
  • So that this information has a better chance of getting to the people who REALLY need to hear it, please support the show by commenting, rating, and subscribing. Because iTunes can make that process a little complicated, I'm including some directions to help below:

    Via the Apple Podcast App:Launch the Apple Podcast app on your iPhone or iPad.Tap the Search icon (on the bottom) and search for “Science Sisters”. Tap the album art. (bright blue color)On the podcast page, tap the Reviews tab.Tap Write a Review at the bottom of this page. Enter your iTunes password to login.Rate the podcast using 1 to 5 stars.Submit a brief honest review.If you have never left a review it will ask for a “Nickname”. Choose something very unique, bc if someone else has the same Nickname then it will just refresh and not post your review. If this happens just choose another Nickname.Via the iTunes Desktop App:Go to the iTunes page of the Science Sisters podcast.Click the View in iTunes button on the left side.Click the Subscribe button, if not already done.At iTunes, click the Ratings and Reviews tab.Rate the podcast using 1 to 5 stars.Submit a brief honest review.

    It would mean a ton if you could take 2-3 minutes out of your busy day to do this for me!

    Shenandoa Toote Copyright 2019, Science Sisters

  • So that this information has a better chance of getting to the people who REALLY need to hear it, please support the show by commenting, rating, and subscribing. Because iTunes can make that process a little complicated, I'm including some directions to help below:

    Via the Apple Podcast App:Launch the Apple Podcast app on your iPhone or iPad.Tap the Search icon (on the bottom) and search for “Science Sisters”. Tap the album art. (bright blue color)On the podcast page, tap the Reviews tab.Tap Write a Review at the bottom of this page. Enter your iTunes password to login.Rate the podcast using 1 to 5 stars.Submit a brief honest review.If you have never left a review it will ask for a “Nickname”. Choose something very unique, bc if someone else has the same Nickname then it will just refresh and not post your review. If this happens just choose another Nickname.Via the iTunes Desktop App:Go to the iTunes page of the Science Sisters podcast.Click the View in iTunes button on the left side.Click the Subscribe button, if not already done.At iTunes, click the Ratings and Reviews tab.Rate the podcast using 1 to 5 stars.Submit a brief honest review.

    It would mean a ton if you could take 2-3 minutes out of your busy day to do this for me!

    Shenandoa Toote Copyright 2019, Science Sisters

  • エピソードを見逃しましたか?


  • Here's the resource mentioned in today's episode: https://myidp.sciencecareers.org/

    So that this information has a better chance of getting to the people who REALLY need to hear it, please support the show by commenting, rating, and subscribing. Because iTunes can make that process a little complicated, I'm including some directions to help below:

    Via the Apple Podcast App:Launch the Apple Podcast app on your iPhone or iPad.Tap the Search icon (on the bottom) and search for “Science Sisters”. Tap the album art. (bright blue color)On the podcast page, tap the Reviews tab.Tap Write a Review at the bottom of this page. Enter your iTunes password to login.Rate the podcast using 1 to 5 stars.Submit a brief honest review.If you have never left a review it will ask for a “Nickname”. Choose something very unique, bc if someone else has the same Nickname then it will just refresh and not post your review. If this happens just choose another Nickname.Via the iTunes Desktop App:Go to the iTunes page of the Science Sisters podcast.Click the View in iTunes button on the left side.Click the Subscribe button, if not already done.At iTunes, click the Ratings and Reviews tab.Rate the podcast using 1 to 5 stars.Submit a brief honest review.

    It would mean a ton if you could take 2-3 minutes out of your busy day to do this for me!

