
  • #pretenseofjustice #drcarmenjohnson #CourtWatchPG #criminaljusticesystem #fionaapple #HOTT #ABACIVILRights

    Dr. Carmen Johnson joined a panel on @ABA Section of Civil Rights and Social Justice to discuss the inequity and lack of justice and the impact to people of color.

    Full Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9w-L1mDR2UUIn the U.S., court hearings are generally public. This was intended to ensure that justice was administered in the open and with public knowledge. But, most people have never been inside of a courtroom, and their perceptions of what happens in court too often come from television or movies. Court-watching programs ensure scrutiny and evaluation. They serve to highlight the realities of our legal system by recording data, uncovering stories, identifying trends, and highlighting problems. Further, by presenting observations and findings to policymakers and the public, court-watching programs can drive reform. This webinar will look at court-watching programs across the United States, discussing their purpose, organization, and impact.Don't forget to order your copy of Pretense of Justice.Order Pretense of Justice: https://www.amazon.com/Pretense-Justice-Premium-Color-Cover/dp/B0B6XMSQ98/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1XO3KBCMZJXZO&keywords=the+pretense+of+justice+by+carmen+johnson&qid=1658686759&sprefix=Pretense+of+Justic%2Caps%2C88&sr=8-1Support Our Non-Profit Organizations via Merchandise: All proceeds go to our orgnization HOTT https://helpingourselves.org/support-our-organization-with-a-purchase/Don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube Channel:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCr6Sdm-RsWZ0rnMXAzRte5A

  • #PretenseofJustice #DrCarmenJohnson #CourtWatchPG #CriminalJusticeSystem #fionaapple #HOTT #HelpingOurselvesToTransform #ReturningCitizenSummitDr. Carmen Johnson participated in a the Returning Citizen Summit.Don't forget to order your copy of Pretense of Justice.Order Pretense of Justice: https://www.amazon.com/Pretense-Justice-Premium-Color-Cover/dp/B0B6XMSQ98/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1XO3KBCMZJXZO&keywords=the+pretense+of+justice+by+carmen+johnson&qid=1658686759&sprefix=Pretense+of+Justic%2Caps%2C88&sr=8-1Support Our Non-Profit Organizations via Merchandise: All proceeds go to our orgnization HOTT https://helpingourselves.org/support-our-organization-with-a-purchase/Don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube Channel:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCr6Sdm-RsWZ0rnMXAzRte5AYou can also check us out on other platforms:Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/pretense-of-justice/id1610023478Spodify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4IW01YiC91ZHlnjhMhTHhsAnchor FM: https://anchor.fm/the-pretense-of-justice

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  • #PretenseofJustice #DrCarmenJohnson #CourtWatchPG #CriminalJusticeSystem #fionaapple #HOTT #HelpingOurselvesToTransform   

    Thank you Zealous for featuring our Court Watchers!!! 

     Original Video:  https://vimeo.com/762355587 

    Don't forget to order your copy of Pretense of Justice. Order Pretense of Justice: 


    Support Our Non-Profit Organizations via Merchandise:   All proceeds go to our orgnization 

    HOTT  https://helpingourselves.org/support-our-organization-with-a-purchase/ 

    Don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCr6Sdm-RsWZ0rnMXAzRte5A 

    You can also check us out on other platforms: 

    Apple Podcast:  https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/pretense-of-justice/id1610023478

    Spodify:  https://open.spotify.com/show/4IW01YiC91ZHlnjhMhTHhs

    Anchor FM: https://anchor.fm/the-pretense-of-justice

  • #PretenseofJustice #DrCarmenJohnson #CourtWatchPG #CriminalJusticeSystem #vanjones #HOTT #HelpingOurselvesToTransform

    Dr. Carmen Johnson and Roland Carter participated in a discussion regarding the Criminal Justice System after the screening of Van Jones documentary The First Step.

    Thank You Van Jones for your hard work in brining attention to the World on the injustices and taking action to positively impact the lives of those impacted.

