A quick update on what I've been reading -- basically delinquent mangas -- and how I ugly cry over stuff. I have good recommendations for series! Teehee.
"Are they eyeballs? They look like eyeballs to me..." Looking back at Phantom Seer Vol. 1, isn't it interesting to find how the act of seeing, being overwhlemed, and the threads of the eventual turning of tides begin so early on...
Missing episodes?
I review the first eleven chapters of Witch Watch by Shinohara Kenta. The damsel in distress situation didn't get me too hooked but the addition of a spoofy, excitable new character really does make me love a series!
In this particular episode, I talk about how the Demon Vice-commander of the Shinsengumi is presented in Gintama, Hakuoki, Otome games, and more. It seems like we still have to wait for the day that Hijikata is presented to be something more than the curt, cold (but actually kind) morally strong leader that he is seen to be now...