
  • In this episode, Alec from Connecticut shares his Bigfoot encounter that took place in the Pachaug State Forest! Alec describes seeing the creature and said it was as wide as a house door. When you think of Bigfoot your mind dismisses the idea that a creature of this size could be found in states you think are vastly populated. The reality is these creatures are all over the world and anyone could have a bigfoot encounter in the forest. You just never really know where it will happen next! There are hotspot areas where you are likely to experience something if you spend enough time there but it can happen anywhere and new hotspots are always popping up in the future. If you enjoy listening to Sasquatch Theory please like and subscribe! If you have a Bigfoot encounter that you would like to share please contact me at [email protected]

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  • In this podcast, I meet up with Chuck from South Carolina! Chuck had a terrifying Bigfoot encounter many years ago off of the Saluda River on some private property! Chuck was running his hunting dogs when surrounded by some unknown creatures with glowing yellow eyes. Chuck had always wondered what it could had been and claims that he believes it was bigfoot as there is more information out about these things nowadays. Chuck said he defended himself and took a shot off on the creature but it did not phase them at all. He believes they could be living around Lake Joecassee and claims he found some bigfoot structures years ago! Have you had a Bigfoot encounter before? Please contact me at [email protected]. If you enjoy listening to Sasquatch Theory please show some support by liking the video and subscribing to the channel! You can always support the channel by purchasing some merchandise or donating to the Paypal. Thank you everyone!

    link to video on Youtube - https://youtu.be/hQ_sKBYtZu4


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  • In this episode, Crystal Sheilds from Missouri shares her bigfoot encounter that took place years ago on her old farm property! The "MOMO" has been a legend in the Ozarks for many years now and many people question its existence. As the podcast host, I have seen them and can tell you they are certainly real, but it will take much more than that to convince people. Seeing is believing and it's really hard to wrap your mind around it, even if you have seen these creatures before. If you enjoy listening to Sasquatch Theory please like and subscribe! If you have a Bigfoot encounter you would like to share with me please get in touch with me at [email protected]

  • In this video, Thomas from Texas County Missouri talks about the Bigfoot encounter he had many years ago at a farm bordering "The Mark Twain National Forest." Thomas claims a Bigfoot stole a baby calf from the farm and he knows without a shadow of a doubt it was a sasquatch responsible for the calf's disappearance. Have you had a bigfoot encounter before? Please send me an email at [email protected] if you would like to share your experience on the channel. Thank you everyone for the support and for listening to the channel!


  • In this episode, I will be interviewing a man from the Philippines. He used to live in Missouri and had most of the activity in Texas. I hope people are enjoying the podcast interviews as much as I am! More videos to come soon!

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  • Hey everyone and welcome back to sasquatch theory! Thank you everyone for the support you have given the channel! Today's stories come from Robert out of Oklahoma! I am going to say right now this is one of the most intense stories I have ever told to me personally. Like many other eyewitnesses, Robert has had several encounters with the Oklahoma sasquatch. Everyone will appreciate Robert sending in his stories and telling it all the way he claims it happened. Thank you so much for telling us your story! Please like and subscribe to help support the channel!

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  • In this podcast, I will be interviewing a gentleman from Minnesota. I met Thor from a guy who knows another guy...who pretty much knew a guy lol. "True story." We would talk about bigfoot all the time and the paranormal. Thor and I would talk about fishing a lot. We are both avid outdoorsmen who respect nature and love wildlife! I am hoping to do more phone call interviews! If you would like to be on the show and share your encounter, send me an email at ([email protected]). I want to say thank you to all the subscribers and the wonderful people in the comments. Please keep the chat clean and cryptid/paranormal-related. Thanks everyone!