    Don't forget to order your copy of Pretense of Justice. Order Pretense of Justice:  https://www.amazon.com/Pretense-Justice-Premium-Color-Cover/dp/B0B6XMSQ98/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1XO3KBCMZJXZO&keywords=the+pretense+of+justice+by+carmen+johnson&qid=1658686759&sprefix=Pretense+of+Justic%2Caps%2C88&sr=8-1

    Support Our Non-Profit Organizations via Merchandise:   All proceeds go to our orgnization HOTT  https://helpingourselves.org/support-our-organization-with-a-purchase/

    Don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCr6Sdm-RsWZ0rnMXAzRte5A

    You can also check us out on other platforms: 

    Apple Podcast:  https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/pretense-of-justice/id1610023478

    Spodify:  https://open.spotify.com/show/4IW01YiC91ZHlnjhMhTHhs

    Anchor FM: https://anchor.fm/the-pretense-of-justice

  • #PretenseofJustice #DrCarmenJohnson #CourtWatchPG #CriminalJusticeSystem #fionaapple

    Dr. Carmen Johnson and Fiona Apple were interviewd by Washington Post Live regarding Courtroom Transparency.  In this video, Dr. Carmen Johnson and Grammy Award Winner Fiona Apple discuss the importance of criminal justice reform and how courtroom transparency can help improve the quality of justice for all.

    Thank You Washington Post Live for spotlighting this important issue.

    Original Video:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qalqe05qEbk

    Don't forget to order your copy of Pretense of Justice. Order Pretense of Justice:  https://www.amazon.com/Pretense-Justice-Premium-Color-Cover/dp/B0B6XMSQ98/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1XO3KBCMZJXZO&keywords=the+pretense+of+justice+by+carmen+johnson&qid=1658686759&sprefix=Pretense+of+Justic%2Caps%2C88&sr=8-1

    Support Our Non-Profit Organizations via Merchandise:   All proceeds go to our orgnization HOTT  https://helpingourselves.org/support-our-organization-with-a-purchase/

    Don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCr6Sdm-RsWZ0rnMXAzRte5A

    You can also check us out on other platforms: Apple Podcast:  https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/pretense-of-justice/id1610023478Spodify:  https://open.spotify.com/show/4IW01YiC91ZHlnjhMhTHhsAnchor FM: https://anchor.fm/the-pretense-of-justice

  • #PretenseofJustice #DrCarmenJohnson #CourtWatchPG #CriminalJusticeSystem #AnthonyWolfWilson

    Mr. Wilson will discuss his experience with the criminal 'injustice' system and how he became an activist for his community through his organization FRESH (Fully Restoring Every Son's Hope) FREST provides education to the youth on their legal rights and are creating safe and productive communities.

    Order Pretense of Justice:  https://www.amazon.com/Pretense-Justice-Premium-Color-Cover/dp/B0B6XMSQ98/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1XO3KBCMZJXZO&keywords=the+pretense+of+justice+by+carmen+johnson&qid=1658686759&sprefix=Pretense+of+Justic%2Caps%2C88&sr=8-1

    Support Our Non-Profit Organizations via Merchandise:   https://helpingourselves.org/support-our-organization-with-a-purchase/

    Don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCr6Sdm-RsWZ0rnMXAzRte5A

    You can also check us out on other platforms: Apple Podcast:  https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/pretense-of-justice/id1610023478Spodify:  https://open.spotify.com/show/4IW01YiC91ZHlnjhMhTHhsAnchor FM: https://anchor.fm/the-pretense-of-justice

  • #PretenseofJustice #blacklivesmatter #DrCarmenJohnson #CourtWatchPG #CriminalJusticeSystem #judgejoebrown   

    In this Pretense of Justice News Update we discuss the story of Black Lives activist Brittany Martin who was jailed for comments She made at a BLM protest....  

    Source:   https://jezebel.com/a-pregnant-black-activist-is-in-prison-for-talking-back-1849500832  

    Order Pretense of Justice: 


    Support Our Non-Profit Organizations via Merchandise:  


    Don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCr6Sdm-RsWZ0rnMXAzRte5A 

    You can also check us out on other platforms: 

    Apple Podcast:  https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/pretense-of-justice/id1610023478

    Spodify:  https://open.spotify.com/show/4IW01YiC91ZHlnjhMhTHhs

    Anchor FM: https://anchor.fm/the-pretense-of-justice court watch pg fiona apple trump donald trump supreme court

  • #PretenseofJustice #PregnantMothersIncarcenrated #CriminalJusticeNews #PrisonforProfit #PrivatePrison #BlacksInTheCriminalJusticeSystem #DrCarmenJohnson #CourtWatchPG

     Let us know of any criminal justice topics you would like for us to discuss:  https://carmensstory.org/contact/ 

    In this Pretense of Justice News Update we discuss how Pregnant Mothers giving birth behind bars.  

