An audio series of lectures in English in which Dr. Saleh As-Saleh explains the chapter of Purification from "Umdat Al-Ahkam". The book was written by Imam Abdul-Ghani Al-Maqdesy which contains some hadiths from Sahih Al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim, listed based on their topics of the Islamic law so that the scholars can easily extract and deduce the Islamic rules.
A lecture in English delivered by Sh. Bilal Philips in which he explains the virtues of fasting and the manners of the fasting person.
Temukan dan simak ribuan kajian umum dan kitab kuning, dari KH. Ahmad Mustofa Bisri, semuanya gratis.
Kajian ini juga bisa disimak lewat aplikasi android "Tafsir NU".
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This podcast takes on life’s challenges and obstacles such as overcoming addictions, behaviors, midlife career changes, to keeping your family together. Every week we will take on a major life challenges and give you 3 take home assignments to overcome obstacles of the week. You’ll hear how guest from different walks of life have overcome obstacles. Receive Godly wisdom for a more fulfilling and purpose driven life. Let’s create a better you!
What does it look like to "be transformed by the renewing of our minds"? How do we live intentionally for Kingdom impact? Join co-hosts Heather Brown and Keane Fine every Friday to learn from our guests about how we can grow in Christ and impact the world.
This show is brought to you by TeachBeyond, an international Christian mission organization focused on transformational Christ-centered education serving individuals and communities. -
Why do Catholics genuflect, or make the sign of the cross? What's the relationship between the Catholic Church and Judaism? Why were Catholics like Mother Theresa, St. John Paul the Great, or Vincent Capodanno so full of Joy? Join us monthly to find out more about living the Gospel through the Catholic Church, and discover the joy in YOUR life!
The Catechism is not a textbook, a collection of ideas, or a set of rules. It is the faithful echo of a God who wishes to reveal himself to us and desires us to respond. Our mission is to pass down and pass along the gift of our faith by creating beautiful, captivating, and relevant content inspired by the Catechism of the Catholic Church. And we are making this content in multiple languages and accessible for free to people all over the world. The Real+True Podcast is part of Real+True, a global initiative of Our Sunday Visitor (OSV) under the patronage of the Holy See. Visit for more information, including videos and other materials to learn more about the Catechism on your own or with your parish.
🗣 From experiences of Muslim students studying various degrees, to marriage advice - each of our guest speakers have unique stories to share. 👀 So stay tuned on our social media pages as we announce the release of each episode on Spotify.
Fearless and Free was birthed during the Covid-19 season of lockdowns and loss, when so much of the world was experiencing dysfunction. The focus of news and conversation was on illness instead of wellness. Dana was living in London in lockdown. Laura in Houston. Together they experienced the world’s heart wounds being exposed and on display. Even in the church, people were giving their wounds a voice. Having experienced inner healing themselves they knew there was more to share.
Thats the good news! We don’t have to stay bound to those places of fear and loss. As an inner healing minister, author and Biblical teacher, Dana is passionate to empower others to overcome obstacles in their own hearts and relationships to bring freedom and healing. This is not behavior modification but healing from the heart that brings wholeness and restores alignment with your true purpose in Christ.
In this new season at Fearless and Free, we seek to empower you as an integral part of the body of Christ to move into the next level of power and authority, using your voice to bring healing and hope to your sphere of influence. -
SOMA Ministry is live on YouTube every Wednesday at 2pm PST. Here are the replays of the powerful gatherings and transmissions
Bismillah. Ilmu mengenai nama-nama dan sifat-sifat Allah yang mulia adalah ilmu yang agung dan penting untuk dipelajari kaum muslimin. Memahaminya akan memperkuat iman dan cinta kepada Allah Ta'ala. Mengamalkannya akan mendatangkan cinta dan rahmat dari Allah Ta'ala.
Kajian ini dibawakan oleh Ustadz Dr. Firanda Andirja Lc., MA. hafizhahullahu.
Sumber podcast : Youtube.
Tags: Kajian Asma wa Shifat, Kajian Aqidah, Kajian Asmaul Husna, Mengenal Allah, Dakwah Tauhid, Ma'rifatullah, Makrifat. -
A series articulating the signs, symptoms and cures to attaining a purified heart and soul by Hassen Rasool based on the works of Hamza Yusuf.
Inspire FM -Positively Inspiring the Community -
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