Your Working Life is an award-winning podcast series hosted by career and professional development author, speaker, and influencer, Caroline Dowd-Higgins. Featuring candid interviews with luminaries in the career, leadership, entrepreneurship, and wellness fields, listeners will benefit from wisdom about how to navigate life and career. Well-known personalities and industry experts including Tiffany Cross, Whitney Johnson, Guy Kawasaki, Melissa Daimler, and Marcus Buckingham give their personal take on how to thrive in your career. The podcast features a diverse array of experts with a special emphasis on female leaders, authors, and entrepreneurs.
The Modern Selling podcast, hosted by Mario Martinez, Jr., is the go-to podcast for sales leaders, sales professionals, business owners, sales enablement leaders, and anyone responsible for generating revenue. Mario's guests are practitioners in the trenches, experts in their profession and influencers who are leveraging modern selling techniques to inspire you to create more sales conversations with your target buyer!
PR Powerhouse is for female entrepreneurs and women in business who know they want to get in the press to help build their business and personal brand profile, but don't yet know how to do it. You're ready to gain the recognition your work deserves and to make more impact, but maybe feel overwhelmed with imposter syndrome. You want to be seen in the media, but are you ready? You know you have it in you, you just need confidence, know-how and and understanding of EXACTLY what journalists are looking for. Hosted by Jo Swann, award-winning founder of Chocolate PR, you'll learn the how to claim your space in your industry by boosting your authority in the press and by leveraging the power of public relations. This is the show for you to learn how to position yourself powerfully in the media, you'll leave the show knowing how you can do it!
Inspirativní příběhy - Inspirativní lidé. Příběhy byznysového charakteru.
Čestná prezidentka Českomoravské asociace podnikatelek a manažerek (ČMAPM) a majitelka skupiny Dynamic Center Kateřina Haring v podcastu Podnikatelka každý týden představí inspirující českou podnikatelku či manažerku. Plnou verzi podcastu najdete na
"Пришел, увидел, победил" - это подкаст от молодого парня, который хочет узнать: "Что такое бизнес на самом деле?". В подкасте Вы услышите интересные истории различных предпринимателей со всего мира.
Join us as we break down GTM strategies and tactics with founders, revenue operators, and investors. You can expect to hear actionable insights to make your GTM plans faster, and more predictable.
A business and lifestyle podcast that welcomes all things photography, motherhood, entrepreneurship, and more. We dig into conversation and chat with guests to bring listeners content to "Briten" their day.
I am a full time photographer and full time mom who loves business and meeting new people. Growing a business while growing a family has been far from easy, so I aspire to bring hope to anyone needing it, bring joy to anyone lacking it, and bring motivation to anyone craving it. Life doesn't have to feel so hard and so heavy all the time - let's look at the Brite Side together. -
Jak vybudujete značku, kterou zákazníci zbožňují? Poslouchejte příběhy českých podnikatelů z firem, které jsou na tom stejně jako vy. Oddané svému řemeslu. Jak přemýšlí? Co je inspiruje? Jakých chyb se ve svém podnikání dopustili? Jak se jim povedlo přežít v extrémně náročném prostředí byznysu? Podcast Buduj značku vám pomáhá na vaší byznysové cestě. Rozhovory moderuje Petr Schwank z podcastového vydavatelství EP Events and Production.
PM Happy Hour is the place for frank and honest discussion about real world issues in project management. We do it in a way that’s not too dry, though it may get a bit salty from time to time.
Each episode, your hosts Kim Essendrup and Kate Anderson cover a problem faced in project management today, and share practical advice, real-life examples and the occasional project horror story.
Not only that, but every podcast is also an online class! Our host is a PMI Registered Education Provider, who has structured each podcast as an easy-to-listen-to lesson. To get credit, go to our web site at, purchase your class, take the test (based on the content from our podcast) and you get your PDU certificate instantly! -
Podcast Podnikání pro Holky je zde od toho, aby ti předal vše, co potřebuješ k vybudování úspěšného podnikání znát. 👋🏼
Kvalitní informace, ověřené strategie, podporu a také pochopení, které nám na naší cestě za úspěchem tak často chybí.
Pokud jsi tedy připravena růst, a to nejen po té byznysové stránce, ale i té osobní, jsi zde na tom nejlepším místě. ☕️
// hosted by Markéta Baginská -
PAUZA ve vydávání nových epizod bude pokračovat ještě několik příštích měsíců. Podcast nekončí. Brzy se ozvu.
Technologický podcast o fuckupech a průšvizích v IT. Hosté z řad IT expertů a IT manažerů sdílí jaké fuckupy za svojí kariéru v IT udělali, jak je vyřešili a jaká z toho plynou ponaučení a doporučení pro vás posluchače.