    To Purchase Pretense of Justice:   

    Avaliable in Paperback and Hard Cover https://www.amazon.com/Pretense-Justice-Premium-Color/dp/B0B5MM1PMB/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1NDV2MKDWW69U&keywords=pretense+of+justice&qid=1659300100&sprefix=Pretense+of+Ju%2Caps%2C107&sr=8-1 

    Source: https://www.themarshallproject.org/2020/05/06/the-separation 

    Thank You For Your Support!!!  

    Contact Us:  https://carmensstory.org/contact/ 

    Support Our Non-Profit Organizations via Merchandise:     https://helpingourselves.org/support-our-organization-with-a-purchase/  

    Don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCr6Sdm-RsWZ0rnMXAzRte5A 

    You can also check us out on other platforms:

    Iheart Radio 

    Apple Podcast:  https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/pretense-of-justice/id1610023478Spodify:  https://open.spotify.com/show/4IW01YiC91ZHlnjhMhTHhs

    Anchor FM: https://anchor.fm/the-pretense-of-justice

    Mission Statement:  To provide awareness of the penal system from the point of accusation, through trials and sentencing and focus on the gross 'Injustices' that people of color continue to face in America. 

    Vision:  To provide a safe space for victims of the American injustice system to share their story, provide information on the inner workings of the injustice system , provide resources and to discuss prevention and preparedness.  

    About Us: 



    c Courtroom Transparency  jim crow laws blacksandcriminaljustice coronavirus outbreak in prison african american and criminal justice  mass incarceration united states incarceration rate black lives matter  private prisons

  • #PretenseofJustice #DrCarmenJohnson #CourtWatchPG #CriminalJusticeSystem #judgejoebrown

    We are back!!!!  Join us on Monday August 1st at 7:30pm as we welcome our guest Josh Rosenburg. Josh is a University of Virginia student who joined Courtwatch PG Life After while in high school.  He is a prison industrial complex abolitionist working towards the liberation of all peoples.

    We will also get into current events, politricks, social and economic issues and the injustices around the world......

    Order Pretense of Justice:  https://www.amazon.com/Pretense-Justice-Premium-Color-Cover/dp/B0B6XMSQ98/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1XO3KBCMZJXZO&keywords=the+pretense+of+justice+by+carmen+johnson&qid=1658686759&sprefix=Pretense+of+Justic%2Caps%2C88&sr=8-1

    Support Our Non-Profit Organizations via Merchandise:   https://helpingourselves.org/support-our-organization-with-a-purchase/

    Don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCr6Sdm-RsWZ0rnMXAzRte5A

    You can also check us out on other platforms: Apple Podcast:  https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/pretense-of-justice/id1610023478Spodify:  https://open.spotify.com/show/4IW01YiC91ZHlnjhMhTHhsAnchor FM: https://anchor.fm/the-pretense-of-justice

  • #PretenseofJustice #CriminalJusticeNews #PrisonforProfit #PrivatePrison #BlacksInTheCriminalJusticeSystem #DrCarmenJohnson #CourtWatchTV

    Let us know of any criminal justice topics you would like for us to discuss:  https://carmensstory.org/contact/

    In this Pretense of Justice News Update we discuss how income is generated by Prisoners while behind the wall....

    To Purchase Pretense of Justice:    Avaliable in Paperback and Hard Cover https://www.amazon.com/Pretense-Justice-Premium-Color/dp/B0B5MM1PMB/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1NDV2MKDWW69U&keywords=pretense+of+justice&qid=1659300100&sprefix=Pretense+of+Ju%2Caps%2C107&sr=8-1

    Source: https://www.themarshallproject.org/2022/08/04/prison-money-diaries-what-people-really-make-and-spend-behind-bars

    Thank You For Your Support!!!

    Contact Us:  https://carmensstory.org/contact/

    Support Our Non-Profit Organizations via Merchandise:     https://helpingourselves.org/support-our-organization-with-a-purchase/

    Don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCr6Sdm-RsWZ0rnMXAzRte5A

    You can also check us out on other platforms:

    Iheart Radio Apple Podcast:  https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/pretense-of-justice/id1610023478

    Spodify:  https://open.spotify.com/show/4IW01YiC91ZHlnjhMhTHhs

    Anchor FM: https://anchor.fm/the-pretense-of-justice

    Mission Statement:  To provide awareness of the penal system from the point of accusation, through trials and sentencing and focus on the gross 'Injustices' that people of color continue to face in America.

    Vision:  To provide a safe space for victims of the American injustice system to share their story, provide information on the inner workings of the injustice system , provide resources and to discuss prevention and preparedness.

