
  • From Reactive to Intentional: How to Stop Yelling at Your Kids After Work

    We live in the overwhelming world of busy entrepreneurs and parents, where reactivity often reigns supreme. Days are filled with a cascade of emails, meetings, and kids needing your attention. You’re pulled in every direction, hearing, “Mom! Mom! Mom!” over and over and before you know it, you’re reacting, yelling at the kids and putting out fires, instead of proactively leading your business and family. 

    If you feel like you're stuck in a whirlwind of responsibilities, constantly reacting instead of taking charge, you’re not alone. Listen in to explore practical strategies that help you reclaim your time, reduce stress, and lead your life with intention.

    Today we are discussing:

    How reactivity is a hidden trap that keeps you stuck in burnout and how to identify its triggers in your daily lifeThe importance of setting daily intentions that align work and family priorities Optimizing your workspace to enhance focus and reduce distractions

    What you’ll get after listening:

    Concrete steps to prioritize what truly matters, helping you shift your focus from reacting to proactively managing your responsibilities.Tips to create the space and energy you need to thrive, ensuring you can be present for both your business and your family.Effective boundary-setting techniques that reduce stress, protect your time, and allow you to step out of the reactive cycle.

    Resources Mentioned:

    Mom Founders Inner Circle Program: Learn how to implement strategic boundaries and prioritize effectively with personalized guidance. Learn More & ApplyBook A Free Discovery Call: Need help making this shift? Book a 30-minute Discovery Call with me, and let’s work through your unique challenges together. 


    1| Work directly with me (and other ambitious women)

    Apply for  The Freedom Collective, the official 12-month, high-touch business leadership program and in-person retreat designed specifically for mom founders and women entrepreneurs like you.

    2| Elevate your leadership, engage in high-level conversations, and build relationships inside The Mom Founders Table Community 

    Networking and referral opportunities, in-person and virtual events, exclusive content + teachings and find solutions to business challenges unique to mom entrepreneurs.

    3| Book A Discovery Call to connect with me to discuss the best path forward for your business and leadership. This is your moment to take control and make intentional moves that create lasting change.

  • Finding yourself trying to squeeze lunch in between emails or skipping it altogether to get other things done instead? As a mom running a business, the pressure to keep up with everything can feel overwhelming, leaving no space for yourself. In this episode, I’ll show you how to reclaim moments in your day, set boundaries that stick, and prioritize yourself – so you can show up better for your business and your family without burning out.

    Today we are discussing:

    The long-term toll of always operating in “go-go-go” mode.How to recognize when you're burning out and ways to course-correct.Practical steps to regain control of your time and energy.

    What you’ll get after listening:

    Simple shifts you can make to build moments of calm into your day, even with a busy schedule.Easy-to-use breathwork techniques to help you stay centered amidst chaos.A morning routine that helps you start the day without feeling rushed or behind.

    Resources Mentioned:

    Mom Founders Inner Circle Program: Learn how to implement strategic boundaries and prioritize effectively with personalized guidance. Learn More & ApplyFREE Download: Claim the guide that’s helped hundreds of women build a business that thrives without sacrificing health, happiness, or personal time. Download Here


    1| Work directly with me (and other ambitious women)

    Apply for  The Freedom Collective, the official 12-month, high-touch business leadership program and in-person retreat designed specifically for mom founders and women entrepreneurs like you.

    2| Elevate your leadership, engage in high-level conversations, and build relationships inside The Mom Founders Table Community 

    Networking and referral opportunities, in-person and virtual events, exclusive content + teachings and find solutions to business challenges unique to mom entrepreneurs.

    3| Book your FREE business audit 

    Get clarity on the top 3 things you need to change and what to tackle first to build more freedom and flexibility in your business.

  • Missing episodes?

    Click here to refresh the feed.

  • Learning to say "no" is one of the most powerful tools you can use to take back control and create space for what truly matters in your business and life. In this episode, I’m diving into one of the biggest obstacles my clients face and the practical ways you can say "no" more confidently without guilt.

