Связанные с
Коли нам добре або погано ми звертаємось до одного з ідеальних винаходів людства — книжки. Чи є місце для читання під час війни? На які книги варто звернути увагу зараз, а про які краще забути назавжди? Як змінюється сучасна українська література під впливом війни? Ці та інші питання Олена Гусейнова обговорює з відомими письменниками, видавцями, критиками, літературознавцями та іншими гостями подкасту «Книгосховище».
Discussing the essays of George Orwell.
Poems recited by me.
Jutusaade kirjandusest, kultuurist, maailmast.
A podcast about reading books at the right time. Kirsty Doole and Naomi Frisby read and discuss paperbacks from the past 20 years.
Artwork by S.J. Hawkins. -
Podcast "Müüdid ja muinasjutud" toob kuulajateni lugusid maailma eri paigust. Helina jutustab sulle nii klassikaks kujunenud muinasjutte kui ka vähemtuntud lugusid.
Weekly long-form discussions about books with authors, translators and critics from around the world.
یا بگذرد یا بشکند کشتی در این گرداب ها
Le mie poesie.
Nel periodo più buio della mia vita ho iniziato a scrivere. Un lungo viaggio interiore ascoltando le mie emozioni e descrivendole in strofe.
Ognuna di esse corrisponde ad un preciso momento vissuto con lo stesso stato d’animo che le parole raccontano. Alcune potrebbero sembrarvi forti e talvolta irrispettose ma detesto sia la falsità che l’ipocrisia.
Spero possano aiutare molti di voi a sentirsi meno soli nei momenti di difficoltà. -
A very bookish podcast by your two older sisters. Molly and Alyssa are here on a fantasy quest of their own, discussing all things tropes, magic, hobbits, enemies-to-lovers, and of course, book boyfriends.
The Hatchards Podcast is a conversation show about books brought to you by England’s oldest bookshop. Featuring interviews with some of our favourite authors, bookish waffle, and the occasional glass of wine. Hosted by Ryan Edgington and Matt Hennessey.
Sit back and relax as we take you through a rotating list of some of our most exciting upcoming authors. From politics to French football, there's something for everyone!
Vai tev kādreiz ir gribējies būt mušai uz sienas, kas noklausās cilvēku dziļākos noslēpumus, bet paliek nemanāma? Mēs veidojam podkāstu MUŠA, lai sniegtu tev šo sajūtu. Ja vēlies izstāstīt savu stāstu, sūti mums to uz [email protected].
EKKMi saade (kaasaegsest) kunstist, elust ja muudest asjadest.
Timeline and review of events during the book “Where the Crawdads Sing”
Üks, kes on terve elu tahtnud kirjanikuks saada.
Teine, keda on aastaid kummitanud üks lugu, mis peab kirja saama.
Tunneme teineteist aastast 2004, oleme käinud eri radadel, korjanud kogemusi, teritanud loovust. Nüüd on meie kirjutamisteemalised arutelud muutunud juba nii pikkadeks, et on aeg avalikkuse ette tulla. Vestleme loovusest, kirjutamisest, paremaks inimeseks kasvamisest. Soovime nende vestluste käigus nii iseennast paremini mõista ja mõtteid korrastada kui ka maailmaga kogemusi jagada. Kui leiad siit midagi, millega samastuda, siis oleme oma eesmärgi täitnud! -
Hi everyone! My name is Riley. My husband Narkeez and I would love to have you come join us for our daily family updates. We are truly a match made in heaven. We may have met under nonconventional circumstances but we love each other dearly. We enjoy our lives together and we would like you to come and join us. Our love is never ending and we can’t wait to share our story with you all. Negative comments will not be tolerated.
Forget that Second City handle… Chicago is one of the most thriving and energetic entertainment scenes in the country. This city feeds Broadway, creates award-winning talent, presents the cutting edge and is never boring.
Janet Davies, 17-time Emmy award winner and long-time entertainment reporter, brings you intimate conversations with people who make that magic happen. Sit front row center with Janet as she presents fascinating interviews with performers, directors, producers, writers …. those who give us a peek behind the curtain to the world of Chicago theatre and beyond. -
A music review podcast hosted by David S. Dawson.