In the era of “fake news,” the power of the media to shape our understanding of reality is undeniable. Sexist news coverage is nothing new for women, but in an election year, it’s crucial we remain vigilant and outspoken. In this episode, Gloria urges us to be conscious, careful and critical about women’s representation in the media, and gives us concrete tips for how to recognize and leverage our own power to change the narrative.
After you listen...
+Diversify your media consumption
+Read the research on the status of women in the media
+Learn more about Citi's Jane Fraser and her leadership style
+Discover the powerful monument to the pioneers of women's right
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Energy is your most precious resource. Yet, in a world where women are constantly reacting, consciously or unconsciously to microaggressions and systemic oppression, we often squander it. It’s no surprise that many of us feel depleted, stressed and anxious. In this insightful conversation, journalist Soledad O’ Brien and Gloria show how to take back the reins, and share concrete tips to marshal your energy to be more focused and intentional, and give your time and attention to what matters most.
After you listen...
+Take Soledad O'Brian's career advice
+Learn how to effectively manage your energy, not your time.
+Use your power to mobilize others' energy and commitment
+Boost your energy levels and thrive in your leadership
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Hillary Clinton’s groundbreaking speech at the U.N.’s Fourth World Conference on Women in 1995 became a flashbulb memory for many of us. For Gloria, who was in the room where it happened not once but twice, it's a moment she comes back to again and again. In this episode, she shares highlights of her experience, reflects on the significance of Clinton's words 25 years later, and helps us identify the missing piece that to this day makes it hard for women all over the world to exercise those rights fully.
This week, Gloria documents the long term impact sexual harassment, abuse, and assault have on women’s minds, and as a result, on their lives, leadership aspirations, and careers. Focusing on the riveting documentary On the Record and on her conversation with the protagonist Drew Dixon, Gloria helps us understand why, despite the rise of the #MeToo movement, we are far from understanding all we lose as a society when abuse and harassment rob women of realizing their full potential. She offers strategic leadership tips on using your voice in your everyday life to shift this power paradigm once and for all.
After you listen...
+Meet the courageous women, at the heart of On the Record+Watch the documentary, hear their voices, learn their stories
+Learn more about the prevalence of sexual harassment on women leaders+Explore the links between sexual harassment and assault, and women's mental and physical wellbeing.
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You knew it would happen. As soon as Harris was named as Biden’s running mate, the word ambitious was used to undermine rather than praise her character. In this episode, Gloria makes a case for why we should once and for all rid ourselves of this double-standard and has some choice advice for how to keep yourself grounded in the power of your own ambition.
After you listen...
+Get sound advice from Kamala Harris on how to take up space when you're the only minority in the room.
+Learn more about the science behind women leaders' success in fighting the pandemic.
+Read about why black women and women of color tend to be more ambitious than their white counterparts in the corporate world.
+Go ahead, own your ambition, in your life and career.Take The Lead newsletter
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2020 is the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment giving women the right to vote. In this episode, Gloria reminds us of the many hurdles women, especially women of color, have continued to face and overcome to exercise their right to vote. And, she shares concrete actions you can take in your own life to make the 19th Amendment live up to its ideals.
+ Explore the history and the complicated reality of the women's suffrage movement.
+Meet the women who endured the "Night of Terror" for seeking the right to vote
+Dive into the data on the gender gap in voter turnout.
+Discover substantive solutions to achieve race and gender equality, and register for The Power To Change Conversations.Take The Lead newsletter
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Movements consist of key people organized and coordinated to achieve a common goal. In this episode, Gloria invites you to rethink your career as a movement, and to apply movement building strategies to engage your network, define your shared goals, and overcome obstacles to create meaningful advances in your professional life.
After you listen...
+ Learn how to overcome career advancement roadblocks+Hone your self-advocacy skills
+Explore what it takes for a social movement to work
+Do something that scares you today
+ Take the credit you deserve
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Across the country women mayors are rising to the challenges of addressing COVID-19 and doing right by their communities, even when it means facing opposition from state and federal governments. Inspired by their commitment and leadership, Gloria offers practical advice—and sound words of encouragement—for anyone aspiring to a career in public service.
After you listen...
+ Learn about how cities—and local leaders—are playing a big role in reopening the economy.
+Meet the women of color currently serving in elective office
+Get to know the organizations helping women get elected, especially those supporting Black female candidates
+Be inspired by who could be next.
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Whatever your plans were for 2020 back in January, they've likely been upended by COVID 19. The pandemic has impacted every aspect of our lives, and being in constant damage-control mode can be overwhelming. You may find yourself looking at the best laid career plans and thinking....what now? In this episode Gloria offers concrete action steps (plus, a free download!) to turn the chaos into opportunity, keep your eyes on your goals, and begin moving forward one step at a time.
After you listen...
+Download Gloria's free guide for reframing your career path after job loss.
+Learn about BIPOC women most economically impacted by the corona virus pandemic.
+Discover the lessons if you find yourself out of a job (because there's a lesson in every experience).
+Be kind to yourself and explore these key self-care resources.Take The Lead newsletter
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Picking out a name is a powerful and consequential process. Names convey and create meaning. They reveal something about who we are, where we come from, and where we're headed. But is a person, business, or idea given a name because of who or what they are? Or do they grow and stretch to fit the name they were given? In this episode Gloria muses about the connections between choosing and using a name, claiming an identity, and creating a mission, and offers practical advice for maximizing the power of naming in your work and in life.
After you listen...
+Get to know the name and the story of the woman who forced the police to treat sexual assault like a crime.
+Read Chanel Miller's memoir Know My Name, about her assault by Brock Turner and the aftermath.
