Çocuklarınız için birbirinden tatlı meditatif uyku hikayeleri için bizi takip edin. Uzman psikologlar tarafından hazırlanan hikayelerimiz uyku saatini keyifli ve kolay hale getiriyor. Hikayelerimizden en etkili nasıl yararlanabileceğinizle ilgili bilgiler Instagram'da @uykuhikayeleri hesabımızda.
Der Podcast „Superfrauen“ erzählt Geschichten aus dem Leben von inspirierenden Frauen. Ihre Wege durch die Welt sind spannend, sportlich, schlau oder mutig – bei aller Diversität haben unsere Heldinnen trotzdem eines gemeinsam: Sie sind dynamische Vorbilder. Superfrauen eben!„Superfrauen“ richtet sich nebst deutschsprachigen Kindern und Erwachsenen auch an Schüler*innen, die Deutsch als Fremdsprache lernen. Auf der Website ( steht dazu Unterrichtsmaterial mit Vokabelübungen, Textaufgaben oder Ausmalbildern kostenlos zur Verfügung.
Merhaba! Ben Eren. Hayal ile gerçek arasındaki kapının bekçisi, her iki tarafta da olanların şahidi ve anlatıcısı. Birkaç dakikanı bana ayırırsan seni kısa bir süreliğine bekçisi olduğum kapıdan geçirip masal aleminde gerçeküstü bir yolculuğa çıkarabilir; kafanın içinde birbirini kovalayan binbir düşünceden seni bir süreliğe kurtarıp hiç tanımadığın ya da hakkında bir şeyler duymuş olabileceğin kahramanlarla seni tanıştırabilirim. Bir masal seç, arkana yaslan ve gözlerini yum.
Histoires Faciles pour les enfants qui apprennent le français.
Easy stories for children learning french. Intermediate level and slow speaking pace to improve oral comprehension while enjoying a story.
Transcripts and learning activities are often availbale, just follow the link in the episode description !
Adélaïde de la P'tite école du FLE. (
Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations. -
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Καλώς ορίσατε!
Είμαι η κυρα-Ρήνη...
Κάποτε ήμουν Ρηνούλα, με δυο κοτσιδάκια στο κεφαλάκι μου και πολλά-πολλά παραμύθια στην καρδούλα μου.
Πέρασαν τα χρόνια και μεγάλωσα κι εγώ... Δεν έχω πια κοτσιδάκια, αλλά δεν έπαψα ποτέ ν' αναζητώ την αλήθεια που κρύβεται στα παραμύθια. Αποφάσισα να μοιραστώ την αλήθεια μου με όλα τα παιδάκια, μικρά, μεγάλα και πιο μεγάλα -γιατί τα παραμύθια, όπως και τα όνειρα και η αγάπη, δεν έχουν ηλικία.
Εδώ θα ακούσετε παραμύθια δικής μου έμπνευσης,
αλλά και μύθους και ιστορίες από όλο τον κόσμο.
Ευχαριστώ που ήρθατε! -
Ghazal mazrooei
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Whether you like a good bedtime story to unwind and relax, or a great tale during chores, or your commute to work, these great classic stories from the nineteenth, early twentieth century and before are just the thing.
This is a show preserving old fashioned kids stories, of adventure, challenges, or learning, for modern day story lovers of all ages.
Follow for great stories for children to adults!
1 John 2:2
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Çocuklarınıza masal anlatırken orasını burasını değiştirmekten, sansürlemekten, şiddet içeriklerini törpülemekten yoruldunuz mu? Masalların verdiği mesajlar aklınızı mı karıştırıyor? Çocuklarınıza masal anlatmak istiyor ama ne anlatacağınızı bilemiyor musunuz? O halde buyurun sizi böyle alalım.
Join Milk &Think's Fairy Tales Podcast for a journey into the world of imagination. Milk & Think provides quality, age-appropriate content for children including original fairy tales, bedtime music and educational podcasts & videos. As a safe space for children to explore and learn, Milk & Think offers reassurance for parents and new, interesting stories for children to engage with. Tune in for stories and let the magic begin.