This podcast is a fantastic Ham-Fisted Production. Ever wondered how some of your favourite people got to where they are today in the entertainment business? Have you ever questioned what it takes to accelerate to the top of your field and maintain that high level position?
Each week on Expert Minutes John Hambone McGuire will be speaking to some amazing industry experts and household names from various corners of the entertainment business, where they will share their stories and give you a little perspective into their worlds. Successful paths always leave footprints.If your day jobs not your dream job - keep hustling.
Expert Minutes is brought to you by The Expert Agency - the UK’s leading PR and media management agency for experts and leading voices. Distributed by: Podcast Radio -
An environmental podcast with tips on how to live plastic free! Host Andrea Fox tackles big ethical issues with her knowledgeable guests, all in the hope of overcoming the climate change overwhelm and battling the single-use plastic guilt.
Olá a todos! Sou a Cátia, e sê bem-vindo ao meu podcast. A minha missão é ajudar-te a crescer o teu público online, a criar conteúdo que marque a diferença e ajudar-te a ter sucesso para alcançares o teu sonho!
The 40 Something Guy Podcast is a show about Leo's life experiences before and after 40, where he talks about a variety of topics that touches us all in one way or another regardless of age. Along the way, Leo will also talk to some interesting guests that had the courage to pursue their passions while still keeping up with their professional careers. Through his guests and talks, Leo seeks to entertain and inspire other people to follow their dreams and passions just as he did when starting his podcast.
Welcome to the Equestrian Perspective Podcast - hosted by Felicity Davies, an Australian who absolutely loves helping heart-centred horse owners blend the physical, emotional & spiritual aspects of their journey with their soul horse to empower them to deepen their connection both personally and as a partnership. So get ready to embark on a new Equestrian Perspective and I’ll see you on the other side.
O Mundo dos eventos virado do avesso. Olhado e discutido a partir de várias perspetivas, que se pretende descontraído, em tom de entrevista e alguma conversa, mas que trata os assuntos de forma muito séria. Vamos entrevistar pessoas-chave do universo dos eventos a quem o palco também deve ser dado. Queremos trazer a público as conversas de corredor, de backstage, de montagens e desmontagens.
Juntar 4 cabeças inquietas dá nisto...
Susana Filipa Gonçalves, Cláudia Lopes, Ana Félix e Nadja Soares.
Apoios: MUD.E | MEO -
Come along with Jorja as she decodes the world of money, politics and wealth. It's time gen z learns about money without all the jargon and bragging. It's time to start making money moves!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
We drop in a little bit of math and a little bit of science with a whole lot of surfing. Rob Case, a paddling technique coach, discusses science and math in the world of surfing and how surfers can improve and progress from it. Special guest appearances and experts in their field share stories and research.
This podcast is for content creators and brands looking to level up their audio storytelling. I’m the host, Zuri Berry, an award-winning journalist and editor with two decades of experience shaping and sharing stories. This podcast is all about improving your craft. Get tips, advice, how-tos, and more.
The Coffee Smarter Podcast is focused on helping you create a better cup of coffee and a better coffee experience at home while also sharing the history, economy, and impact that your cup of coffee has on the world. Season 1 focuses on methods of coffee brewing one might use at home. Coffee Smarter is a Roast! West Coast podcast. Coffee Smarter Pro for burgeoning roasters is coming soon!
Most leaders know that a strong culture is a foundation for building a great organization, but great cultures don't just happen on their own. Rather, they're designed and built systematically, brick by brick. Each week, join David J. Friedman, the best-selling author of Culture by Design, as he speaks with extraordinary leaders, from all walks of life, and they share their biggest successes, failures, and lessons learned on their culture journeys. If you're searching for the best insights on building a high-performing culture, then Culture Architects, a production of ForbesBooks, is for you.
Hi! I'm Kelly and I am obsessed with all things research and education. I'm a teacher turned social advocate turned holistic living coach , and this is my space to talk about everything from toxins in our products to entrepreneurship. Here I will teach you how to research , why it's important to trust your intuition, and how to grow an empowered life you love. I'm a cut to the chase , no frills, no Bullsh*t kind of gal - so buckle up and enjoy the ride.
YCM is India's first organisation building life skills for dispute prevention to dispute resolution for youth and people who deal with youth.
YCM collectivizes youth, young professionals and students to be trained as youth mediators and conflict managers to set up a network of youth - run centres for conflict management and dispute resolution across educational institutions, organisations and beyond.
Join us to convert conflicts into growth opportunities! -
Teoria da motivação e liderança
Este podcast é uma realização da Oliveira Imóveis e seu fundador Giovani Oliveira para dar aos ouvintes informações e conteúdos relevantes sobre Portugal. O foco é ajudar a quem deseja migrar ou investir no país ter conteúdo relevante para um processo com bom planejamento sustentável.
Erros durante a execução dos exercícios
PilotCheckride podcast covers all topics related to FAA practical tests. As your host and a current designated pilot examiner, I’ll share insights, tips and personal experiences. We will have interviews with CFI's and pilots sharing their questions and stories. The goal is to help everyone have a positive and successful checkride by sharing information. No checkride in your future? No problem! We will discuss all sorts of aviation topics related to safety. Regardless of your aviation experience, join us!
Explicando atividade.