猫咪,这星球上神秘又优雅的生物,你真的了解它们吗?猫咪为什么会发出呼噜呼噜的声音?它为什么要贱贱地在你身上蹭来蹭去,又为什么会对你摆出一副“苦大仇深”的臭脸?它把捕到的猎物送到你面前,真的是想要报答你吗?它忧伤地站在窗边仰望天空,那毛茸茸的小脑袋真的是在思索“猫生”吗? 别再苦心猜度猫大人的心思啦,在本书中,世界权威动物学家德斯蒙德·莫里斯将以最通俗易懂的方式解答80个让你百思不得其解的猫咪谜题。阅读这本书,你不仅能学会神奇的“猫咪通心术”,还能跟作者一起,回溯猫从猎人演变为宠物的历史,领略各国多姿多彩的猫文化与传说,纵览各个品种猫独有的生理特点和曼妙风姿。书中还特别收录了80只萌猫的高清写真照,所有猫饲主和爱猫人士,千万不能错过哟!
Gardening and horticulture news and tips, as well as agricultural information from Amanda McNulty, the host of SCETV's "Making It Grow" and Clemson University Extension Agent. Produced by South Carolina Public Radio.Making It Grow Minutes are produced by South Carolina Public Radio, in partnership with Clemson University's Extension Service.
If you are a Landscape Entrepreneur this show is for you. Andy, a former contestant on the ABC hit television series Shark Tank, irrigation technology expert, and multimillion-dollar eCommerce entrepreneur brings his curiosity & creativity to tease out the secrets of successful landscape influencers and business owners.
Discover how to get a leg up on the competition, be the smartest person at the design table, and advance your career in the irrigation and landscape industry at any level.
All stones will be unturned as Andy digs into the nerdy details of business, technology, and personal growth here on the Sprinkler Nerd show.
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