    About Us: 



    c Courtroom Transparency  jim crow laws blacksandcriminaljustice coronavirus outbreak in prison african american and criminal justice  mass incarceration united states incarceration rate black lives matter  private prisons

  • #PretenseofJustice #DrCarmenJohnson #CourtWatchPG #CriminalJusticeSystem #judgejoebrown 

    Join us Pretense Of Justice on Monday Auagust 1st at 7:30pm Eastern time as we welcome our honor guest Judge Joe Brown. 

    Get ready as we discuss topics in the Justice System, Current Events, Politics, and Controversial Issues...

    Order Pretense of Justice:  https://www.amazon.com/Pretense-Justi... 

    Support Our Non-Profit Organizations via Merchandise:   https://helpingourselves.org/support-... 

    Don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCr6S...

    You can also check us out on other platforms: Apple Podcast:  


    Spodify:  https://open.spotify.com/show/4IW01Yi...

    Anchor FM: https://anchor.fm/the-pretense-of-jus...

    Mission Statement:  To provide awareness of the penal system from the point of accusation, through trials and sentencing and focus on the gross 'Injustices' that people of color continue to face in America.

  • #PretenseofJustice #CriminalJusticeNews #PrisonforProfit #PrivatePrison #BlacksInTheCriminalJusticeSystem #DrCarmenJohnson #CourtWatchTV

    Let us know of any criminal justice topics you would like for us to discuss:  https://carmensstory.org/contact/ 

    In this Pretense of Justice News Update Dr Carmen Johnson reads an open letter to American Judges from her book Pretense of Justice.... 

    To Purchase Pretense of Justice:    Avaliable in Paperback and Hard Cover 


    Source: https://prisonist.org/the-pretense-of-justice-an-open-letter-to-the-judges-of-america-by-dr-carmen-johnson/

    Thank You For Your Support!!!

    Mission Statement:  To provide awareness of the penal system from the point of accusation, through trials and sentencing and focus on the gross 'Injustices' that people of color continue to face in America.  

    Vision:  To provide a safe space for victims of the American injustice system to share their story, provide information on the inner workings of the injustice system , provide resources and to discuss prevention and preparedness.  

    About Us:  



  • #PretenseofJustice #DrCarmenJohnson #CourtWatchPG #CriminalJusticeSystem #judgejoebrown

    We are back!!!!  Join us on Monday August 1st at 7:30pm as we welcome the honorable Judge Joe Brown.  

    We will get into current events, politricks, social and economic issues and the injustices around the world......

    Link to Live Show:   https://youtu.be/ymXQHUJjCDM

    Order Pretense of Justice:  https://www.amazon.com/Pretense-Justi...

    Support Our Non-Profit Organizations via Merchandise:   https://helpingourselves.org/support-...

    Don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCr6S...

    You can also check us out on other platforms: 

    Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast...

    Spodify:  https://open.spotify.com/show/4IW01Yi...

    Anchor FM: https://anchor.fm/the-pretense-of-jus...

    Mission Statement:  To provide awareness of the penal system from the point of accusation, through trials and sentencing and focus on the gross 'Injustices' that people of color continue to face in America.

    Vision:  To provide a safe space for victims of the American injustice

  • #PretenseofJustice #CriminalJusticeNews #PrisonforProfit #PrivatePrison #BlacksInTheCriminalJusticeSystem #DrCarmenJohnson #CourtWatchTV

    Let us know of any criminal justice topics you would like for us to discuss:  https://carmensstory.org/contact/

    In this Pretense of Justice News Update Dr Carmen Johnson is on Fox News discussing cameras in the courtroom and the work that CourtWatch does.

    Thank You For Your Support!!!  

    Contact Us:  https://carmensstory.org/contact/ 

    Order Pretense of Justice:   https://carmensstory.org/pretenseofjustice/

    Support Our Non-Profit Organizations via Merchandise:     https://helpingourselves.org/support-our-organization-with-a-purchase/

    Don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCr6Sdm-RsWZ0rnMXAzRte5A

    You can also check us out on other platforms:

     Iheart Radio

    Apple Podcast:  


    Spodify:  https://open.spotify.com/show/4IW01YiC91ZHlnjhMhTHhsAnchor FM: https://anchor.fm/the-pretense-of-justice

    Mission Statement:  To provide awareness of the penal system from the point of accusation, through trials and sentencing and focus on the gross 'Injustices' that people of color continue to face in America.

