بودكاست أسبوعي مع حنان عزالدين مؤسسة ذا فاميلي هاب (@thefamilyhub__) بنتكلم فيه على كل المواضيع العائلية مثل التربية الإيجابية والدراسة والتعليم وتنظيم الوقت وغيرها من المواضيع إلي بتشغلنا عشان نربي أولاد سوية في زمن مختلف وسريع ومحتاجنا نتعلم عشان صحة اولادنا.
A new kind of Pregnancy & Motherhood Podcast! If you used to pop champagne in the clurrrrb and now you’re popping prenatal vitamins, well, you’ve come to the right place. From the writer and creator of the comedy Instagram and Podcast “Big Kid Problems” comes a brand new show about the roller coaster of Pregnancy and new Motherhood!
For Pregnancy Episodes, scroll on down to the beginning of this podcast and you will find all 40 week-by-weeks of pregnancy with Sarah. Find your week OR start from the beginning and get ready to commiserate with your new preggo bestie! -
أنا ابتسام الوردي، أُم لثلاثة أبناء، أشارككم في هذه المساحة كل ماهو جديد في عالم التربية الواعية
حلقات ونصائح في تربية الاطفال والمراهق مع الأديبة والأخصائية التربوية الهام دويري تابري مؤلفة السلسة القصصية للأطفال "كشكش" "فراس" و "هنا وكتاب " نعم للتربية الأيجابية " و "دور القصة في التربية" والعديد العديد من الإصدارات.
بامكانكم متابعتي على اليوتيوب
بامكانكم متابعتي على الفيسبوك
بامكانكم متابعتي على الانستجرام
بامكانكم متابعتي على التويتر
عن الهام في الويكيبيديا:
موقع: -
Living With Flavor is a podcast for all of your family. Heba shares with you scientific knowledge, psychological theories, and her coaching experience related to simply all aspects of life!
Parenting Podcast to all Arabic speaking mothers discussing all issues related to motherhood & parenting to empower mothers to enjoy their children in addition to solving daily and more major challenges that face families having neurotypical & neurodivergent kids with love & compassion.بودكاست موجهة لكل أم متحدثة باللغة العربية لتناقش كل المواضيع المختصة بالأمومة و التربية لتمكين الأمهات ليستمتعوا بأولادهم بالإضافة الي إيجاد حلول للتحديات اليومية و التحديات الكبري التي تواجه أي اسرة بها أطفال لديهم تنوع عصبي أو نمط عصبي متعارف علية بالحب و العطف.
We are two two second-year Clinical Psychologists in Training. We started studying the Doctorate in Clinical Psychology in September 2019. We are also both parents. We started this podcast in our first year of training, with the hope of sharing some of our experiences of DClinPsy training so far. Importantly, we hope to build a virtual community of trainees and aspiring psychologists who are parents/caregivers, so that we can support each other through this challenging journey!
The 5 to 8 Shift Podcast is hosted by Susannah and 3 times a month she invites guests to share their expertise with you. Episodes highlight the highs and lows of parenting, impart the latest research and tips to help families thrive, or provide a good laugh as we all commiserate together.
Our mission is to encourage you and provide info without the overwhelm. Episodes come out on the 7s - the 7th, 17th, and 27th each month. We’re thrilled to cheer you on in your own 5 to 8 shift - it's your most important shift of the day!
Connect: Instagram - @susannah.mcmonagle / -
Longtime educators and lacrosse fanatics Marty Kupprion and Bill Leahy focus on engaging different perspectives from the world of youth sports. Coach Kupp (Former Delaware Blue Hen, Current Coach at Haverford School) and Coach Leahy (Pennsylvania‘s Winningest High School Coach at La Salle College High School) talk lacrosse, culture building and other topics related to coaching and parenting today‘s athletes. Learn more about NXT at
I started this Podcast a few years ago when I became a mom to 2 under 2 basically overnight. I loved recording those first few years but I am ready to talk about new things! Let's talk about true crime, books, TV shows, movies and more. Of course we will always touch on parenting but I'm so excited to begin recording some new and fun things season 4 is a great place to start. 💕
بودكاست بيننا حكايات يقدم قصص من حولنا. نتحدث مع ضيوفنا عن حكايات وتجارب طبية، وعلمية، وتربوية، واجتماعية لنتعلم ونستفيد من مختلف التجارب.
Podcast Stories Among Us introduces different beneficial experiences while we discuss medical, scientific, parenting, and social issues with our guests.
My daughter will ask a question and I will try to answer it the best I can. The answers may not be right, the answers may not be factual but they will be answered to the best of my ability as all dads do.
If you have any questions or comments please email me at [email protected] -
I Sleep Great: A Non-Parent's Guide to Parenting is a new podcast hosted by Ben Oddo and produced in partnership with Nurture the Next. Through educational and entertaining interviews, we are going to focus on some of the more challenging moments of parenthood, like stress management, nutrition, and play. Our hope is to empower better parenting, and ultimately healthier, safer homes for more resilient children.
We'll be releasing episodes on or wherever you get podcasts. Also make sure to follow us on social media @nurturethenext. Parenting is hard and we're here to help. -
The first ever podcast of its kind: interviews with GS volunteers across the country & even the world, conversations with goal-getter girls, and panel discussions & debates about all the latest news & information regarding all things Girl Scouts. (This podcast is not affiliated with or sponsored by GSUSA; it is completely volunteer and girl driven.)
Welcome to the only podcast designed to provide moms with ADHD running neurodivergent households tips, tools, practices and practical spirituality to help them declutter their ADHD minds and forge an empowered path forward, even if they have a million other things in their brilliant, unique minds.
Each week I alternate between interviewing amazing experts who share invaluable resources and game changing strategies with solo episodes based on decades of yoga, meditation, mind/body work, energy work, life transformation coaching and my own “experiment” with life as an ADHD mom with ADHD kiddos.
I'm Tracy Nolin Beerman, founder of Vision Driven Mom With ADHD and your host. Vibe care…or emotional regulation…is my jam and I truly believe that you can have ADHD without ADHD having you.
Check us out at
This podcast is a place where parents of children with special needs can connect and be a support system for one another. Support this podcast:
Have you ever thought about returning your baby? Then this is the podcast for you! But seriously, this is an open space where two mums share their experiences - the bad, the good and the ugly in the hope it’ll help other parents out there to feel less isolated.
Contact us:
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: -
New episodes, after the kids go to bed on Tuesdays and Thursdays!
As a stay at home mom of three kids, I can all agree that parenting is really hard, the trends are difficult to keep up with and no one is perfect.
I hope I can encourage you with my own personal successes and failures. I hope I can let you know that it's going to be alright and you are not alone!
Send me a voicemail! -
Join two of East Lake Pediatrics Board Certified pediatricians from East Lake Pediatrics, Dr. Mike and Dr. Cary, as they attempt to have some fun discussing pediatric health topics intermixed with pop culture.
This podcast is for general information purposes only and is not intended for treatment purposes or to promote any products, treatments, or services. This podcast is not a substitute or replacement for, and should not be construed as, professional or medical advice. In no way does listening to this podcast or reading, e-mailing or interacting on social media with our content establish a patient-physician relationship. You should note that the podcast and social media are not private forums and any exchanges and information posted, shared, and/or discussed will be available to the public. You should not share, post, or discuss protected health information on these forums as the information will not be protected by federal or state privacy laws. If you have any questions about your or your child’s medical condition or treatment, please seek the advice of your health care provider. If there is a medical emergency, please call 911. -
مشاركات لخبرات التربية من الآباء للآباء لدعمهم في عناء رحلة تربية الأبناء