UNICEF Innocenti's Research Matters is a podcast about global evidence on what works and what doesn't for children. The podcast brings together UNICEF researchers, programme managers, and our colleagues in the field and around the world to explain and explore emerging data and analysis on topics such as child wellbeing, child poverty, education, health, migration, violence, and more. Our series delivers objective insights on realities children face as well as impacts from policies and practices worldwide. Each episode focuses on a different issue shaping children today, with details on UNICEF's evidence and recommendations for action.
7 oddechów to podcast o życiu, o miłości, o relacjach między ludźmi i radzeniu sobie w sytuacjach trudnych. Podcast prowadzą: Marta Abramowicz, pisarka i autorka książek "Zakonnice odchodzą po cichu" i "Dzieci księży. Nasza wspólna tajemnica" oraz Anna Strzałkowska, coach, mówczyni motywacyjna i badaczka społeczna, która pracuje na Uniwersytecie Gdańskim.
The Africa Climate Conversations podcast channel purpose is to shape climate change and environmental narratives in Africa through in-depth news features from the field, conversations with African experts, and opinions.
Hello, and welcome. My name is Sophie Mbugua, and I am from Kenya. I am an environmental journalist passionate about Africa, my motherland, nature, and travel.
I started this podcast in 2022 after reporting for numerous international, local, and regional media outlets on climate change and the environment. But over the years, I have noted huge gaps in reporting these narratives from an African perspective.
In a world where Africa is heating faster than the rest of the world, its population expected to double, home to critical minerals for a green revolution, Africa cannot afford to leave its media behind. As an African journalist, producing this podcast is my contribution to the Africa we want for us and our future generations.
There, please subscribe, listen, and share. Let's shape the future African climate change and environmental narratives together.
Watch us on Youtube:
Website: -
Podcasty tematyczne przygotowywane przez portal w latach 2010-2012. Słuchaczy chcących wesprzeć nasze radio zapraszamy pod ten link:
Najlepsze, co w ostatnich latach spotkało polską ufologię - czyli zapisy debat z udziałem ufologów, organizowanych na antenie Radia Paranormalium.. Słuchaczy chcących wesprzeć nasze radio zapraszamy pod ten link:
Take chances, make mistakes and get messy! Random Theory is here to blow your mind and challenge the way we talk about science. A theory is: a plausible or scientifically acceptable general principal or body of principals offered to explain a phenomena. I’m Grace Dirig, your host and around here at TKOR we like to think the Random Theory best explains how we come up with ideas! Miss Frizzle was the first person to challenge the way I saw the world! Yeah, you know the super cool girl from the magic school bus? She taught me to take chances, make mistakes and get messy! Here at The King Of Random (TKOR) we take that statement far... sometimes a little too far. We may have “silly projects” but in reality there is REAL science that goes into every project! Science is a critical element to everything here on earth AND BEYOND! When you begin to let your imagination wonder, like we do here at TKOR, every single day involves curiosity, discovery, or learning something new! So if you’re ready, hop on the magic Random Theory bus and get curious as we explore every theory we can find!Have an advertising opportunity or just want to say hi? Email: [email protected]
Wish you could avoid ineffective communication & gain great communication skills? You’re not alone! Through scholarship and storytelling this podcast will help you to unlock your communication potential. Academic experts teach us research-based communication strategies, while special guests share their triumphs, struggles and authentic stories.
Host, Malika Dudley, is a multi award-winning journalist who holds a master’s in communication. -
Join athletes and environmental advocates Faith E. Briggs and Addie Thompson as they dig into conversations at the intersection of race, environment, history and culture. They talk to thought-leaders, athletes, activists, artists, scientists, comedians — folks from all walks of life. Together, they aim to galvanize a dialogue in the outdoors that is authentic, sustained and leads to tangible change. Presented by Merrell and Patagonia.
Cześć w tym podcaście zastanawiam się o co chodzi. Czasem narzekam, czasem chwalę, wszystko zależy od wszystkiego. Pod lupę biorę interesujące mnie firmy, zjawiska ekonomiczne czy społeczne i analizując je w oparciu o badania, prace naukowe i inne próbuję odkryć jakimi prawami się rządzą i co to znaczy.
Dla zainteresowanych odcinki są także dostępne na youtube w formie video. -
Conversations about politics, media, social theory and other topics. -
Cześć! Nazywam się Ewelina Ulanicka. W moim podcaście opowiadam o bliskości z naturą, o szukaniu i tworzeniu pięknych momentów, ale też o konkretach dotyczących szerokopojętej ekologii, natury, i zrównoważonego rozwoju.
Rozgość się wygodnie, i nastaw się na dawkę naturalnych ciekawostek!
Po więcej treści zapraszam na mój Instagram @ewelina.ulanicka -
It’s time for the textile industry to stop harming people and our planet. But what is the alternative to the „fast fashion” concept? In this 3-part podcast, we dive into the impact of the textile industry and the economic growth mindset and explore alternative systems. Based on the idea of a Wellbeing Economy, we try to imagine another way to transform how our clothes are made, sold, worn - and reworn
Wellbeing Wardrobe - Undressing Fast Fashion is a podcast by the European Environmental Bureau.
You can find us online on and follow the EEB on Twitter at @Green_Europe..
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Why so dope, you ask? I’ve got four words for you: Diversity, Open-Mindedness, Peace and Equality.
Each episode I'll be having a D.O.P.E. Talk with People I admire, people I've always wanted to meet, people we can learn from, we can laugh with, and even people I disagree with to talk about everything my curiosity will lead me to, from politics to religions and from science to conspiracy theories.
So join me and my guests while we let our hair down for wide-ranging and free-wheeling conversations.
If you're asking yourself, wait a minute, who the hell is Rahaf, then please check out episode 0, a 6 Minutes introduction to get to know me and the idea behind D.O.P.E. Talks.
Recently I decided to change careers and went back to being a full-time student. But I still want to give D.O.P.E. Talks attention and time to create good content for you. That’s why as my side hustle, D.O.P.E. Talks will be taking the shape of a “pop-up” podcast. This means there won't be an episode on a regular basis, but when the episode pops-up, it will be worth listening to. So Stay tuned for more to come and don't forget to hit that subscribe button to get notified about new content.