Has something simple ever changed your life? A lunch box note changed mine. A few years ago, my husband wrote a timely message to our son that said: BE STRONG, PROTECT THE WEAK, LOVE EVERYONE. Those six words ignited our family's mission to love others well.
Each week on Be Love. Do Good. podcast, we'll share ideas, encouraging words, and stories that inspire you to love outside your comfort zone.
Find more from Kristi at
Godly Girl Talk is a podcast geared toward helping women deal with everyday situations. This can be through mental health, dating, insecurities, financial struggles, or coping skills all while trying to hold on to their faith. I am a girl who has gone through A LOT of life experiences and has so much advice to give. Throw me a topic, I've been through it all, and by the grace of God, I can help you, too.
Bible Teaching Church in Concord, NC
Re:generation began out of the vision of Watermark Community Church that life change happens best in an authentic community of people helping one another live out God's plan for life by working through biblical principles together.
The Bible says that the local church should be a place of healing for its members and the hurting people of its community. God uses imperfect people who are willing to live authentically and follow His instruction to transform each other's lives (Galatians 6:2, 2 Corinthians 1:3-5, James 5:16, 1 John 1:7-9, 2 Timothy 3:16).
Watermark began its recovery ministry in 2002 as one way (of many) to fulfill this vision. In the following years the ministry grew to serve several hundred participants weekly with many lives being transformed by God. After much prayer, in 2011, Watermark's recovery ministry set out to develop new curriculum that would provide daily, structured opportunities for people to heal and grow in their relationships with God and others. We believe that a daily connection with God provides the best opportunity for all of us to understand God's love, how He sees us and realize His plan for our lives. The result of this effort is re:generation recovery, which was fully launched at Watermark in 2013 and began expanding to other locations in 2014.
The word regeneration means "new birth." The colon in our name, re:generation creates double-meaning for the word: "regarding" or "concerning" a generation. At re:generation, we are people who have been given new life by God and long to share the freedom, love and joy we have received from Him with this generation. -
What's stopping you from living the life you envision? Old stories? Engrained and conditioned limiting beliefs? Tune in to the Life Illuminated podcast for inspiring stories shared by people just like you who have taken the leap to recreate and reinvent their lives and confront the roadblocks and obstacles standing in their way. Weekly episodes will inspire you to live a life illuminated by awakening to your innate gifts and talents. In her unique way, Spiritual Mentor, Life Coach and Meditation Teacher Maggie will inspire you with engaging and thought-provoking interviews as well as dharma talks of Buddhist and other spiritual teachings certain to challenge you to reconnect to your innermost self. or
From the Kuyers Institute for Christian Teaching and Learning at Calvin University.
Berisi Nasihat dan Do’a Ustadz Dhanu dalam berbagai kesempatan, Murotal Al Qur’an dengan Terjemah Bahasa Indonesia dan materi lainnya
Disrupting Ministry, a podcast from the Institute for Youth Ministry at Princeton Theological Seminary, brings you stories of faith communities who are disrupting the status quo in the church by developing innovative forms of ministry with young people.
Life is full of highs and lows. God gives us peace, purpose, strength and joy in life. God is within you. God is within her. I am addressing the elephant in the room of navigating life and faith while pressing on the accountability of our personal relationship with God! Let's talk about it!
The Textual Confidence Collective (TCC) promotes historic confidence in the text of Scripture through an exciting and info-packed seven-episode podcast. We observe three major approaches to the textual reliability of the Bible:
Textual Skepticism
Textual Absolutism
Textual Confidence
We resist a postmodern skepticism toward the text of Scripture, and any form of textual absolutism that would pick one translation of the text as final and jot-and-tittle perfect. The TCC takes a biblically faithful view of the divine origin, authority, and preservation of the text of the Bible.
In seven episodes we introduce you to the TCC; examine the history and claims of Textual Absolutism; recover the Bible’s theology of providential preservation; and uncover the real story of Erasmus, the TR, and the KJB. We then take you by the hand and walk you through the materials, methods, and history of New Testament Textual Criticism and equip you to hold and promote confidence in the text of the Bible. Subscribe now at to get all the upcoming content.
Join the movement.
Connect to Confidence.
Continue the legacy. -
Our goal is to explore the narratives of the Bible in light of their cultural and literary context. As we study the Bible, we want to get inside the mind of the author(s) to understand the intended meaning of scripture and how scripture informs our hope in Jesus.
Welcome to the Vlad Savchuk Podcast. The Holy Spirit will use this podcast to bring freedom and healing into your life and equip you to bring His kingdom to those around you.
This podcast will feature Pastor Vlad's short teaching, stream teaching, and guest interviews.
For more information, visit -
Behold Israel is a non-profit organization led by native Israeli Amir Tsarfati. Our mission is to provide reliable and accurate reporting on developments in Israel and the region. Amir’s live updates and teachings, based on God’s Written Word, sift out the truth on current events amidst global media bias against Israel.
Through our website, free app, social media and Amir’s teachings in multiple languages, we are able to reach communities worldwide. His teachings abroad and in the land explain the central role of Israel in the Bible as a blessing to the nations and a way to bring them to the Word of God and the Mes -
Ustadz Firanda Andirja podcast channel. The audio is extracted from the Ustadz Firanda Andirja Youtube channel.
A detailed narrative on the life and times of the greatest man who ever lived, the Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him).
Narrated by Ahson Syed -
Podcast Rasmi Projek Zonkuliah
Sekiranya anda rasa isi kandungan dalam podcast ini bermanfaat, sokonglah usaha kami dengan menyalurkan sedikit dana untuk kami teruskan Zonkuliah.
NOTA : Podcast ini sebenarnya telah menjejaskan jumlah penonton di saluran Youtube kami, menyebabkan pendapatan untuk membiayai kos operasi Zonkuliah semakin kurang.
Tapi InsyaAllah, usaha ini tetap akan diteruskan dengan sebaik mungkin.
Doakan kami. :)
Sokong Projek Zonkuliah :
Terima kasih. -
GBT Alfa Omega
Semarang - Indonesia -
Renungan Harian berbasis Alkitab, sumber utama dari Pena Inspirasi tulisan Ellen G White, atau Penulis Advent lainnya, yang diterbitkan oleh Indonesia Publishing House atau penerbit Advent lainnya. Audio diproduksi oleh AWR Indonesia / Radio Advent Suara Harapan.
Hai, kamu yang lagi berhijrah.. iman kamu lagi low ya? dengerin podcast ini yukk!! Podcast ini berisi kumpulan ceramah para ustadz yang insya Allah membantu menguatkan iman kalian:)
Renungan harian Katolik dengan merefleksikan ayat Kitab Suci. Renungan ini disusun oleh Bapak Dodi Albertus dan telah lama viral di jagat WA Grup, kini hadir dalam media audio digital. selamat mendengarkan.
Untuk kritik dan saran dapat dikirimkan ke email [email protected]