Welcome to The Sports Raver, where I rave about my favorite things in sports & I rave against the worst things in sports. Thanks for coming to rave with me!
www.thesportsraver.com -
The Qatar World Cup 2022 is potentially the most controversial sporting event since the 1936 Berlin Olympics. A story that is so bizarre and complex, it has sent sport from the back pages, to the front pages, to the long-reads in the middle of newspapers.
Blood on the Sand: Qatar 2022 will track the progress of the World Cup through the World Cup Diary series. A short podcast episode, one per day, covering news from the tournament both on and off the pitch. Followed by a more detailed in-depth look at the history of Qatar, the tournament and how those two collided.
Blood on the Sand is written, produced and performed by Adonis Storr (@theadelites on Twitter).
Cover Art was created with Daan (@DaanGraphics on Twitter and Instagram).
Music by WombatNoisesAudio (https://soundcloud.com/user-734462061) including the tracks The Legend of Narmer and Jewel Of Nekhen. Music was promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com and is used in conjunction with Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License
https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.en_US. -
Your favorite Formula 1 podcast from 🇲🇦, covering Drivers, Teams, Races and everything in between in Moroccan Darija!
Prevention of violence by the sports Rugby League in Burundi
JT "BucDad" & Derek "ManicBuc" bring the world's of football and wrestling together to form "Pancakes & Powerbombs". Join the Official Pancakes & Powerbombs Facebook Group for up-to-date news on new episodes and morehttps://www.facebook.com/groups/781869683799370/?ref=share
Talking sports NBA, NFL, MLB, HBCU, Negro League Baseball History. A different perspective on sports. The podcast where you'll get sports history. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/anthony-smith34/support
Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada
A couple of below average athletes, give you above average insight. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/dustin-paulos/support
بودكاست يستضيف ضيفًا رياضيًا يتحدث عن مساره ويشاركنا في جميع الطرائف والانجازات والأحداث الخاصة به، بالإضافة إلى تقديم آرائه حول المواضيع التي تشكل الرأي العام الرياضي.
A weekly podcast released every Thursday morning. This podcast is dedicated to promoting and highlighting University of Hartford athletics. We update you on what is new with Hartford Athletics each week, and give you all the information you might need as a true Hawk supporter.
This show also focuses on student-athletes' accomplishments both on and off the field, and keeps listeners up to date on the Hartford Hawks with the latest score results and upcoming game information. We are all about Hartford Athletics and its fans. Any info YOU need on the Hawks, we've got it!
#FlyHigh #PlayBonanza -
"Kafer Maghribi" alias Hicham Nostik is Morocco's most famous atheist with a reputation that goes beyond the borders of Morocco. Yet he has never revealed his face in the videos he hosts on YouTube. All we know about him is the timbre of his voice and what he tells about his own life in his videos and in the interviews he gives to the media. With “a vast Islamic culture” and a proven charisma, he has everything to be a talented animator.
Historia de la vida y carrera del ex-boxeador "Iron" Mike Tyson
في هذا البودكاست أشارككم خواطر صوت عربي يحلم بالامن والسلام لوطنه ولكل العرب
ODC TV est une web TV de réinformation et de décryptage des grands enjeux de notre époque.
Les émissions :
✅ une émission d'analyse et de décryptage des grands enjeux géopolitiques mondiaux.
✅ une émission de déconstrution du discours économique dominant.
✅ une émission de présentations de livres occultés ou dérangeants pour le politiquement correct, point de départ de questionnements philosophiques
Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations. -
Mouja, le podcast de Surf Report Maroc vous propose de rencontrer ensemble les acteurs majeurs de l'écosystème Surf & Bodyboard au Maroc.
Chaque mois avec notre invité nous parlons de l'actualité, de leurs parcours et bien plus ...
We are basketball teachers with a love for the game. Focused on player development, bridging the gap between mental and physical to connect the mind with the body.
Subscribe to the show and become a member! https://plus.acast.com/s/basketball-psychology-podcast.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Welcome to The Coaching Podcast – coach for success in both sports and business. I'm your host, Coach EM, known as The Energy Coach and Activation Speaker, recognized globally for unleashing human potential. Join me as I engage with top sports and business coaches worldwide, delving into the essence of greatness in coaching. Through thought-provoking and coaching-specific questions, we explore the commonalities and differences between coaching in sports and business.
My conversations with coaches delve into the heart of coaching, offering practical tools that empower both coaches and leaders. Whether you're navigating the boardroom, coaching on a tennis court, or leading a team on the sporting field, our discussions provide valuable insights and strategies for continuous improvement. Tune in to The Coaching Podcast and elevate your coaching game for success in every arena.
L'actu du droit du travail et de la sécurité sociale par un avocat, enseignant ➜ undeuxdroit.fr
Hola hola para todos, este es un podcast de noticias nacionales e internacionales donde hablaremos de distintos temas de sociedad, política, economía e inclusión. Anímate y disfruta de las noticias.
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