It's a podcast about music? By the creators of 12tone and Polyphonic.
Aqui vamos bater um papo delicioso sobre músicas, curiosidades e muito mais
Maureen Vanden Berghe reçoit un·e invité·e qui lui parle d'un moment précis dans un morceau qui lui retourne la tête.
Voici une playlist Spotify reprenant les titres et épisodes des deux saisons :
@atthismomentpodcast sur insta.
© Studio Camino
Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
The Vault: Classic Music Reviews Podcast is a show hosted by 'Xennial' music fans that grew up during hip-hop's golden era of 1990s and the boom of the early 2000s. We review classic hip-hop, R&B and reggae albums 20, 25 and 30 years after their release to give our reflections and to see if they still stand the test of time. It's a personal perspective on classics from a fresh point of view.
Also includes: Bonus segments guest interviews with artists, critics, fellow creators & influencers.Round table discussions around classic music topics.Head-to-Head artists catalog debates.
In this podcast, Stephen Steps Lowe takes a classic album and argues that the LP's SONG 2 is the most important one.
“That’s A Hit” is a podcast about the history of music. They will be breaking down some of the most divisive and questionable hit songs in music history. From the co-hosts of Dude Where’s My Killer, they don’t always agree, but they will make you laugh. Listen and enjoy their banter on music hits.
Epic Interviews with musicians, artists, entertainers, and the creative geniuses of the universe!
Música diversión y charla
I dedicate this to every sweet mother out there happy mother day
Imagine a show where you could bring your favorite music album of all time and force two people to experience it from beginning to end. Sound fun, well that's what Maniacal Music Musings is all about. The guest brings on an album they love and the two hosts try to match it with their own albums. Everyone picks a top 5 songs off all 3 albums and let the fun begin.
RAP and BEER with OT the Goldn Child and Kamalkiddo. Two former college roommates still drinking and arguing about the world’s most popular music genre
I give singing lessons and do other things!
Musicians nerding out to great music. Hosts Jack Conte (Scary Pockets, Pomplamoose, CEO of Patreon) and Ryan Lerman (Scary Pockets, John Legend, Ben Folds) are joined by musician friends to help break down what's going on in their favorite music. They dish about production, harmony, composition, theory, vocal performance and everything in between. New episodes every other week!
Heaven 17, British Electric Foundation and Illustrious Company's Martyn Ware talks to the famous artists from the worlds of music, art, film, comedy, TV and creativity that he's encountered during his 40 year career. These interviews are rare and precious gems, featuring a raw and sometimes irreverent take on life and the things that make life worth living, Diving deep into the biographical ocean, these podcasts are an unmissable insight into a series of fascinating lives...
Production and occasional musical interludes by Charles Stooke
Engineer - Charles Stooke, Artwork - Malcolm Garrett. -
From Kurt Cobain to Whitney Houston, Michael Hutchence and Amy Winehouse, these are their stories - powerful, poignant and raw. This series will change how you feel about them.
METAL HAMMER, seit 40 Jahren Deutschlands größtes Magazin für harte und härteste Klänge, gibt es jetzt auch auf die Ohren! Alle 14 Tage versorgt euch die Redaktion mit Maximum Metal: Die neuesten Alben, die brandheißesten News, die härtesten Sounds - plus: spannende Gäste aus der Szene zum Talk am METAL HAMMER-Mikrofon.
Tropical Deep Vocal House music is the sound of the 21 century.
Powered by Firstory Hosting -
Jim Salveson rediscovers some of Indie Rock's most iconic albums with the people who helped make them the classic's they are. From Punk to Brit Pop from Rock to Madchester you'll hear the stories behind some of the greatest LPs to ever grace your record collection and be inspired to go back and listen to them again, right through to the hole in the middle.The interviews in this podcast were recorded for the XS Long Player series on XS Manchester. Where classic albums we're played in full. You can listen live via
Bei den 1LIVE Ikonen tauchen wir ein in die Geschichten von großen deutschen Musikstars. Die Stars selbst sowie viele der Menschen, die sie auf ihrem Weg begleitet haben, erzählen hier von diesen Ausnahme-Karrieren. Es geht um Aufstieg und Rückschläge, Hoffnungen und Ängste, krasse Konzerte und Erlebnisse - und vor allem: um Musik.
In der aktuellen Staffel erzählt Clueso davon, wie er sich auf dem Weg zum Pop-Superstar fast verloren hat und warum er auf dem Höhepunkt seines Erfolgs die vielleicht schwerste Entscheidung seines Lebens treffen musste, um weitermachen zu können.
Fragen, Kommentare oder Anregungen gerne an [email protected] -
Wer mit Sprache umgeht wie Julia Engelmann, muss ziemlich verknallt sein. Verrückt nach Formulierungen, beeindruckt von ihrer Wirkung, hingerissen von Kreativität. Sicher schreibt sie auch deshalb unentwegt: Ihre Gedichte in Buchform waren zweimal Spiegel Bestseller und haben sich über eine Million Mal verkauft – die vertonten wurden als „Poesiealbum“ ECHO-nominiert und direkt in die Top Ten der deutschen Charts gehört.
Am herrlichsten ist Kommunikation allerdings im Austausch. In ihrem neuen Podcast "Club der stillen Poet:innen" spricht Julia deshalb mit Menschen über ihre ganz persönlichen kreativen Prozesse und darüber, wie es ist, sich zu trauen, den eigenen Weg ernst zu nehmen. Für alle, die von der Muse schon geküsst wurden oder einfach gerne dabei zuhören.