Somewhere in the Skies is a weekly podcast covering UFOs and the unexplained. New episodes every Monday. Learn more at:
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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Vi i StudOrg är en podcastserie som produceras av studerande vid Svenska social- och kommunalhögskolan vid Helsingfors universitet, i Soc&koms audiovisuella studio. I podden diskuteras studierelevanta teman, liksom evenemang, styrelseverksamhet, arbete, utbyte och praktik. Podden erbjuder lyssnarna en inblick i studielivet på Soc&kom.
Studerar du på Soc&kom och vill medverka i Vi i Studorg-podden eller har idéer för poddavsnitt? ta kontakt via studions instagram eller hemsida på -
Yleissivistävä todellisuusmatka aikamme ajattomiin ja ajankohtaisiin ilmiöihin. Mitä on olla ihminen ja osa yhteiskuntaa?
The realms between fantasy and reality have collided and only archaeologists can pave the way through the unknown. Ash and Tilly, armed with two trowels and a backlog of archaeological theory, navigate to new, thrilling worlds, filled with magic and mayhem to answer those burgeoning questions that only archaeologists can answer. “What do you do when you find vampire teeth in a bronze age burial?” “Can you sample ecto-plasm?” “And just how DO you study dragon bones?” With the occasional help of specialists guests they uncover a new realm of archaeology and find out if fantasy is really so far from reality.
Learn anything you wanted to about international relations and national security--and plenty that you didn't! Hosts Joe and Pete break down the big questions out there on how things are and where to go from there with no political bias and no B.S. so that you can make your own informed choices on foreign policy affairs.
Explorations of more-than-human futures in planning and beyond -
Join neuroscientist, philosopher, and five-time New York Times best-selling author Sam Harris as he explores important and controversial questions about the mind, society, current events, moral philosophy, religion, and rationality—with an overarching focus on how a growing understanding of ourselves and the world is changing our sense of how we should live.
Sam is also the creator of the Waking Up app. Combining Sam’s decades of mindfulness practice, profound wisdom from varied philosophical and contemplative traditions, and a commitment to a secular, scientific worldview, Waking Up is a resource for anyone interested in living a more examined, fulfilling life—and a new operating system for the mind.
Waking Up offers free subscriptions to anyone who can’t afford one, and donates a minimum of 10% of profits to the most effective charities around the world. To learn more, please go to
Sam Harris received a degree in philosophy from Stanford University and a Ph.D. in neuroscience from UCLA. -
Learn research-tested strategies for a happier, more meaningful life, drawing on the science of compassion, gratitude, mindfulness, and awe. Hosted by award-winning psychologist Dacher Keltner. Co-produced by PRX and UC Berkeley's Greater Good Science Center. Follow us on Instagram @HappinessPod.
True Crime Brewery is the true crime podcast that brings you deeply inside of a crime and its investigation. Hosts Jill and her pediatrician husband Dick use their medical knowledge and life experiences to share the stories behind some of the most compelling crimes from all over the world. And, just for fun, Dick uses his secondary expertise as a craft beer lover to review the best beers from the regions where each crime occurred. Meet this true crime obsessed couple at the quiet end of the bar to share a delicious craft beer and an immersive storytelling experience.
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The Systemic Insight podcast series is about the field of economic development, and how it is challenged by thinking from the fields of systems theories and complexity
The show where we watch the 1970s TV show "In Search Of..." and look at possible explanations the producers didn't consider.
Tjejliv är politik och kvinnofrågor är vår vardag. En personlig poddserie
om det som vi alla brudar kämpar med och kämpar för. Det härliga med att vara
flicka men också om strukturer som sätter krokben på våra relationer och
på vårt jobbande. Ofta sätter vi dessutom krokben på oss själva med bristande självrespekt.
Kärleksliv, karriär, barn, jämställdhet och den alltför långa vägen till att fatta vem man är, det
poddar Amanda Backholm och Maria Sundblom Lindberg om i 8 avsnitt.
I stolt samarbete med Svenska Kvinnoförbundet, Svenska Kvinnoförbundet i Sörnäs och Svenska Bildningsförbundet.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Alustojen valta -podcast syväluotaa Googlen, Facebookin ja Amazonin kaltaisten digijättien valtaa ja kysyy, mitä sille pitäisi tehdä. Kriittinen keskustelu digijättien vallasta on äärimmäisen ajankohtaista tilanteessa, jossa digitaalisen alustatalouden pelisäännöt ovat nousseet 2020-luvun eurooppalaisen politiikan avainkysymykseksi. Suomessa aiheesta keskustellaan liian vähän, ja tätä aukkoa Alustojen valta syntyi paikkaamaan. Podcast kytkeytyy tutkimushankkeeseen, jota on rahoittanut Helsingin Sanomain säätiö ja Suomen akatemia.
Considerations about nature, history, culture and politics from the Arctic and the Antarctic.
tämä on podcast yhteiskunnallisista ilmiöistä ja niiden aiheuttamista tunnekuohuista
Not just another “skeptical” podcast, it’s a show about critical thinking and evidence-based analysis, using science and critical thinking to examine the world around us, from the mysterious and paranormal to the mundane.
Join us every season as we unravel a new crime. Every season we focus on one crime and the subsequent conviction. You, the audience, be the jury. Was justice served? What really happened?
NASW Social Work Talks informs, educates and inspires through conversations with experts and exploring issues that social work professionals care about. Brought to you by the National Association of Social Workers (NASW).
We promote art and science in the community. We do this by finding ways to inspire groups, businesses, communities and individuals with artistic and scientific experiences. Having art and science as your fundamental source of inspiration will begin your path to a more fruitful life. Art & Science will satisfy your required needs for inspirational pleasure with positive and unharmful experiences, yielding real world results. This will better serve yourself, our planet and the future of humanity as art & science are founded within the principles of reality."
Travis Pangburn, President & CEO