Nová epizoda vychází na všech dostupných platformách každé druhé úterý v 6:00. Podcastem provází IT headhunter Matěj Kotrba.
V případě zájmu o účast v podcastu nebo jakoukoliv business spolupráci ve smyslu pomoc s náborem do IT pište na e-mail [email protected]. Everything is possible!✌️
Pro ty z Vás, kteří jste zvědaví a rádi byste si třeba poslechli něco o mně, o tom jak dělám IT headhunting, jaký je můj přístup k práci, nebo třeba jak mi podcast pomáhá, tak si můžete poslechnout následující rozhovory v podcastech, kde jsem vystoupil jako host.
Podcast IT svět podle Jury -
Podcast Buduj Značku -
Podcast ProgramHRování -
Podcast Po HRstech - -
🟡 Podcast NEJEN o HR s lehkostí, nadsázkou a humorem často „na hraně“.
⚫️ Chceme vás pobavit, podělit se o zajímavosti a rozdmýchat debatu nad ožehavými tématy. Nehrajeme si na vzdělávací podcast, jsme své, jsme drzé a mluvíme jak nám pusa narostla.
🟡Poslech nedoporučujeme puritánům a těm, co se berou moc vážně. Ostatní vítáme a přejeme si jediné, užijte si to s námi 🤩
💛 Oti Tůmová a Veru Prášková 🖤
Kdo jsme? Jsme kamarádky už …. no už dlouho a pracovaly jsme spolu již ve třech firmách a často ve stejných týmech. Jsme HR holky více než 17 let a pořád nás to baví a baví nás to spolu.
Chcete nám něco říct? Máte nápady, tipy na další díly? Napište nám 😊
❤️ Instagram Holky dRzý: -
Příběhy zakladatelů výjimečných českých firem, které ukazují, že i když jsou peníze na prvním místě, nejde vždy jen o ně. Tomáš Čupr, Jannis Samaras, Simona Kijonková nebo Josef Průša a jejich byznysové úspěchy i pády v novém podcastu Seznam Zpráv.
How do you start a business as a freelancer, consultant, coach or contractor?How do you turn your hobby into a real business?How do you find great clients that will pay you what you’re worth and will keep coming back for more?How do you sell with confidence and find the freedom to work whenever you want from wherever you want?
Veteran freelance designer and business owner, Mat Casner digs into tough questions inside The Freelance CEO Podcast. In each episode, you'll get a behind-the-scenes look at the tactics, tools and actionable advice that will help you launch, grow and scale your freelance business.
Thinking about leaving your 9-to-5 and going out on your own but have doubts?Wondering how to charge premium prices for your services?Want to create a steady flow of great client prospects and avoid the stressful feast or famine cycle?Join the freelance revolution and see how thousands of skilled, creative individuals just like you are learning how to turn their profitable skills and part-time side hustles into thriving as businesses that will bring you more joy and freedom to be your best self now.
Synthetic Media is created with expanding technology, fueled by rapid growth and curiosity. While we may have heard of the nefarious deepfakes, there is a larger, positive movement to use synthetic media for good reasons and use cases that are already happening. Not simply limited to entertainment, there are many areas where more people including artists, scholars, startups, policymakers, and well-established companies are very conscious about ethics before using powerful technology to create synthetic media. We will explore the cutting edge as it evolves from the people who create and use synthetic media, as well as those who analyze its influence and intent. Looking beyond fear, hype, and technical jargon, we will help build awareness, inspiration, and understanding about synthetic media.
Follow the Synthetic Media Podcast for weekly episodes that will blow your mind and excite all of your senses.
Produced and hosted by Henrik de Gyor
Music by Mattia Cupelli -
Say hello to your Higher CEO Self!
Emily Byrd is your Intentional Business Spirit Guide – here to prop up your most purposeful, prosperous & expansive entrepreneurial journey. With over a decade of experience owning multiple businesses (a hair salon, yoga studio, accredited yoga school and presently an online coaching business) Emily brings her wealth of knowledge, wide open heart and gift of channeling truth through REAL talk. The Higher CEO Self podcast is here to empower your business journey through learning all you need to know to make multiple 6 figures in your business through avenues of Personal Branding, Offer Alignment, Marketing, Sales & Strategy, all while empowering your business to be a source for Highest Good. Here you will learn how to evolve your biz into the most authentic embodiment of both your soul’s mission and an aligned profit plan. Discover the most meaningful Why of your Spirit and how to integrate it into the most fulfilling path possible as a conscious and connected entrepreneur. Welcome home to your Highest Self, CEO style! -
This channel will reveal secrets to becoming an expert writer.
E-commerce expert Jance Chartae (Founder of Brazen Boutique, CEO of The Boutique Academy) opens up about her experiences as a boutique owner. Dedicating every episode of her podcast to a different story with a lesson for listeners to learn from.
To work with Jance, visit