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  • This story was sent in by a gentleman called Michel Provost. He is from Quebec, Canada, and has had a frightening bigfoot encounter 40 years ago while fishing at a lake in the remote wilderness. Michel and I both call each other "Mike" to simplify things and have spoken many times through email. I have talked to Mike on the phone and we agreed to do a Skype call as well. Please stay tuned for that in the future if you would like to hear a follow-up. I want to say thanks to Michel for sending me your story and working with me to get it all finished. Maybe one day I can go up to Canada and explore near your sighting area! It would be a dream come true to be able to see Canada and explore its vast forested areas! Please be kind and keep it clean in the comments and remember to like and subscribe for more stories and documentaries! Thanks,
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  • Hey everyone! In this documentary, I travel to Salem, MO to meet with Val Davis. To my amazement he has had many bigfoot encounters and sightings...and a new cryptid that I have never heard of! I thought that maybe it was a dog man but it seems to be something different! I want to mention people do not understand how one person can have SO many sightings and encounters. I want to lay this out right now for everyone. When you live in these bigfoot territories or just giant forested areas your chances of seeing one go up. Second! ONCE YOU SEE ONE your eyes are open, by that I mean you are looking for it more and you are just more aware in general. You begin to pay more attention and look for different features and signs... Val has served in the military and has done and seen many incredible things in his life. I believe Val to be very credible and on point with what he is describing. He has no intention of providing evidence for the skeptics out there. He only wishes to share his stories so the truth can get out there and others can better safely protect their loved ones when out in the forests. In this documentary, we cover many views and questions that people have most likely been pondering on! I hope to provide people with some insight into the forested people and help others slowly understand what we are dealing with! Please be kind to Val and please keep the comments clean. I will hide any rude and uncalled-for comments and you will be added to a list. This is for people to talk and discuss bigfoot not to cuss and degrade one another...that does not help anyone or the topic. Val, I wanted to say thank you again for reaching out to me and letting me come by and hear you out! The café down the street was awesome and they had amazing food! I hope to get back to you in a few months and see how you are doing! God bless!

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  • In this episode, I am following up with my guest from my first encounter's story. Jeff from Indiana went fishing at a lake up in the mountains and he encountered a bipedal creature drinking from the lake! As Jeff approached the creature with his lamp he realized it was not human and he took off running down the mountain and never looked back! If you have a story you want to send to me please email me at [email protected]. Thank you! Help support the channel!


  • In this podcast, I share my encounters and experiences from the Ozarks in Missouri! This podcast was created after I had my Bigfoot encounters and when I first started my YouTube channel so the details and performance are a little rough. I feel like it was important to share my experiences with the people so others know they are not alone! As a hunter/outdoorsman, it is truly mind-boggling to experience this type of activity as us hunters are familiar with the noises and activity from the forest. Most of these Encounters took place around 2019. I did not talk about all of my encounters in this podcast just the main ones that I know without a doubt were bigfoot. If you enjoy these podcasts please follow me on my YouTube channel and other social media sites! Thanks for listening!

  • In this interview, Jimmy from Kentucky shares his multiple bigfoot encounters and experiences from the Daniel Boone National Forest! Jimmy claims he was camping with his family and they heard a creature roar/scream and it came down the mountain into their camp! Jimmy has had many experiences while bowhunting in the area! It appears these creatures have marked and targeted Jimmy and he is still having experiences to this day! Jimmy and I plan on meeting up in the future and be sure to keep him and his family in your prayers! If you have a bigfoot encounter you would like to share with me please contact me at [email protected]. If you guys can please subscribe or resubscribe to the channel! Its typical that people will be unsubscribed from the channel. Thank you everyone for the support and for tuning into Sasquatch Theory!

    Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxoEnj_MmdmaZn39_lYQMfQ/join

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    YOU CAN ALSO SUPPORT THE CHANNEL BY PURCHASING A T-SHIRT OR MERCH -LINK BELOW https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxoEnj_MmdmaZn39_lYQMfQ/store SPOTIFY PODCAST - https://open.spotify.com/show/3qf8hAlYduQXH4ZnzUgSua APPLE PODCASTS - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/sasquatch-theory/id1757327783 IHEART RADIO - https://iheart.com/podcast/195559529 INSTAGRAM - https://www.instagram.com/sasquatch_theory/ FACEBOOK- https://www.facebook.com/Sasquatchtheory PAYPAL- https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=RYCHYZKPGX8DY TIKTOK- https://www.tiktok.com/@sasquatch.theory TWITTER- https://twitter.com/sasquatchtheory SOUNDCLOUD- https://soundcloud.com/sasquatchtheory SASQUATCH THEORY WEBSITE - www.sasquatchtheory.com

  • On this podcast, we have Randy Harrington from the Kansas/Missouri area! Randy has been a researcher for many years now and has developed different tactics to study these creatures. Randy believes if he sits in the parking lots where these creatures are, he can cover his windows, and they will approach the vehicle long enough for him to record one of these things. He has also placed recorders inside logs in hopes of hearing these things up close. Randy has purchased an autel thermal drone and he hopes to capture one of these things on film. I plan on doing more research with Randy in the future and I like how dedicated he is to the subject. My plan is to hike super far find structures and possibly run into one long enough to film it to where Randy is trying to find ways to trick these things. I believe anything is possible and we all have our own methods according to our experiences! If you enjoy listening to sasquatch theory please follow the channel and if you have a bigfoot encounter you would like to share with me please contact me at [email protected]