    Today we are discussing:

    Why saying “no” can be one of your most powerful tools for protecting your time and energyThe pressure to always say yes, especially as women and moms, and what it’s costing youWhy putting yourself first isn’t selfish, but essential—and how it can actually benefit those around you

    What you’ll get after listening:

    Learn how saying no more often can empower your team and create healthier, more productive dynamicsAddress the fears driving your need to please others and start making choices that align with your goalsConfidently prioritize your needs, making both your personal and professional life more fulfilling

    Resources Mentioned:

    The Freedom Collective: Learn how to implement strategic boundaries and prioritize effectively with personalized guidance. Learn More & ApplyFREE Download: Claim the guide that’s helped hundreds of women build a business that thrives without sacrificing health, happiness, or personal time. Download Here


    1| Work directly with me (and other ambitious women)

    Apply for  The Freedom Collective, the official 12-month, high-touch business leadership program and in-person retreat designed specifically for mom founders and women entrepreneurs like you.

    2| Elevate your leadership, engage in high-level conversations, and build relationships inside The Mom Founders Table Community 

    Networking and referral opportunities, in-person and virtual events, exclusive content + teachings and find solutions to business challenges unique to mom entrepreneurs.

    3| Book your FREE business audit 

    Get clarity on the top 3 things you need to change and what to tackle first to build more freedom and flexibility in your business.

  • How to Overcome the Dread of Coming Back to Work After a Break

    You’ve worked hard to build your business and achieve success, but instead of feeling accomplished, you find yourself dreading Monday…

    In this episode, I’m discussing the all-too-common feeling of the "Sunday Scaries" and how to overcome them. Whether you're struggling with burnout, juggling everything as a mom and entrepreneur or just seeking that excitement you once had for your business, this episode offers actionable insights that you can start implementing this weekend to help you reclaim your time and energy.

    Listen in to learn how to take back your Sundays and start your week with confidence and control!

    Today we are discussing:

    The two directions to look for overcoming the sense of dread at the end of a weekend or breakHow a shift in perspective can help you focus on the positive impact your work has on your life and renew your enthusiasm for what you doAddressing the external factors in your business to improve efficiency and reduce the feeling of being overwhelmed

    After listening you will:

    Learn how to transform that creeping sense of dread into a structured plan for the weekShift your perspective and rediscover the joy and purpose of your businessIdentify and tackle the external factors in your business to improve efficiency and reduce the feeling of being overwhelmed


    This one is for all the mom (or soon-to-be mom) entrepreneurs seeking clarity and reconnection in their established businesses. Be one of the first to apply for The Freedom Collective, a transformational journey designed to help you reclaim your peace and happiness while maintaining the ambition and drive that fuels you through a blend of internal and external shifts.

    *Includes a 3-Night Retreat in Florida alongside the other women inside TFC to create connections with other business owners navigating the balance of business and raising children, inspire new ideas and cultivate much-needed rest.

    Join The Mom Founders Table Community, an exclusive, safe space for established women business owners who are moms or desire to be at some point. Elevate your leadership, engage in high-level conversations, and build relationships with networking and referral opportunities, in-person and virtual events, exclusive content + teachings and find solutions to business challenges unique to mom entrepreneurs.

    Book my free business audit to get clarity on the top 3 things you need to change and what to tackle first to build more freedom and flexibility in your business.

  • Creating Long-Term Change For Your Leadership & Business for Happiness

    Ever want something so badly, but it just feels too far out of reach?

    You’ve been doing all the right things in your business to get where you are, but you crave something bigger — you yearn to run and grow your business differently.

    So what do we need to do to create this change? 

    In this episode, I’m revealing the secrets to instilling long-term change, so that you can expand your business to allow you to serve more while also allowing you to rest and reset, so that you truly enjoy the role you’re in as a CEO. 

    Today we are discussing:

    The common struggle of wanting a different result, but seeing the same thing over and over again (and the reason why this happens)The two concepts women often overcomplicate to avoid creating change in their business and life The three major areas of change and how they differ depending on where you’re at

    After listening you will:

    Understand why you’re resisting change and what it really meansIdentify where you are in the process of change so you can forge ahead confidentlyWork to rebuild the relationship with yourself to create a sense of certainty

    Resources Mentioned:

    Atomic Habits by James Clear – A must-read if you’re interested in understanding habit formation and consistency.Previous Episodes on Discomfort and Change – Dive deeper into these related topics for more insights.

    This one is for all the mom (or soon-to-be mom) entrepreneurs seeking clarity and growth in their established businesses. Be one of the first to apply for The Freedom Collective, a group-led, customized guidance program where we assess your business and create a roadmap to help you expand into your true potential as a leader. 

