Listen to this interview of Arjun Guha, Associate Professor, Northeastern University. We talk about his coauthored paper MultiPL-E: A Scalable and Polyglot Approach to Benchmarking Neural Code Generation (TSE 2023).
Arjun Guha : "My group and our collaborating colleagues really try to pick problems carefully so that we choose a problem that we can attack with the expertise that we have. So, for example, to pull off a benchmark like the one in this paper, you needed a group of students who were all interested in their own weird programming languages."
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Listen to this interview of Ricardo Amaro, Senior Engineering Manager, Acquia, USA, and also a PhD Researcher, ISCTE—University Institute of Lisbon, Portugal. We talk about his coauthored paper Capabilities and Practices in DevOps: A Multivocal Literature Review (TSE 2023).
Ricardo Amaro : "One of the main challenges we've been experiencing in DevOps is, let's say, the cultural resistance to change — and really, it's questions like these that, sure, academia have tried to answer, but to be honest, they try from a perspective that's a little bit siloed, because they are not attempting to start a conversation to find consensus."
Link to Guideline for Including Grey Literature and Conducting Multivocal Literature in Software Engineering (IST 2019)
Link to QualCoder, qualitative data analysis software
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Listen to this interview of Isaac da Silva Torres, Postdoctoral Research, TU Delft, Netherlands. We talk about his coauthored paper Guidelines to Derive an e3value Business Model from a BPMN Process Model: An Experiment on Real-world Scenarios (SOSYM 2023).
Isaac da Silva Torres : "I'm an industrial engineer, and I've worked in a lot of companies. Then afterwards, I worked for the government, back in Brazil. And then I came to the Netherlands to do my PhD. But, my work experience, as a business analyst, had always positioned me between business and IT somehow — and being this bridge, well, this worked really well for me. Because, being in between, you really can appreciate, for example, the interests of both sides. I mean, people in business departments, when it comes to digital transformation, for example — they're totally focused on the system — but of course, the people from IT are like, 'Okay, but can you give me the requirements. What exactly do you want?' I'm able to see those two sides, and can act."
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Listen to this interview of Sumon Biswas, Assistant Professor, Case Western Reserve University. We talk about his coauthored paper The Art and Practice of Data Science Pipelines (ICSE 2022).
Sumon Biswas : "Yeah, it's true, not many people are working in software design and software architecture — at least at ICSE — and in fact, this has been an important discussion in SE research in general: How can we increase contributions in software design and architecture? And there has been an important push, at ICSE, and at FSE as well, to make the research more representative."
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Listen to this interview of Steffen Zschaler, Reader, King's College London, UK; and of Fiona Polack, Professor, University of Hull, UK. We talk about their coauthored paper Trustworthy Agent-based Simulation: The Case for Domain-specific Modelling Languages (SOSYM 2023).
Fiona Polack : "The sort of collaborative environment that brings together researchers from many different backgrounds — that's an environment that's very, very creative — and what's more, it also encourages people to address not just the immediate problem, but also to think how you can solve problems more generally, because you keep meeting the same basic problem, it's just dressed up in a different guise."
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Peoples and Things host, Lee Vinsel, is joined by guest host and Peoples & Things producer, Joe Forte, Media Projects Manager with Virginia Tech Publishing, in interviewing Marshall Poe, the founder and editor of the New Books Network, the largest academic podcasting platform in the world. The trio discuss how the New Books Network came to be; how digital technologies open up new tools for academic work; changing media landscapes, including the recent bursting of a podcasting bubble; and the future of academic communication and publishing.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
Listen to this interview of Lianglu Pan, PhD Student, and Shaanan Cohney, Senior Lecturer, and also Thuan Pham, Senior Lecturer — everyone at University of Melbourne, Australia. We talk about their coauthored paper EDEFuzz: A Web API Fuzzer for Excessive Data Exposures (ICSE 2024).
Thuan Pham : "The reading pattern in our group goes something like this: When reading to broaden our knowledge and come up with ideas, we focus on the conceptual contribution of a paper, instead of zeroing right in on the technical side. Because, when the conceptual side is good, then the paper can be readily applied to similar problems — and what's more, the technical side becomes vastly easier to understand once you've understood the concept to begin."
Writing guidance mentioned in the episode: Chicago Writing Program and Joseph William's book Style
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Listen to this interview of Lorenzo Rossi, Research Fellow, University of Camerino, Italy. We talk about his coauthored paper A Technique for Discovering BPMN Collaboration Diagrams (SOSYM 2024).