  • In this podcast, I interview Tom from Minnesota! He had a bigfoot encounter and a few experiences that he thinks are attributed to the hairy people! Tom discusses seeing a silhouette with glowing red eyes in the forest while he was taking care of some small critters. Tom also showed me a photo of a head found in a peat bog in the forest of Minnesota! He is not the person who found the head but does know the person who found it in the woods. Science (doctors) did take a look at it and they tested the DNA. It was determined that it is not human or primate, so what is this? Could this possibly be a Sasquatch or some type of ancient hominid that existed during the pre-diluvian period? Your guess is as good as mine and I would certainly like to know more about its origin as it could be a missing piece of the puzzle. Let me know your thoughts on what you think it might be!? I believe it is genuine and its features look far off from any normal human... If you enjoy sasquatch theory please like and subscribe to the channel and If you have a bigfoot encounter you would like to share with me, please email me at [email protected]

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  • In this podcast interview, Bill the eye-witness discusses his class A bigfoot sighting from Coldiron Kentucky on "Pine Mountain." Bill was hunting for turkey and he was able to take a shot at one when a giant creature came out and chased down his bird right in front of him! He claims the creature was a bigfoot he was not afraid Bill was in the area! People say they will not show themselves to people if they are armed but in this case, the creature heard the shot and was ready to take the injured gobbler. I have heard many reports where turkey hunters encounter these creatures and it could be they are looking for food after a long winter and they love the taste of turkey! Bill claims he has never told anyone about this encounter, so you guys will hear it for the first time here on Sasquatch Theory! If you enjoy these videos please follow the channel and if you have a bigfoot or cryptid encounter you want to get off your chest, please contact me at [email protected]

    Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxoEnj_MmdmaZn39_lYQMfQ/join SEND YOUR ENCOUNTER | GET IN CONTACT AT: ([email protected]) ********* - LINKS TO MY ENCOUNTERS IN MISSOURI - ******** https://youtu.be/zDtyqKJmLyE https://youtu.be/VbtgzID3PS8 https://youtu.be/KSiCzaz2YI8 https://youtu.be/qs977Jd-BWM https://youtu.be/wWaZVGVRME8 **** DONATE LINK BELOW **** (HELP SUPPORT THE CHANNEL) AND NEW FUTURE VIDEOS: PAYPAL LINK BELOW https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=RYCHYZKPGX8DY YOU CAN ALSO SUPPORT THE CHANNEL BY PURCHASING A T-SHIRT OR MERCH -LINK BELOW https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxoEnj_MmdmaZn39_lYQMfQ/store SPOTIFY PODCAST - https://open.spotify.com/show/3qf8hAlYduQXH4ZnzUgSua APPLE PODCASTS - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/sasquatch-theory/id1757327783 IHEART RADIO - https://iheart.com/podcast/195559529 INSTAGRAM - https://www.instagram.com/sasquatch_theory/ FACEBOOK- https://www.facebook.com/Sasquatchtheory PAYPAL- https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=RYCHYZKPGX8DY TIKTOK- https://www.tiktok.com/@sasquatch.theory TWITTER- https://twitter.com/sasquatchtheory SOUNDCLOUD- https://soundcloud.com/sasquatchtheory SASQUATCH THEORY WEBSITE - www.sasquatchtheory.com

  • In this video podcast, I interview Jody from Alaska! Jody has had an inspiring encounter in Delaware where she saw a little hairy girl next to a pond! She has also had strange paranormal encounters from the East Coast all the way to the Arctic in Alaska! Jody talks about an incident where she rode her bike and woke up the next day wearing these vibrant white socks that she did not have the day before and her clothing was folded neatly next to her. From Bigfoot encounters to alien abduction there is no shortage of strangeness with Jody's testimonies! If you enjoy Sasquatch Theory please like the video and subscribe/follow the channel/podcast! If you have a bigfoot encounter you would like to share with me please send me a message at [email protected]

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  • In this podcast, Justin from Wyoming discusses his Bigfoot Encounters that took place near Yellowstone and from the state of Missouri! Justin claims he witnessed a Bigfoot come out of a fishing pond off a trail! He claims that most of the Sasquatch he encountered were a shiny jet-black color. He has been followed paralleled in the woods and he has witnessed the orbs before. One of the Sasquatch he encountered was swaying back and forth behind a tree! If you have a Bigfoot or cryptid encounter you would like to share with me please contact me at [email protected]

  • James Lady from Michigan shares his bigfoot encounters and experiences! James has been a researcher for some time now and he believes they are connected to the Nephelium! James has captured some very interesting audio and has documented some really cool bigfoot structures. You can find James on michiganaboriginal.com