Podcast- kan albaqiyat waxaynu kaga hadli doonaa tabaha aynu ku noqon karno dad isku miisaama nolosha dambe iyo ta hada taagan, inagoo raacayna Quraanka iyo sunaha nabigeena suubanaa ( Calayhi salaatu wasalaam).
As-salamu alaykum loves! Welcome to e-Muslimah. An empowering podcast for Muslim women aspiring to be the best version of themselves whilst navigating the depth of self-love, self-growth, spirituality, relationships + more whilst strengthening their love for Islam. A podcast that will speak unfiltered truths about issues young Muslims face in today's society and how to overcome these issues through the evolving love of Islam. This podcast will delve deeper into meaningful and insightful topics that relate to Muslimahs around the world whilst strengthening the bond within the sisterhood.
A podcast hosted by Zakeeya Ali for Muslim women to find tranquility in wifehood, motherhood and how to be a real lady. Support this podcast:
The translation of the Quran by Sheikh Mahamed Umar Dirir
Waxaa bilowday Podcast Cusub oo Aan ugu Magac bixinay Qorshaha Nolosha ..
Si,guud Ujeedada iyo Hadafka Barnaamijkaani Waxaan rabnaa inaan dhisno ,
Bulsho Fahansan Qorshaheeda Nololeed Si,aan Uga badbaadno Qorxumo Haysata dadkeena taas oo keenta Guuldarooyin waa wayn oo ku yimaada Maaraynta nolosha
iyo Habdhaqanka'
Barnaamijka waxaa daadihinaya Ustaad Ali Mohamed Jama
An unapologetically real podcast hosted by 3 muslim brothers. We dive into topics that range all over from life and the deen to all that’s in between, while keeping Islam the center point. Our goal is to allow anyone regardless of religion to be engaged in the conversation and be able to take the lessons and advice we hope to provide and be able to use it in their lives to help them. Life is like a DETOUR, we just use the DEEN (Way of life in Islam) to navigate it. :)
Shaykh Abu Usamah At-Thahabi explains the text: 40 Hadith of 'Two Words'
Recorded at Green Lane Masjid & Community Centre, UK. -
نحن في هذا البودكاست نقدر المستمع الكريم ونقدم له باقات من الفوائد وثمرات المعارف في مجالات الحياة برؤية إسلامية
A lecture in English delivered by Sh. Ali Qurah in which he handles the following issues about fasting: Definition, obligation, importance, date, who should fast, virtue, nullifiers, benefits, and fasting while travelling or being sick.
This brief phase is about the spiritual connection and growth for religion, Islam, especially in the holy month of Ramadan. To all the Muslims out there looking forward for renourishing faith, this is for you.
Podcast Dakwah & Literasi Islam -
Informasi Berita di IKN Kalimantan Timur -
Serta membahas Pendidikan Budaya Politik & Ekonomi - -
Audios in English in which the lecturer provides a brief explanation of the methodology of Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jamaah.
Simply Listen and Read the Quran
We are friends who have decided to do this on a whim
A lecture in English delivered by Sh. Saleh As-Saleh in which he shows the greatness of Allah, the Almighty.
Hawa Unscripted is me having conversations, reflections and sharing lessons and experiences with myself and inviting others to tell their own, while keeping Islam the center point. I hope that this platform can become a form of Sadaqah Jariyah and that regardless of religion and personal practices, many people can resonate, learn, and benefit from this podcast. So join me as I share the different parts and people in my life and Insha’Allah Khair we can accompany each other on our journey to The Almighty. Jazakallah Khair, As Salamualaykum!