Lorenzo Rossi : "Yeah, this way of structuring the concluding remarks in this paper is a technique we often apply in our research contributions, especially to journals, where the space limitations are less stringent. This structured approach to the conclusion, where we discuss assumptions and limitations as here, really should almost be somehow mandatory for good research work. Because, especially in foundational research, there's no way around making certain initial assumptions. So, without writing these into your published work, you are (consciously or unconsciously) hiding weaknesses of your contribution, and therefore making it harder for others to build upon your findings."
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Listen to this interview of Kangfeng Ye, Research Associate, University of York, UK. We talk about his coauthored paper Probabilistic Modelling and Verification Using RoboChart and PRISM (SOSYM 2022).
Kangfeng Ye : "In this paper, I have four coauthors, all of them senior researchers. And when we reviewed the manuscript internally, we adopted a strategy we call sequential review. In the usual process of review at a conference or journal, every submission gets reviewed simultaneously — all reviewers receiving the same manuscript at the same time. However, we ran our internal review (that is, our revisions before submission) in a sequential fashion: I provided the first draft to one coauthor for review, they gave their feedback, I revised in order to provide that next draft to a different coauthor for review, and so on."
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Listen to this interview of Emerson Murphy-Hill, Research Scientist, Microsoft. We talk about his coauthored paper GenderMag Improves Discoverability in the Field, Especially for Women (ICSE 2024).
Emerson Murphy-Hill : "Too often in papers, the authors get defensive about limitations or threats to validity. Of course, they'll state outright a limitation, like in our paper that we study only one small feature of a company-internal piece of software. But many authors will then grow defensive, claiming, like, 'Well, this is actually a really important piece of software and it's used by tens of thousands of users — our numbers are really big!' But I don't really think that that resonates with readers. I think the defensiveness comes across pretty transparently. So, I think just addressing things head-on is a more effective strategy for having a good and honest conversation with readers and with reviewers."
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Listen to this interview of Ionut Predoaia, Research Fellow, and also, Antonio García-Domínguez, Senior Lecturer — both at the University of York, UK. We talk about their coauthored paper Streamlining the Development of Hybrid Graphical-Textual Model Editors for Domain-Specific Languages (ECMFA 2023).
Antonio García-Domínguez : "I think that the limitations in any work are really opportunities for follow-up research. I mean, essentially, you are identifying for the reader, 'Look, these are the bits that we've not handled just yet — and obviously, we will likely be the first ones to try to tackle that' — but, you know, there's no reason why really any other researcher in the community wouldn't attempt to tackle that from their angle or for their research purposes. They may have the better idea even, right."
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Listen to this interview of Zejun Zhang, Research Scientist, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. We talk about her coauthored paper Hard to Read and Understand Pythonic Idioms? DeIdiom and Explain Them in Non-Idiomatic Equivalent Code (ICSE 2024).
Zejun Zhang : "Following my presentation of the paper at ICSE, it was interesting. I mean, there was, first off, a lot of positive response, but then some people in the audience were asking why we would research the readability of Pythonic idioms, and also, why we would translate those idioms into non-idiomatic code. Now, these questions were coming in relation to our previous work on idiomatic code. Nonetheless, the effect for me was that, for future work, we need to further explore this line of the research and really explain Pythonic idioms so that developers can deeply understand them."
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Listen to this interview of Roberto Verdecchia, Assistant Professor, University of Florence, Italy; and also, Per Runeson, Professor, Lund University, Sweden. We talk about their coauthored papers Threats to Validity in Software Engineering Research: A Critical Reflection (IST 2023) and Threats to Validity in Software Engineering — hypocritical paper section or essential analysis? (ESEM 2024).
Per Runeson : "I think what we've seen in our work here on threats to validity — and it was certainly our intention in conducting it in the first place — is, to have the researcher take the initiative and really adopt a reflective attitude. Because, research is not only about investigating facts and testing hypotheses. It's also about reflecting on the learning process, and it's about the extent to which you can trust what you've learned in doing that research, but also it's about the way forward from there, that is, how do we take the work forward into the future."
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Listen to this interview of Nan Jiang, PhD candidate, and Lin Tan, Professor — both at Purdue University. We talk about their coauthored paper Impact of Code Language Models on Automated Program Repair (ICSE 2023).
Lin Tan : "In my research group, the procedure in every project is to write the Introduction early — very early, in fact. It's the first section I have my researchers think about, actually. Because, you know, a lot of people will imagine that the approach section is where you begin — basically, to write exactly what it is that you did. But the advantage of beginning at the Introduction is that you clarify the contributions, you define the problem and also understand well your reason for tackling it. So, typically some three months before the deadline, I have my researchers really start sketching the Introduction in the manuscript."
