
  • "Our bodies are meant to serve us, and they will serve us if we listen to our body.”

    Are you tired of relying on medication to manage your health? Are you or someone you know struggling with heart problems or high blood pressure? What if there was a way to get off your meds and improve your health naturally?

    Some of us struggle with managing our weight, exercise routines, and overall health. Whether it’s due to our diet, lack of exercise, or genetic predispositions, these issues are all too common. But what if you could take control of your health with simple, effective changes?

    There are practical strategies for overcoming hypertension and heart problems through lifestyle changes. Learn the impact of diet, exercise, and sleep on your overall health. Discover why kidney doctors might know more about your heart than heart specialists and learn about the key steps you can take to reduce inflammation and improve your well-being.

    Dr. Banji Awosika is a renowned medical doctor and kidney specialist, to the show. he is not only an expert in his field but also the author of a groundbreaking book on reducing dependence on medication. With a personal family history of hypertension and a passion for proactive health, he brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table.

    Don’t forget to grab a copy of the book “Drop Your Meds” by Dr. Banji Awosika.

    Raymond Aaron has shared his vision and wisdom on radio and television programs for over 40 years. He is the author of over 100 books, including Branding Small Business For Dummies, Double Your Income Doing What You Love, Canadian best-seller Chicken Soup for the Canadian Soul, and he co-authored the New York Times best-seller Chicken Soup for the Parent’s Soul. Raymond’s latest, co-authored book is The AI Millionaire’s Path: Discover How ChatGPT‐Written Books Become Bestsellers and How They Can Make You a Millionaire Author!.


  • "To find the meaning of life, you only have to open your eyes.”

    Have you ever felt like life was steering you towards a new, unexpected path and you're not sure whether to embrace it or resist it? What if destiny was trying to tell you something? Many of us face moments when our lives take unexpected turns, forcing us to make tough decisions. It's in these moments that we often find our true calling.

    Join us in this episode and explore the meaning of destiny and how to recognize and embrace it when it comes knocking on your door.

    Mirela-Carmen Stancu is an extraordinary individual who spent 30 years as a welding engineer in Romania. Despite a successful career, political changes in her company made her reconsider her path. A long-distance relationship and a profound dream led her to become a writer and coach for aspiring authors.

    Visit WritersPayItForward.com to learn more about Mirela’s services for authors and how she can help you bring your story to life.

    Raymond Aaron has shared his vision and wisdom on radio and television programs for over 40 years. He is the author of over 100 books, including Branding Small Business For Dummies, Double Your Income Doing What You Love, Canadian best-seller Chicken Soup for the Canadian Soul, and he co-authored the New York Times best-seller Chicken Soup for the Parent’s Soul. Raymond’s latest, co-authored book is The AI Millionaire’s Path: Discover How ChatGPT‐Written Books Become Bestsellers and How They Can Make You a Millionaire Author!.


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  • “Everything in our life, extreme ownership, is and always will be a direct correlation with your thoughts, your emotions, and subsequently your actions.”

    Do you know how to transform your toughest life experiences into your greatest strengths? We all face challenges in life that can leave us feeling defeated. But what if those very challenges are the key to unlocking our true potential?

    These obstacles, whether personal, professional, or emotional, often seem insurmountable and can cast a shadow over our aspirations. But what if those very challenges are not roadblocks but stepping stones? What if they hold the key to unlocking our true potential, revealing strengths we never knew we had, and guiding us towards a more empowered and fulfilled life? By shifting our perspective and embracing these challenges, we can transform adversity into opportunity and discover the resilience and power within ourselves.

    Joe Malone is a retired Special Operations Marine who has dedicated his life to teaching others how to avoid becoming victims of violent crimes and how to thrive in everyday life. His journey from the streets of Chicago to the battlefields of the world has equipped him with unique insights and practical skills that can benefit us all. Today, he shares his wisdom and experience to help others develop mental and emotional resilience, teaching them how to reframe their lives and take extreme ownership of their circumstances.

    To know more about Joe Malone, visit his website: JoeMaloneTraining.com.

