Join Dalton and Vlad as the visit the Second Annual Entheofest in Ann Arbor, Michigan!
For the tenth episode, the Psycho-Nots invite their first guest on! Today, we discuss lasik eye surgery, and politics.
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Vlad brings the story of The Chicago Seven to the Psycho-Nots Podcast, then proceeds to give his knowledge of the history of the hippie movement. Dalton stretches his ears. Again.
Vlad and Dalton exchange stories about weed, and high school. And Dalton stretches his ears again!
Dalton and Vlad discuss both the good and the bad sides of religion.
Dalton and Vlad talk about music and concerts. Vlad shares a story from college.
Vlad and Dalton discuss life, death, and cultural appropriation vs appreciation.
Dalton starts his ear stretching journey. He and Vlad discuss body modifications
On todays episode, Dalton and Vlad talk about the chaotic week they've had, as well as more discussion on the subjects of psychedelics.
Join Vlad and Dalton as they talk about how they met in high school, get lost on a couple of tangents, talk about their beliefs on Pyramids of Giza, and other topics of the sort!
Dipping our toes into the podcasting world!