    *Includes a 3-Night Retreat in Florida alongside the other women inside TFC to create connections with other business owners navigating the balance of business and raising children, inspire new ideas and cultivate much-needed rest.

    Join The Mom Founders Table Community, an exclusive, safe space for established women business owners who are moms or desire to be at some point. Elevate your leadership, engage in high-level conversations, and build relationships with networking and referral opportunities, in-person and virtual events, exclusive content + teachings and find solutions to business challenges unique to mom entrepreneurs.

    Book my free business audit to get clarity on the top 3 things you need to change and what to tackle first to build more freedom and flexibility in your business.

  • You’ve felt that overwhelming sense of anxiety—the kind that sneaks up on you when you’re trying to do it all. It’s that constant pressure, the nagging worry that you’re missing something, that you’re not doing enough, or worse, that you’re on the verge of burnout but can’t stop. 

    Sometimes, the very discomfort that’s making you anxious is a sign that you’re on the brink of something bigger, something transformative. 

    I’ve been there, too. 

    So now I’m sharing a powerful shift you can make to not only recognize these red flags early but also turn that anxiety into a tool that works for you, not against you. This is something you won’t want to miss—it could change the way you approach everything, in business and life.

    Today we are discussing:

    The subtle signs of burnout that you're probably overlooking (and mistakenly normalizing)Why feeling overwhelmed might be a critical signal that it’s time to change your approachSimple yet powerful strategies that redefine self-care without adding more to your plate

    After listening you will:

    Be able to determine if your anxiety is a red flag or a growth signal 🚩Discover how to turn fear-based discomfort into a powerful catalyst for achieving your next big successLearn practical strategies to reduce overwhelm and stress, so you can lead with calm, clarity, and purpose, no matter what challenges arise

    Join The Mom Founders Inner Circle. MFIC is the official 12-month, high-touch leadership program and in-person business retreat designed specifically for established mom founders and women entrepreneurs. This isn’t just another business coaching program where we meet only on Zoom calls, or you get shuffled off to another coach without any personalized help to reach your goals. You’ll have call access to me via the Slack channel, a community of other mom entrepreneurs in the group FB page PLUS, you’ll have me directly in front of you as you begin to implement your new business plan and solutions with zero interruptions with a 3-night, in-person business retreat. 

    Join The Mom Founders Table Community, an exclusive, safe space for established women business owners who are moms or desire to be at some point. Elevate your leadership, engage in high-level conversations, and build relationships with networking and referral opportunities, in-person and virtual events, exclusive content + teachings and find solutions to business challenges unique to mom entrepreneurs.

    Book my free business audit to get clarity on the top 3 things you need to change and what to tackle first to build more freedom and flexibility in your business.

  • When you’re trying to balance life, a business, and kids, it’s easy to push your marriage to the sidelines. Your partner is a key player in all of these, including your business, so it’s important that you prioritize your relationship if you want to grow.

    I’m dropping the tough-love bombs on marriage and running a business in this week’s episode. Plus, the surefire way to keep the flame aglow in your relationship so that you can see continued success in every area of your life. 

    Today we are discussing:

    The connection between the structure of your business and the quality of your marriage. The signs to help you recognize what is stopping you from prioritizing your marriageHow to strengthen your relationship by creating a safe space for communication

    After listening you will:

    Know what questions to ask to foster change and growth in your relationshipLearn the habits needed to allow for more time and energy for your relationshipUnderstand the changes to make in your relationship to help realign with your values and vision of your business

    Click here to listen to the full episode: https://link.chtbl.com/themomfounderstable


    New around here? 

    Subscribe for weekly tactical guidelines for business, leadership and life. Whether you’re a business owner who wants to drive more income and make a bigger impact or are a mother entrepreneur who is spread thin and wants more time away from the business, I’m here to teach you how.

    Once you subscribe, be sure to hit the 🔔 button so you never miss out!


    Connect with me: 




    Visit my website: https://www.kelseakoenreich.com/

  • Battling Self-Doubt and Imposter Syndrome as an Entrepreneur


    Grab the ​​free Female Founders Freedom Framework >>



    Get A Free Business Audit >> https://www.kelseakoenreich.com/businessaudit


    Imposter syndrome and self-doubt are common struggles among entrepreneurial and successful women.