    Raymond Aaron has shared his vision and wisdom on radio and television programs for over 40 years. He is the author of over 100 books, including Branding Small Business For Dummies, Double Your Income Doing What You Love, Canadian best-seller Chicken Soup for the Canadian Soul, and he co-authored the New York Times best-seller Chicken Soup for the Parent’s Soul. Raymond’s latest, co-authored book is The AI Millionaire’s Path: Discover How ChatGPT‐Written Books Become Bestsellers and How They Can Make You a Millionaire Author!.


  • "Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right. - Henry Ford”

    How does frequencies influence every aspect in our lives and connect the realms of science, medicine, technology, and spirituality? In a world filled with uncertainties and transitions, many of us struggle with finding clarity and purpose. Whether it's dealing with loss, grief, or simply trying to understand the next steps in life, the search for answers is a common thread that binds us all.

    Jana Marie is a former administrative director at a university, where she worked closely with medical and Ph.D. students. Now, she is a coach and healer who combines her deep understanding of science and spirituality to help others discover and tune into their own unique frequencies. Frequencies intertwine with science, medicine, technology, and spirituality. She explains how everything is connected through frequencies and how understanding this can lead to profound personal transformations.

    Learn about Jana’s unique approach to healing broken hearts using a blend of bioenergetics, angelic guidance, and neuro-linguistic programming. Send her a message through [email protected]

    Raymond Aaron has shared his vision and wisdom on radio and television programs for over 40 years. He is the author of over 100 books, including Branding Small Business For Dummies, Double Your Income Doing What You Love, Canadian best-seller Chicken Soup for the Canadian Soul, and he co-authored the New York Times best-seller Chicken Soup for the Parent’s Soul. Raymond’s latest, co-authored book is The AI Millionaire’s Path: Discover How ChatGPT‐Written Books Become Bestsellers and How They Can Make You a Millionaire Author!.


  • “We all have two lives and the second begins when we realize that we only have one. You hadn't had bad to make this happen, don't whine about it, be about it, chop wood, carry water, I'll see you at work.”

    “When you change the way you look at the world, the world you look at changes.”

    “Acceptance is not about fairness or justification; it's about acknowledging reality and moving forward with resilience and strength”

    Have you ever faced a challenge so daunting you thought you'd never overcome it? We all encounter obstacles in life, some more severe than others. It's easy to feel overwhelmed and helpless, but what if the key to overcoming these obstacles lies in how we perceive them?

    Dan MacQueen is a traumatic brain injury survivor with an incredible story. His story is not just about survival but about transforming setbacks into comebacks. He shares his life-changing brain hemorrhage to his perspective-shifting moments, valuable lessons on resilience, acceptance, and finding strength in the face of adversity.

    Our own experiences teach us that while we cannot always control what happens to us, we can choose how we respond and grow from these challenges. When faced with adversity, the immediate reaction might be frustration, fear, or discouragement. However, adopting a solutions-oriented mindset transforms these challenges into opportunities for growth and development.

    Learn more about Dan Macqueen, visit his website: MacQueenDan.com.

    Raymond Aaron has shared his vision and wisdom on radio and television programs for over 40 years. He is the author of over 100 books, including Branding Small Business For Dummies, Double Your Income Doing What You Love, Canadian best-seller Chicken Soup for the Canadian Soul, and he co-authored the New York Times best-seller Chicken Soup for the Parent’s Soul. Raymond’s latest, co-authored book is The AI Millionaire’s Path: Discover How ChatGPT‐Written Books Become Bestsellers and How They Can Make You a Millionaire Author!.


  • "We are responsible for ourselves. It’s the only thing we can control.”

    Have you ever felt like the conventional medical system isn't providing the answers you need for your health? What if there were secrets to healing yourself that you haven't discovered yet? Many of us have faced health challenges and immediately turned to doctors and medications for solutions. While modern medicine has its miracles, there are areas where it may fall short, leaving us searching for more holistic and sustainable ways to heal and thrive.