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Listen to this interview of Jenny Liang, PhD student, Carnegie Mellon University. We talk about her coauthored paper A Qualitative Study on the Implementation Design Decisions of Developers (ICSE 2023).
Jenny Liang : "When it comes to selecting specific results or codes, I like to think about it in terms of what was surprising. So, maybe it's not so surprising that people think about requirements when making these implementation design decisions — and that's why we didn't talk about that. But what will be interesting, for example, is the fact that they think about future requirements that might come down the pipeline — and so, that's why we selected that. So, that is one heuristic, for me, basically: know what the prior literature is, know what the relevant community believe — and then cater to that."
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Listen to this interview of Yun Peng, Research Associate, Chinese University of Hong Kong, China; and also, Cuiyun Gao, Associate Professor, Harbin Institute of Technology, China. We talk about their coauthored paper Static Inference Meets Deep Learning: A Hybrid Type Inference Approach for Python (ICSE 2022).
Yun Peng : "And I remember the reviewers at ICSE commenting how they never imagined solving the type-inference problem in just this way. So, for me, the takeaway here, is: When we are conducting research or writing a paper or solving a technical problem, we do well to look into life and draw inspiration from there to do the work — because I know we can be greatly inspired by the things just around us in our everyday lives."
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Listen to this interview of Sterre van Breukelen, engineer, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands; and Ann Barcomb, Assistant Professor, University of Calgary, Canada; and Sebastian Baltes, Full Professor, University of Bayreuth, Germany; and Alexander Serebrenik, Full Professor, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands. We talk about their coauthored paper "STILL AROUND": Experiences and Survival Strategies of Veteran Women Software Developers (ICSE 2023).
Alexander Serebrenik : "It's a typical criticism of any human-factors study in software engineering, namely: What makes software engineers any different than any other human being — could a study have been conducted, say, with nurses or judges or whichever other professional category you can imagine. Therefore, in this paper "STILL AROUND" it was crucial for us to present clearly in the Introduction what it is that makes software engineers somehow special with respect to gender and age. Because otherwise, we would have struggled to convince researchers to devote any attention to the topic."
Link to paper that Alexander and Sebastian refer to as one of the seeds for this paper, "STILL AROUND"
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Listen to this interview of Roberto Verdecchia, Assistant Professor, University of Florence, Italy; and also, Luís Cruz, Assistant Professor, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands. We talk about their coauthored paper A systematic review of Green AI (WIREs Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 2023).
Luís Cruz : "Sometimes, especially in systematic studies, we are so worried about the process that we forget about the goals of why we're doing this. That means, we can end up reporting things just because they are part of the process — you know, we feel a need to say something about all that — but really, that way of reporting just produces a review that's a big bulk of highly systematic outputs, but not necessarily a review with relevant and useful findings."
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Listen to this interview of Nicholas Boucher, PhD, Department of Computer Science and Technology, Cambridge University, UK. We talk about his coauthored paper Bad Characters: Imperceptible NLP Attacks (SP 2022) — and check out, too, Nicholas's presentation of the paper here.
Nicholas Boucher: "Maybe what is interesting about the security domain is that, oftentimes, in these attack papers, you start with a hypothesis, but it's an hypothesis already informed by some result you've observed in the wild — so, you've seen some sort of system — or, to be concrete, in our case, we saw people switching between alphabets on keyboards, and that enabled us to notice how such an action could interact with the language models quickly growing in popularity — and it is at that point that a security researcher will say, 'Wow, I have something here. I know that this is a vulnerability.' But then the questioning begins, like, how to frame the vulnerability, that is, how to turn one specific example (which the researcher has a strong feeling really is a vulnerability) and uplevel it to something larger. Because that is when, in my opinion, the researcher's starting to ask very fruitful questions."
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Listen to this interview of Floris Gorter, PhD student, and Cristiano Giuffrida, Associate Professor — both at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands. We talk about their coauthored paper Sticky Tags: Efficient and Deterministic Spatial Memory Error Mitigation using Persistent Memory Tags (SP 2024).
Cristiano Giuffrida : "But apart from applying for positions on PCs, early-career researchers can also learn the linguistic norms of their community by reading. Good researchers just read a lot of papers — papers from across their broader communities, and especially papers from the top venues where the communities publish. Because by doing that, you learn the language — you start seeing and understanding the patterns in communication. Like, 'Oh, people write the Introduction like this' — you know, there's a problem statement, and there's emphasis placed on this and that, and there are certain keywords that convey certain drifts. So, you begin picking up the language."
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