    Shenandoa Toote Copyright 2019, Science Sisters

  • Here's a must watch video, loosely related to this episode's topic (if you want to skip the formalities, the talk starts at 11:45). It contains a great narrative on sponsorship in the Q&A session at 37:24. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wWybxvfiLv4

    So that this information has a better chance of getting to the people who REALLY need to hear it, please support the show by commenting, rating, and subscribing. Because iTunes can make that process a little complicated, I'm including some directions to help below:

    Via the Apple Podcast App:Launch the Apple Podcast app on your iPhone or iPad.Tap the Search icon (on the bottom) and search for “Science Sisters”. Tap the album art. (bright blue color)On the podcast page, tap the Reviews tab.Tap Write a Review at the bottom of this page. Enter your iTunes password to login.Rate the podcast using 1 to 5 stars.Submit a brief honest review.If you have never left a review it will ask for a “Nickname”. Choose something very unique, bc if someone else has the same Nickname then it will just refresh and not post your review. If this happens just choose another Nickname.Via the iTunes Desktop App:Go to the iTunes page of the Science Sisters podcast.Click the View in iTunes button on the left side.Click the Subscribe button, if not already done.At iTunes, click the Ratings and Reviews tab.Rate the podcast using 1 to 5 stars.Submit a brief honest review.

    It would mean a ton if you could take 2-3 minutes out of your busy day to do this for me!

    Shenandoa Toote Copyright 2019, Science Sisters

  • Some of the information and resources Lisa Neal-Graves shared can be found on the following websites:

    https://www.coursera.org/ (Coursera)https://girlswhocode.com/ (Girls Who Code)

    I'm definitely looking for more impressive women to interview! If you are that woman or you know someone, check my calendar for available dates https://calendly.com/shenan-toote/science-sisters.

    So that this information has a better chance of getting to the people who REALLY need to hear it, please support the show by commenting, rating, and subscribing. Because iTunes can make that process a little complicated, I'm including some directions to help below:

    Via the Apple Podcast App:Launch the Apple Podcast app on your iPhone or iPad.Tap the Search icon (on the bottom) and search for “Science Sisters”. Tap the album art. (bright blue color)On the podcast page, tap the Reviews tab.Tap Write a Review at the bottom of this page. Enter your iTunes password to login.Rate the podcast using 1 to 5 stars.Submit a brief honest review.If you have never left a review it will ask for a “Nickname”. Choose something very unique, bc if someone else has the same Nickname then it will just refresh and not post your review. If this happens just choose another Nickname.Via the iTunes Desktop App:Go to the iTunes page of the Science Sisters podcast.Click the View in iTunes button on the left side.Click the Subscribe button, if not already done.At iTunes, click the Ratings and Reviews tab.Rate the podcast using 1 to 5 stars.Submit a brief honest review.

    It would mean a ton if you could take 2-3 minutes out of your busy day to do this for me!

    Shenandoa Toote Copyright 2019, Science Sisters

  • Find out more about Chandra Harvey's nonprofit efforts at http://esteaam.org

    Some other information and resources she shared can be found on the following websites:

    http://engr.udel.edu/rise/ (Resources to Inspire Successful Engineers aka RISE)http://thehundred-seven.org/hbculist.html (historically black colleges and universities aka HBCU's)https://www.namsa.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/WP_Requirements-for-GLP-and-GMP-Testing.pdf (GLP/GMP)https://www.training.nih.gov/home (NIH internships)https://www.fda.gov/about-fda/scientific-internships-fellowships-trainees-and-non-us-citizens/undergraduate-and-graduate-student-programs-fda (FDA internships)

    I'm definitely looking for more impressive women to interview! If you are that woman or you know someone, check my calendar for available dates https://calendly.com/shenan-toote/science-sisters.