    Curtis Banks is a former senior officer of a major corporation in the United States who transitioned into a successful financial coach. He faced a serious health challenge that forced him to rethink his entire approach to wellness. His story is a powerful testament to the potential of self-healing through informed choices and lifestyle changes.

    Also Mentioned:
    How to Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease" by Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn

    Dr. Atkins' New Diet Revolution" by Dr. Robert Atkins

    Barbara O'Neill YT Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@LivingSpringsRetreat

    Raymond Aaron has shared his vision and wisdom on radio and television programs for over 40 years. He is the author of over 100 books, including Branding Small Business For Dummies, Double Your Income Doing What You Love, Canadian best-seller Chicken Soup for the Canadian Soul, and he co-authored the New York Times best-seller Chicken Soup for the Parent’s Soul. Raymond’s latest, co-authored book is The AI Millionaire’s Path: Discover How ChatGPT‐Written Books Become Bestsellers and How They Can Make You a Millionaire Author!.


  • "One of the biggest gifts that we are given is choice. And a lot of people don't know that.”

    Have you ever wondered what it truly means to manifest your sacred ambition? What if the key to transforming your life lies in the spiritual wisdom within you? Try asking yourself, “What do I truly want?” and embrace the journey of spiritual awakening. Many of us have faced challenges and setbacks, feeling like we’re not living up to our full potential. Whether it’s financial struggles, relationship issues, or a general sense of emptiness despite outward success, these experiences can lead us to seek deeper meaning and fulfillment.

    In this episode, Rebecca and Raymond exchange stories about their personal journeys, illustrating how they transitioned from challenging times to experiencing spiritual awakening and achie ving success. Exploring how understanding and embracing our inner spiritual tools can initiate profound life shifts. From overcoming personal hardships to discovering your true selves, they discuss the journey of awakening to a life filled with purpose and love.

    Rebecca Skeele is an author, spiritual mentor, and wisdom teacher. She is known for her expertise in guiding individuals through major life shifts in consciousness. Rebecca shares her insights on how we can all manifest our sacred ambitions by tapping into the spiritual truths that lie within us.

    Check out Rebecca’s books: “You can make it in Heaven” available on Amazon and “Manifest your sacred ambition” also available in Audible.

    Follow Rebecca on social media:

    Website: Rebeccaeskeele.com

    Facebook: Rebecca.E.Skeele

    LinkedIn: Rebecca E. Skeele

    Youtube: @RebeccaSkeele

    Raymond Aaron has shared his vision and wisdom on radio and television programs for over 40 years. He is the author of over 100 books, including Branding Small Business For Dummies, Double Your Income Doing What You Love, Canadian best-seller Chicken Soup for the Canadian Soul, and he co-authored the New York Times best-seller Chicken Soup for the Parent’s Soul. Raymond’s latest, co-authored book is The AI Millionaire’s Path: Discover How ChatGPT‐Written Books Become Bestsellers and How They Can Make You a Millionaire Author!.


  • "We specialize in the weird and wonderful at the last minute.”

    “If you love what you do, you never work a day in your life”

    Do you ever wonder who ensures your office move goes smoothly, with every piece of tech perfectly in place and ready to go? Meet the unseen heroes of corporate IT relocations! We all know how stressful moving can be, whether it’s relocating a home or an entire office. The chaos, the mess, and the inevitable tech issues can make it a daunting task. But what if there was a way to make this transition seamless and stress-free?

    Lisa Phillips and her husband, Jason Saiet, the dynamic duo behind UnioTech Solutions. They run a unique business that provides essential support to IT departments during office moves, ensuring that all tech equipment is handled with care and precision. From cable management to hardware setup, they’ve got it all covered. With their innovative approach, they have transformed the way companies manage IT during relocations, offering a specialized service that combines technical expertise with meticulous attention to detail.

    Reach out to UnioTech Solutions for top-notch service and peace of mind. Contact them at [email protected].

