Youtube www.youtube.com/@jaykim7596
Instargram https://instagram.com/real_korean_withjae
This is for people who are interested in Korean Culture and studying Korean. It provides them with daily episodes about how the native Koreans speak nicely and gently, and the way of their lives , of course , some of history, as well. -
🎙️ Welcome to Nihongo Storytime with Noriko
💜 Join our vibrant community, "Japanese Together". Access exclusive content 📚, transcripts with furigana 📝, and meet-ups 🤝 to practice with fellow learners. Let's embark on this adventure together! 🚀
🌐 Visit my website, Learn Japanese with Noriko for Neurolanguage Coach® sessions. Let's discuss your goals 🎯 and vision 👀 for your learning journey.
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欢迎收听The New Chinese Podcast, 我是Barry Li。这是一个适合汉语普通话中级到高级学习者练习听力的节目。This podcast aims to help intermediate to high level Chinese (Mandarin) learners develop their listing skills. With some good contents to listen to every day, you will be more and more familiar with this language. I will only speak Chinese (Mandarin) in these episodes, with occasional English explanations for difficult words/expressions.
The New Chinese Podcastへようこそ、私はバリーです。これは、中国語の中級、上級の学習者向けプログラムです。毎日聞くのに適したコンテンツがあれば、中国語にますます慣れることができます。私はこれらの中国語のみを話します。難しい単語や表現について時々英語で説明する。
Facebookで僕に連絡するには:www.facebook.com/thenewchinese -
【https://twitter.com/kimukimu_kj?s=21 】
【https://gogogo-korea.com/】 -
우리가 알고있는 영어는 어떤 역사를 가지고 있을까요? 이 팟캐스트는 수천년전 유럽에서 시작되어 지금 전세계의 공용어가 되기까지의 영어의 성장기를 시간에 흐름에 비추어 이야기 하는 공간입니다. 이는 또한 Kevin Stroud의 오리지날 팟캐스트 The History of English 의 한국어 번역판이며 저는 여러분의 Host, Carrie Ahn 입니다. 번역은 원본 팟캐스트에 충실했으며 더 자세한 내용은 https://historyofenglishpodcast.com/ 에서 확인해 보시기 바랍니다. *All credits to original creator*
Tiếng Hàn cùng Jin là kênh chia sẻ kiến thức về tiếng Hàn cũng như những trải nghiệm cá nhân của mình trong suốt 4 năm học chuyên ngành cũng như hơn 4 năm đã và đang làm việc cùng người Hàn Quốc.
Mình mong đây là góc để mình cùng chia sẻ và trao đổi với các bạn để cùng nhau chinh phục tiếng Hàn hơn nữa. Mình sẽ mở lòng nói những điều mình biết, mong dù ít hay nhiều cũng có thể cung cấp cho các bạn một góc nhìn nào đó. Ủng hộ để mình có động lực kiên trì với kênh các bạn nha.
Ý kiến đóng góp: https://forms.gle/1stxF5QrTJabvF4m8 -
Part of the world History section. How Countries developed and major historical events. Check out our youtube channel for other historical videos podcasts. https://www.youtube.com/@historyunpacked00
The dominance of the English language around the world dates back to the era of British colonialism. English spread across the globe as a consequence of the British Empire and was often imposed on countries as a result of colonialism. But what is the attitude of post-colonial countries to the language now? And how has the legacy of colonialism affected the way that English exists around the world? The short films in this collection examine the roles and attitudes towards English in various postcolonial countries.
This material forms part of The Open University course U214 Worlds of English. -
We are a bilingual (English and Japanese) podcast. Talk about Popular Culture; Manga, Movies, Music and anything else under the “that’s kinda interesting” sphere.With this podcast we want our listeners to feel good about making mistakes and learning whatever languages they try. Finally what matters is not to speak with perfection but to have a good time, finding like-minded people in whatever language.
The cover Art was generated in part with OpenAI DALL