    How we address these thoughts and feelings can determine the actions we take in our business - including ones that limit our potential.


    Pull up a seat to this week’s podcast episode, where I’m sharing:


    The biggest roadblock in entrepreneurship (from a business owner and coach of 12 years)


    The proven process for standing up to imposter syndrome when it arrises 


    Tips for changing the narrative of your thoughts to drive action in your business


    Click here to listen to the full episode: https://link.chtbl.com/themomfounderstable


    New around here?


    Subscribe for weekly tactical guidelines for business, leadership and life. Whether you’re a business owner who wants to drive more income and make a bigger impact or are a mother entrepreneur who is spread thin and wants more time away from the business, I’m here to teach you how.

    Once you subscribe, be sure to hit the button so you never miss out!



    Connect with me:

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/kelseakoenreich

    LI: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kelseakoenreich/

    Visit my website: https://www.kelseakoenreich.com/

  • There is one thing that as moms and business owners causes so much mental fatigue that we just accept it as the norm.

    This is why I'm so big on building structure and routines.

    It creates and sets an expectation for our brains so that we know how to respond and it takes away the uncertainty.


    Today we are discussing:

    Creating structure, routines, and systems to reduce uncertainty and decision fatigueUtilizing the space between stimulus and response to make better decisionsBeing responsive instead of reactive allows for better decision-making


    After listening you will:

    Uncover how the decisions and choices we make shape our lives and outcomes.Challenge initial reactions ensuring they are not fear-driven or reactive Discover the a step-by-step process for decision-making includes stepping away, identifying feelings and thoughts, remembering the bigger goal and responding in 


    Join The Mom Founders Inner Circle. MFIC is the official 12-month, high-touch leadership program and in-person business retreat designed specifically for established mom founders and women entrepreneurs. This isn’t just another business coaching program where we meet only on Zoom calls, or you get shuffled off to another coach without any personalized help to reach your goals. You’ll have call access to me via the Slack channel, a community of other mom entrepreneurs in the group FB page PLUS, you’ll have me directly in front of you as you begin to implement your new business plan and solutions with zero interruptions with a 3-night, in-person business retreat. 

    Join The Mom Founders Table Community, an exclusive, safe space for established women business owners who are moms or desire to be at some point. Elevate your leadership, engage in high-level conversations, and build relationships with networking and referral opportunities, in-person and virtual events, exclusive content + teachings and find solutions to business challenges unique to mom entrepreneurs.

    Book my free business audit to get clarity on the top 3 things you need to change and what to tackle first to build more freedom and flexibility in your business.

  • This is the biggest roadblock for successful women, even the ones at the top.

    And it’s not what you think.

    Conquering the gap between where you are and where you want to be requires one thing: Getting out of your own way.

    Today we are discussing:

    Taking ownership and personal responsibility are crucial for growth and success Redefining growth and success on your own termsOvercoming the fear of failure and the belief that success requires constant hustle


    After listening you will:

    Identify how you are your own biggest obstacle in life and business.and how to overcome it Avoid hyper-independence and seek support and collaborationDIscover how seeking direction and guidance from experts can fast-track your success


    Join The Mom Founders Inner Circle. MFIC is the official 12-month, high-touch leadership program and in-person business retreat designed specifically for established mom founders and women entrepreneurs. This isn’t just another business coaching program where we meet only on Zoom calls, or you get shuffled off to another coach without any personalized help to reach your goals. You’ll have call access to me via the Slack channel, a community of other mom entrepreneurs in the group FB page PLUS, you’ll have me directly in front of you as you begin to implement your new business plan and solutions with zero interruptions with a 3-night, in-person business retreat. 

    Join The Mom Founders Table Community, an exclusive, safe space for established women business owners who are moms or desire to be at some point. Elevate your leadership, engage in high-level conversations, and build relationships with networking and referral opportunities, in-person and virtual events, exclusive content + teachings and find solutions to business challenges unique to mom entrepreneurs.

    Book my free business audit to get clarity on the top 3 things you need to change and what to tackle first to build more freedom and flexibility in your business.

  • Sustainability in entrepreneurship is not just about productivity; it's about creating routines that build your foundation and solidify your resilience.

