On this episode Im discussing the importance of love and happiness! Do they need to go hand in hand or can you live with one and not the other? Is having one more important or are both essential to feel complete in your life? Listen and then you decide!
On this episode im discussing the need to and the importance of outgrowing certain friendships. We all grow in life in our own unique way and at different points in our lives, in order for us to continue growing we will eventually outgrow certain friendships and relationships as well! It's not always easy, but if you've been there or feel like you are at that crossroads in your life now, you will have to make that decision one day for yourself!
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On this episode im discussing how no matter how much we try to control things in our life, it is unpredictable! it can be filled with ups and downs, good days and bad, and no matter how prepared you think you are, life comes at you fast!!!
On this episode im discussing in depth the importance of men protecting as well as providing things for the women in their lives. Not just what most people expect that to be but all of things they don't as well!
On this episode I'm discussing the affect complimenting someone can have. Your words can directly change a persons mood for the better with just 1 honest compliment. So the next time you get the chance to do so, make sure you Say Something Nice !!!
On this episode I'm discussing the real competition that people...mainly women have with themselves, and the woman in their head!
On this episode I’m discussing the era that I grew up in and how different it was from today! Talking about how it has shaped and molded so many adults through tough times including the introduction of crack in the inner city!
On this episode I’m discussing the Power of your Mood! Good Mood or bad Mood, both can have an effect on your life. Depending on which Mood you choose will determine how your life will ultimately turn out!!!
On this episode, I’m discussing how to let go of things that you thought would work out in your life and didn’t. Learn how to tell yourself that “it is what it is”, and just Charge it to the Game!
On this episode I’m discussing different phases in life such as the heartbreak and the hoe phase to name a few. Touching on the importance of going through these phases in life!
On this episode I’m giving a slight recap on the year 2020.. the ups, downs, and all arounds! IT’S WAS HELL, BUT WE MADE IT!!!
On this episode I’m discussing 2020 and got much it’s sucks and also about how we should give thanks because it could be worse!!!
On this episode I’m discussing how people would feel if Donald Trump was Black!!! Would people still feel the same way?
On this episode I’m discussing the Love that women give that they don’t always get in return!!!
On this episode I’m discussing the ongoing covid 19 pandemic and the recent murder of George Floyd!
On this episode I’m discussing the new way of life due to the covid 19 epidemic. The good,the bad, and the ugly!!!
On this episode I’m discussing how music is getting us through and cope with the Coronavirus epidemic!
On this episode I’m discussing the frenzy the Coronavirus has put the world in and how it’s affecting our day to day lives!
On this episode I’m discussing mental health and how people cope with it using drugs and alcohol!
On this episode I’m discussing what you would do if you had a million dollars and how you would spend it!
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