    Raymond Aaron has shared his vision and wisdom on radio and television programs for over 40 years. He is the author of over 100 books, including Branding Small Business For Dummies, Double Your Income Doing What You Love, Canadian best-seller Chicken Soup for the Canadian Soul, and he co-authored the New York Times best-seller Chicken Soup for the Parent’s Soul. Raymond’s latest, co-authored book is The AI Millionaire’s Path: Discover How ChatGPT‐Written Books Become Bestsellers and How They Can Make You a Millionaire Author!.


  • "Don't focus on what you lost, focus on what you have left.”

    When you think back to your childhood, did you ever find yourself at a crossroads, unsure of which path to take? Imagine having a mentor who could steer you away from danger and towards a brighter future.

    Orrin "Checkmate" Hudson, has dedicated his life to saving at-risk youth through the strategic game of chess. He teaches kids valuable life lessons, helping them avoid drugs, gangs, and violence. He was a gang member himself, he turned his life around thanks to a teacher who introduced him to chess. Now, he pays it forward by mentoring thousands of kids, guiding them towards making better choices and realizing their potential. Teaching chess to introduce critical thinking, responsibility, and love in his students.

    Support Orrin's mission by making a donation to Be Someone. Your contribution can provide resources to keep his program running and reach even more kids in need. Visit BeSomeone.org and make a difference today.

    Raymond Aaron has shared his vision and wisdom on radio and television programs for over 40 years. He is the author of over 100 books, including Branding Small Business For Dummies, Double Your Income Doing What You Love, Canadian best-seller Chicken Soup for the Canadian Soul, and he co-authored the New York Times best-seller Chicken Soup for the Parent’s Soul. Raymond’s latest, co-authored book is The AI Millionaire’s Path: Discover How ChatGPT‐Written Books Become Bestsellers and How They Can Make You a Millionaire Author!.


  • "You stop defining yourself by what other people think of you, and its freedom.”

    “Your beliefs determine your behavior and your reality and your emotions.”

    Have you ever felt like something invisible is holding you back from living your best life? What if I told you that your own beliefs might be the biggest obstacle in your way? We all have moments when we know what to do, but just can't seem to do it. Whether it's sticking to a healthy diet, leaving a toxic job, or pursuing our dreams, our actions often don't align with our knowledge. You're not alone in this struggle.

    Our returning guest - Shelly Lefkoe is a pioneer in personal development who, alongside her late husband Morty Lefkoe, developed a groundbreaking process to eliminate limiting beliefs. For over 35 years, Shelly has been helping people break free from the beliefs that hold them back. Her work has touched countless lives, including those of top executives and everyday individuals alike.

    The story behind the creation of the Lefkoe Method is a testament to the power of understanding human beliefs. Shelly and her husband discovered that our beliefs play a crucial role in determining our behavior, reality, and emotions. They developed the Lefkoe Method to help individuals identify and eliminate limiting beliefs, thereby transforming their lives. By identifying and dissolving these beliefs, individuals can experience a significant shift in their perception and emotional state, enabling them to live more fulfilling and liberated lives. This process of belief elimination offers a path to deep personal transformation and self-empowerment.

    Eliminate a belief by video for free at EliminateBeliefs.com.

    Book a strategy session with Shelly at LefkoeInstitute.com.

    Raymond Aaron has shared his vision and wisdom on radio and television programs for over 40 years. He is the author of over 100 books, including Branding Small Business For Dummies, Double Your Income Doing What You Love, Canadian best-seller Chicken Soup for the Canadian Soul, and he co-authored the New York Times best-seller Chicken Soup for the Parent’s Soul. Raymond’s latest, co-authored book is The AI Millionaire’s Path: Discover How ChatGPT‐Written Books Become Bestsellers and How They Can Make You a Millionaire Author!.


  • "When there's a will, there's a way. If not, there's only surveys.”

    Have you ever dreamed of traveling the world while working remotely? Despite the challenges, the rewards are immense. The freedom to explore new places, meet diverse people, and experience different cultures is unparalleled. This lifestyle fosters creativity, personal growth, and a deeper understanding of the world. One of the biggest challenges is managing different time zones, which can complicate scheduling meetings and maintaining a consistent routine. There's also the constant need to adapt to new environments, cultures, and sometimes, unstable internet connections. Balancing work and travel can be stressful, and maintaining productivity requires discipline and planning.