+Learn about the #SayHerName movement and the campaign to resist police brutality against black women.+Tap into the power of self awareness to become a better leader
+Explore the 9 Leadership Power virtual program and catapult yourself into your next leadership role.
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Anyone who hates networking might be tempted to add the lack of in-person networking opportunities to the short list of silver linings in the age of social distancing. However, we are heading into the great unknown, and it's more important than ever to cultivate a robust and versatile support system. In this episode, Gloria shares concrete tips to make meaningful connections virtually, that will be key to your success, whether you're anticipating a career change, shifting in your business, or rethinking your priorities during this pandemic.
After you listen...
+Step into your power as an introvert
+Download Gloria's tips for Networking While Social DistancingTake The Lead newsletter
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It's not a coincidence that the Movement for Black Lives was started by three women, Patrisse Khan-Cullors, Alicia Garza, and Opal Tometi. Their low-ego, high-impact, lead-with-love model has inspired and activated people of all races across the country and the world. In this episode, Gloria shares heart-forward movement-building tips to stay engaged, energized, and to lead change.
After you listen...
+Learn more about the connection between female protestors and effective mass movements
+Donate to organizations that support Black Lives and communities of color
+Get inspired and write history, with the OpEd Project.
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Elma Beganovich has reached the upper ranks of social influencing, commanding as much as $20,000 for a single post. How did she do it? With intention, every step of the way. Gloria interviewed her and this week offers key insights from their conversation about how Elma, with her sister’s support, fashioned a powerful brand.
After you listen...
+Follow Elma on Instagram+Learn more about the Beganovich sisters and their online empire
+Sign up for Gloria's "9 Leadership Power Tools" course
+Get inspired by Women entrepreneurs
+Get familiar with Michelle Obama's book, Becoming
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Baking is among the most popular activities right now as people find ways to cope with being at home most of the time. But Gloria has been baking and building community along the way for many years. In this personal episode she looks back at the bonds she built and strengthened thanks to a certain challah recipe.
After you listen...
+Try baking Mom's Challah at home
+Read up on how breaking bread created connectedness, regardless of what we think is separating us.Take The Lead newsletter
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It’s probably safe to say that most of us have an opinion on this matter. But let’s set that aside as Gloria takes us through her own thinking and evidence-based analysis of what it means to truly lead through an unprecedented set of events.
After you listen, explore further how Gloria prepared this week's episode on leading through crisis.
+A look at why female legislators pass more bills and why companies with more women in their leadership make more money.
+Learn all about the new, improved 9 Leadership Power Tools to Accelerate Your Career online self study course that launches in June.
+This new study breaks down the implicit bias and discrimination women have endured in the workplace
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This week, Gloria takes another thoughtful look at the opportunities the COVID-19 pandemic and other unexpected situations present. By drawing from recent events in her own life and leadership, as well as other women leaders and companies that have managed to thrive the last few months, Gloria drives home the importance of “being able to live and lead with uncertainty and ambiguity.” Her analysis of current events makes clear how ambiguity offers space for you to innovate and breakthrough with your most powerful ambitions.
After you listen, head over to these resources we've also linked to in the transcript to read further on Gloria's inspiring take on uncertainty.
+Get to know three powerhouse mayors who energized Take the Lead's Power Up Conference: Coral Evans of Flagstaff, AZ and Kate Gallego of Phoenix, AZ star in this highlights video from the conference.
+Learn more about the blue ocean strategy for strategic leadership that played a role in founding Take the Lead.
+Look at the latest performance indicators for two category-breaking companies: Zoom and Peloton
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This week, Gloria wants to talk about power. Our relationship to it. Our fear of it. Our misunderstanding of it. Drawing from examples in her own life, sociological studies, and decades analyzing power dynamics between people and within organizations, she guides us on ways to break through our hesitation, discomfort and mistrust of summoning and asserting our power.
After you listen, dig through these resources we've linked to in the transcript to read further on Gloria's analysis of power in the episode.
The classic exploration of two of the classic types of power that sociologists Raven and French identified in the 1950s.
The growth mindset vs. the fixed mindset.
Why women earn 57% of the college degrees. And why we buy or are the primary influence on 85% of purchases.
Evidence that women’s leadership makes companies better.Take The Lead newsletter
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Now’s an especially good time to do some thinking about who you want to be after the new normal sets in. All the time alone and apart these couple of months have given many of us the rare opportunity to reflect and reconsider. In this insightful review of her own professional path, Gloria offers tangible and tactical ways to emerge and move forward with intention and clarity—to more fully realize the vision you have for yourself at work and in life.
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In this heartfelt episode, Gloria helps us take a breath amid the global crisis and consider the possibilities if we only refocus our energy. “We’re in the season of rebirth. We’re in the season of disruption. The two have much in common. What we think of as normal may never be again, but in this season of rebirth and disruption, we have an opportunity to normalize some new realities, to create a future more intentionally and proactively than we have ever done,” she tells us.
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These are the questions Gloria invites you to consider after you listen to this episode:
1. What is your biggest fear personally about how the pandemic is impacting or will impact your own life? What is your biggest fear?
2. What is the greatest opportunity that you see for yourself as we come out of this difficult time?
3. What path do you think the country or the world will take to a new normal, positive or negative?
4. What is the one change you would most like to normalize?
5. Anything else you want to say?
Email Gloria with your answers and comments: powertoyou@taketheleadwomen.com
We know that women are socialized to be attentive and inclusive of those around us. And we also know that being so often means being not seen as leaders, passed up for promotions and being denied credit for our work. In this episode, Gloria offers concrete examples of how being too nice works against us, and provides actionable tips for being “authentic, kind, and respectful in your communications” without descending into Niceness Hell.
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