In this episode, I have one of my clients on. She completed the Trauma Workshop and had one 1:1 session with me, and she had so beautifully articulated to me privately how her life changed in such a short period of time.
We used this opportunity to go deep in what it means to do "the work". There's a lot of things thrown around out there - meditation, breath work, journaling etc - but they don't seem to really hit the spot with what it is we are seeking when we try to do "the work".
So here, we break it down and explain what that is, I explain how I work and the mixture of modalities I use, as well as where things like meditation, kinesiology and breath work might fit in to the picture.
Definitely a must listen if you are someone who wants to heal, but isn't sure how! -
In this episode we are joined by Dylan! My partner, and best dad to our boys.
He opens up about his past and struggles, and we talk about how we had to heal our individual things in order for our relationship to flourish. Dylan also talks about the impacts fatherhood have had on him, and we divulge what's important to us when raising our kids.
Relationships can be really tricky, so we hope this episode makes you feel more normal.
We also share some funny stories from our past. -
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Mitch (@Mitch_Allgood on Instagram) is a recently retired NRL player, and father of 3 who is no stranger to making decisions in his family life that others may raise their eyebrows at.
He lets us in on what its been like to mature (both mentally and emotionally), and how his passion for men's wellness has developed, thus shaping his role as a father.
He also speaks about a man's role in the birth space, having been part of a hospital birth, home birth and free birth.
If you are interested in listening to his and his wife's birth call "Navigating Birth Choices as a Couple" they have kindly provided me with the code BelieveInBirth33 to receive a discount :) -
Dee is the hormone queen (@DeeZibara on Instagram) she knows all things periods, fertility and how our hormones affect us.
We get to combine our love for the spiritual and biochemical/science in explaining how our energy in each phase of our monthly cycle can be used to our advantage.
How can you expect to think and feel week to week as you move to a new phase of your cycle? How can you best use your energy and be mentally prepared, to create things to your advantage and obtain long term health?
I explain each phase, and what it means in a spiritual energy way, while Dee compliments this by telling us what is happening on a biochemical and hormonal level during each phase.
Its super interesting to view our bodies through this lens! -
Alex was a guest on the popular Strong Mamas Podcast, hosted by the beautiful Rachel (@Rachel_giampietro on Instagram).
She has kindly sent the audio so that you guys can listen here too.
We chat about:
•Alex's "portal" vision (her new business) and the four pillars of trauma, birth, relationships & parenting
•Her passion for trauma healing
•What exactly is trauma and why we can’t/shouldn’t compare our traumas to others
•Her 2 x homebirths and her wisdom & inspiration around childbirth no matter where or how you birth
•Our love for conscious parenting and what we believe our children have taught/shown us
•Parenting WITH your partner not against them
•How to navigate parenting differences in your relationship after having kids -
In this episode, we get to have a delve in Stevie's brain to see how her business - Mothering Me, was born. Stevie details her personal journey, the things she has had to heal from and grow through in order to become the mother she needed for herself, and for her daughters. We chat parenting, business, finding your purpose and money.
In this episode, Frankie gets candid and honest about how he has grown as a man and openly shares his past with emotional immaturity and learning how to heal his trauma. Now a retired football player, Frankie is a father of 3, husband, and business owner as well as a breath work facilitator and mens retreat leader. His growth as a man is inspiring, and he gives an honest recount of the work its taken to get there.