    Vision:  To provide a safe space for victims of the American injustice system to share their story, provide information on the inner workings of the injustice system , provide resources and to discuss prevention and preparedness.

    About Us:  https://carmensstory.org/


    c Courtroom Transparency  jim crow laws blacksandcriminaljustice coronavirus outbreak in prison african american and criminal justice  mass incarceration united states incarceration rate black lives matter  private prisons

  • #PretenseofJustice #CriminalJusticeNews #PrisonforProfit #PrivatePrison #BlacksInTheCriminalJusticeSystem #DrCarmenJohnson #CourtWatchTV

    Let us know of any criminal justice topics you would like for us to discuss:  


    In this Pretense of Justice News Update we discuss the profits and revenue stream of the Criminial Justice System.

    Article:   https://www.prisonpolicy.org/reports/money.html 

    Thank You For Your Support!!!  

    Contact Us:  https://carmensstory.org/contact/

    Order Pretense of Justice:   https://carmensstory.org/pretenseofjustice/ 

    Support Our Non-Profit Organizations via Merchandise:     https://helpingourselves.org/support-our-organization-with-a-purchase/

    Don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCr6Sdm-RsWZ0rnMXAzRte5A

    You can also check us out on other platforms: 

    Iheart Radio Apple Podcast:  https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/pretense-of-justice/id1610023478

    Spodify:  https://open.spotify.com/show/4IW01YiC91ZHlnjhMhTHhs

    Anchor FM: https://anchor.fm/the-pretense-of-justice

    Mission Statement:  To provide awareness of the penal system from the point of accusation, through trials and sentencing and focus on the gross 'Injustices' that people of color continue to face in America.

    Vision:  To provide a safe space for victims of the American injustice system to share their story, provide information on the inner workings of the injustice system , provide resources and to discuss prevention and preparedness.

    About Us:  



    c Courtroom Transparency

  • #PretenseofJustice #CriminalJusticeNews #PrisonRelease #CompassionPrisonRelease #BlacksInTheCriminalJusticeSystem #DrCarmenJohnson #CourtWatchTV

    Let us know of any criminal justice topics you would like for us to discuss:  https://carmensstory.org/contact/

    In this Pretense of Justice News Update we discuss the statistic of why people become incarcenrated.

    Article:   https://www.prisonpolicy.org/reports/beyondthecount.html

    Thank You For Your Support!!!

    Contact Us:  https://carmensstory.org/contact/

    Order Pretense of Justice:   https://carmensstory.org/pretenseofjustice/ 

    Support Our Non-Profit Organizations via Merchandise:     https://helpingourselves.org/support-our-organization-with-a-purchase/ 

    Don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube Channel: 


    You can also check us out on other platforms: Iheart Radio Apple Podcast: 


    Spodify:  https://open.spotify.com/show/4IW01YiC91ZHlnjhMhTHhsAnchor

    FM: https://anchor.fm/the-pretense-of-justice

    Mission Statement:  To provide awareness of the penal system from the point of accusation, through trials and sentencing and focus on the gross 'Injustices' that people of color continue to face in America.

    Vision:  To provide a safe space for victims of the American injustice system to share their story, provide information on the inner workings of the injustice system , provide resources and to discuss prevention and preparedness.

    About Us:  https://carmensstory.org/

    https://helpingourselves.org/ c Courtroom Transparency  jim crow laws blacksandcriminaljustice coronavirus outbreak in prison african american and criminal justice  mass incarceration united states incarceration rate black lives matter

  • #PretenseofJustice #DrCarmenJohnson #CourtWatchPG #CriminalJusticeSystem

     Join us Pretense Of Justice on Monday April 4th  at 7:00pm Eastern time.  

    Get ready as we discuss topics in the Justice System, Current Events, Politics, and Controversial Issues... 

    Order Pretense of Justice:  https://carmensstory.org/pretenseofjustice/ 

    Support Our Non-Profit Organizations via Merchandise:   https://helpingourselves.org/support-our-organization-with-a-purchase/  

    Don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCr6Sdm-RsWZ0rnMXAzRte5A  

    You can also check us out on other platforms: 

    Apple Podcast:  https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/pretense-of-justice/id1610023478 

    Spodify:  https://open.spotify.com/show/4IW01YiC91ZHlnjhMhTHhs 

    Anchor FM: https://anchor.fm/the-pretense-of-justice 

     Mission Statement:  

    To provide awareness of the penal system from the point of accusation, through trials and sentencing and focus on the gross 'Injustices' that people of color continue to face in America.  