    Discover how Chinmai Swamy’s life transformed through Raymond’s 10-10-10 program and how publishing his first book was just the beginning of a remarkable journey. From being a rocket scientist to living a fulfilling laptop lifestyle is nothing short of incredible. He talks about the crucial moments that led him and his family to embrace a digital nomad lifestyle, traveling from London to Spain, California, and eventually Bali. The decision to leave a stable job and comfortable life in London was not easy. However, the desire for freedom and adventure drove him and his wife to make the leap. Production, Partnership, and Parenting. Chinmai and his wife designed their lifestyle around these three core values to ensure their work, marriage, and parenting thrive no matter where they are.

    Connect with Chinmai Swamy:

    Website: ChinmaiSwamy.com

    LinkedIn: Chinmai Swamy

    Instagram: @Chinmai Swamy

    Raymond Aaron has shared his vision and wisdom on radio and television programs for over 40 years. He is the author of over 100 books, including Branding Small Business For Dummies, Double Your Income Doing What You Love, Canadian best-seller Chicken Soup for the Canadian Soul, and he co-authored the New York Times best-seller Chicken Soup for the Parent’s Soul. Raymond’s latest, co-authored book is The AI Millionaire’s Path: Discover How ChatGPT‐Written Books Become Bestsellers and How They Can Make You a Millionaire Author!.


  • "Teaching people how to communicate effectively. Because I think that there is so much misunderstanding, I think there is so much frustration and anger and pain that is caused by people not knowing how to communicate in ways that others can listen. So maybe it's both communicating effectively and listening effectively.”

    “Between the stimulus and response, there is space. And in that space lies our freedom and power to choose our responses. And our response lies our growth and our freedom. - Viktor Frankl from ‘Man's Search for Meaning’.”

    Thinking globally, acting locally. But what if we could expand our reach beyond geographical boundaries? Picture a world where feminine energy guides our decisions and fosters deeper connections between nations and the potential impact of feminine leadership on a global scale. Imagine a space where men come together, shedding societal expectations and bravely opening up about their innermost struggles and aspirations. Through the supportive environment of the men's group, you will find the courage to confront your deepest fears, challenge limiting beliefs, and embark on a journey of self-discovery.

    Edward Wexler-Beron is a successful executive coach and leadership development consultant. His story will bring us into the world of masculinity, personal development, and the power of community, a unique perspective to the table, especially when it comes to his passion project – running a men's group.

    Exploring the idea of turning a passion project, such as the men's group, into a viable business venture. He shares insights into the potential scalability of the group, considering opportunities to expand its reach and impact beyond its current scope. The intersection of personal development and entrepreneurship, highlighting how Edward's background in executive coaching and leadership development could be leveraged to create a sustainable business model. From exploring virtual meeting options to establishing partnerships with like-minded organizations, we brainstorm ways to maximize the group's growth while maintaining its core values and mission.

    Interested in a free coaching session with Edward? Visit his website: https://www.wbleadershipgroup.com/.

    You can also reach out to him via LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/edwardwexlerberon.

    Also Mentioned:

    Man's Search for Meaning – Viktor Frankl

    Raymond Aaron has shared his vision and wisdom on radio and television programs for over 40 years. He is the author of over 100 books, including Branding Small Business For Dummies, Double Your Income Doing What You Love, Canadian best-seller Chicken Soup for the Canadian Soul, and he co-authored the New York Times best-seller Chicken Soup for the Parent’s Soul. Raymond’s latest, co-authored book is The AI Millionaire’s Path: Discover How ChatGPT‐Written Books Become Bestsellers and How They Can Make You a Millionaire Author!.


  • “It's not about ignoring the difficult stuff. It's about reframing how we see things.”

    How do we step into that place of trust, that sense of inner peace in the midst of chaos? From a place of darkness and self-doubt to unwavering self-worth and empowerment. Personal empowerment isn't just about overcoming challenges; it's about embracing our experiences, transforming our mindset, and reclaiming our sense of worth and purpose.