    So that this information has a better chance of getting to the people who REALLY need to hear it, please support the show by commenting, rating, and subscribing. Because iTunes can make that process a little complicated, I'm including some directions to help below:

    Via the Apple Podcast App:Launch the Apple Podcast app on your iPhone or iPad.Tap the Search icon (on the bottom) and search for “Science Sisters”. Tap the album art. (bright blue color)On the podcast page, tap the Reviews tab.Tap Write a Review at the bottom of this page. Enter your iTunes password to login.Rate the podcast using 1 to 5 stars.Submit a brief honest review.If you have never left a review it will ask for a “Nickname”. Choose something very unique, bc if someone else has the same Nickname then it will just refresh and not post your review. If this happens just choose another Nickname.Via the iTunes Desktop App:Go to the iTunes page of the Science Sisters podcast.Click the View in iTunes button on the left side.Click the Subscribe button, if not already done.At iTunes, click the Ratings and Reviews tab.Rate the podcast using 1 to 5 stars.Submit a brief honest review.

    It would mean a ton if you could take 2-3 minutes out of your busy day to do this for me!

    Shenandoa Toote Copyright 2019, Science Sisters

  • Some of the information and resources Paige Cooper shared can be found on the following websites:

    https://www.spelman.edu/academics/majors-and-programs/chemistry-and-biochemistry/research-training-opportunities (MARC and other Spelman programs)https://nrmnet.net (National Research Mentoring Network)https://biocore.duke.edu (BioCoRE)

    I'm definitely looking for more impressive women to interview! If you are that woman or you know someone, check my calendar for available dates https://calendly.com/shenan-toote/science-sisters.

    So that this information has a better chance of getting to the people who REALLY need to hear it, please support the show by commenting, rating, and subscribing. Because iTunes can make that process a little complicated, I'm including some directions to help below:

    Via the Apple Podcast App:Launch the Apple Podcast app on your iPhone or iPad.Tap the Search icon (on the bottom) and search for “Science Sisters”. Tap the album art. (bright blue color)On the podcast page, tap the Reviews tab.Tap Write a Review at the bottom of this page. Enter your iTunes password to login.Rate the podcast using 1 to 5 stars.Submit a brief honest review.If you have never left a review it will ask for a “Nickname”. Choose something very unique, bc if someone else has the same Nickname then it will just refresh and not post your review. If this happens just choose another Nickname.Via the iTunes Desktop App:Go to the iTunes page of the Science Sisters podcast.Click the View in iTunes button on the left side.Click the Subscribe button, if not already done.At iTunes, click the Ratings and Reviews tab.Rate the podcast using 1 to 5 stars.Submit a brief honest review.

    It would mean a ton if you could take 2-3 minutes out of your busy day to do this for me!

    Shenandoa Toote Copyright 2019, Science Sisters

  • Very much a "behind the kimono" type episode. For me, it's like I get a chance to sit in your living room (or vehicle) and just tell you how much I am rooting for future success stories! (P.S. no tissues needed...I think.)

    I'm definitely looking for more impressive women to interview! If you are that woman or you know someone, check my calendar for available dates https://calendly.com/shenan-toote/science-sisters.

    So that this information has a better chance of getting to the people who REALLY need to hear it, please support the show by commenting, rating, and subscribing. Because iTunes can make that process a little complicated, I'm including some directions to help below:

    Via the Apple Podcast App:Launch the Apple Podcast app on your iPhone or iPad.Tap the Search icon (on the bottom) and search for “Science Sisters.” Tap the album art (bright blue color).On the podcast page, tap the Reviews tab.Tap Write a Review at the bottom of this page. Enter your iTunes password to login.Rate the podcast using 1 to 5 stars.Submit a brief honest review.If you have never left a review it will ask for a “Nickname”. Choose something very unique, bc if someone else has the same Nickname then it will just refresh and not post your review. If this happens just choose another Nickname.Via the iTunes Desktop App:Go to the iTunes page of the Science Sisters podcast.Click the View in iTunes button on the left side.Click the Subscribe button, if not already done.At iTunes, click the Ratings and Reviews tab.Rate the podcast using 1 to 5 stars.Submit a brief honest review.

    It would mean a ton if you could take 2-3 minutes out of your busy day to do this for me!

    Shenandoa Toote Copyright 2019, Science Sisters