    Each routine and habit is a brick in the structure of your success, nurturing resilience for the challenges ahead.


    Today we are discussing:

    Understanding the why behind implementing routines is crucial for maintaining consistency and reducing stress and overwhelmThe 2 main keys to sustainable business growthCreating structure that can provide freedom and flexibility while ensuring important areas of life are attended to


    After listening you will:

    Uncover the essential habits you need to achieve REAL success as a mother and business owner so you are thriving instead of survivingBuild a consistent routine that reduces anxiety and stress so your cup isn’t running on emptyDiscover my daily structure for freedom and flexibility while prioritizing being a present mama to my 3 little ones


    Join The Mom Founders Inner Circle. MFIC is the official 12-month, high-touch leadership program and in-person business retreat designed specifically for established mom founders and women entrepreneurs. This isn’t just another business coaching program where we meet only on Zoom calls, or you get shuffled off to another coach without any personalized help to reach your goals. You’ll have call access to me via the Slack channel, a community of other mom entrepreneurs in the group FB page PLUS, you’ll have me directly in front of you as you begin to implement your new business plan and solutions with zero interruptions with a 3-night, in-person business retreat. 

    Join The Mom Founders Table Community, an exclusive, safe space for established women business owners who are moms or desire to be at some point. Elevate your leadership, engage in high-level conversations, and build relationships with networking and referral opportunities, in-person and virtual events, exclusive content + teachings and find solutions to business challenges unique to mom entrepreneurs.

    Book my free business audit to get clarity on the top 3 things you need to change and what to tackle first to build more freedom and flexibility in your business.

  • Running a business can be exhausting when you’re at the helm, steering everything forward. 

    The weight of responsibility can feel overwhelming, especially when you have a team but still feel like a solopreneur.


    Today we are discussing:

    How to shift from a glorified employee of your own business to a confident, communicative CEOThe ins and outs of how I transformed my team meetings to create better team cultureSetting clear intentions and goals that create better results for the business (and keeping your team on the same page)


    After listening you will:

    Understand how to transition from being a solopreneur to a CEO and how to effectively lead a team Discover clear, uncomplicated intentions and goals for your team meetingsUncover how to keep your team aligned with the current goals and future plans of your business while encouraging them to bring their ideas to the table 


    Join us for a FREE 3-day Business Bootcamp designed for established business owners who want to flex their business without sacrificing all their time. From July 10-12th, dive into my proven system to get your shit together, build a reliable team, and grow a business that fits around your life. 

    Join The Mom Founders Table Community, an exclusive, safe space for established women business owners who are moms or desire to be at some point. Elevate your leadership, engage in high-level conversations, and build relationships with networking and referral opportunities, in-person and virtual events, exclusive content + teachings and find solutions to business challenges unique to mom entrepreneurs.

    Book my free business audit to get clarity on the top 3 things you need to change and what to tackle first to build more freedom and flexibility in your business.

  • Running a business can be exhausting when you’re at the helm, steering everything forward. 

    The weight of responsibility can feel overwhelming, especially when you have a team but still feel like a solopreneur.


    Today we are discussing:

    How to shift from a glorified employee of your own business to a confident, communicative CEOThe ins and outs of how I transformed my team meetings to create better team cultureSetting clear intentions and goals that create better results for the business (and keeping your team on the same page)

    After listening you will:

    Understand how to transition from being a solopreneur to a CEO and how to effectively lead a team Discover clear, uncomplicated intentions and goals for your team meetingsUncover how to keep your team aligned with the current goals and future plans of your business while encouraging them to bring their ideas to the table 


    Join us for a FREE 3-day Business Bootcamp designed for established business owners who want to flex their business without sacrificing all their time. From July 10-12th, dive into my proven system to get your shit together, build a reliable team, and grow a business that fits around your life. 

    Join The Mom Founders Table Community, an exclusive, safe space for established women business owners who are moms or desire to be at some point. Elevate your leadership, engage in high-level conversations, and build relationships with networking and referral opportunities, in-person and virtual events, exclusive content + teachings and find solutions to business challenges unique to mom entrepreneurs.

    Book my free business audit to get clarity on the top 3 things you need to change and what to tackle first to build more freedom and flexibility in your business.

  • Balancing endless to-do lists can feel overwhelming. At least it did for me until I started prioritizing these key areas in my business! 