    To provide a safe space for victims of the American injustice system to share their story, provide information on the inner workings of the injustice system , provide resources and to discuss prevention and preparedness.  

    About Us: 



  • #PretenseofJustice #CriminalJusticeNews #PrisonRelease #CompassionPrisonRelease #BlacksInTheCriminalJusticeSystem #DrCarmenJohnson #CourtWatchTV 

    Let us know of any criminal justice topics you would like for us to discuss:  


    In this Pretense of Justice News Update we discuss the statistic of Women who are incarcenrated and how it is often over looked. 

    Article:   https://www.prisonpolicy.org/reports/pie2019women.html 

    Thank You For Your Support!!!  

    Contact Us:  https://carmensstory.org/contact/ 

    Order Pretense of Justice:   https://carmensstory.org/pretenseofjustice/ 

    Support Our Non-Profit Organizations via Merchandise:     https://helpingourselves.org/support-our-organization-with-a-purchase/

    Don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCr6Sdm-RsWZ0rnMXAzRte5A 

    You can also check us out on other platforms:

     Iheart Radio:  Pretense of Justice

    Apple Podcast:  https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/pretense-of-justice/id1610023478

    Spodify:  https://open.spotify.com/show/4IW01YiC91ZHlnjhMhTHhs

    Anchor FM: https://anchor.fm/the-pretense-of-justice 

    Mission Statement:  To provide awareness of the penal system from the point of accusation, through trials and sentencing and focus on the gross 'Injustices' that people of color continue to face in America.  

    Vision:  To provide a safe space for victims of the American injustice system to share their story, provide information on the inner workings of the injustice system , provide resources and to discuss prevention and preparedness.  

    About Us: 


    https://helpingourselves.org/ c Courtroom Transparency  jim crow laws blacksandcriminaljustice

  • Let us know of any criminal justice topics you would like for us to discuss:  https://carmensstory.org/contact/

    In this Pretense of Justice News Update Dr Carmen Johnson, Qiana Johnson and Court Watch PG is recognize for the work of getting Transparency is Courts and why it is so important.



    Thank You For Your Support!!!

    Contact Us:  https://carmensstory.org/contact/

    Order Pretense of Justice:


    Support Our Non-Profit Organizations via Merchandise:


    Don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube Channel:


    You can also check us out on other platforms:

    Iheart Radio

    Apple Podcast:  https://podcasts.apple.com/.../pretense-of.../id1610023478

    Spodify:  https://open.spotify.com/show/4IW01YiC91ZHlnjhMhTHhs

    Anchor FM: https://anchor.fm/the-pretense-of-justice

    Mission Statement:  To provide awareness of the penal system from the point of accusation, through trials and sentencing and focus on the gross 'Injustices' that people of color continue to face in America.

    Vision:  To provide a safe space for victims of the American injustice system to share their story, provide information on the inner workings of the injustice system , provide resources and to discuss prevention and preparedness.

    About Us:



  • Let us know of any criminal justice topics you would like for us to discuss: 


    In this Pretense of Justice News Update we discuss the US Senate launching an investigation on Federal Prison Officials corruption and the crimes they are committing.......  

    Article:   https://apnews.com/article/senate-group-to-examine-bureau-of-prisons-abuse-corruption-f63728c39dd29f87543b12d38967304b 

    Thank You For Your Support!!!  

    Contact Us:  https://carmensstory.org/contact/  

    Pre-Order Pretense of Justice:  https://carmensstory.org/pretenseofjustice/  

    Support Our Non-Profit Organizations via Merchandise:     https://helpingourselves.org/support-our-organization-with-a-purchase/  

    Don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCr6Sdm-RsWZ0rnMXAzRte5A  

    You can also check us out on other platforms: 

    iHeart Radio:  https://www.iheart.com/podcast/269-pretense-of-justice-93048612/

    Apple Podcast:  https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/pretense-of-justice/id1610023478

    Spodify:  https://open.spotify.com/show/4IW01YiC91ZHlnjhMhTHhs 

    Anchor FM: https://anchor.fm/the-pretense-of-justice  

    Mission Statement:  To provide awareness of the penal system from the point of accusation, through trials and sentencing and focus on the gross 'Injustices' that people of color continue to face in America. 

    Vision:  To provide a safe space for victims of the American injustice system to share their story, provide information on the inner workings of the injustice system , provide resources and to discuss prevention and preparedness. 

     About Us:  