    It’s important to have gratitude and reframing perspectives, especially in today's world filled with negativity and global crises, the need to go within, confront victimization, and cultivate forgiveness as essential steps toward personal freedom and empowerment.

    Christian De la Huerta is a personal transformation coach, spiritual teacher, and TEDx speaker. He shares his story of overcoming adversity, recounting his challenging adolescence marked by depression and self-hatred. Despite his struggles, Christian emphasizes the transformation that occurred within him, leading to an unshakeable sense of worth and empowerment.

    Check out a sample chapter from Christian’s book, "Awakening the Soul of Power", available on Amazon.

    Christian offers free resources: power practices for integration, and a guided meditation for inner peace amidst chaos, available on his website, soulfulpower.com.

    Raymond Aaron has shared his vision and wisdom on radio and television programs for over 40 years. He is the author of over 100 books, including Branding Small Business For Dummies, Double Your Income Doing What You Love, Canadian best-seller Chicken Soup for the Canadian Soul, and he co-authored the New York Times best-seller Chicken Soup for the Parent’s Soul. Raymond’s latest, co-authored book is The AI Millionaire’s Path: Discover How ChatGPT‐Written Books Become Bestsellers and How They Can Make You a Millionaire Author!.


  • Ever wondered how to steer podcast conversations in the direction you want? Forget what you think you know about podcast guesting. Imagine a strategy that's simple, accessible, and incredibly effective. That's what podcast guesting is all about. Nicky breaks down why this approach is turning heads in a world saturated with traditional methods to reach potential clients like paid traffic and blogging.

    But how do you stand out in a sea of voices? Nicky dives deep into the art of storytelling, revealing how revealing the authenticity of your own backstory can open doors and unlock endless opportunities in the podcasting realm. It's not just about what you say; it's about how you say it. This episode shines a light on the unmatched benefits of podcast-guesting, emphasizing its low-risk and high-rewarding nature. It's a chance to make waves without breaking the bank.

    Click here to reserve your spot: https://ecircleacademy.mykajabi.com/get-booked-get-paid.

    Raymond Aaron has shared his vision and wisdom on radio and television programs for over 40 years. He is the author of over 100 books, including Branding Small Business For Dummies, Double Your Income Doing What You Love, Canadian best-seller Chicken Soup for the Canadian Soul, and he co-authored the New York Times best-seller Chicken Soup for the Parent’s Soul. Raymond’s latest, co-authored book is The AI Millionaire’s Path: Discover How ChatGPT‐Written Books Become Bestsellers and How They Can Make You a Millionaire Author!.


  • “Sometimes you're crawling through the weeds. But if you know that where your destination is, you sometimes just have to accept that, hey, I'm not going to know what the journey looks like, but if I can enjoy the journey along the way, it'll get me where it is. I'm going to try to go. And it's going to get me there in a way that is even beyond my wildest imagination.”

    Despite setbacks and doubts, move forward. Take risks, face rejection, and even have doors slammed in your face. Let these setbacks fuel your determination to succeed. The path to success is anything but smooth. It's riddled with twists, turns, and unexpected detours. But if you're willing to embrace the journey and stay true to yourself, you'll find success beyond your wildest dreams.

    Akeem Shannon is the founder of Flipstick, a phone accessory brand. His story isn't just about business success; it's about overcoming tremendous setbacks and finding strength in the face of adversity. Akeem started from the bottom after losing a college scholarship and navigating through challenges that would break most people. But he didn't just survive, he thrived. From working at Sprint to becoming a top sales rep at Verizon, he is a testament to perseverance and determination.

    Visit Akeem Shannon’s website, to learn more about him and his work.


    To join Akeem's group text chat and tap into his wisdom and motivation, simply send a text to 314-789-9005.

    If you're tired of dropping your phone or struggling to find a convenient way to prop it up, check out Flipstik.


