مجموعة من الكتب الصوتية الكاملة وأشهر المؤلفات للدكتور مصطفى محمود
مصطفى محمود (27 ديسمبر 1921 - 31 أكتوبر 2009)، فيلسوف وطبيب وكاتب مصري. هو مصطفى كمال محمود حسين آل محفوظ، من الأشراف وينتهي نسبه إلى علي زين العابدين. توفي والده عام 1939 بعد سنوات من الشلل، درس الطب وتخرج عام 1953 وتخصَّص في الأمراض الصدرية، ولكنه تفرغ للكتابة والبحث عام 1960. تزوج عام 1961 وانتهى الزواج بالطلاق عام 1973. رزق بولدين هما "أمل" و"أدهم". تزوج ثانية عام 1983 من السيدة زينب حمدى وانتهى هذا الزواج أيضا بالطلاق عام 1987.
ألف 89 كتاباً منها الكتب العلمية والدينية والفلسفية والاجتماعية والسياسية إضافة إلى الحكايات والمسرحيات وقصص الرحلات، ويتميز أسلوبه بالجاذبية مع العمق والبساطة. -
بودكاست تهدف الى نشر المعرفة بمختلف المجالات (ادب, فلسفة, مسرح , فنون , سياسة , عقائد , علوم ... الخ) و أيضا نشر التسامح بين الاديان و المذاهب المختلفة و احترام مقدسات الاخريين .
وكذلك نشر روائع القصائد العربية بصوت احمد الفارابي مع تلخيص لروائع الروايات العالمية لغرض اطلاع محبي الادب عليها.
البودكاست مدار من قبل طه العزاوي بأذن الاستاذ أحمد الفارابي
للتواصل [email protected] -
Dear Quarter Lives is a podcast that talks to both professionals and regular folk about their experience of the quarter life period and how the crisis of the quarter life can be a great opportunity for growth and happiness. Most of all, this podcast brings light to issues of the mind and of the soul that are often left in the dark. We seek to create a community of peace seekers who through their own healing change the lives of everyone around them. And together, we bring love back to the world.
Join Brandon Stover, founder of Plato University, as he questions everything in life to challenge the way you think. Every change in the world starts with one person. Through narrated essays and intellectual interviews, this podcast will equip you with practical philosophies, new perspectives, and modern understandings of global issues so that change can start with you. It will help you to become a more critical thinker, find purpose in your life, and discover why you would want to take action in changing the world.
"They push the human race forward, and while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius, because the people who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do." - Steve Jobs -
مرحبا بكم في القناة.
اسمي بلال ، ولدت في بغداد في عائلة متدينة سنية، كنت شديد التدين في المراهقة وعشت في عزلة عن المجتمع حتى دخلت الجامعة وبدأت بالاتصال بالعالم بكل ما فيه من قبح وجمال، بدأت بقراءة الفلسفة والعلم بحثا عن الاجوبة بعد رفضي لقصص الدين الساذجة. امنت بقوة العقل والمنطق و بدأت حياة جديدة محاولا التخلص من ترسبات العنف والكره الدينية
المحتوى ايضا متوفر في:
https://www.youtube.com/@of_science_and_superstition -
بودكاست ديالكتيك من تقديم جعفر الأنصاري يقدم من خلاله حوارات حول كتب واطروحات فلسفية مختارة. حيث يتحدث حول العديد من الكتب الفلسفية والموضوعات التي تطرحها مع عدد من الباحثين والمهتمين بالفلسفة.
من إنتاج #جمعية_الفلسفة في المملكة العربية السعودية
ورعاية اندبندنت عربية Independent
البودكاست برعاية اندبندنت عربية Independent -
Welcome to the I want to be Happy Podcast. Join hosts Vikki and Nate of the Mindset Team who will guide you on your path to discovering your emotional intelligence and celebrating your accomplishments! Challenge conventional thinking and assumptions. Be part of the conversation. Episodes include interviews with people from all walks of life who share perspectives on how they succeeded over their struggles. If they can do it, you can do it.
When you know there is more to life but aren’t sure how to reach it, Vikki and Nate are here for you. Learn tools to help you discover your confidence, self-worth and what makes you happy. Break free from anxiety, depression, and unproductive habits in a safe space with the support and guidance of the Mindset Team. They invite you to grab a warm beverage, get comfy and join the conversation for some fun and helpful advice on investing in yourself.
Vikki & Nate are the powerhouse couple behind The Mindset Team. With complementary qualities they bring great generosity, balance, and patience to their work along with a healthy doses of ambition and excitement. Both are passionate lovers of life and want to help others unlock the boundless potential within their own lives. Each has had their share of hardship which gives them hands-on experience, drive, and perspective.
Vikki founded The Mindset Team over 30 years ago as an experiment to develop techniques that deliver lasting results quickly and without having to relive traumas of the past. When Vikki met Nate, the intellectual and philosopher, he immediately quit his reliable IT job because this mindset work was so compelling and powerful. Soon they fell in love and married.
The couple are constantly looking to further enhance their services and work tirelessly to support people in whatever ways they possibly can. Over the years, they have trained a team of people who share their key values of generosity, love, and support. The Mindset Team is primed to deliver lasting transformative change.
The Mind Set Team YouTube
LinkedIn Mindset Team
Mindset Team Blog
Instagram Mindset Team -
The teacher in me in voice format. I discuss a range of topics, not so much as people, but ideas. Hear my take on various topics that will challenge your thinking.Support:https://www.paypal.me/Carrie609$aureliusthemistokles Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/carriequintilianus/support