない法話、生きているうちに生かされる仏法、亡くなった方々の菩提を弔うと同時に、『生きる』ことの尊さを世に流布できる住職を目指したのです。口コミとマスコミで話題になり年間数万人にお話しするに至りました。暗い憂き世を吹き飛ばす 「お元気説法」 あなた、聞きにきませんか?足をくずして気楽にどうぞ。【www.dandl.co.jp/koyoji】
日本ナザレン教団 大阪桃谷教会の聖書のおはなし
四国57番札所のお寺、栄福寺の住職ミッセイによる、気軽なお話をお届けします。皆様からの投稿や、質問メールもお待ちしています。栄福寺ウェブサイト「山歌う」の連載には、山ラジオの他に、弘法大師(空海)の言葉を知ることができる「思い出す空海」、「仏を感じるコトバより」「写真日記」「ミッセイノート」(住職ブログ)などなど、ございますので、ぜひ「山歌う」にもご来場くださいませ。〜仏教をやってみよう。SING ALONG BUDHHA, DANCE WITH KUKAI〜 白川密成