    We’ll talk about what it looks like to go from just checking boxes to making real progress in your business and some practical strategies I’ve discovered that make a world of difference.


    Today we are discussing:

    How to shift from a glorified employee of your own business to a confident, communicative CEOThe ins and outs of how I transformed my team meetings to create better team cultureSetting clear intentions and goals that create better results for the business (and keeping your team on the same page)


    After listening you will:

    Understand what tasks you should focus on as a CEO to move your business forward and avoid feeling like an employee of your own companyDiscover how to delegate tasks efficiently using the four Ds to maximize productivity and empower your teamLearn why prioritizing your personal fulfillment and well-being is crucial for your business success and how to integrate this into your daily routine.


    Join us for a FREE 3-day Business Bootcamp designed for established business owners who want to flex their business without sacrificing all their time. From July 10-12th, dive into my proven system to get your shit together, build a reliable team, and grow a business that fits around your life. 

    Join The Mom Founders Table Community, an exclusive, safe space for established women business owners who are moms or desire to be at some point. Elevate your leadership, engage in high-level conversations, and build relationships with networking and referral opportunities, in-person and virtual events, exclusive content + teachings and find solutions to business challenges unique to mom entrepreneurs.

    Book my free business audit to get clarity on the top 3 things you need to change and what to tackle first to build more freedom and flexibility in your business.

  • Today’s episode dives deep into a question we ALL have: How do we make more money in less time?

    If you’re feeling stretched thin, out of energy, and still striving for growth, this one's for you. 

    Today we are discussing:

    Redefining growth beyond just financial gainRaising prices to increase revenueDeveloping new offers that solve specific problems for clients

    After listening you will:

    Learn how to evaluate current offers and consider offering high-impact services with less time commitmentReduce deliverables to decrease time commitment while maintaining revenue Create one-to-many offers such as courses, memberships, or workshops

    Join us for a FREE 3-day Business Bootcamp designed for established business owners who want to flex their business without sacrificing all their time. From July 10-12th, dive into my proven system to get your shit together, build a reliable team, and grow a business that fits around your life. 

    Join The Mom Founders Table Community, an exclusive, safe space for established women business owners who are moms or desire to be at some point. Elevate your leadership, engage in high-level conversations, and build relationships with networking and referral opportunities, in-person and virtual events, exclusive content + teachings and find solutions to business challenges unique to mom entrepreneurs.

    Book my free business audit to get clarity on the top 3 things you need to change and what to tackle first to build more freedom and flexibility in your business.

  • One of the biggest mistakes we make is not addressing our self-beliefs. 

    Overworking often stems from undervaluing ourselves. It's not just about changing business strategies—it's about changing how we see ourselves. 

    Today we are discussing:

    The significant impact of self-belief on women in business affecting worthiness, overworking, and mindsetHow personal responsibility and changing your self-perception are crucial for us women to lead and operate differently in businessGrowing your business without overworking or burning out

    After listening you will:

    Learn how to recognize and challenge negative beliefs that hinder your potential Discover why setting boundaries creates a more balanced approach to work and personal lifeFind out how to shift from a scarcity-driven mindset to a growth-oriented approach

    Ready to shift your mindset to start leading differently?

    Are you a CEO mama who is stretched thin and ready to run your business without constant overwhelm? Introducing The Mom Founders Inner Circle. Where you go from anxious, stressed and constant reactivity to confident, clear and back in control. Be one of the first to join the waitlist.

    Book my free business audit to get clarity on the top 3 things you need to change and what to tackle first to build more freedom and flexibility in your business.

    Join The Mom Founders Table Community on Facebook, an exclusive, safe space for established women business owners who are moms or desire to be at some point. Elevate your leadership, engage in high-level conversations, and build relationships with networking and referral opportunities, in-person events, exclusive content + teachings and find solutions to business challenges unique to mom entrepreneurs..

  • Struggling with getting your team to take initiative and bring new ideas to the table? 

    Let's change that today!


    Today we are discussing:

    How to understand and manage your expectations of team members, recognizing that not everyone will be as ambitious or creative as youThe significance of empowering team members by giving them control over certain aspects of the business Having open conversations with team members about what growth means to them and how it aligns with the company's goals

    After listening you will:

    Discover what to focus on during the hiring process rather than just skills and experienceLearn how to actively listen and ask questions to foster communication and collaborationReward and acknowledge desired behaviors to show appreciation and encourage continued growth

    Ready for your team to have more passion and drive?


