Teenage Black Elk has lived a full life by the time he witnessed Little Big Horn and became a healer but there is so much left. We discuss Sioux religious cerimonies, Wounded Knee and a somewhat decisive book Black Elk dictates in the 1930s.
The Sacred Pipe by Joseph Epes Brown
Black Elk Speaks by John G Neidhart
Black Elk by Joe Jackson
Nicholas Black Elk: Medicine Man, Missionary, Mystic by Michael F. Steltenkamp
Youve heard the vision but do you know the context? Black Elk lives through the most turbulent era in the Midwest with famous first cousin Crazy Horse and lives to see Harry Truman become President.
The Sacred Pipe by Joseph Epes Brown
Black Elk Speaks by John G Neidhart
Black Elk by Joe Jackson
Nicholas Black Elk: Medicine Man, Missionary, Mystic by Michael F. Steltenkamp
Eksik bölüm mü var?
In the first of 3 episodes we treat you all with the soothing sound of Matt reading the vision that would guide Black Elk throughout his life.
to read alone click here!
Stay clear, she's feisty! Pearl Hart (Lily Davy) is a woman who demanded attention when she was alive. How well does she rank?
We are thrilled to announce that we have been invited to @intelligentspeechconf on November 4th, 2023! Intelligent Speech brings you an online conference that connects diverse and independent content creators with their audiences. Use the Promo Code: Rank to get 10% off your tickets!
Wildcat: The Untold Story of Pearl Hart by John Boessenecker
We get back from our hiatus by recapping the previous 10 (well 11) episodes, answer some emails we got while we were on break and let you know some exciting breaking news! For more information on Intelligent Speech see the link below and remember to use the Promo code "Rank" to get 10% off your ticket! https://intelligentspeechonline.com/
We leave Deadwood with the sheriff that cleaned up the mess that is Deadwood. Does he live up to legend and just as importantly does he live up to the hype his magnificent mustache commands?
Seth Bullock: Black Hills Lawman by David A Wolff
Old Deadwood Days by Estelline Bennett
Legends of the West: Deadwood, South Dakota
A quick and definitely not a rambling update. We have been off few a few weeks and wanted to give you all the reason why.
Ever wonder what the REAL Al Swearingen was like.... let's just say.... not as charming as Ian McShane portrayed him in HBO's Deadwood. In this episode we review and rank the notorious foul mouthed Saloon Owner. How will he do?
Deadwood's Al Swearingen: Manifest Evil in the Gem Theatre By Jerry L Bryant and Barbara Fifer
Old Deadwood Days by Estelline Bennett
Legends of the West: Deadwood, South Dakota
The Nez Perce show up on the Lapwai Reservation just in time for a small group of Natives to kill nearby settlers. Joseph and his people must outrun the American Army on an epic journey. Will they escape?
Thunder in the Mountains by Daniel Sharfstein
Chief Joseph & Flight of the Nez Perce by Kent Nerburn
Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee by Dee Brown
Walla Walla Treaty Councils: 1855 Walla Walla Treaty Council
Political Elements of Nez Perce history during mid-1800s & War of 1877 by Stan Hoggatt (archive.org)
Treaty of 1863 - Nez Perce National Historical Park (U.S. National Park Service) (nps.gov)
To celebrate the Deadwood's debut in 2004, Eric made Matt watch the pilot. If you wanted a reason to start watching HBO's Deadwood, this is your chance.
The Nez Perce have a long history dealing with the Americans but in the aftermath of the Whitman Massacre, their world is divided between cultures. Joseph is born with a foot in each world. How will he and his people react to the incoming Americans?
Thunder in the Mountains by Daniel Sharfstein
Chief Joseph & Flight of the Nez Perce by Kent Nerburn
Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee by Dee Brown
Walla Walla Treaty Councils: 1855 Walla Walla Treaty Council
Political Elements of Nez Perce history during mid-1800s & War of 1877 by Stan Hoggatt (archive.org)
Treaty of 1863 - Nez Perce National Historical Park (U.S. National Park Service) (nps.gov)
Our first couple! How sweet! Marcus and Narcissa travel from New York to The Pacific Northwest on a mission to turn the indigenous peoples there convert to Christianity! What could possibly go wrong?
Murder at the Mission: A Frontier Killing, Its Legacy of Lies, and the Taking of the American West by Blaine Harden
The Letters and Journals of Narcissa Whitman 1836-1847
New Women in the Old West: From Settlers to Suffragists, an Untold American StoryBrave Hearted: The Women of the American West
Brave Hearted: The Women of the American West
Geronimo was just arrested. How will he respond? Retire? Farm? lets find out shall we?
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Geronimo by Robert Utley
Cochise: Chiricahua Apache Chief by Edwin R Sweeney
The Apache Wars by Paul Andrew Hutton
Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee by Dee Brown
The Three-Cornered War by Megan Kate Nelson
Geronimo, a name that stuck fear into anyone in his path but how did he become a legend? in the episode we talk about his early life and what leads him to become the face of Apache resistance!
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Geronimo by Robert Utley
Cochise: Chiricahua Apache Chief by Edwin R Sweeney
The Apache Wars by Paul Andrew Hutton
Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee by Dee Brown
The Three-Cornered War by Megan Kate Nelson
We begin part 2 after The Bascom Affair. How will Cochise respond? if there is anything we learned from episode one...it won't be peacefully.
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Cochise: Chiricahua Apache Chief by Edwin R Sweeney
The Apache Wars by Paul Andrew Hutton
Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee by Dee Brown
Geronimo by Robert Utley
And we are back, with a giant of a man that you may not have heard of, as we introduce Cochise and we ask ourselves, just how much is TOO MUCH raiding?!
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Cochise: Chiricahua Apache Chief by Edwin R Sweeney
The Apache Wars by Paul Andrew Hutton
Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee by Dee Brown
Geronimo by Robert Utley
No new episode this week but we did want to provide everyone with what has been going on with the schedule and also give you all something to listen too. We were fortunate enough to part of Battle Royale's Bastille Day celebration back in July 2022 where we discuss what a RexyPod is and what it means to us to do a show.
to check out Battle Royale, listen to their show HERE
To know more about Tudoriforus, listen their show HERE
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We could not be more excited to FINALLY Launch our YouTube Channel and what better way to do with a couple games with a few friends! Join us as we find out who is the best of the RexyPod class of 2021
To check out the video go to our YouTube channel here
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Dentist, shootist, gambler.....huckleberry? Doc Holliday is a big name, but does he deserve the hype? How this simple dentist from Georgia become one of the biggest names in the West? join as we discuss and rank Mr. John Henry Holliday.
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Doc Holiday: Life and Legend by Gary L Roberts
Tombstone: The Earp Brothers, Doc Holliday, and the Vendetta Ride from Hell
Tombstone. The Ok Corral, and Huckleberries? In this episode, we introduce Tombstone and if you squint talk a little bit about John Ringo!
John Ringo, King of the Cowboys: His Life and Times from the Hoo Doo War to Tombstone by David Johnson
Doc Holiday: Life and Legend by Gary L Roberts
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