    Raymond Aaron has shared his vision and wisdom on radio and television programs for over 40 years. He is the author of over 100 books, including Branding Small Business For Dummies, Double Your Income Doing What You Love, Canadian best-seller Chicken Soup for the Canadian Soul, and he co-authored the New York Times best-seller Chicken Soup for the Parent’s Soul. Raymond’s latest, co-authored book is The AI Millionaire’s Path: Discover How ChatGPT‐Written Books Become Bestsellers and How They Can Make You a Millionaire Author!.


  • “Leave the world better than you found it.”

    “Live full, die empty.”

    Have you ever had an idea burning inside you but struggled to bring it to life? Mag will help you turn those ideas into reality, whether you're an aspiring entrepreneur or someone looking to make a career shift. Mag's secret? Breaking down big goals into bite-sized projects and celebrating every step of the journey.

    It all starts with understanding your why. What's driving your desire to succeed? Once you have a clear picture of your motivations and pain points, create personalized strategies to help achieve your goals. It's all about capturing your essence and infusing it into every aspect of your journey towards success.

    Chat directly with Mag, she offers a 30-minute discovery call through her website, elimtechnologies.com. Discuss your goals and challenges, and see how she can help you unleash your own success.

    Raymond Aaron has shared his vision and wisdom on radio and television programs for over 40 years. He is the author of over 100 books, including Branding Small Business For Dummies, Double Your Income Doing What You Love, Canadian best-seller Chicken Soup for the Canadian Soul, and he co-authored the New York Times best-seller Chicken Soup for the Parent’s Soul. Raymond’s latest, co-authored book is The AI Millionaire’s Path: Discover How ChatGPT‐Written Books Become Bestsellers and How They Can Make You a Millionaire Author!.


  • “We're not responsible for fixing anything else other than ourselves.”

    Talya’s zest for life is contagious, and in this episode, she shares her secrets to staying energized and joyful at the age of 76. From breathwork to gratitude practices, her daily rituals are all about nurturing her mind, body, and spirit. But it's not just about personal wellness; Talya believes in the power of mindset, especially in the face of challenges. She reminds us that even in today's turbulent times, we have the ability to choose positivity and resilience.

    By embracing this mindset, we equip ourselves with the tools necessary to navigate life's storms and emerge stronger on the other side. While we may not control the circumstances around us, we do have the power to choose how we respond to them. No matter what challenges we face, we have the inner strength to overcome them and create a life filled with joy, purpose, and healing.

    Are you prepared to begin your personal journey of healing and transformation? Head over to hurricanesofhealing.com to check out Talya’s empowering book, "Hurricanes of Healing".

    Raymond Aaron has shared his vision and wisdom on radio and television programs for over 40 years. He is the author of over 100 books, including Branding Small Business For Dummies, Double Your Income Doing What You Love, Canadian best-seller Chicken Soup for the Canadian Soul, and he co-authored the New York Times best-seller Chicken Soup for the Parent’s Soul. Raymond’s latest, co-authored book is The AI Millionaire’s Path: Discover How ChatGPT‐Written Books Become Bestsellers and How They Can Make You a Millionaire Author!.


  • “When we make mistakes, we get back up, we learn how to do it better next time around.”

    Turning a chore people avoid into an exceptional customer service experience. That's exactly what Brian did when he founded 1-800-GOT-JUNK.. And it didn't stop there. He scaled that success not once, but twice, with two more home service brands - One Day Painting and Shine Shack. From junk removal to painting to making your home shine bright, his entrepreneurial spirit knows no bounds.

    Brian's journey wasn't all sunshine and rainbows. He faced rejection, skepticism, and countless setbacks along the way. But you know what sets him apart? His unwavering belief in dreaming big and embracing failure as a stepping stone to success. For him, failure isn't the end of the road; it's just a pit stop on the way to greatness. He didn't stop at building successful businesses. He decided to share the wealth through franchising, empowering others to create their own entrepreneurial legacy.

    If you're feeling inspired and want to learn more about Brian and his incredible journey, be sure to visit his website at BrianScudamore.com. You can also connect with him on LinkedIn for more insights and updates. https://www.linkedin.com/in/scudamore/?originalSubdomain=ca

    If you're craving even more wisdom from Brian, be sure to check out his books, "WTF: Willing to Fail" and "BYOB: Build Your Own Business, Be Your Own Boss." These books are packed with invaluable lessons and practical advice for aspiring entrepreneurs like yourself.

