Focus is very much required to become successful. Rather than doing Multi tasking you should focus on one thing to become surely a successful person. Create a domino effect in your life . Start with little steps to get a result in big step. Willpower is temporary like a battery. Just like a battery needs to be recharged on daily basis your will power also needs to be recharged. So whenever you see that your will power is high just start doing things which matters the most in you life and Goal. So always focus to get ultimate results.
After hearing this podcast it is for sure that your life will take a positive turn. If your life has become uneven filled with difficulties and hardships you are required to follow these steps diligently with honesty. Though having a perfect life is difficult but it will take you towards structuring your life in a much better way. It is very easy to take the short path but it is difficult to take the long one and if taken then you are sure to have a successful and productive life. Just follow these rules diligently.
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You are the best Sales Person available on this Earth . This is what you have to Affirm about yourself day in and day out. Talk positive , think positive about yourself to yourself everyday in the morning and before sleeping. You know yourself the best so make customised affirmations about yourself relating to your life and come out of all tye negative thoughts. Dont think about instant results but slowly and gradually you will be out of your comfort zone and start speaking to someone whose name is Mr SUCCESS.
Start realizing that your body functions naturaly and to function properly it needs a lot of care . Exercises and meditation followed by proper food habits makes the Body fit. I am sure you will start taking care of your body after listening to this letter without delay. No one can reach their destination without taking care of each others help and care. Always treat your body like a dear and a near one . Your body should be your best friend to whom you should talk everyday and take care.
This letter shouldn't have been written if you would have taken the right steps before leaving your family. You have to come back on this earth to see the mess you have created for your family. Act responsibly today .
This letter shouldn't have been written by the daughter . We the fathers have to come back on this earth again to see what a mess we created for our family . No children should regret that their father did not take the right step in protecting the family adequately financially. Decide today and make sure you protect your family financially so that they will not suffer for financial reasons. It is very difficult to save a Crore but it is very easy to Plan a Crore by taking a Term life cover so that your kids do not write this kind of letter to you by missing you on their birthday.
A daughter's letter to her deceased father on her 11th Birthday. A father will be nothing short of understanding the importance of Insurance after hearing this letter which she wrote for her father . A father will surely realise that how important it is to protect a family by Term Insurance. It is a learning for a father in a very emotional way that their child and family is so important and can never be taken for granted. It is a father's responsibility to keep his family under the protection of an umbrella. We protect everything BUT our Life . Why will a child have to suffer because you did not take the proper steps to protect your family financially. Life can vanish anytime which is a reality which cannot be ignored. A father has no write to make a mess of his family financially in his unforseen event of death and not being around. Why will the family depend on someone else in your absence. Obviously it is not possible to save in Crores but it is always possible to make a provision to get a Crore for your family in your absence if you have taken a Term life cover. Don't let your child make you realise what a mess you have done . Treat Life cover like a parachute. It opens to saves you only once , It does not give you a second chance. So open your mind as this is the right time to decide . Cover yourself with Term life insurance so that your child and your wife do not regret that you were the head of the family.
Everything on this Earth has a Cover ! Then why not life . The house has a cover , a car has a cover , a mobile handset has a cover , head is covered with an umbrella in Rain and sunny day. The cost of the cover of a chocolate is 10% of the content inside the cover . Is the chocolate complete without the cover ? Ask yourself. If 2 chocolates were dropped on the ground where one was with the cover and the other one was without the cover ! Which one would you pickup if given an option ! Im sure anyone will pickup the chocolate with the cover because the chocolate does not have any value without the cover inspite of the cost of the chocolate being more than the cover. We accept and have provisions for all possible covers but when it comes to think about the cover of life then we think 100 times before buying one for ourselves . Think today and act today.
