Today’s episode is episode 13 of the Ten-Second Centering Series We regularly get uncentered in anticipation of doing something that strikes us as hard to do. The thought of that unpleasant task raises our anxiety level, which immediately uncenters us. For many of us, an awful lot of the tasks we face feel hard to do, whether it’s straightening out the garage, talking to our children about their school performance, staying married to our spouse, or getting up to go to work. The more that the things we do feel like a strain and heavy lifting, the more uncentered we remain. Incantation 10 helps remind us that we are indeed equal to these many challenges.
Today’s episode is episode 12 of the Ten-Second Centering Series Joy is the word we use for a certain deep, delicious feeling that sometimes arises in us just because the sun is shining and it feels good to be alive. But because of our frenetic pace, our worried mind, our existential difficulties, and our culture’s injunctions against ecstatic experience, joy is in remarkably short supply. How many times a day do you experience joy? Probably very few—and maybe even none. How often do the people around you look joyously transported? Seldom, I’ll bet—and maybe even never. Use Incantation 9 to bring more joy into your life!
Today’s episode is episode 11 of the Ten-Second Centering Series Centering and meaning are connected. If your days don’t feel meaningful, an uncentering restlessness and boredom set in, along with existential anxiety and, eventually, a bout of depression. Incantation 8 can prove a great help to you in this regard, because it reminds you of meaning’s central secret, that it is a thing to be made and not found. The metaphor of “seeking meaning” is outdated and no longer viable. There is no meaning to find. There is only the meaning we make.