    Raymond Aaron has shared his vision and wisdom on radio and television programs for over 40 years. He is the author of over 100 books, including Branding Small Business For Dummies, Double Your Income Doing What You Love, Canadian best-seller Chicken Soup for the Canadian Soul, and he co-authored the New York Times best-seller Chicken Soup for the Parent’s Soul. Raymond’s latest, co-authored book is The AI Millionaire’s Path: Discover How ChatGPT‐Written Books Become Bestsellers and How They Can Make You a Millionaire Author!.


  • “Do what you love in service to people who love what you do. - Steve Farber”

    “When our communities change, the world will change.”

    Ever wondered why some nonprofits struggle to invest in coaching for their leaders? Nonprofit leaders are often unsung heroes, driven by a deep passion to make a difference in their communities. However, despite their vital roles, many of these leaders face significant barriers when it comes to accessing coaching and professional development opportunities.

    One of the underlying reasons for this struggle is financial constraints—nonprofit organizations operate on limited budgets and often prioritize direct services over investing in leadership development. Additionally, the misconception that coaching is a luxury reserved for corporate executives can further deter nonprofits from seeking out these valuable resources.

    Ready to make a difference? Whether you're a coach looking to give back, a nonprofit seeking support, or simply someone who wants to contribute, head over to thecoachinitiative.org to learn more and get involved.

    Raymond Aaron has shared his vision and wisdom on radio and television programs for over 40 years. He is the author of over 100 books, including Branding Small Business For Dummies, Double Your Income Doing What You Love, Canadian best-seller Chicken Soup for the Canadian Soul, and he co-authored the New York Times best-seller Chicken Soup for the Parent’s Soul. Raymond’s latest, co-authored book is The AI Millionaire’s Path: Discover How ChatGPT‐Written Books Become Bestsellers and How They Can Make You a Millionaire Author!.


  • “And so, as you just said, they're in a fog. There's some darkness. There's no clarity about where they want to go. Well, if I'm behind them trying to shine the way with the flashlight, then their body is casting a shadow. If I'm in front of them with it, then they can't see where the light's going because my body's in the way. But if I'm just next to them and I'm putting the flashlight to illuminate what's possible, what might be the ways forward, then it's up to them to decide."

    Ever wondered the ripple effects of your actions? Dr. Jonathan Marion will shed light on the concept of ripples of impact and how our authentic presence in the world can spark profound changes. We will talk about the intriguing world of anthropology and its unexpected connections to personal growth and impact.

    Dr. Marion is a professor of cultural anthropology and now a transformational life coach. He shared his insights on how living, connecting, and communicating authentically can create ripples that reverberate globally. He emphasized the importance of approaching life as a student, always open to learning from others and the world around us.

    He talks about the BEING framework, a strategic approach Dr. Marion utilizes to help his clients navigate their journeys of self-discovery and fulfillment. Beginning where you are, exploring your desires, investigating your options, and finally taking action to live your best life, is a catalyst for personal growth and transformation.

    Dr. Marion's wisdom reminds us that true fulfillment comes from aligning with our authentic selves and embracing the journey of self-discovery, and his coaching has empowered individuals to find clarity, purpose, and success in their lives.

    Sign up for a 30 minute consultation and connect with Jonathan Marion, at Stepsalongtheway.global/schedule

    Raymond Aaron has shared his vision and wisdom on radio and television programs for over 40 years. He is the author of over 100 books, including Branding Small Business For Dummies, Double Your Income Doing What You Love, Canadian best-seller Chicken Soup for the Canadian Soul, and he co-authored the New York Times best-seller Chicken Soup for the Parent’s Soul. Raymond’s latest, co-authored book is The AI Millionaire’s Path: Discover How ChatGPT‐Written Books Become Bestsellers and How They Can Make You a Millionaire Author!.