    Are you a CEO mama who is stretched thin and ready to run your business without constant overwhelm? Introducing The Mom Founders Inner Circle. Where you go from anxious, stressed and constant reactivity to confident, clear and back in control. Be one of the first to join the waitlist.

    Join The Mom Founders Table Community on Facebook, an exclusive, safe space for established women business owners who are moms or desire to be at some point. Elevate your leadership, engage in high-level conversations, and build relationships with networking and referral opportunities, in-person events, exclusive content + teachings and find solutions to business challenges unique to mom entrepreneurs.

    Book my free business audit to get clarity on the top 3 things you need to change and what to tackle first to build more freedom and flexibility in your business.

  • Taking time off sounds fantastic in theory. 

    We all dream about vacations and travel. But in reality, it often feels more stressful to plan for that time off than to just keep working. Or worse, we end up working from a different location.

    Today we are discussing:

    The tools you need to plan ahead for time offHow to fully disconnect when on vacation and get rid of work-related temptationsNon-work activities that will keep your mind busy when being still is hardWhat you need to change to make sure your team has clarity for better results 


    After listening you will learn:

    The importance of truly taking time off, not just physically but mentally, and how it is essential for your well-being and the health of your businessEffective tactics for planning your time off in advance and organizing your business operations to allow for your absence without issuesWhy taking time off might initially feel uncomfortable and how to manage those feelings of guilt, anxiety, and discomfortHow stepping away can empower your team, improve their efficiency, and potentially reveal areas in need of improvement within your business operations


    Ready to fully disconnect from work while you’re taking time off?


    Book my free business audit to get clarity on the top 3 things you need to change and what to tackle first to build more freedom and flexibility in your business.

    Join The Mom Founders Table Community on Facebook, an exclusive, safe space for established women business owners who are moms or desire to be at some point. Elevate your leadership, engage in high-level conversations, and build relationships with networking and referral opportunities, in-person events, exclusive content + teachings and find solutions to business challenges unique to mom entrepreneurs.

  • Let’s redefine work-life balance in a way that actually works. 

    Balance isn't about evenly distributing time across everything on your plate—it's about how you feel in your day-to-day life. 


    Today we are discussing:

    How work-life balance is possible when we create work-life separation and redefine balance based on our personal valuesThe essentials in managing the different responsibilities of motherhood and entrepreneurship: structure and clarityShifting our mindset to focusing on the quality of time spent vs the quantity Redefining balance based on your personal values and the quality of your time spent


    After listening you will learn:

    Achieving a balance between work and personal life is possible with the right approachTo allocate specific time slots for different responsibilities to ensure everything important has its placeBeing fully present in each role and activity improves performance and satisfactionHow reducing overlap and managing responsibilities effectively can help reduce mental load and emotional stress


    Ready to create this separation and feel more balanced? 

    Book my free business audit to get clarity on the top 3 things you need to change and what to tackle first to build more freedom and flexibility in your business.

    Join The Mom Founders Table Community on Facebook, an exclusive, safe space for established women business owners who are moms or desire to be at some point. Elevate your leadership, engage in high-level conversations, and build relationships with networking and referral opportunities, in-person events, exclusive content + teachings and find solutions to business challenges unique to mom entrepreneurs.

  • The expectations we place on ourselves as women and perfectionism often holds us back. 

    Elevating your standards isn't about perfectionism; it's about progress. It's about recognizing your worth, setting boundaries, and creating a business that aligns with your vision and values.


    Today we are discussing:

    How to assess and raise your standards and expectations as your business evolvesKeeping up with growing demand without burning outValuing yourself and recognizing your worthShifting the focus from fear and scarcity to confidence and clarity


    After listening you will learn:

    To recognize your own value and the ripple effect it will have on your businessHow setting these new standards can lead to a better client experienceOperating from an abundance mindset vs fear and scarcityHow to set and maintain high standards in your business

    Ready to get clear on expectations and align your business with your worth?

    Download the free Female Founders Freedom Framework now to gain the clarity and confidence to build a solid foundation for your business while reclaiming your time and sanity.