Approx 988 million people in India does not have any form of Insurance. Even a Layman can understand the meaning of Term Insurance and why they should buy it after hearing this Audio ? It is made for the Indians and anyone who can understand Hindi overseas. You can even translate it into any other language and listen to it. A person hearing this Audio will be compelled to understand the importance of Term Insurance . Why savings is important and at the same time life protection too. People in India may spend atleast Rs 70k on cigarettes and Tobacco a year but they will think atleast 100 times before buying a term Life Insurance and at last even decide not to buy it because the benefits are availed after death. This is the thought process which is killing the mindset of the Indians when they are told to buy Term Insurance. In India the reasons for not buying Term Insurance are as mentioned below . 1. I have enough property to take care of my family after my death. (2) I have enough savings for my family to survive even after my death. (3) I will die and someone else will enjoy ! No way (4) There is no Return in this policy ! As if they get a return when they spend thousands in smoking. (5) I know i will not die before 85 years of age ! (6) I am too young now , may be i will do it at a later stage . It is very sad to know that people can spend lakhs in cigarettes , Alchol and tobacco to Kill themselves but will not spend a few thousands to secure their family in their absence . You can always leave some money in the house to spend when you are going out of your house for 1 day OR 10 days OR 30 days or even 1 year but do you realise how much money you would be required to leave if you happen to leave the house permanently. This is where your brain starts working logically after hearing this Audio. Always remember that you are required to leave money in Crores if you currently have savings in Lakhs. So logically speaking , you have to ensure that your family gets atleast 25 to 30 times of your Annual Income in the absence of your life . Think today and take Action
Productivity will touch heights if your leads are managed by a CRM in terms of Scoring a lead. Filter all the leads with 90 points and above and work on it with full involvment . Save energy and save time to categorise your leads. The automation of CRM with regards to scoring of leads makes your life very easy how to treat a lead and convert it successfully .
Cold calls are difficult to create a Sales lead but after listening to my podcast you might change your mind. Never do cold calls to sell instantly ! Do it to make relationship . The cold calls have to be converted into a followup call . A pitch has to be used which gives you a reason to call tye prospect again . Insurance is bought by an agent where there is already a relationship with whom the prospect is comfortable . Once you are able to make a good number of atleast 100 followups you will see that everyday a policy will successfully won. All the best . Shiv from 360 Solutions . Website www.finanzencapito.com
You speak to everyone everyday for hours in your work life and personal life but you forget yourself . Its time that you start talking to yourself and believe in yourself . Become your own friend also and add yourself in your best friend list. Explore yourself and you will find out that you are nothing less than others . You are unique and have your own identity. This episode relates to my previous episode " You think of sales and sales will happen " Affirmations are very important. Take out time for yourself and speak good and interesting things about yourself even if you have not acquired it yet . If you think you will acquire it soon because the brain has to be told that you are improving and changing positively everyday . This way the brain will also help you to think positively. Take care of yourself and enjoy...Always yours ! Shiv S Rai.
You become what you think !! Similarly Sales happens with a positive frame of mind. Don't do a Negative pre-Assumptions before a sales concludes. You are sure to succeed if you enter with a positive frame of mind that you will not come out of the customers premises empty handed. Proper decision and solutions for the customer comes in you thoughts only when you are with a positive frame of mind. May be your boss has created immense sales pressure on you . Dont let it affect you and that can happen only with a positive frame of mind. So think that you can sell and a sale will happen.
Value your Sales Action into a Currency of your Country. Earn Everyday's Salary by doing the worthwhile actions . Establish a Cost of every action you do to increase sales .First Divide your salary into 30 days to get the amount of salary earned per day. Now make sure your earn your per day salary by doing the established actions. For example Rs 1500 for every deal you close , Rs 500 for every Face to Face Meeting , Rs 300 for every appointment Generated , Rs 200 for every reference obtained , Rs 200 for coming to office on time , Rs 200 for an Idea created , Rs 100 for Learning different products everyday. Make sure you complete your actions worth the salary per day . Dont go home unless and until you complete your actions . If you make this a habit successful You will realise that you are a changed person and will become highly successful. You will be a satisfied person when you go to sleep . So promise yourself to earn the Actionables every day.
Who does not want to come out of procrastination ? Answer is everyone !! But how will get out of it ? Procrastination is the fear of big work and want of a comfort life and to stay in a comfort zone. You always tend to run away from your responsibilities and get the habit of taking important things for granted. As I know that Failure to success is to Please Everybody . Similarly Procrastinate to get destroyed . Listen to this podcast which will help you to come out of procrastination.
Feel that your are already successful before going to sleep. You are lucky than the crores of people who sleep empty stomach.
Every Action has a Reaction! Similarly in Sales , The targets can't be achieved by just thinking but putting the processes into Action. Every action holds a point and if you score 20 points every day then you can be a successful person.
Sales is the most easiest profession of our Life. This is what you are going to Learn in my Podcast.