Sleep is extremely important for babies because it aids in their growth and development. Babies' brains are actively processing and organising new information while sleeping, which aids in the development of their cognitive, emotional, and motor skills. Adequate sleep also helps the immune system, so it can help prevent illness. Furthermore, sleep regulates the release of hormones such as growth hormone, which is required for babies to grow and develop normally. A good sleep pattern also helps babies become more independent by regulating their feeding, elimination patterns, and overall mood. Sleep deprivation in babies can cause feeding difficulties, irritability, and growth and development issues.
We have provided a range of tools to help assist your baby to sleep.
Skutočný príbeh z prostredia Pennsylvánie zo života novousadlíkov a amerických Indiánov. Napínavý dej, v ktorom víťazí statočnosť, odvaha a rýdzi charakter. • • • Číta Martin Kaprálik a Michaela Kapráliková. Preložené z anglického originálu Swift Arrow. Vydalo Štúdio Nádej, s.r.o. v roku 2022.→
***Top 5% Globally Ranked Podcast!***
Do you want to homeschool your kids, but you worry you’re going to fail them? Do you want their childhood days to be filled with more memories learning from home and playing, rather than sitting at a desk all day? Are you worried you won’t be able to homeschool your children well AND be a productive work from home mom? Do you wish you could push the easy button so you knew how to get started with less overwhelm?
Homeschooling doesn’t have to be overwhelming, confusing or done only after you’ve given up your work from home job.
In this podcast I will teach you how to simplify homeschooling by building rhythms and routines that work with your day instead of fighting against it - so you can have more stress-free time at home with your kiddos WHILE balancing a job as a work from home mom.
Hey - I’m Joellee Gregersen. I’m a wife, entrepreneur, christian momma to three young kiddos, and I am passionate about homeschooling!
When I decided to start doing my research in preparation to homeschool my oldest daughter, I was lost in a sea of information, overwhelmed by the choices I had to make and frustrated with the lack of resources available for homeschooling, work from home moms.
After lots of research and reflecting on my own homeschooling experience growing up, I realized that most of the information I could find about homeschooling was WAY too complicated for a lot of people. There is a way to simplify homeschooling and to build rhythms and routines as a work from home mom. I found a way to balance it all in a way that felt good to both me and my family...and I can’t wait to share it all with you!
If you are ready to simplify homeschooling, find good rhythms and routines as a work from home mom, feel confident in your homeschool journey, and get to experience all of the beauty that is hiding under the overwhelm… then this podcast is for you!
So grab your notebook and a hot cup of coffee and let’s build this homeschooling dream together! -
Psychológovia a psychologičky z liniek pomoci a krízových služieb OZ IPčko - a Krízová linka pomoci (0800 500 333) sa spolu s ďalšími odborníkmi a odborníčkami rozprávajú o duševnom zdraví, výchove detí, problémoch mladých ľudí, nástrahách internetu a o krízových a náročných situáciách, ktoré sú súčasťou života. Spoločne hľadáme riešenia a ponúkame pomoc.
Po 100 dieloch podcastu hmmm… prichádza nová séria NA NERVY v spolupráci s TV JOJ. -
Being a mom is the most incredible experience of a woman’s life, but it comes with plenty of emotionally draining challenges.
Join Certified Pediatric Sleep Coach and mother of one Sonya Bourgeois each Tuesday as she chats with Nathalie Vienneau (mother of two) a ressource teacher and Elementary School Vice Principal who is passionate about infant sleep and motherhood. With the occasional special guest!
If you aren’t happy with your child’s sleep, need sleep help, or want to be a rested mom, this show is for you. -
Veronika alias JednaMama sa delí o zážitky a skúsenosti z údajne najkrajšieho obdobia v živote ženy. Čakáte bábätko a zaujíma vás, čo bude nasledovať? Máte novorodenca a nepribalili vám k nemu v pôrodnici návod na obsluhu? V tom prípade ste tu správne! Zhlboka sa nadýchnite, snáď to nejako prežijeme…
Rozhovory pre všetkých. O rodičoch a deťoch. O radostiach i starostiach. O láske i sklamaniach. O nás, mamách. Ale najmä o skutočnom živote.
Odkrývame témy a osobné príbehy. Spolu s vami a odborníkmi z rôznych oblastí prinášame odpovede na otázky, ktoré zaujímajú mnohých rodičov. Pýtame sa otvorene, zvedavo a bez prikrášľovania. Jednoducho MAMA a ja. -
Byť bez komplexov > byť dokonalá... V živote sú situácie, ktoré treba len PREŽIŤ. Ale ako? Riešim to, čo riešia všetky baby: veľké stehná, malé prsia, výpoveď v práci, Lásku nebeskú a lásku životnú. Niektoré ženy sa vyrozprávajú kamoške, iné chodia k psychológovi, ale ja poviem všetko vám.